Dialogus miraculorum [Strange, 1851]: IX, 31

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"TE018954 (Dialogus miraculorum [Strange, 1851]: IX, 31)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, https://thema.huma-num.fr/exempla/TE018954 (accessed 2025-01-18).« TE018954 (Dialogus miraculorum [Strange, 1851]: IX, 31) », Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, https://thema.huma-num.fr/exempla/TE018954 (consulté 2025-01-18)."TE018954 (Dialogus miraculorum [Strange, 1851]: IX, 31)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, https://thema.huma-num.fr/exempla/TE018954 (zugegriffen 2025-01-18)."TE018954 (Dialogus miraculorum [Strange, 1851]: IX, 31)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, https://thema.huma-num.fr/exempla/TE018954 (consultato 2025-01-18)."TE018954 (Dialogus miraculorum [Strange, 1851]: IX, 31)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, https://thema.huma-num.fr/exempla/TE018954 (accedido 2025-01-18).


Caesarius Heisterbacensis
(Fr.) Une recluse vit un globe de feu sur la tête d'Ulrich, un saint moine de Villers, célébrant la messe à Namur quinze jours avant sa mort. Tombé malade, Ulrich annonça le jour de sa mort à l’abbé.

Villers, abbaye cistercienne en Brabant, fondée en 1146.

Original textTexte originalOriginaltextTesto originaleTexto original

CAPITULUM XXXI De Ulrico monacho Vilariensi.

In Vilario Brabantiae ante hoc biennium monachus quidam defunctus est nomine Ulricus, iuvenis disciplinatus, et valde gratiosus, tam corpore quam mente virgo. Hic cum in Namuco die quinto decimo ante mortem suam missam celebraret, sicut mihi retulit praedicti loci Prior, venerabilis inclusa Uda nomine, cui Deus multa revelare consuevit, globum igneum super caput eius conspexit. Erat enim tunc temporis grangiarius. Qui cum infirmatus, in extremis ageret, et Abbas deesset, dixit ei quidam ex circumstantibus: Velletis dominum Abbatem modo videre? Etiam, inquit, valde illum videre desidero, ut praesens congaudere posset mihi eunti ad nuptias. Et adiecit: Cras habebitis propter me festum, scilicet duas missas. Quod ita factum est. Nam altera die dicta missa in conventu, post primam, erat enim Kalendas Octobris, animam virgineam efflavit, quae a coelestibus paranimphis suscepta, in aethereum thalamum ad nuptias agni, et ad amplexus sponsi deducta est. Post tertiam vero celebrata pro eo missa sollemniter in conventu, secundum quod ipse praedixerat, terrae commendatus est. Et sicut mihi dixit dominus Wilhelmus nunc Abbas Vilariensis, tunc Prior ibidem, ne unum quidem peccatum mortale deprehendere potuit in eius extrema et generali confessione. Fuerat siquidem magnae spei iuvenis, vultum habens angelicum, moribus bonis adornatus, natione Coloniensis. Praedicti vero sacerdotis personam mihi prodere non licet. Est enim vir tantae perfectionis, ut tanta gratia dignus sit, et verbis eius non credere, si tibi propalaretur, sacrilegium iudicares.
NOVICIUS: Ulricum quantum ad praedictam visionem similem iudico sancto Martino, de cuius capite cum altare benediceret, etiam globus igneus emicuit.
MONACHUS: In utroque signum fuit magnae devotionis, cuius auctor Spiritus sanctus est, qui in igne super Apostolos apparuit. Unde non immerito a sacerdote ante canonem sursum corda habere monemur.

Strange Joseph, 1851. Caesarii Heisterbacensis Monachi Ordinis Cisterciensis Dialogus Miraculorum. Textum ad quatuor codicum manuscriptorum editionisque principiis fidem accurate recognovit Josephus Strange., Köln-Bonn-Brüssel, vols. 2.



