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Adolfus Viennensis, Doligamus
anon, Additiones au Dialogus miraculorum
anon., British Library, Add. 27909B (fol. 4-11)
anon., British Library, MS Harley 3244, Narraciones et exempla quedam edificatoria (éd. G. Besson-I. Klutstein)
anon., Ci nous dit ou Composition de l'Ecriture sainte [Blangez, 1979-88]
anon., Cinq cents contes et apologues extraits du Tripitaka chinois [Chavannes, 1962]
anon., Collectaneum exemplorum et visionum Clarevallense [Legendre, 2005]
anon., Collectio exemplorum cisterciensis [dir. Berlioz, Polo de Beaulieu, 2012]
anon., Compilatio singularis exemplorum
anon., Le Mesnagier de Paris
anon., Liber exemplorum ad usum praedicantium [Little, 1908]
anon., Libro de los Gatos [Darbord, 1984]
anon., Libro de los gatos [Gayangos, 1860]
anon., Paris, BnF, nouv. acq. fr. 4464 [transc. A. Sulpice]
anon., Recueil de sermons et d’exempla - Cambrai, BM, 574 [transc. A. Perard]
anon., Rothschild Canticles
anon., Sefer Hamaassiyot [Gaster, 1924]
anon., Tabula exemplorum [Welter, 1927]
anon., Tombel de Chartrose [Sulpice, 2014]
Arnoldus Leodiensis, Alphabet of Tales [Banks, 1904-1905]
Bernardus Senensis, Esempi
Bernardus Senensis, Le prediche volgari
Caesarius Heisterbacensis, Dialogus miraculorum [Strange, 1851]
Caesarius Heisterbacensis, Homiliae de infantia Servatoris [Coppenstein, 1615]
Caesarius Heisterbacensis, Libri octo miraculorum [Hilka, 1937]
Dominico Cavalca, Esempi [Varanini, Baldassari, 1993]
Federicus Visconti, Sermons et visite pastorale [dir. Bériou, 2001]
Frère Robert le Chartreux, Le Chastel Perilleux [Brisson, 1974]
Galandus Regniacensis, Parabolaire [Frielander et al., 1992]
Gaufridus de Collone, Libellus super reliquiis sanctorum et sanctarum Sancti-Petri-Viri Senonensis
Gregorius I, Dialogues, Lib. IV
Herbertus Turrium, Liber visionum et miraculorum Clarevallensium
Humbertus de Romanis, De dono timoris [Boyer, 2008]
Humbertus de Romanis, Liber de eruditione praedicatorum [Berthier, 1888-1889]
Jacobus de Voragine, Sermones aurei - Quadragesimale
Jacobus de Voragine, Sermones aurei, t. II, De sanctis [Clutius, 1760]
Jacobus de Voragine, Sermones aurei: de tempore [Clutius, 1760]
Jacobus Passavanti, Specchio di vera penitenza
Jacobus Vitriacensis, Historia occidentalis
Jacobus Vitriacensis, Sermones feriales et communes [Frenken, 1914]
Jacobus Vitriacensis, Sermones feriales et communes [Greven, 1914]
Jacobus Vitriacensis, Sermones vulgares [Crane, 1890]
Jehan de Saint-Quentin, Dits de Jehan de Saint-Quentin [Olsen, 1978]
Johannes Gobii, Scala coeli [éd. Polo de Beaulieu, 1991]
Johannes Maior, Magnum Speculum Exemplorum (en russe)
Jordanus de Pisis, Esempi
Juan Ruiz, Libro de buen amor [Cátedra, 1992]
Kamo no Chomei, Hosshinshū (Récits de l'éveil du cœur) [tr. Pigeot, 2014]
Minamoto no Takakuni, Konjaku monogatari shū [tr. B. Frank]
Minamoto no Takakuni, Konjaku monogatari shū [tr. Lavigne-Kurihara, 2002]
Odo Cluniacensis, Collationes libri tres
Odo de Cheriton, Fabulae et Parabolae
Osvaldus de Lasko, Érdy Codex
Paulus, Monembasiae episcopus, Récits édifiants [Wortley, 1987]
Petrus Alfonsi, Disciplina clericalis [Hilka et Söderhjelm, 1911]
Petrus Alfonsi, Disciplina clericalis [Leone, 2010]
Petrus Damianus, Die Briefe
Petrus Lemovicensis, De oculo morali
Petrus Venerabilis, De miraculis libri duo [Torrell, Bouthillier, 1992]
Philippe de Ferrare, Liber de introductione loquendi [Vecchio, 1998]
Ranulphus de Homblonaria, Sermons aux clercs et aux simples gens
Raoul de Châteauroux, Recueil de reportations de 300 sermons d'auteurs divers
Rhazes, La Médecine spirituelle [tr. Brague, 2003]
Robert de Gretham, Le Miroir ou les Evangiles des domnées [Aitken, 1922]
Roberto Caracciolo, Roberto Caracciolo, Quaresimale in volgare
Sanche IV de Castille, le brave, Castigos [Gayangos, 1860]
Stephanus de Borbone, Tractatus de diversis materiis praedicabilibus [Lecoy, 1877]
Stephanus de Borbone, Tractatus de diversis materiis praedicabilibus, t. III, De dono scientie [Berlioz, 2006]
Stephanus de Borbone, Tractatus de diversis materiis praedicabilibus. De dono timoris [Berlioz, 2002]
Thomas Cantipratensis, Bonum universale de apibus [Douai, 1627]
Valentin Leutch, Viridarium Regium
Vincent Ferrier, Sermones castellanos [Cátedra, 1994]
Adolfus Viennensis
Armandus de Bellovisu
Arnoldus Leodiensis
Bernardus Senensis
Caesarius Heisterbacensis
Dominico Cavalca
Federicus Visconti
Frère Laurent
Frère Robert le Chartreux
Galandus Regniacensis
Gaufridus de Collone
Gregorius I
Guo Jujing
Herbertus Turrium
Humbertus de Romanis
Jacobus de Cessolis
Jacobus de Marchia
Jacobus de Voragine
Jacobus Passavanti
Jacobus Vitriacensis
Jehan de Saint-Quentin
Johannes Gobi junior
johannes Gobi Junior
Johannes Gobii
Johannes Maior
Jordanus de Pisis
Juan Ruiz
Kamo no Chomei
Laurentius Aurelianensis
Minamoto no Takakuni
Nicole Bozon
Odo Cluniacensis
Odo de Cheriton
Osvaldus de Lasko
Paulus, Monembasiae episcopus
Petrus Alfonsi
Petrus Damianus
Petrus Lemovicensis
Petrus Venerabilis
Philippe de Ferrare
Ranulphus de Homblonaria
Raoul de Châteauroux
Robert de Gretham
Roberto Caracciolo
Sanche IV de Castille, le brave
Stephanus de Borbone
Thomas Cantipratensis
Valentin Leutch
Vincent Ferrier
University of Paris
Post-tridentine Catholic
secular clergy
convert Jews
Byzantine Empire
Parola chiave
Palabra clave
Martin | Martin | Martin | Martín | Martino
évêque | bishop | Bischof | obispo | vescovo
Sacrement | Sacrament | Sakrament | Sacramento | Sacramento
Messe | Mass | Messe | Misa | messa
Enfant | Child | Kind | Niño | bambino
Femme | Woman | Frau | Mujer | Donna
Richesse | Wealth | Reichtum | Riqueza | Ricchezza
voeu | Vow | Gelübde | voto | Voto
Roi | King | König | Rey | Re
Mariage | Wedding | Hochzeit | Matrimonio | Matrimonio
Peur | Fear | Angst | Miedo | Paura
Saladin | Saladin | Saladin | Saladino | Saladino
Diable | Devil | Teufel | Diablo | Diavolo
Aumône | Alms | Almosen | Limosna | Elemosina
Confession | Confession | Beichte | Confesión | Confessione
Mouche | Fly | Fliege | Mosca | Mosca
Chanoine | Canon | Kanoniker | Canónigo | Canonico
Saint Augustin | Saint Augustine | der heilige Augustinus | San Agustín | Sant'Agostino
Mort | Death | Tod | Muerte | Morte
