The Llanthony Stories: The Llanthony Stories : 42

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"TE020276 (The Llanthony Stories: The Llanthony Stories : 42)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (accessed 2024-04-20).« TE020276 (The Llanthony Stories: The Llanthony Stories : 42) », Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (consulté 2024-04-20)."TE020276 (The Llanthony Stories: The Llanthony Stories : 42)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (zugegriffen 2024-04-20)."TE020276 (The Llanthony Stories: The Llanthony Stories : 42)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (consultato 2024-04-20)."TE020276 (The Llanthony Stories: The Llanthony Stories : 42)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (accedido 2024-04-20).


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Groupe 7 : Repentir, confession, mourir dans la grâce (n° 42-45)

(En.) From a story told by William de Verdun, archdeacon of Gloucester. The wife of a certain knight committed adultery with her husband's chaplain. After a short time had passed, the matter was conveyed obliquely to the husband. In the province where the knight lived, there was a certain demoniac who, as soon as he saw someone who had committed a crime or was acting badly, upbraided them: "You committed murder at such and such a time and in such and such a place. You committed theft at such and such a time and in such and such a place. You fornicated with her and with her. You are an adulterer. You are a traitor." A great crowd of people flocked to him because, it was believed, nothing could be concealed from him. And his very many bystanders were often struck with shame or fear as he reproached each and every one for each of their misdeeds. Thus, the knight thought to himself, "I will lead my wife and chaplain to that extraordinary man, so that either they will be confounded by him if they are having an affair, or I will be relieved of my suspicion if they are not found guilty." The chaplain, pretending he wanted to go somewhere, approached the town where the demoniac lived and began to think that it was true that "My lord has heard about what I have done and he is going to test me through this demoniac. Now comes the time when I will be shamed and punished!" As he was thinking these things, the church of this same town appeared before him. Turning aside for a short time, the chaplain entered the church, prayed, and during his prayer, he confessed his sin to God. He prayed to be freed from his shame. Then, when he could not find a priest or anyone else to whom he might confess, nor could he remain in the church much longer, he approached an innocent little boy who was learning his psalter there. He confessed his sin to him and taught the boy how to absolve. He gave him the words to say which might release the chaplain's fetters and impose a penance until he could find a priest. Having done this, the chaplain confidently approached the demoniac with his lord. The possessed man looked around, but he no longer knew the man's sins, nor could he say anything about them. When the knight, who had led his chaplain there, strongly urged the demoniac to say what he had done or what his misdeeds were, the demoniac said at length, "This morning, I knew this man and his works, but now his life has been deleted from my memory." They went away, and a few days later, the chaplain put on the habit of religion; he did penance and was made perfect through singing God's praises.
(Fr.) D'après une histoire racontée par Guillaume de Verdun, archidiacre de Gloucester. La femme d'un certain chevalier commit un adultère avec l’aumônier de son mari. Après un court laps de temps, l'affaire fut révélée indirectement au mari. Dans la province où vivait le chevalier, il y avait un certain possédé qui, dès qu'il voyait quelqu'un qui avait commis un crime ou qui se comportait mal, l'injuriait : "Tu as commis un meurtre à telle heure et en tel lieu. Tu as commis un vol en tel temps et en tel lieu. Tu as forniqué avec elle et avec elle. Tu es un adultère. Tu es un traître." Une grande foule de gens affluait vers lui car, croyait-on, rien ne pouvait lui être caché. Et beaucoup de spectateurs avaient honte ou peur, quand il reprochait à chacun ses crimes. Ainsi, le chevalier pensa-t-il : "Je conduirai ma femme et mon aumônier à cet homme extraordinaire, afin qu'ils soient confondus par lui s'ils ont une liaison, ou que je sois soulagé de mes soupçons s'ils ne sont pas reconnus coupables." L'aumônier, faisant semblant de vouloir aller quelque part, s'approcha de la ville où vivait le possédé et commença à penser que c'était vrai : "Mon seigneur a entendu parler de ce que j'ai fait et il va m'éprouver par l'intermédiaire de ce possédé. Voici venu le moment où je serai déshonoré et puni !". Comme il pensait ces choses, l'église de cette même ville apparut devant lui. Se détournant un court instant, l'aumônier entra dans l'église, pria, et pendant sa prière, il confessa son péché à Dieu. Il pria pour être libéré de sa honte. Puis, comme il ne trouvait pas de prêtre ou de personne à qui se confesser, et qu'il ne pouvait pas rester plus longtemps dans l'église, il s'approcha d'un jeune garçon innocent qui apprenait son psautier. Il lui confessa son péché et lui apprit à donner l'absolution. Il lui donna les mots à dire qui pourraient libérer l'aumônier de ses chaînes et lui imposer une pénitence jusqu'à ce qu'il puisse trouver un prêtre. Ceci fait, l'aumônier s'approcha avec confiance du possédé avec son seigneur. Le possédé regarda autour de lui, mais il ne connaissait plus les péchés de l'homme et ne pouvait rien dire à leur sujet. Lorsque le chevalier, qui avait conduit là son aumônier, incita fortement le possédé à dire ce qu'il avait fait ou quels étaient ses méfaits, le possédé dit longuement : "Ce matin, je connaissais cet homme et ses œuvres, mais maintenant sa vie a été effacée de ma mémoire." Ils s'en allèrent, et quelques jours après, l'aumônier prit l'habit de religion ; il fit pénitence et fut rendu parfait en chantant les louanges de Dieu.
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Ex relatu Willelmi de Verd', Archidiaconi Glouc'. Vxor cuiusdam militis adulterata est cum capellano domini sui. Quod post aliquantum tempus domino suo insinuatum est. Erat autem in prouincia ubi miles ille manebat quidam demoniacus qui statim ex quo uidebat aliquem facinorosum, uel aliquem male errantem, exprobrabat eis: "Tu homicidium illud fecisti illo in loco, illo tempore. Tu illud furtum fecisti illo in loco, illo tempore. Tu cum illa et illa fornicatus es. Tu adulter. Tu traditor es." Confluxit autem ad eum multa hominum turba eo quod nihil eum ut putabatur latere potuit. Fiebatque quamplurimis astantibus uerecundia uel timor, dum singulis singula scelera et propria exprobrabat. Miles uero cogitabat intra se dicens: "Ducam uxorem meam et capellanum ad illum talem, ut uel confundantur ipsi si rei sunt, uel ego a suspicione fiam immunis si non fuerint reperti culpabiles." Simulans uero se alias uelle proficisci, cum appropinquaret ad uillam ubi demoniacus manebat, capellanus cepit cogitare quod uerum erat quia: "Dominus meus s audiuit de eo quod feci et uadit probare me per demoniacum. Iam prope est ut confundar et puniar." Hec eo cogitante, apparuit ecclesia eiusdem uille. Diuertensque paululum, capellanus introiuit in ecclesiam, orauit, peccatum suum Deo in oracione confessus est. A confusione se liberari exorauit. Tunc cum nec sacerdotem inueniret cui confiteretur nec alium quemlibet, nec facultatem haberet diu morandi, abiit ad puerulum innocentem qui ibidem psalterium didicit. Peccatum suum ei confessus est. Docuit ut eum absolueret, certaque uerba posuit in ore eius quibus ligatum solueret et penitentiam iniungeret, donec sacerdotem inueniret. Quo facto, confidenter cum domino suo uenit ad demoniacum. Circumspexit eum demoniacus, nec aliquid scire uel dicere potuit. Cumque miles qui eum adduxerat uehementer urgeret ut diceret quid fecisset uel que essent eius opera, tandem ait: "Hodie mane cognoui istum, et opera eius, set iam nunc a memoria mea uita eius deleta est." Recedunt, et post paucos dies capellanus, habitum religionis suscipiens, penitentiam egit et perfectus factus est in Dei laudibus.


