Thesaurus Exemplorum
Medii Aevi
Ci nous dit [Blangez, 1979-88]: 592, 1-7
Tubach Frederic C., 1969. Index exemplorum. A Handbook of medieval religious tales, Helsinki.:
- #299 : Ape, flight of. A ape fleeing from hunters takes her most loved child in her arms and throws the other across her back. When the hunters approach, she throws away the one in her arms. The other clings to her back, impedes her flight, and causes her capture. Alpha # 714; H84 # 19, H97 # 43, H182 # 47, H376 # 41, H417 # 33, H437 # 86, H467 # 52, H499 # 264, H519 # 5, H556 # 201, H561 # 25, cf. H569 # 1361, H610 # 50; JVitryCrane #25; Klapper, Erz. # 189; Nicole # 42; Recull # 635.– Ward II, pp. 274, 340. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
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Exempla in this collectionExempla dans le même recueilExempla in derselben SammlungExempla in questa stessa raccoltaExempla de la misma colección:
- TE008100 Ci nous dit: 576, 1-6
- TE008101 Ci nous dit: 577, 1-3
- TE008102 Ci nous dit: 580, 1-4
- TE008103 Ci nous dit: 582, 1-8
- TE008104 Ci nous dit: 587, 1-16
- TE008105 Ci nous dit: 592, 1-7
- TE008106 Ci nous dit: 594, 1-5
- TE008107 Ci nous dit: 597, 1-12
- TE008108 Ci nous dit: 601, 1-7
- TE008109 Ci nous dit: 602, 1-5
- TE008110 Ci nous dit: 604, 1-41
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