Tombe | grave | Grab | Tumba | Tomba
Purgatoire | Purgatory | Fegefeuer | Purgatorio | Purgatorio
Séverin | Severin | Severianus | Severino | Severino
Prière | Prayer | Gebet | Oración | Preghiera
Vision | Vision | Erscheinung | Visión | Visione
Défunt | Dead | Verstobener | Difunto | defunto
ange | angel | Engel | ángel | angelo
Prêtre | Priest | Priester | Sacerdote | Prete
Poisson | Fish | Fisch | Pez | Pesce
Conversion | Conversion | Bekehrung | Conversión | Conversione
Philippe Auguste | Philip Augustus | Philipp Augustus | Felipe Augusto | Filippo Augusto
Tournoi | Tournament | Turnier | Torneo | Torneo
Vierge Marie | Blessed virgin | die Jungfrau Maria | Virgen María | Madonna
Bourges | Bourges | Bourges | Bourges | Bourges
Baptême | Baptism | Taufe | Bautismo | Battesimo
Folie | Madness | Wahnsinn | Locura | pazzia
Clerc | Clerk | Kleriker | Clérigo | Chierico
Christ | Christ | Christ | Cristo | Cristo
Saint Antoine ermite | Saint Anthony the hermit | St. Antonius Eremit | San Antonio ermitano | Sant'Antonio eremita
Autorité | Autority | Autorität | Autoridad | Autorità
Eucharistie | Eucharist | Eucharistie | Eucaristía | eucarestia
Chien | Dog | Hund | Perro | Cane
Vin | Wine | Wein | Vino | Vino
Passion | Passion | Leiden Christi | Pasión | Passione
Pied | Foot | Fuss | Pie | Piede
Prédication | preaching | Predigen | Predicación | Predicazione
Avarice | Avarice | Habsucht | Avaricia | Avarizia
Sommeil | Sleep | Schlaf | sueño | Sonno
Alexandre | Alexander | Alexander | Alejandro | Alessandro
Eglise | Church | Kirche | Iglesia | Chiesa
Tusculum | Tusculum | Tuscullum | Tusculum | Tusculum
Ave Maria | Ave Maria | Ave Maria | Ave María | Ave Maria
Humilité | Humility | Demut | Humildad | Umiltà
Béguine | Beguine | Beghine | Beguina | Beghina
Trinité | Trinity | Dreifaltigkeit | Trinidad | Trinità
Pendaison | Hanging | Henken | horca | Impiccagione
Veuve | Widow | Witwe | Viuda | Vedova
Saint Ambroise | Saint Ambrose | der heilige Ambrosius | San Ambrosio | Sant'Ambrogio
Juif | Jew | Jude | Judío | Ebreo
Eve | Eve | Eva | Eva | Eva
Péché | Sin | Sünde | Pecado | Peccato
Philippe | Philip | Philipp | Filipo | Filippo
Fils | Son | Sohn | Hijo | Figlio
Moine | Monk | Mönch | Monje | Monaco
Rome | Rome | Roma | Roma | Roma
Renard | Fox | Fuchs | Zorro | Volpe
Trajan | Trajan | Trajan | Trajano | Traiano
Cistercien | Cistercian | Zisterzienser | Cisterciense | Cistercense
Parole | Word | Wort | Palabra | Parola
Chameau | Camel | Kameel | Camello | Cammello
Maître | Master | Lehrer | Maestro | Maestro
Chevalier | Knight | Ritter | Caballero | Cavaliere
Sainte Elisabeth | Saint Elizabeth | die heilige Elisabeth | Santa Isabel | Santa Elisabetta
Cheval | Horse | Pferd | Caballo | Cavallo
Charité | Charity | Nächstenliebe | Caridad | Carità
Bourgeois | Burgher | Bürger | Burgués | Borghese
Barcelone | Barcelone | Barcelona | Barcelona | Barceleona
Vertu | Virtue | Tugend | Virtud | Virtù
Vêtement | Cloth | Kleidung | Vestido | Vestito
Thomas de Cantimpré | Thomas of Cantimpré | Thomas von Cantimpré | Tomás de Cantimpré | Tommaso da Cantimpré
Maurice | Maurice | Moritz | Mauricio | Maurizio
Eudes de Magdebourg | Eudes of Magdeburg | Odo von Magdeburg | Odo de Magdeburgo | Odo da Magdebourg
Saint Louis | Saint Louis | Ludwig der Gerechte | San Luis | San Luigi
Guiard de Cambrai | Guiard of Cambrai | Guiard von Cambrai | Guiard de Cambrai | Guiard da Cambrai
Schisme | Schism | Schisma | Cisma | Scisma
Abbé | Abbot | Abt | Abad | Abate
Luxe | Luxury | Luxus | Lujo | Lusso
Teutonie | Teutony | Teutonie | Teutonia | Teutonia
Cîteaux | Cîteaux | Cîteaux | Cîteaux | Cîteaux
Doigt | Finger | Finger | Dedo | Dito
Conrad | Conrad | Konrad | Conrado | Corrado
Curé | Priest | Pfarrer | cura | Curato
Brabant | Brabant | Brabant | Brabante | Brabante
Saint Maurice | Saint Maurice | der heilige Moritz | San Mauricio | San Maurizio
Champagne | Champagne | Champagne | Champaña | Champagne
Trêves | Treves | Trier | Tréveris | Treveri
Angleterre | England | England | Inglaterra | Inghilterra
Adolescent | Teenager | Jüngling | Adolescente | Adolescente
Népotisme | Nepotism | Nepotismus | Nepotismo | Nepotismo
Prélat | Prelate | Prälat | Prelado | Prelato
Guillaume d'Auvergne | William of Auvergne | Wilhelm von Auvergne | Guillermo de Auvernia | Guglielmo d'Alvernia
Jacques de Vitry | James of Vitry | Jacob von Vitry | Jacobo de Vitry | Jacopo da Vitry
Cambrai | Cambrai | Cambrai | Cambrai | Cambrai
Saint Pierre | Saint Peter | der heilige Peter | San Pedro | San Pietro
Saint Martin | Saint Martin | der heilige Martin | San Martín | San Martino
Saint-Victor | Saint-Victor | der heilige Viktor | San Víctor | San Vittorio
Hugues | Hugh | Hugo | Hugo | Ugo
Hugues de Cambrai | Hugh of Cambrai | Hugo von Cambrai | Hugo de Cambrai | Ugo da Cambrais
Paris | Paris | Paris | París | Parigi
saint Thomas d'Aquin | saint Thomas of Aquinas | Sankt Thomas von Aquino | santo Tomás de Aquino | san Tommaso d'Aquino
Meurtre | Murder | Mord | crimen | assassinio
Toul | Toul | Toul | Toul | Toul
Flandre | Flanders | Flandern | Flandes | Fiandra
Fillette | Girl | junges Mädchen (das) | Niña | Bambina
Souabe | Souabe | schwäbisch | Suavia | Svevia
Oiseau | Bird | Vogel | Pájaro | Uccello
Dinan | Dinan | Dinan | Dinan | Dinan
Strasbourg | Strasbourg | Strassburg | Estrasburgo | Strasburgo
Martyr | Martyr | Märtyrer | Mártir | Martire
Otton | Otto | Otto | Otón | Ottone
Bologne | Bologne | Bologna | Bolonia | Bologna
Démon | Demon | Dämon | Demonio | Demone
Fille | Girl | Mädchen | Muchacha | Ragazza
Bretagne | Britain | Bretagne | Bretaña | Bretagna
Dominicain | Dominican | Dominikaner | Dominico | Domenicano
Rêve | Dream | Traum | Sueño | Sogno
Berger | Shepherd | Hirt | Pastor | Pastore
Albert le Grand | Albert the Great | Albertus Magnus | Alberto Magno | Alberto Magno
Voyage | Travel | Reise | viaje | Viaggio
Loup | Wolf | Wolf | Lobo | Lupo
Réconciliation | Reconciliation | Versöhnung | Reconciliación | Riconciliazione
Cologne | Cologne | Köln | Colonia | Colonia
Jourdain de Saxe | Jordan of Saxe | Jordan von Sachsen | Jordano de Sajonia | Giordano da Sassonia
Wurzbourg | Wurzburg | Würzburg | Wurzburgo | Wurzbourg