Maître Guillaume de Verdun. C'est un clerc au service de Jean de Coutances. Il est nommé archidiacre de Gloucester  vers 1200/01. 



Tubach Frederic C., 1969. Index exemplorum. A Handbook of medieval religious tales, Helsinki.:

  • #1508 : Demoniac denounces adulteress. A knight goes to question a demoniac, taking with him another knight whom he suspects of adultery with his wife. The demoniac denounces the wife but is unable to name her lover because the latter is protected by having confessed before going there. (See also: 1162, 1202, 1554). CHeist-II #2; Enx (G) # 293; H21 # 181, H86 # 39, H483 # 53, H525 # 89, cf. H552 # 156, H555 # 188, cf. H570 # 163, cf. H602 # 66, cf. H659 # 171, cf. H661 # 204, cf. H682 # 9; JVitryCrane #261; Klapper, Erz. # 123; Wright # 30; S.T.: G303.16.9, V20. 1.– Rev. de ling. et de phil. comp. 23, 345; Specchio I, p. 188; Ward II, pp. 664 665. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
Related worksTextes apparentésVerwandte TexteTesti correlatiTextos relacionados:
  • Strange Joseph, 1851. Caesarii Heisterbacensis Monachi Ordinis Cisterciensis Dialogus Miraculorum. Textum ad quatuor codicum manuscriptorum editionisque principiis fidem accurate recognovit Josephus Strange., Köln-Bonn-Brüssel, vols. 2. n° III, 2.
  • El libro de los exemplos, Gayangos Pascual (ed.), Escritores en la prosa anteriores al siglo XV, vol. 51., Madrid, M. Rivadeneyra, 1860, n° 293.
  • Crane Thomas Frederick (éd.), 1890. The Exempla or Illustrative Stories from the Sermones vulgares of Jacques de Vitry, London, Nutt. n° 261.
  • Stephanus de Borbone, 2006. Tractatus de diversis materiis predicabilibus. Tertia pars: de dono scientie, Jacques Berlioz (éd.), Turnhout, Brepols. n° 1011 et 1012.
  • Caciola Nancy, Discerning spirits : divine and demonic possession in the Middle Ages, London, Cornell University Press, 2003, p. 48-19.
  • Newman Barbara, Possessed by the spirit : Devout women, demoniacs and the apostolic life in the Thirteenth century, Speculum, 73, 1998, p. 733-70.
Manuscripts / editionsManuscrits / éditionsManuskripte / AuflagenManoscritti / edizioniManuscritos / ediciones:
  • WINTER, David R., DATE_ERROR. The Llanthony Stories. A Translation of the Narrationes aliquot fabulosae, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Toronto. p. 110 - 111.
  • WINTER, David R., DATE_ERROR. The Llanthony Stories. A Translation of the Narrationes aliquot fabulosae, Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, Toronto. p. 92 - 93.

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