Tubach Frederic C., 1969. Index exemplorum. A Handbook of medieval religious tales, Helsinki.:

  • #1475 (Var. B9) : Death omens and predictions. (Var.) (See also: 832). A.) Death omen. 1. Canon and death omen. A canon had a dream in which he was told in verse that he was to die shortly. Seeking solace in a horseback ride, he was thrown from his horse into a river and drowned. Mensa 41.207 (Dunn, p. 52). 2. Demons foretell death. A band of demons on horses foretells the death of the prefect of Arta and of the Archbishop of Beam. Alpha # 249. 3. Eclipse of sun as death omen. CHeist-X #24 . 4. Emperor and death omen. The Emperor heard a voice telling him that after eighty two days he would die. Lib. Ex. # 213. 5. Flames as sign of death. A prince sees flames on a hill which foretell the death of a cursed rich man; the next night the man dies. Alpha # 508; Recull # 444.– Monteverdi, p. 291 (12); Toldo, Archiv. CXIX, p. 361; Pat.Lat. CXLV, 439. 6. Hawk as death omen. Herodes Agrippa, conspiring against the Roman emperor, was told that a hawk flying over him was an omen of his impending death. Seelentrost (German) 187, 17; Thrøst (Swed.) 275, 20. 7. Ladder as death omen. A bishop dreamed that during a sermon he was led by two dead friends and shown a ladder pointing to his final resting place. Aev. # 23ter. 8. Three death omens. A man makes a bargain to receive three warnings before death, but he does not heed them. Pauli # 268; cf. # 267; Wright # 33. B.) Death, prediction of. 1. Death at certain times predicted. Disc. Cler. # 25; Enx (G) # 292, # 319, # 323, # 327, # 348; Enx (M) # 61, # 65; S.T.: M341.1.– Gregory, Dial. IV, 26. 2. Bishop, death of foretold. The vision of Cassius, Bishop of Narni, commending his devotion and foretelling the day of his death. H571 180.– Gregory, Dial. IV, 56. 3. Brother, dead, predicts death. The death of a sinful monk is foretold him by a dead brother who intends to intercede in heaven on his behalf. CHeist-XI #14; 45 (canon). 4. Emperor, death of predicted. A monk predicted the death of Emperor Valentius. Spec. Laic. # 231 (Welter). 5. Infant predicts death. Lucretius murders St. Beatrice for her land. A infant foretells his death, and he is tormented and slain by a devil. H281 # 32, H310 # 32. 6. King, death of foretold. Marianus predicts the king’s death to his messengers; after three days the king dies. Cf. Alpha # 266 and # 305; Disc. Cler. 25 (Schwarzbaum II, 58 59); S.T.: M341, M341.1.– Chauvin IX, pp. 31 32 # 23. 7. Knight, death of predicted thrice. A sinful knight goes to confession after a beautiful woman appeared to him three consecutive night telling him that he is to die. He is mysteriously killed in battle. The saying of the Ave Maria brings him salvation. Lib. Ex. # 44. 8. Man warned of death. A man is warned that he has but three days to live; he resolves to spend the first in pleasure and dies unconfessed. H381 # 133 (Spec. Laic.), H394 # 363 (Spec. Laic.), H501 # 293. 9. Monk predicts, masses. A pious monk predicted that two masses were soon to be said for him; he died a few days later. CHeist-IX #31 . 10. Penitent predicts death. A man who lived a sinful life for forty years does penance as a monk. He predicts the hour of his death and the devils lose him to the angels in a battle for his soul. (See also: 232, 1492, 4031). CHeist-XI #17; Pelbart # 373. 11. Preparation for death. St. Nicholas tells a man in the field to drive his sheep home and prepare to die that day; the man does so and dies. Alpha # 266; CHeist-VIII #75; Recull # 225 S.T.: M341. 12. Prior predicts own death. A pious prior predicts the exact hour of his death. CHeist-XI #10; libri8-II #30 . 13. Verse, death predicted in. A devil addresses a monk in verse predicting his early death. (See also: 1475, A, 1). CHeist-VI #55 . (© Frederic C. Tubach)
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  • Strange Joseph, 1851. Caesarii Heisterbacensis Monachi Ordinis Cisterciensis Dialogus Miraculorum. Textum ad quatuor codicum manuscriptorum editionisque principiis fidem accurate recognovit Josephus Strange., Köln-Bonn-Brüssel, vols. 2. vol. 2, p. 187..

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This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 Ce travail réalisé sous la direction de J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu et Pascal Collomb est mis à disposition sous licence ETALAB Licence Ouverte 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0
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