Jean le Teutonique | John the Teutonic | Johannes Teutonicus | Juan el Teutón | Giovanni il Teutonico
aigle | eagle | Adler | águila | aquila
Espagne | Spain | Spanien | España | Spagna
Prédicateur | Preacher | Prediger | Predicador | Predicatore
Révélation | Revelation | Offenbarung | Revelación | rivelazione
Franciscain | Franciscan | Franziskaner | Franciscano | Francescano
Chapitre | Chapter | Kapitel | Capítulo | Capitolo
Dina | Dina | Dina | Dina | Dina
Simonie | Simony | Simonie | Simonía | Simonia
Ermite | hermit | Einsiedler | eremita | eremita
Croisade | Crusade | Kreuzzug | Cruzada | Crociata
Haine | Hate | Hass | Odio | Odio
France | France | Frankreich | Francia | Francia
Travail | Work | Arbeit | Trabajo | Lavoro
Sarrasin | Sarracen | Sarazene | Sarraceno | Saraceno
Convers | Lay-brother | Laie | Converso | Converso
Huppe | hoopoe | Wiedehopf | Abubilla | Upupa
Crapaud | Toad | Kröte | Sapo | Rospo
Bruno | Bruno | Bruno | Bruno | Bruno
Miracle | Miracle | Wunder | Milagro | Miracolo
Mathilde | Matilda | Mathilde | Matilde | Matilde
Ecosse | Scotland | Schottland | Escocia | Scozia
Recluse | Recluse | Inkluse | Reclusa | Reclusa
Pape | Pope | Papst | Papa | Papa
Curie | Curia | Kurie | curia | Curia
Université | University | Universität | Universidad | Università
Chancelier | Chancellor | Kanzler | Canciller | Cancelliere
Maladie | Illness | Krankheit | Enfermedad | Malattia
Monastère | Monastery | Kloster | Monasterio | monastero
Pardon | Pardon | Vergebung | Perdón | Perdono
Gaule | Gaul | Gallien | Galia | Gallia
Ecole | School | Schule | Escuela | Scuola
Archytas | Archytas | Archytas | Arquitas | Archytas
Chrétien | Christian | christlich | Cristiano | Cristiano
Diogène | Diogen | Diogenes | Diógenes | Diogene
Statue | Statue | Statue | estatua | Statua
Poule | Hen | Huhn | Gallina | Gallina
Pêche | Fishing | Fischen | Pesca | Pesca
Prieur | Prior | Prior | Prior | Priore
Dame | Woman | Dame | Dama | Donna
Comte | Count | Graf | Conde | Conte
Thibaud | Thibaud | Theobald | Teobaldo | Tebaldo
Arras | Arras | Arras | Arras | Arras
Achaz | Achaz | Achaz | Achaz | Achaz
Abeille | Bee | Biene | Abeja | Ape
Germanie | Germany | Germanien | Alemania | Germania
Dévotion | Devotion | Frömmigkeit | Devoción | Devozione
arbre | tree | Baum | árbol | albero
Chant | Song | Gesang | Canto | Canto
Frère | Brother | Bruder | Hermano | Fratello
Lombardie | Lombardy | Lombardei | Lombardía | Lombardia
Pforzheim | Pforzheim | Pforzheim | Pforzheim | Pforzheim
Crime | Crime | Verbrechen | Crimen | assassinio
Voleur | Thief | Dieb | ladrón | ladro
Tempête | Storm | Sturm | Tempestad | Tempesta
Licorne | Unicorn | Einhorn | Unicornio | Unicorno
Sodomie | Sodomy | Sodomie | Sodomía | Sodomia
Lausanne | Lausanne | Lausanne | Lausana | Losanna
Pierre le Chantre | Peter the Chanter | Petrus Cantor | Pedro Cantor | Pietro Cantore
Bruxelles | Bruxelles | Brüssel | Bruselas | Bruxelles
Bourgogne | Burgundy | Burgund | Borgoña | Borgogna
Perse | Perse | Persien | Persia | Persia
Tentation | Temptation | Versuchung | Tentación | Tentazione
Apparition | Apparition | Erscheinung | Aparición | Apparizione
Châlons-en-Champagne | Châlons-en-Champagne | Châlons-en-Champagne | Châlons-en-Champagne | Châlons-en-Champagne
Reims | Reims | Reims | Reims | Reims
Monstre | Monster | Ungeheuer | Monstruo | Mostro
Perfection | Perfection | Vollkommenheit | Perfección | Perfezione
Liège | Liege | Lüttich | Lieja | Liegi
Hainaut | Hainaut | Hennegau | Hainaut | Hainaut
Héli | Heli | Heli | Elí | Heli
Archambaud | Archambaud | Archibald | Archibaldo | Arcibaldo
Oblat | Oblate | Oblat | Oblato | Oblato
Cyprien | Cyprian | Cyprius | Cipriano | Cipriano
Ruche | Beehive | Bienenkorb | Colmena | Alveare
Douai | Douai | Douai | Douai | Douai
Dacie | Dacie | Dakien | Dacia | Dacia
Habacuc | Habacuc | Habakuk | Habacuc | Habacuc
Punition | Punishment | Strafe | Castigo | Punizione
Chapelain | Chaplain | Kaplan | Capellán | Cappellano
Abbesse | Abbess | Äbtissin | Abadesa | Badessa
Sagesse | Wisdom | Weisheit | Sabiduría | Saggezza
Médecin | Doctor | Arzt | Médico | Medico
Arius | Arius | Arius | Arrio | Ario
Anvers | Antwerp | Antwerpen | Amberes | Anversa
Blasphème | Blasphemy | Lästerung | Blasfemia | Bestemmia
Jeu | Game | Spiel | Juego | Gioco
Vendredi Saint | Good Friday | Karfreitag | Viernes Santo | Venerdi santo
Louvain | Louvain | Loewen | Lovaina | Louvain
Danse | Dance | Tanz | Danza | Danza
Taureau | Bull | Stier | Toro | Toro
Pont | Bridge | Brücke | Puente | Ponte
Chasse | Hunt | Jagd | Caza | Caccia
Possession | Possession | Besessenheit | Posesión | Possessione
Soissons | Soissons | Soissons | Soissons | Soissons
Bruges | Bruges | Brügge | Brujas | Bruges
Prévôt | Provost | Vogt | Preboste | Prevosto
Apostasie | Apostasy | Apostasie | Apostasía | Apostasia
Nivelles | Nivelles | Nivelles | Nivelles | Nivelles
Feu | Fire | Feuer | Fuego | Fuoco
Théodulphe | Theodulphe | Theodulf | Teodulfo | Teodulfo
Moisson | Harvest | Ernte | Cosecha | Messe
Hollande | Holland | Niederland | Holanda | Olanda
Mère | Mother | Mutter | Madre | Madre
Otton IV | Otto IV | Otto IV. | Otón IV | Ottone IV
Père | Father | Vater | Padre | Padre
Saint Grégoire | Saint Gregory | der heilige Gregorius | San Gregorio | San Gregorio
Sardaigne | Sardaigne | Sardinien | Cerdeña | Sardegna
âme | Soul | Seele | alma | Anima
Joie | Joy | Freude | Alegría | Gioia
Marie d'Oignies | Mary of Oignies | Maria von Oignies | María de Oignies | Marie d'Oignies
Limoges | Limoges | Limoges | Limoges | Limoges
Viol | Rape | Vergewaltigung | Violación | Stupro
Damnation | Damnation | Verdamnis | Condena | Dannazione
Abbé Filosius | Abbot Filosius | Abt Filosius | Abad Filosio | Abate Filosio
Murmure | Whisper | Gemurmel | Murmullo | Sussurro
Saint Vincent | Saint Vincentius | der heilige Vincenz | San Vicente | San Vincenzo
Incendie | Arson | Brand | Incendio | Incendio
Servolus | Servolus | Servolus | Servolo | Servolo
Spes | Spes | Spes | Spes | Spes
Romula | Romula | Romula | Rómula | Romola
Anastase | Anastasius | Anastasius | Anastasio | Anastasio
Jean l'Aumônier | John the Almoner | Johannes Almosengeber | Juan el Limosnero | Giovanni Elemosinario
Théophile | Theophilus | Theophilus | Teófilo | Teofilo
