Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]: 485

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"TE019609 (Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]: 485)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (accessed 2025-02-07).« TE019609 (Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]: 485) », Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (consulté 2025-02-07)."TE019609 (Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]: 485)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (zugegriffen 2025-02-07)."TE019609 (Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]: 485)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (consultato 2025-02-07)."TE019609 (Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]: 485)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (accedido 2025-02-07).


Johannes Gobii
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(Fr.) Inanité des aumônes sans amour.

Refert Cesarius ... = Caesarius Heisterbacensis, Dialogus miraculorum [ed. Strange, 1851], XII, 19

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Octavo est avarorum oditiva.

Refert Cesarius quod quidam dives uxori sue apparuit dicens quod erat damnatus. Cum autem requireret causam cum esset magnus elemosinarius, respondit: "Propter timorem faciebam pocius quam pro amore. ” Quod cum dixisset, statim dyabolus qui ejus ductor erat eum secum portavit.

Polo de Beaulieu Marie Anne (éd.), 1991. Jean Gobi. La Scala coeli, Paris, Editions du CNRS.



Tubach Frederic C., 1969. Index exemplorum. A Handbook of medieval religious tales, Helsinki.:

  • #2944 (Var. a) : Knight, dead, return of. (Var.) a) Knight, dead, almsgiving of. A condemned knight appeared after death to his wife and told her that almsgiving had done him no good. Alpha # 300; CHeist-XII #19; H494 # 193, H525 # 95; Recull # 258. b) Knight, dead, atones for rape. A dead knight appears to his former master and says that he has been restored to life to atone for a rape committed in his last campaign. H494 # 190, H52 7 # 113. c) Knight, dead, returns for confession. 1) The body of a knight is carried into a chapel that he had built in honor of the Virgin. At the elevation of the Host he revives; at the end of the mass, he confesses a mortal sin. H386 # 215. 2) A knight devoted to St. Mary Magdalene is killed in battle but revives to make confession. Alpha # 458; H603 # 72; Recull # 400. d) Knight, dead, returns for prayers. A dead knight returns to ask a living knight to pray for him; the latter promises to do so he will ask God to pray for him. Alpha # 734; Recull # 653. e) Knight, dead, returns for wedding. Two knights promise one another that neither will marry without the other’s presence. One of them is killed in battle; the other announces his approaching marriage at his comrade’s tomb, and the dead knight attends the wedding. H503 # 3. f) Knight, dead, returns from hell. 1) A vain knight appeared after death with scabrous legs, a huge toad in his body and vermin on his genitals punishments for crimes of pride and fornication. libri8-I #44 . 2) Harnessed to a black horse and carrying a clod of earth, a knight appears after death to a friend. He tells his friend that he had deprived a widow of the harness and taken land unjustly. Seelentrost (German) 144; 1; Thrøst (Swed.) 216, 23. 3) A knight, revived from the dead, appeared on a black horse and asked his children to return unjustly gained goods and land since they weighed on him too heavily. Seelentrost (German) 258, 7. 4) A dead knight appears to a comrade and says that he is in torment for having robbed a man in a cemetery. EdeB # 34; H96 # 39; H280 # 14, H310 # 12, H318 # 2; H386 # 222, H389 # 274, H588 # 82.– Arnould, Péchés, p. 130 # 14; 5) A dead knight appears thrice to a priest and says he is being tormented for sacrilege and extortion. H494 # 189. g) Knight, dead, returns from purgatory. A dead knight appears to his sister and says that he is in purgatory. He bids her tell the Dominicans and Franciscans to preach God’s mercy. H495 # 200. h) Knight, dead, returns to raped daughter. A knight appeared after death to his daughter whom he had raped. (See also: 2 731 ff., 4036). Alpha # 523; CHeist-XII #15; Recull # 459; S.T.: V132.1. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
Related worksTextes apparentésVerwandte TexteTesti correlatiTextos relacionados:
  • Arnoldus Leodiensis, 2015. Alphabetum narrationum, Elisa Brilli (éd.), Turnhout, Brepols. 304.
Manuscripts / editionsManuscrits / éditionsManuskripte / AuflagenManoscritti / edizioniManuscritos / ediciones:
  • Polo de Beaulieu Marie Anne (éd.), 1991. Jean Gobi. La Scala coeli, Paris, Editions du CNRS. p. 367.

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This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 Ce travail réalisé sous la direction de J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu et Pascal Collomb est mis à disposition sous licence ETALAB Licence Ouverte 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0
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