Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]: 797

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"TE019938 (Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]: 797)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (accessed 2025-01-16).« TE019938 (Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]: 797) », Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (consulté 2025-01-16)."TE019938 (Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]: 797)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (zugegriffen 2025-01-16)."TE019938 (Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]: 797)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (consultato 2025-01-16)."TE019938 (Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]: 797)", Thesaurus exemplorum medii aevi, (accedido 2025-01-16).


Johannes Gobii
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De mundo

(Fr.) Le jeune homme à la recherche du pays où l'on vit plus longtemps.

Legitur …

Original textTexte originalOriginaltextTesto originaleTexto original

Tercio est diligentium deceptivus.

Legitur quod fuit quidam juvenis qui summe timens mortem, quesivit si esset aliqua terra in qua homines plus viverent quam in ista. Et cum audivisset quod sic et illuc ivisset, et dum quidam bonus duceret eum per civitatem et devenisset ad cimiterium, legebat in epitasiis mortuorum: "Iste vixit per .X. annos, iste per .XX.. ” Et cum nullum invenisset qui pervenisset ad .XXX. flevit dicens: "Deceptus sum quia dictum erat mihi quod hic gentes summe vivebant. "

Tunc ductor ait: "Mundus est domus ruinosa , via tenebrosa, et viridarium illaqueatum; et ideo anni quibus homo vivit mundo non computantur hic sed anni quibus homo vivit Deo. ”

Polo de Beaulieu Marie Anne (éd.), 1991. Jean Gobi. La Scala coeli, Paris, Editions du CNRS.



Tubach Frederic C., 1969. Index exemplorum. A Handbook of medieval religious tales, Helsinki.:

  • #4183 (Var. a) : Scholar becomes monk. (Var.) a.) The only son of a nobleman becomes a monk. He tells his father he would willingly return to the world except for the fact that the young die as well as the old. b.) A scholar, the son of a nobleman, enters an order and tells his father that he would rather serve a Lord who can give him Heaven and save him from Hell than an earthly lord. c.) A nobleman, turned Cistercian, would rather be saved in rags than damned in fine clothes. (See also: 4301). Alpha # 212; libri8-II #38; EdeB # 50, # 399; Gesta (M) # 44; H10 # 45, H54 # 92, H59 # 6, H98 # 58, H132 # 109, H256 # 44, H376 # 45, H395 # 396, H397 # 436, H417 # 37, H432 # 26, H459 # 32, H463 # 121, H465 # 15, H470 # 59, H492 # 164, H518 # 127, H520 # 26, H546 # 84, H560 # 13, H564 # 70, H568 # 118, H654 # 10 1; JVitryCrane #116; Klapper, Erz. # 185; Mensa # 37 (Dunn, p. 181); Odo (P) # 69 (Herv. IV, p. 292); Pelbart # 388; Recull # 180; S.T.: U251.– Toldo, Archiv. CXIX, p. 355. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
  • #486 : Barlaam converts Josaphat. The father of Josaphat attempts to protect him from all misery, but Josaphat discovers the reality of old age, death, and disease; God then sends Barlaam to convert Josaphat. Seelentrost (German) 27, 34. (© Frederic C. Tubach)
Related worksTextes apparentésVerwandte TexteTesti correlatiTextos relacionados:
  • Jacobus de Voragine, 1890. Legenda aurea, Graesse, vols. 1. p. 813-814.
  • Maggioni Giovanni Paolo (éd.), 1998. Iacopo da Varazze, Legenda aurea, Firenze, SISMEL-Ed. del Galluzzo, vols. 2. ch. 176, vol. 2, p. 1241-1242.
Manuscripts / editionsManuscrits / éditionsManuskripte / AuflagenManoscritti / edizioniManuscritos / ediciones:
  • Polo de Beaulieu Marie Anne (éd.), 1991. Jean Gobi. La Scala coeli, Paris, Editions du CNRS. p. 505.

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This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 Ce travail réalisé sous la direction de J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu et Pascal Collomb est mis à disposition sous licence ETALAB Licence Ouverte 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0
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