Saint Jérôme | Saint Jerome | der heilige Hieronymus | San Jerónimo | San Girolamo
Marie l'Egyptienne | Mary Egyptiaca | Maria von Ägypten | María Egipciaca | Maria Egiziaca
Saint Macaire | Saint Macarius | St. Makarius | San Macario | San Macario
Saint Bernard | Saint Bernard | St. Bernhard | San Bernardo | San Bernardo
Moniale | Nun | Nonne | Monja | Monaca
Voyageur | Traveller | Reisender | viajero | Viaggiatore
Garçon | Boy | Knabe | muchacho | ragazzo
Joueur | Gambler | Spieler | Jugador | Giocatore
Parjure | Perjury | Meineid | Perjurio | Spergiuro
Usurier | Usurer | Wucherer | Usurero | Usuraio
Comptable | Accountable | Buchhalter | Contable | Contabile
Religieuse | Nun | Nonne | Religiosa | Religiosa
Théodora | Theodora | Theodora | Teodora | Teodora
Saint Germain | Saint Germanus | St. Germanus | San Germán | San Germano
Jongleur | Juggler | Gaukler | Juglar | Giullare
Musa | Musa | Muse | Musa | Musa
Mage | Magus | Magier | Mago | Mago
Simon le mage | Simon Magus | Simon Magus | Simón el mago | Simone mago
Alexandre le Grand | Alexander the Great | Alexander der Grosse | Alejandro Magno | Alessandro Magno
Tombeau | tomb | Grabstätte | Sepulcro | Sepolcro
Consécration | Consecration | Weihe | Consagración | Consacrazione
Adolescente | Teenager | Jungfrau | Adolescente | Adolescente
Temple | Temple | Tempel | Templo | Tempio
Châtiment | Punishment | Strafe | Castigo | Pena
Pécheur | Sinner | Sünder | Pecador | Peccatore
Equicius | Equicius | Equicius | Equicio | Equizio
Philosophe | Philosopher | Philosoph | Filósofo | Filosofo
Correction | Correction | Strafe | Corrección | Correzione
Grisarius | Grisarius | Grisarius | Grisario | Grisario
Avocat | Advocate | Anwalt | Abogado | Avvocato
Fornicateur | Fornicator | Hurer | Fornicador | Fornicatore
Possédé | Demoniac | Besessener | Poseído | Indemoniato
Paysan | Peasant | Bauer | Campesino | Contadino
Gerbert d'Aurillac | Gerbert of Aurillac | Gerbert von Aurillac | Gerberto de Aurillac | Gerbert da Aurillac
Concubine | Concubine | Konkubine | Concubina | Concubina
Parchemin | Parchment | Pergament | Pergamino | Pergamena
Envie | Envy | Neid | Envidia | Invidia
Arsène | Arsenius | Arsenius | Arsenio | Arsenio
Sérapion | Serapion | Serapion | Serapión | Serapione
Germain d'Auxerre | German of Auxerre | Germanus von Auxerre | Germán de Auxerre | Germano da Auxerre
Constantinople | Constantinople | Konstantinopel | Constantinopla | Costantinopoli
Paul | Paul | Paul | Pablo | Paolo
Florent ermit | Florentius the Hermit | Florens ermite | Florencio ermitano | Fiorenzo eremita
saint Julien | Saint Julian | St. Julian | san Juliàn | san Giuliano
Paphnuce | Paphnucius | Paphnutios | Panucio | Pafnuzio
Saint Benoît | Saint Benedict | St. Benedikt | San Benito | San Benedetto
Saint Ammon | Saint Ammonius | St. Ammonius | San Amonio | Sant'Ammone
Virginité | Virginity | Jungfräuligkeit | Virginidad | verginità
Saint Ignace | Saint Ignatius | St. Ignatius | San Ignacio | Sant'Ignazio
Saint Christophe | Saint Christopher | St. Christoph | San Cristóbal | San Cristoforo
aveugle | blind | Blinde | ciego | cieco
mari | husband | Ehemann | marido | marito
commerce | trade | Handel | comercio | commercio
Dieu | God | Gott | Dios | Dio
luxure | lust | Unzucht | lujuria | lussuria
obéissance | obedience | Gehorsam | obediencia | obbedienza
pauvreté | poverty | Armut | pobreza | povertà
volonté | will | Wille | voluntad | volontà
pauvre | poor | Armer | pobre | povero
miel | honey | Honig | miel | miele
riche | rich | reich | rico | ricco
beauté | beauty | Schönheit | belleza | bellezza
vieillard | old man | Greis | viejo | vecchio
larme | tear | Träne | lágrima | lacrima
duel | duel | Duell | duelo | duello
vice | vice | Laster | vicio | vizio
foi | faith | Glaube | fe | fede
désobéissance | disobedience | Ungehorsam | desobediencia | disobbedienza
acédie | acedia | acedia | acedia | accidia
soeur | sister | Schwester | hermana | sorella
livre | book | Buch | libro | libro
Suzanne | Susanna | Susanne | Susana | Susanna
Raymonde | Raymond | Raimunda | Raimunda | Raimonda
Lucrèce | Lucrece | Lukretia | Lucrecia | Lucrezia
Pari | Bet | Wette | apuesta | scommessa
Mélibée | Melibeus | Meliböus | Melibeo | Melibeo
prophétie | prophecy | Prophezeiung | profecía | profezia
île | isle | Insel | isla | isola
sainte Marthe | Saint Marthe | St. Martha | santa Marta | santa Marta
Mâcon | Mâcon | Mâcon | Mâcon | Mâcon
Charbonnier | Charcoal-burner | Köhler | Carbonero | Carbonaio
Salerne | Salerne | Salerno | Salerno | Salerno
Saint Dominique | Saint Dominic | St. Dominicus | Santo Domingo | San Domenico
Grèce | Greece | Griechenland | Grecia | Grecia
Inceste | Incest | Blutschande | Incesto | Incesto
Saint Constant | Saint Constant | St. Constant | San Constancio | San Costanzo
Béatrice | Beatrice | Beatrice | Beatriz | Beatrice
Alcibiade | Alcibiade | Alkibiades | Alcibiades | Alcibiade
Réputation | Fame | Reputation | Reputación | Fama
Jeûne | Fast | Fasten | Ayuno | Digiuno
Saint Hilaire | Saint Hilarius | St. Hilarius | San Hilario | San Ilario
Religieux | Religious | Mönch | Religioso | Religioso
Thémistocle | Themistocles | Themistokles | Temístocles | Temistocle
Brutus | Brutus | Brutus | Bruto | Bruto
Pausanias | Pausanias | Pausanias | Pausanias | Pausania
Saint Bartholomée | Saint Bartholomew | St. Bartholomaeus | San Bartolomé | San Bartolomeo
Corps | Body | Körper | Cuerpo | Corpo
Paganisme | Paganism | Heidentum | Paganismo | Paganesimo
Saint | Saint | Heiliger | Santo | Santo
sainte Thaïs | Saint Thais | St. Thaïs | santa Thaís | santa Taide
Marchand | Merchant | Kaufmann | Mercader | Mercante
Silence | Silence | Schweigen | Silencio | Silenzio
Exemple | Example | Beispiel | Ejemplo | Esempio
Extase | Ecstasy | Extase | Éxtasis | Estasi
Question | Question | Frage | Quaestio | Quaestio
Générosité | Generosity | Grossmut | Generosidad | Generosità
Pouvoir | Power | Macht | Poder | Potere
Plaisir | Pleasure | Vergnügen | Placer | Piacere
Deuil | Mourning | Trauer | Duelo | Lutto
Divertissement | Diverting | Vergnügung | Diversión | Divertimento
Sainte Justine | Saint Justine | St. Justine | Santa Justina | Santa Giustina
Adultère | Adultery | Ehebruch | Adulterio | Adulterio
