Thesaurus Exemplorum
Medii Aevi
Ci nous dit [Blangez, 1979-88]: 199, 1-5
- UsurierUsurerWuchererUsureroUsuraio
- VêtementClothKleidungVestidoVestito
- DiableDevilTeufelDiabloDiavolo
- MortDeathTodMuerteMorte
- âmeSoulSeelealmaAnima
- ErmitehermitEinsiedlereremitaeremita
- RésurrectionResurrectionAuferstehungResurrecciónResurrezione
- restitutionrestitutionRückgaberestituciónrestituzione
- dongiftGabedondono
Tubach Frederic C., 1969. Index exemplorum. A Handbook of medieval religious tales, Helsinki.:
- #2152 : Forseus, St. (Bede) Pelbart # 308. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
- #2223 : Fronteus, ST., revived to return coat. God restored St. Fronteus to life so that he could return a coat given him by a usurer. Seelentrost (German) 250, 16; Thrøst (Swed.) 364, 12 var.; Trost (Dan.) 104, 17. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
- #2229 : Fursey, vision of. St. Fursey’s soul is claimed by devils who accuse him of having accepted a coat from a usurer. (See also: 4031). Aev. M101; Alpha M 303; Enx. (G) # 130, M241; H7 # 27, H72 # 138; H280 # 15, H310 # 13, H374 # 12, H433 # 42, H476 # 67, H539 # 23, H567 # 110, H569 # 137, H646 # 47; JVitryCrane #99; Recull # 261; S.T.: E341.3.– Arnould, Péchés, p. 134f. # 15; Bede, Hist. Eccl. III, cap. 19; V, cap. 12. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
- #4031 : Quirinus, St., revived by slap. Devils and angels fought for the soul of St. Quirinus who had accepted the gift of the devils: a coat from a usurer. He was restored to life by a slap. (See also: 232, 1492). Seelentrost (German) 250, 27; Thrøst (Swed.), 365, 6. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
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Exempla in this collectionExempla dans le même recueilExempla in derselben SammlungExempla in questa stessa raccoltaExempla de la misma colección:
- TE007820 Ci nous dit: 192, 1-7
- TE007821 Ci nous dit: 193, 1-7
- TE007823 Ci nous dit: 195, 1-16
- TE007825 Ci nous dit: 197, 1-3
- TE007826 Ci nous dit: 198, 1-10
- TE007827 Ci nous dit: 199, 1-5
- TE007831 Ci nous dit: 203, 1-12
- TE007832 Ci nous dit: 204, 5-7
- TE007833 Ci nous dit: 205, 1-7
- TE007835 Ci nous dit: 207, 1-9
- TE007840 Ci nous dit: 212, 1-12
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