Thesaurus Exemplorum
Medii Aevi
Sermones aurei: de tempore [Clutius, 1760]: p. 67b
Gregorius Magnus, Dialogi, IV, 17 [Patr. lat. 77, col. 348-349].
- DanseDanceTanzDanzaDanza
- Vierge MarieBlessed virgindie Jungfrau MariaVirgen MaríaMadonna
- VisionVisionErscheinungVisiónVisione
- FilleGirlMädchenMuchachaRagazza
- récompenserewardBelohnungrecompensaricompensa
- MortDeathTodMuerteMorte
- promessepromiseVersprechenpromesapromessa
- ConversionConversionBekehrungConversiónConversione
- salutsalvationHeilsalvaciónsalvezza
Tubach Frederic C., 1969. Index exemplorum. A Handbook of medieval religious tales, Helsinki.:
- #1424 : Dancing before Virgin. The maiden, Musa, who loves dancing. honors the Virgin before and after a dance. The Virgin appears to her as the leader of a throng of dancing angels and asks whether she wishes to join them. The Virgin requires her to abstain for thirty days from earthly dances and promises then to bring her to Heaven. (Var.: She is required to abstain from laughing for thirty days.) (See also: 2780). Enx (G) # 14; H23 # 196, H72 # 140, H454 # 4, H461 # 78, H566 # 91, H608 # 21, H680 # 48, H701 # 6; JVitryCrane #275; Klapper, Erz. # 50, # 60; Odo (P) # 121 (Herv. IV, p. 311); Seelentrost (German) 70, 33; Spec. Laic. # 138; Thrøst (Swed.) 106, 2; S.T.: Q386, V2 78. 1.– Castigos, p. 216; de Vooys, p. 79 (notes); Gregory, Dial. IV, 17; Mielot 21; Ward II, p. 620. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
- Related worksTextes apparentésVerwandte TexteTesti correlatiTextos relacionados:
- 14.
- Crane Thomas Frederick (éd.), 1890. The Exempla or Illustrative Stories from the Sermones vulgares of Jacques de Vitry, London, Nutt. 275.
- Castigos [ed. Gayangos, 1860] p. 216
- Hervieux Léopold, 1884. Les Fabulistes Latins. Depuis le siècle d'Auguste jusqu'à la fin du Moyen Age, Paris, vols. 5. Odo de Ceritona, Fabulae et parabolae, t. 4, p. 311], 121.
- Schmidt Margarete (éd.), 1959. Der Große Seelentrost. Ein niederdeutsches Erbauungsbuch des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts, Köln-Graz. 70, 33.
- Welter Jean-Thiébaut, 1914. Le Speculum laïcorum. Edition d'une collection d'exempla composée en Angleterre à la fin du XIIIe siècle. 138.
- Klapper Joseph, 1914. Erzählungen des Mittelalters in deutscher Übersetzung und lateinischen Urtext, Breslau, M. & H. Marcus. 50, 60.
- CataloguesRépertoiresVerzeichnisseRepertoriCatálogos:
- KRAPPE Alexander Haggerty, 1937. « Les sources du Libro de exemplos », dans Bulletin Hispanique, 39, 1937, p. 5-54. p. 21.
- Thompson Stith, 1975. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature. A classification of narrative elements in folktales, ballads, myths, fables, mediaeval romances, exempla, fabliaux, jest-books and local legends, Revised and enlarged edition, Bloomington - Londres, vols. 6. Q386, V278.1.
- Ward Harry Leigh Douglas et John Alexander Herbert, 1883. Catalogue of Romances in the Department of Manuscripts in the British Museum, London, vols. 6. p. 620.
- Ward Harry Leigh Douglas et John Alexander Herbert, 1883. Catalogue of Romances in the Department of Manuscripts in the British Museum, London, vols. 6. t. 3, 23,196; 72, 140; 454, 4 ; 461, 78; 566, 91; 608, 21; 680, 48; 701, 6.
- Schneyer Johannes Baptist, 1969. Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters für die Zeit von 1150-1350, Münster, vols. 9. T18.
- Manuscripts / editionsManuscrits / éditionsManuskripte / AuflagenManoscritti / edizioniManuscritos / ediciones:
- Jacobus de Voragine, 1760. Sermones aurei, Robert Clutius (éd.), Vienna. t. I, De tempore p. 67b.
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