Pénitence | Penance | Busse | Penitencia | Penitenza
Pain | Bread | Brot | Pan | Pane
Sainte Agnès | Saint Agnes | St. Agnes | Santa Inés | Santa Agnese
Signe | Sign | Zeichen | Signo | Segno
Hélène de Troie | Helen of Troy | Helena von Troja | Elena de Troya | Elena di Troia
Judaïsme | Judaism | Judentum | Judaísmo | Ebraismo
Numa Pompilius | Numa Pompilius | Numa Pompilius | Numa Pompilio | Numa Pompilio
Octavien | Octavianus | Oktavian | Octaviano | Ottaviano
Nourriture | Food | Nahrung | Alimento | Cibo
Jérusalem | Jerusalem | Jerusalem | Jerusalén | Gerusalemme
Armée | Army | Heer | Ejército | Esercito
Gloire | Glory | Ruhm | Gloria | Gloria
Calendrier | Calendar | Kalender | Calendario | Calendario
Chronologie | Chronology | Chronologie | Cronología | Cronologia
Astrologie | Astrology | Astrologie | Astrología | Astrologia
Titus | Titus | Titus | Tito | Tito
Mahomet | Mahomet | Mohammed | Mahoma | Maometto
Bible | Bible | Bibel | Biblia | Bibbia
Immortalité | Immortality | Unsterblichkeit | inmortalidad | Immortalità
Chasteté | Chastity | Keuschheit | Castidad | Castità
Image | Picture | Bild | Imagen | Immagine
Argent | Money | Geld | Dinero | Denaro
César | Caesar | Cäsar | César | Cesare
Pâris | Paris | Paris | Paris | Paride
Basilic | Basilisk | Basilisk | Basilisco | Basilisco
Henoch | Henoch | Enoch | Enoc | Enoch
étoile | Star | Stern | Estrella | Stella
Naufrage | Shipwreck | Schiffbruch | Naufragio | Naufragio
Sainte Agathe | Saint Agatha | St. Agatha | Santa Agata | Santa Agata
Français | French person | Franzose | Francés | Francese
Amour | Love | Liebe | Amor | Amore
Jugement dernier | Last Judgment | Jüngstes Gericht | Juicio Final | Giudizio universale
Jugement | Judgment | Urteil | Juicio | Giudizio
Latium | Latium | Latium | Lacio | Lazio
Goût | Taste | Geschmack | Gusto | Gusto
Délire | Delirium | Wahnsinn | Delirio | Delirio
Coutume | Custom | Sitte | Costumbre | consuetudine
Naples | Naples | Neapel | Nápoles | Napoli
Florence | Florence | Florenz | Florencia | Firenze
Plaisanterie | Joke | Scherz | Broma | Battuta
Aveuglement | Blindness | Blindheit | Ceguera | Cecità
Usure | Usury | Wucher | Usura | Usura
Prestidigitateur | conjuror | Taschenspieler | Prestidigitador | Prestigiatori
Jourdain de Pise | Jordan of Pisa | Jordan von Pisa | Jordano de Pisa | Giordano da Pisa
Marin | Sailor | Matrose | Marinero | Marinaio
Pêcheur | Fisherman | Fischer | Pescador | Pescatore
Venise | Venice | Venedig | Venecia | Venezia
Soldat | Soldier | Soldat | Soldado | Soldato
David | David | David | David | David
Comète | Comet | Komet | Cometa | Cometa
Pithagore | Pithagore | Pythagoras | Pitágoras | Pitagora
Emplâtre | Plaster | Pflaster | Emplasto | Impiastro
Nombre | Number | Zahl | Número | Numero
Art | Art | Kunst | Arte | Arte
Invention | Invention | Erfindung | invención | Invenzione
Serpent | Snake | Schlange | Serpiente | Serpente
Concile | Council | Konzil | Concilio | Concilio
Guerre | War | Krieg | Guerra | Guerra
Rituel | Ritual | Ritual | Ritual | Rituale
Orgueil | Pride | Hochmut | Orgullo | Superbia
Mémoire | Memory | Gedächtniss | Memoria | Memoria
Dragon | Dragon | Drache | Dragón | Drago
éléphant | Elephant | Elephant | Elefante | Elefante
Autruche | Ostrich | Strauss | Avestruz | Struzzo
Homme | Man | Mensch | Hombre | Uomo
Vanité | Vanity | Eitelkeit | Vanidad | Vanità
Hérésie | Heresy | Häresie | Herejía | Eresia
Chaleur | Warmth | Wärme | Calor | Calore
Conscience | Consciousness | Gewissen | Consciencia | Coscienza
Monde | World | Welt | Mundo | Mondo
étymologie | Etymology | Etymologie | etimología | Etimologia
coeur | Heart | Herz | Corazón | Cuore
épice | Spice | Gewürz | especia | Spezie
Colombe | Dove | Taube | Paloma | Colomba
Pompée | Pompee | Pompejus | Pompeyo | Pompeo
Esther | Esther | Esther | Esther | Esther
Sang | Blood | Blut | sangre | sangue
Plante | Plant | Pflanze | Planta | Pianta
Odeur | Smell | Geruch | Olor | Odore
Joseph | Josef | Joseph | José | Josefo
Saba | Saba | Saba | Saba | Saba
Longin | Longin | Longinus | Longinos | Longino
Lion | Lion | Löwe | León | Leone
Terre | Earth | Erde | Tierra | Terra
Lys | Lis | Lilie | Lirio | Lis
Ver | Worm | Wurm | gusano | Verme
Corbeau | Raven | Rabe | Cuervo | Corvo
Cigogne | Stork | Storch | Cigüeña | Cicogna
Vipère | Viper | Viper | Víbora | Vipera
Aristote | Aristotle | Aristoteles | Aristóteles | Aristotele
Cyrus | Cyrus | Kyros | Ciro | Ciro
Néron | Nero | Nero | Nerón | Nerone
oeil | Eye | Auge | ojo | Occhio
Chandelle | Candel | Kerze | Candela | Candela
Eau | Water | Wasser | Agua | acqua
Cendre | Ash | Asche | Ceniza | Cenere
Diamant | Diamond | Diamant | Diamante | Diamante
Géométrie | Geometry | Geometrie | Geometría | Geometria
Calice | Chalice | Kelch | Cáliz | Calicio
Hypocrisie | Hypocrisy | Heuchelei | Hipocresía | Ipocrisia
Viande | Meat | Fleisch | Carne | carne
Socrate | Socrate | Sokrates | Sócrates | Socrate
Lazare | Lazarus | Lazarus | Lázaro | Lazzaro
Enfer | Hell | Hölle | Infierno | Inferno
Parabole | Parable | Parabel | Parábola | Parabola
Bateau | Boat | Schiff | Barco | Nave
Vautour | Vulture | Geier | buitre | Avvoltoio
Crachat | Spit | Spucke | Esputo | Sputo
Langage | Language | Sprache | Lenguaje | Linguaggio
Sainteté | Sanctity | Heiligkeit | Santidad | Santità
Salive | Saliva | Speichel | Saliva | Saliva
Lèpre | Leprosy | Lepra | lepra | Lebbra
Puanteur | Stench | Gestank | Hedor | Puzza
Saint Etienne | Saint Stephen | St. Stephan | San Esteban | Santo Stefano
Pharisien | Pharisee | Pharisäer | Fariseo | Fariseo
Prison | Jail | Gefängniss | Prisión | Prigione
Darius | Darius | Darius | Dario | Dario
Fruit | Fruit | Frucht | Fruto | Frutto
Pluie | Rain | Regen | Lluvia | Pioggia
Gourmandise | gluttony | Gefrässigkeit | Gula | golosità
Lumière | Light | Licht | Luz | Luce
Sangsue | Leech | Blutegel | Sanguijuela | Sanguisuga
Paradis | Heaven | Paradies | Paraíso | Paradiso
échelle | Ladder | Leiter | Escala | Scala
Pythagore | Pythagore | Pytagoras | Pitágoras | Pitagora
Samson | Samson | Simson | Sansón | Sansone
Lessive | Washing | Wäsche | colada | lavaggio
Scorpion | Scorpion | Skorpion | Escorpión | Scorpione
Sirène | Siren | Sirene | Sirena | Sirena
