Liber de introductione loquendi [Vecchio, 1998]: 176

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"TE012661 (Liber de introductione loquendi [Vecchio, 1998]: 176)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (accessed 2024-04-24).« TE012661 (Liber de introductione loquendi [Vecchio, 1998]: 176) », Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (consulté 2024-04-24)."TE012661 (Liber de introductione loquendi [Vecchio, 1998]: 176)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (zugegriffen 2024-04-24)."TE012661 (Liber de introductione loquendi [Vecchio, 1998]: 176)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (consultato 2024-04-24)."TE012661 (Liber de introductione loquendi [Vecchio, 1998]: 176)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (accedido 2024-04-24).


Philippe de Ferrare
Exemplum contextContexte de l'exemplumUmgebung des ExemplumContesto dell'exemplumContexto del exemplum:

L. II, cap. 49.

(Fr.) Comment un soldat soigna les malades. Un soldat, pris comme médecin par le roi de Grèce, établit comme cure qu’on devait brûler un infirme et donner à boire ses cendres aux autres malades; mais tous, par peur d’être brûlés, s’enfuirent de l’hôpital.
(It.) Come un soldato curò gli ammalati. Un soldato ritenuto medico dal re di Grecia stabilisce come cura che si debba bruciare un infermo e dar da bere le sue ceneri agl?altri ammalati, ma tutti per paura di essere bruciati fuggirono dall?ospedale.



Tubach Frederic C., 1969. Index exemplorum. A Handbook of medieval religious tales, Helsinki.:

  • #1323 : Cripples cured by threat of burning. Cripples visit a shrine to be cured. A priest undertakes to cure them and says that he must burn the most deformed one of them for his ashes. All run away without crutches. H21 # 174, H555 # 186; JVitryCrane #254; Mensa xxix (Dunn, p. 133); ML # 99; S.T.: K1785, K1955.1, V113.1.– BP II, p. 409. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
  • #3760 : Physician, hidden skill of. A man beats his wife because she disagrees with him as to the best method of cooking a hare which they failed to catch. In revenge she has him beaten by the king’s servants telling them that he is a physician who hides his skill. Cf. EdeB, p. 206n.; H19 # 154; JVitryCrane #237; ML # 98; Nicole # 44; Molière, Le Médecin malgré lui; Basset, Mille et un contes, 381 382, # 95. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
Related worksTextes apparentésVerwandte TexteTesti correlatiTextos relacionados:
  • Gentile Sermini, Le Novelle [ed. G. Vettori, 1968], nov. 5
  • Poggio Bracciolini, Facezie [ed. M. Ciccuto,1983], 87; 190
  • Crane Thomas Frederick (éd.), 1890. The Exempla or Illustrative Stories from the Sermones vulgares of Jacques de Vitry, London, Nutt. 237; 254.
  • Hervieux, Les fabulistes..., II, 370 sq.
  • Molière, Le Médecin malgré lui
  • TOULMIN-SMITH L. et P. MEYER (éd.), 1889. Les contes moralisés de Nicole Bozon, frère Mineur, Paris, SATF. 44B.
  • Reference ID "Z-4KNA7SEU" not found in Zotero! 206n.
  • Thompson Stith, 1975. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature. A classification of narrative elements in folktales, ballads, myths, fables, mediaeval romances, exempla, fabliaux, jest-books and local legends, Revised and enlarged edition, Bloomington - Londres, vols. 6. K1785, K1955. 1, B. P. II, p. 409.
  • Wesselski Albert, 1909. Mönschslatein. Erzählungen aus geistlichen Schriften des XIII. Jahrhunderts, Leipzig, W. Heims. n° 98, 99.
  • Fabliaux et Contes... [ed. Barbazan, 1808], vol. III, p. 1 sq. Vilain mire o Médecin de Brai
  • Nouveau recueil complet des fabliaux... [ed. Méon, 1823]
  • Montaiglon et Raynaud, Recueil complet des fabliaux [Paris, 1872-1890], vol. III, p. 156.
  • Ward Harry Leigh Douglas et John Alexander Herbert, 1883. Catalogue of Romances in the Department of Manuscripts in the British Museum, London, vols. 6. t. 3, 19, 154; 21, 174; 555, 186.

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This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 Ce travail réalisé sous la direction de J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu et Pascal Collomb est mis à disposition sous licence ETALAB Licence Ouverte 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0
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