Thesaurus Exemplorum
Medii Aevi
Ci nous dit [Blangez, 1979-88]: 708, 1-10
- Saint BernardSaint BernardSt. BernhardSan BernardoSan Bernardo
- MoineMonkMönchMonjeMonaco
- ApostasieApostasyApostasieApostasíaApostasia
- MaladieIllnessKrankheitEnfermedadMalattia
- ConversionConversionBekehrungConversiónConversione
- mutismemutenessStummheitmudezmutismo
- guérisonrecoveryGenesungcuraciónguarigione
- JugementJudgmentUrteilJuicioGiudizio
- MortDeathTodMuerteMorte
- VêtementClothKleidungVestidoVestito
- inhumationinhumationBegräbnisinhumacióninumazione
- RituelRitualRitualRitualRituale
Tubach Frederic C., 1969. Index exemplorum. A Handbook of medieval religious tales, Helsinki.:
- #4564 : Speech restored by St. Bernard. A priest, who had left monastic life and taken a harlot, was persuaded to return to the monastery when he saw St. Bernard perform the miracle of making the dumb speak. (See also: 3324). Alpha # 781; CHeist-II #3; 350 # 10, H587 # 73, H620 # 182; Recull J4689; S.T.: V475. 2. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
- #602 : Bernard, St., bids suppliant wait. St. Bernard asks a man seeking admission to a monastic order to await his return from a meeting. During his absence the man dies; the saint has the tomb opened and finds the corpse dressed as a monk. H702 # 13. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
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Exempla in this collectionExempla dans le même recueilExempla in derselben SammlungExempla in questa stessa raccoltaExempla de la misma colección:
- TE008156 Ci nous dit: 703, 1-7
- TE008157 Ci nous dit: 704, 1-6
- TE008158 Ci nous dit: 705, 4-6
- TE008159 Ci nous dit: 705, 7-12
- TE008160 Ci nous dit: 707, 1-10
- TE008161 Ci nous dit: 708, 1-10
- TE008163 Ci nous dit: 710, 1-20
- TE008164 Ci nous dit: 711, 1-8
- TE008165 Ci nous dit: 712, 1-18
- TE008166 Ci nous dit: 715, 1-2
- TE008167 Ci nous dit: 715, 3-8
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