Dimanche | Sunday | Sonntag | Domingo | Domenica
Archer | Bowman | Bogenschütze | Arquero | Arciere
Plume | Feather | Feder | Pluma | Penna
Salomon | Salomon | Salomo | Salomón | Salomone
Sénèque | Seneca | Seneka | Séneca | Seneca
Noblesse | Nobility | Adel | Nobleza | Nobiltà
Tobie | Tobia | Tobias | Tobías | Tobia
Humanité | Humanity | Menschheit | Humanidad | Umanità
Animal | Animal | Tier | Animal | Animale
Miroir | Mirror | Spiegel | Espejo | Specchio
Tourterelle | Turtledove | Turteltaube | Tórtola | Tortora
Portia | Portia | Porcia | Porcia | Portia
Valéria | Valeria | Valeria | Valeria | Valeria
Martia | Martia | Martia | Marcia | Marzia
Anne | Anne | Anna | Ana | Anne
Melanchia | Melanchia | Melanchia | Melanchia | Melanchia
Peuple | People | Volk | Pueblo | Popolo
Pressoir | Winepress | Kelter | Prensa | Torchio
Mardochée | Mardochee | Mordechai | Mardoqueo | Mardochee
Chair | Flesh | Fleisch | Carne | Carne
Vérité | Truth | Warheit | Verdad | Verità
Colère | Anger | Zorn | Ira | Ira
Cire | Wax | Wachs | Cera | Cera
Saint-Esprit | Holy Spirit | der Heilige Geist | Espíritu Santo | Spirito Santo
Scenopegia | Scenopegia | Laubhüttenfest | Scenopegia | Scenopegia
Vie | Life | Leben | Vida | Vita
Judas | Judas | Judas | Judas | Giuda
Résurrection | Resurrection | Auferstehung | Resurrección | Resurrezione
Pot | Pot | Topf | jarra | Vaso
Mouton | Sheep | Schafbock | Cordero | Pecora
Sens | Sense | Sinn | sentidos | Senso
Hostie | Host | Hostie | Hostia | Ostia
Paix | Peace | Friede | Paz | Pace
Moïse | Moses | Mose | Moisés | Mosè
Athènes | Athens | Athen | Atenas | Atene
Agneau | Lamb | Lamm | Cordero | Agnello
Lait | Milk | Milch | Leche | Latte
Main | Hand | Hand | Mano | Mano
Baiser | Kiss | Kuss | Beso | Bacio
Marie Madeleine | Mary Magdelene | Maria Magdalena | María Magdalena | Maria Maddalena
Médecine | Medicine | Medizin | Medicina | Medicina
Pilate | Pilate | Pilatus | Pilatos | Pilato
Dignité | Dignity | Würde | Dignidad | Dignità
Eclipse | Eclipse | Finsterniss | Eclipse | Eclissi
Joseph d'Arimathie | Joseph d'Arimathie | Joseph von Arimathia | José de Arimatea | Josepho d'Arimathie
Démoniaque | Demoniac | dämonisch | Endemoniado | Indemoniato
Foulques de Neuilly | Foulques of Neuilly | Foulques von Neuilly | Foulques de Neuilly | Foulques da Neuilly
Régnier | Regnier | Reinnerus | Regnier | Regnier
reclus | recluse | Einsiedler | recluso | recluso
chartreux | cartusian | Karthäuser | cartujo | certosino
Saint Basile | Saint Basil | St. Basilius | San Basilio | San Basilio
Maurice de Sully | Maurice of Sully | Moritz von Sully | Mauricio de Sully | Maurice da Sully
ivresse | drunkenness | Betrunkenheit | borrachera | ubriachezza
Orient | East | Orient | Oriente | Oriente
Novice | Novice | Novize | Novicio | Novizio
Saint Michel | Saint Michael | der heilige Michel | San Miguel | San Michele
éducation | education | Erziehung | educación | educazione
palais | palace | Palast | palacio | palazzo
aveu | acknowledgment | Geständniss | confesión | assenso
pacte | pact | Pakt | pacto | patto
cupidité | cupidity | Habsucht | codicia | cupidigia
étudiant | student | Student | estudiante | studente
suicide | suicide | Selbstmord | suicidio | suicidio
Platon | Plato | Plato | Platón | Platone
intercession | intercession | Fürbitte | intercesión | intercessione
temps | time | Zeit | tiempo | tempo
liturgie | liturgy | Liturgie | liturgia | liturgia
heures | hours | kanonischen Stunden (die) | horas | ore
aide | help | Hilfe | ayuda | aiuto
psaume | psalm | Psalm | salmo | salmo
spéculation | speculation | Spekulation | especulación | speculazione
ribaud | ribald | Wüstling | ribaldo | debosciato
pugilat | fight | Boxerei | pelea | rissa
lune | moon | Mond | Luna | luna
pureté | purity | Reinheit | pureza | purezza
barbier | barber | Barbier | barbero | barbiere
piège | trap | Falle | trampa | trappola
baillis | bailiff | Landvogt | juez | balivo
fromage | cheese | Käse | queso | formaggio
méditation | meditation | Andacht | meditación | meditazione
lavement | washing | Waschung | lavado | lavanda
exorcisme | exorcism | Teufelsbeschwörung | exorcismo | esorcismo
servante | maidservant | Magd | criada | serva
mystère | mystery | Geheimnis | misterio | mistero
St. Denis | Denys | St. Dionysius | san Dionisio | san Dionisio
testament | testament | Testament | testamento | testamento
justice | justice | Gerechtigkeit | justicia | giustizia
écriture | writing | Schrift | escritura | scrittura
archidiacre | archdeacon | Archidiaconus | archidiácono | arcidiacono
cadavre | cadaver | Leiche | cadáver | cadavere
vaine gloire | vainglory | Ruhmsucht | vanagloria | vanagloria
Humbert de Romans | Humbert of Romans | Humbert von Romans | Humberto de los Romanos | Umberto da Romans
Le Mans | Le Mans | Le Mans | le Mans | Le Mans
taverne | inn | Kneipe | taberna | taverna
Henri de Cologne | Henry of Koln | Heinrich von Köln | Enrique de Colonia | Enrico da Colonia
Frédéric Ier | Frederic the First | Friedrich Barbarossa | Federico I | Federico I
Anchin | Anchin | Anchin | Anquín | Anchin
noyade | drowning | Ertränken | ahogamiento | annegamento
Marie de Champagne | Mary of Champagne | Maria von Champagne | María de Champaña | Maria da Champagne
notaire | notary | Notar | notario | notaio
noble | nobleman | Adliger | noble | nobile
Tournai | Tournai | Tournai | Tournai | Tournai
bénéfice | benefice | Pfründe | beneficio | beneficio
moineau | sparrow | Spatz | gorrión | passero
synode | synod | Synode | sínodo | sinodo
Foulques | Foulques | Foulques | Foulques | Foulques
psautier | psalter | Psalter | salterio | salterio
harpie | harpy | Harpye | arpía | arpia
Terre sainte | Holy Land | das Heilige Land | Tierra Santa | Terra santa
crucifix | crucifix | Kruzifix | crucifijo | crocifisso
Lyon | Lyon | Lyon | Lyon | Lione
mer | sea | Meer | mar | mare
vache | cow | Kuh | vaca | vacca
mutisme | muteness | Stummheit | mudez | mutismo
Rhin | Rhine | Rhein | Rin | Reno
corneille | crow | Krähe | corneja | cornacchia
Hongrie | Hungary | Hungarn | Hungría | Ungheria
excommunication | excommunication | Exkommunikation | excomunión | scomunica
vol | theft | Diebstahl | robo | furto
Frise | Frise | Fries | Frisia | Frisa
