Thesaurus Exemplorum
Medii Aevi
Sermones aurei: de tempore [Clutius, 1760]: p. 203a
Ciceron, Tusculanarum Disputationum Liber Quintus, XXI, 61-62.
Tubach Frederic C., 1969. Index exemplorum. A Handbook of medieval religious tales, Helsinki.:
- #4994 : Trumpet of doom (Sword of Damodes). The story of the king who never laughed and his brother (the trumpet of doom, the sword of Damocles). Alpha # 415, # 685; libri8-II #41; Enx (G) # 121, # 223; Gesta (l) # 203; Gesta (O) # 143; H26 # 2, H53 # 74, H67 # 83, H100 # 76, H133 # 1233, H157 # 4, H158 # 26, H170 # 36, H247 # 62, H326 # xxix, H329 # 12, H332 # 12, H335 # 23, H385 # 198, H391 # 303, H437 # 83, H466 # 46, H470 # 58, H475 # 54, H493 # 181, H502 # 309, H538 # 6, H547 # 101, H564 # 71, H584 # 48, H601 # 28, H602 # 42, H605 # 18, H610 # 46, # 52, H650 # 33, # 34, H680 # 52; JVitryCrane #8, # 42, # 47; Katona # 143; Klapper, Erz. # 172; ML # 78; Odo (P) # 75 (Herv. IV, p. 294); Pauli # 735a; Pelbart # 149; Recull # 362, # 605; Seelentrost (German) 29, 11; Wright # 103; S.T.: J85, P612.– Braga # 147, p. 57; Chauvin III, 98; Festial # 15 (p. 64); Herrig, p. 279; Jacob’s Well # 62; Ward II, 122. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
- Related worksTextes apparentésVerwandte TexteTesti correlatiTextos relacionados:
- Banks Mary Macleod (éd.), 1904. An Alphabet of Tales. An English 15th Century Translation of the Alphabetum Narrationum once attributed to Etienne de Besançon, London, vols. 2. 415, 685.
- Meister Aloys (éd.), 1901. Die Fragmente der 'Libri VIII Miraculorum' des Caesarius von Heisterbach, Rome. II (41).
- 121, 223.
- Gesta Romanorum [ed. Dick, 1890], 203
- Gesta Romanorum [ed. Oesterley, 1872], 141
- Crane Thomas Frederick (éd.), 1890. The Exempla or Illustrative Stories from the Sermones vulgares of Jacques de Vitry, London, Nutt. 8, 42, 47.
- Klapper Joseph, 1914. Erzählungen des Mittelalters in deutscher Übersetzung und lateinischen Urtext, Breslau, M. & H. Marcus. 172.
- Katona Lajos, 1902. Temesvári Pelbárt Példái (Die Exempel des Pelbárt von Temesvár), Budapest. 149.
- Recull [ed. Ysern, Barcelona, Ed. Barcino, 2004], 362; 605
- Schmidt Margarete (éd.), 1959. Der Große Seelentrost. Ein niederdeutsches Erbauungsbuch des vierzehnten Jahrhunderts, Köln-Graz. 9, 11.
- Polo de Beaulieu Marie Anne (éd.), 1991. Jean Gobi. La Scala coeli, Paris, Editions du CNRS. 609, 610.
- Wright Thomas, 1842. A Selection of Latin Stories from Manuscripts of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, Londres, Percy Society. 103.
- CataloguesRépertoiresVerzeichnisseRepertoriCatálogos:
- Thompson Stith, 1975. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature. A classification of narrative elements in folktales, ballads, myths, fables, mediaeval romances, exempla, fabliaux, jest-books and local legends, Revised and enlarged edition, Bloomington - Londres, vols. 6. J85, P612.
- Ward Harry Leigh Douglas et John Alexander Herbert, 1883. Catalogue of Romances in the Department of Manuscripts in the British Museum, London, vols. 6. t. 3, 26, 2; 53, 74; 67, 83 ; 100, 76; 133, 123; 157, 4; 158, 26; 170, 36; 247, 62; 326, xxix; 329, 12; 332, 12; 335, 23; 358, 198; 391, 303; 437, 83; 466, 46; 470, 58; 475, 54; 493, 181; 502, 309; 538, 6 ; 547, 101; 564, 71; 584, 48; 601, 28; 602, 42; 605, 18; 610, 46, 52; 650, 33, 34; 680, 52.
- Schneyer Johannes Baptist, 1969. Repertorium der lateinischen Sermones des Mittelalters für die Zeit von 1150-1350, Münster, vols. 9. T48.
- Manuscripts / editionsManuscrits / éditionsManuskripte / AuflagenManoscritti / edizioniManuscritos / ediciones:
- Jacobus de Voragine, 1760. Sermones aurei, Robert Clutius (éd.), Vienna. t. I, De tempore p. 203a.
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