Thesaurus Exemplorum
Medii Aevi
Collectio exemplorum cisterciensis [dir. Berlioz, Polo de Beaulieu, 2012]: XLVII, 1 [511]
De disciplina
Grégoire le Grand, Dialogorum libri IV, IV, 19, 2-3 (Sources chrétiennes, Paris, 265, p. 72-75).
Tubach Frederic C., 1969. Index exemplorum. A Handbook of medieval religious tales, Helsinki.:
- #684 : Blasphemy, boy dies for. A boy blasphemes the name of God and is struck down by the plague. When his sick bed is surrounded by black men, he once again blasphemes God, and is struck dead. Alpha # 115; Enx (M) # 52; H25 # 217, H73 # 152, H281 # 28, H310 # 27, H319 # 21, H378 # 82, H454 # 5, H461 # 82, H511 # 35, H514 # 52, H539 # 16, H545 # 53, H584 # 35, H645 # 38, H679 # 44; JVitryCrane #294; Odo (P) # 132 (Herv. IV, p. 315); Recull # 95; Seelentrost (German) 192, 20; Thrøst (Swed.) 282, 12; S.T.: D2020, Q221.1, Q221.3, Q451.12, Q552. 10.– Gregory, Dial. IV, 18 (Migne LXXVII, cols. 344 349); Lucanor # 44. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
- Manuscripts / editionsManuscrits / éditionsManuskripte / AuflagenManoscritti / edizioniManuscritos / ediciones:
- Berlioz Jacques et Marie Anne Polo de Beaulieu (éd.), 2012. Collectio exemplorum cisterciensis in codice Parisiensi 15912 asseruata, Turnhout, Brepols. p. 168, n° 511 et p. 463, n° 511.
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- TE014867 Collectio: XLVII, 1 [511]
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- TE014869 Collectio: XLVII, 3 [513]
- TE014870 Collectio: XLVII, 4 [514]
- TE014871 Collectio: XLVII, 5 [515]
- TE014872 Collectio: XLVII, 6 [516]
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