tempérance | temperance | Mässigkeit | templanza | temperanza
vieillesse | old age | Alter | vejez | vecchiaia
Jacob | Jacob | Jakob | Jacob | Giacobbe
Simon | Simon | Simon | Simón | Simone
champ | field | Feld | campo | campo
visage | face | Gesicht | rostro | viso
oisiveté | idleness | Müssiggang | ociosidad | ozio
gyrovague | wandering monk | Wandermönch | goliardo | girovago
papauté | papacy | Papsttum | papado | papato
abstinence | abstinence | Enthaltsamkeit | abstinencia | astinenza
festin | banquet | Schmaus | festín | festino
hospitalité | hospitality | Gastlichkeit | hospitalidad | ospitalità
cathédrale | cathedral | Dom | catedral | cattedrale
oeuf | egg | Ei | huevo | uovo
époux | husband | Gatte | esposo | marito
Chartres | Chartres | Chartres | Chartres | Chartres
porc | pig | Schwein | cerdo | maiale
Vaucelles | Vaucelles | Vaucelles | Vaucelles | Vaucelles
laïc | lay | Laie | laico | laico
Adam de Saint-Victor | Adam of Saint-Victor | Adam von Sankt Viktor | Adán de San Víctor | Adamo da San Vittore
Jean Baptiste | John the Baptist | Johannes der Täufer | Juan Bautista | Giovanni Battista
Turin | Turin | Turin | Turín | Torino
rivière | river | Fluss | río | fiume
Foigny | Foigny | Foigny | Foigny | Foigny
vierge | virgin | jungfer | virgen | vergine
maléfice | charm | Bezauberung | maleficio | maleficio
doyen | deacon | Dekan | decano | decano
esclave | slave | Sklave | esclavo | schiavo
pirate | pirate | Seeräuber | pirata | pirata
lévitation | levitation | Schweben | levitación | levitazione
Valenciennes | Valenciennes | Valenciennes | Valenciennes | Valenciennes
viatique | viaticum | Viaticum | viático | viatico
Cluny | Cluny | Cluny | Cluny | Cluny
médisance | gossip | Verleumdung | maledicencia | maldicenza
exemplum | exemplum | Exemplum | exemplum | exemplum
Anglais | English | englisch | Inglés | Inglese
Pâques | Easter | Pascha | Pascua | Pasqua
louange | praise | Lob | alabanza | lode
complies | compline | Komplete | completas | compieta
office | office | Gottesdienst | oficio | ufficio
revenant | ghost | Wiedergänger | aparecido | fantasma
duchesse | duchess | Herzogin | duquesa | duchessa
étude | study | Lernen | estudio | studio
comtesse | countess | Gräfin | condesa | contessa
épilepsie | epilepsy | Epilepsie | epilepsia | epilessia
dé | dice | Würfel | dado | dado
flèche | arrow | Pfeil | flecha | freccia
assassin | murderer | Mörder | asesino | assassino
Sens | Sens | Sens | Sens | Sens
salut | salvation | Heil | salvación | salvezza
Thierry | Thierry | Dietrich | Teodorico | Teodorico
relique | relic | Reliquie | reliquia | reliquia
Hildesheim | Hildesheim | Hildesheim | Hildesheim | Hildesheim
neveu | nephew | Neffe | sobrino | nipote
trentain | trentain | dreissig Messen | treintanario | trentina
duc | duke | Herzog | duque | duca
castration | castration | Verschneidung | castración | castrazione
goinfrerie | pigginess | Verfressenheit | glotonería | ingordigia
musicien | musician | Musiker | músico | musicante
insecte | insect | Insekt | insecto | insetto
messager | messenger | Bote | mensajero | messaggero
aspect | aspect | Erscheinung | aspecto | aspetto
offense | offence | Beleidigung | ofensa | offesa
infirmité | infirmity | Gebrechlichkeit | enfermedad | infermità
temps | weather | Wetter | tiempo | tempo
Téon | Teon | Teon | Teón | Teone
Amun | Amun | Amun | Amún | Amun
torture | torture | Folter | tortura | tortura
patience | patience | Geduld | paciencia | pazienza
cécité | blindness | Blindheit | ceguera | cecità
Redenta | Redenta | Redenta | Redenta | Redenta
moquerie | mockery | Spott | burla | derisione
Patriarche | patriarch | Patriarch | Patriarca | patriarca
sévérité | severity | Strenge | severidad | severità
ascèse | asceticism | Askese | ascesis | ascesi
Sarah | Sarah | Sarah | Sara | Sarra
désert | desert | Wüste | desierto | deserto
Agathon | Agathon | Agathon | Agatón | Agatone
langue | tongue | Zunge | lengua | lingua
hôte | host | Gastgeber | huésped | oste
serment | oath | Eid | juramento | giuramento
don | gift | Gabe | don | dono
intolérance | intolerance | Unduldsamkeit | intolerancia | insofferenza
litige | dispute | Streit | litigio | litigio
bavardage | talking | Geschwätzigkeit | charla | chiacchiera
renoncement | renunciation | Entsagung | renuncia | rinuncia
secret | secret | Geheimnis | secreto | segreto
cardinal | cardinal | Kardinal | cardenal | cardinale
cimetière | cemetery | Friedhof | cementerio | cimitero
ruse | trick | List | astucia | astuzia
illusion | illusion | Vorspiegelung | ilusión | illusione
saint Thomas de Canterbury | saint Thomas of Canterbury | St. Thomas von Canterbury | santo Tomás de Canterbury | san Tommaso di Canterbury
coquetterie | coquetry | Eitelkeit | coquetería | civetteria
Pétronille | Petronilla | Petronilla | Petronila | Petronilla
manteau | coat | Mantel | abrigo | cappotto
pierre | stone | Stein | piedra | pietra
ignorance | ignorance | Unwissenheit | ignorancia | ignoranza
appel | appeal | Ruf | llamada | appello
théologien | theologian | Theologe | teólogo | teologo
Sylvestre II | Sylvester II | Sylvester d. II. | Silvestre II | Silvestro II
samedi saint | good saturday | Karsamstag | sábado santo | sabato santo
brigand | thief | Räuber | bandolero | brigante
Stilpone | Stilpone | Stiponius | Estilpone | Stilpone
impatience | impatience | Ungeduld | impaciencia | impazienza
Poemon | Poemon | Poemon | Poemon | Pemen
Nativité | Nativity | Geburt Christi | Natividad | Natività
arianisme | arianism | Arianismus | arrianismo | arianesimo
Bazas | Bazas | Bazas | Bazas | Bazas
légat | legate | Legat | legado | legato
Eutichio | Eutichius | Eutichius | Eutiquio | Eutichio
Placide | Placidius | Placidus | Plácido | Placido
jeunesse | youth | Jugend | Juventud | giovinezza
épine | thorn | Dorn | espina | spina
Serenus | Serenus | Serenus | Sereno | Sereno
fornication | fornication | Hurerei | fornicación | fornicazione
psalmodie | psalmody | Psalmodie | salmodia | salmodia
vengeance | revenge | Rache | venganza | vendetta
urine | urine | Urin | orina | urina
vieille | old woman | Greisin | vieja | vecchia
discorde | discord | Zwietracht | discordia | discordia
dent | tooth | Zahn | diente | dente
vigne | vineyard | Rebe | viña | vigna
absinthe | absinth | Absinth | absenta | assenzio
mûres | blackberries | Brombeere | moras | more
voix | voice | Stimme | voz | voce
idolâtrie | idolatry | Götzendienst | idolatría | idolatria
noix | walnut | Nuss | nuez | noce
cuisine | cooking | Küche | cocina | cucina
ville | town | Stadt | ciudad | città
ami | friend | Freund | amigo | amico
nourrisson | baby | Säugling | bebé | bambino
trahison | treason | Verrat | traición | tradimento
Tarquin | Tarquin | Tarquinius | Tarquino | Tarquinio
fidélité | fidelity | Treue | fidelidad | fedeltà
paresse | laziness | Faulheit | pereza | pigrizia
Prudence | Prudence | Behutsamkeit | Prudencia | Prudenza
nudité | nudity | Nacktheit | desnudez | nudità
icône | icon | Ikone | icono | icona
guérison | recovery | Genesung | curación | guarigione
prostituée | prostitute | Hure | prostituta | prostituta
crâne | skul | Schädel | cráneo | teschio
Serlo | Serlo | Serlo | Serlo | Serlo
prince | prince | Prinz | príncipe | principe
cercueil | coffin | Sarg | ataúd | feretro
auberge | inn | Wirtshaus | albergue | albergatore
ordre | order | Orden | orden | ordine
matricide | matricide | Muttermord | matricidio | matricidio
hérétique | heretic | Häretiker | herético | eretico
étoupe | tow | Werg | estopa | stoppa
empereur | emperor | Kaiser | emperador | imperatore
Cicéron | Cicero | Cicero | Cicerón | Cicerone
saint homme | holy man | ein frommer Mensch | hombre santo | sant'uomo
calamité | calamity | Unheil | calamidad | calamità
mutilation | mutilation | Verstümmelung | mutilación | mutilazione
ermitage | hermitage | Einsiedelei | eremitorio | eremitaggio
martyre | martyrdom | Marter | martirio | martirio
mensonge | lie | Lüge | mentira | bugia
héritage | inheritance | Erbschaft | herencia | eredità
Julien l'Apostat | Julian the Apostate | Julianus Apostata | Juliano el Apóstata | Giuliano l'Apostata
idole | idole | Götze | ídolo | idolo
nature | nature | Natur | naturaleza | natura
squelette | skeleton | Skelett | esqueleto | scheletro
union | union | Vereinigung | unión | unione
fermeté | firmness | Beständigkeit | firmeza | fermezza
faiblesse | weakness | Schwäche | debilidad | debolezza
esprit | spirit | Geist | espíritu | spirito
douleur | pain | Schmerz | dolor | dolore
repentir | repentance | Reue | arrepentimiento | pentimento
dispute | discussion | Wortstreit | disputa | disputa
honneur | honor | Ehre | honor | onore
naissance | birth | Geburt | nacimiento | nascita
fête | feast | Fest | fiesta | festa
monnaie | money | Münze | moneda | denaro
Scipion l'Africain | Scipio Africanus | Scipio Afrikanus | Escipión el Africano | Scipione l'Africano
Romain | Roman | Römer | Romano | Romano
récompense | reward | Belohnung | recompensa | ricompensa
poison | poison | Gift | veneno | veleno
au-delà | hereafter | Jenseits | más allá | aldilà
mélancolie | melancholy | Wehmut | melancolía | malinconia
Coran | Koran | Koran | Corán | Corano
évangélisation | evangelisation | Evangelisierung | evangelización | evangelizzazione
Hélène | Helen | Helena | Elena | Elena
Xerxès | Xerxes | Xerxes | Jerjes | Serse
sage | wise man | Weiser | sabio | saggio
pèlerin | pilgrim | Pilger | peregrino | pellegrino
Catane | Catana | Catania | Catania | Catania
amitié | friendship | Freundschaft | amistad | amicizia
sanglier | boar | Wildschwein | jabalí | cinghiale
Allemagne | Germany | Deutschland | Alemania | Germania
métier | trade | Gewerbe | gremio | mestiere
corporation | corporation | Körperschaft | corporación | corporazione
faucon | falcon | Falken | halcón | falcone
thon | tuna | Thunfisch | atún | tonno
textile | textile | die Textilie | textil | tessile
arme | weapon | Waffe | arma | arma
Goliath | Goliath | Goliath | Goliat | Golia
présage | omen | Omen | presagio | presagio
Epicure | Epicure | Epikur | Epicuro | Epicuro
patient | patient | geduldig | paciente | paziente
feuille | leaf | Blatt | hoja | foglia
lunettes | glasses | Brille | gafas | occhiali
faim | hunger | Hunger | hambre | fame
estomac | stomach | Magen | estómago | stomaco
tambour | drum | Trommel | tambor | tamburo
carrefour | cross-roads | Kreuzung | encrucijada | incrocio
famine | famine | Hungersnot | escasez | fame
paon | peacock | Pfau | pavo | pavone
ombre | shadow | Schatten | sombra | ombra
vinaigre | vinegar | Essig | vinagre | aceto
chambre | room | Zimmer | habitación | camera
samedi | saturday | Samstag | sábado | sabato
air | air | Luft | aire | aria
Michel | Michael | Michael | Miguel | Michele
attrition | attrition | Attritio | atrición | attrizione
boeuf | beef | Rind | buey | bue
victoire | victory | Sieg | victoria | vittoria
Midas | Midas | Midas | Midas | Midas
fille | daughter | Tochter | hija | figlia
lime | file | Feile | lima | lima
croix | cross | Kreuz | cruz | croce
fleur | flower | Blume | flor | fiore
mite | moth | Motte | polilla | tarma
fonction | function | Funktion | función | funzione
parenté | relationship | Verwandtschaft | parentesco | parentela
Thamaris | Thamaris | Thamaris | Thamaris | Thamaris
or | gold | Gold | oro | oro
vent | wind | Wind | viento | vento
tour | tower | Turm | torre | torre
racine | root | Wurzel | raíz | radice
baume | balsam | Balsam | bálsamo | balsamo
brebis | sheep | Schaf | oveja | pecora
Abraham | Abraham | Abraham | Abraham | Abramo
puits | well | Sodbrunnen | pozo | pozzo
famille | family | Familie | familia | famiglia
aurore | dawn | Morgenröte | aurora | aurora
maison | house | Haus | casa | casa
incantation | incantation | Zauberspruch | encantamiento | incantesimo
Belzebuth | Belzebuth | Belzebut | Belcebú | Belzebù
santé | health | Gesundheit | salud | sanità
condamnation | condamnation | Verurteilung | condena | condanna
Solon | Solon | Solon | Solón | Solon
anxiété | anxiety | Ängstlichkeit | ansiedad | ansietà
musique | music | Musik | música | musica
olive | olive | Olive | oliva | oliva
prodige | wonder | Wunder | prodigio | prodigio
arc | bow | Bogen | arco | arco
Caton | Cato | Kato | Catón | Catone
société | society | Gesellschaft | sociedad | società
philosophie | philosophy | Philosophie | filosofía | filosofia
Lia | Lia | Lia | Lía | Lia
verre | glass | Glas | vidrio | vetro
Aman | Aman | Haman | Amán | Aman
myrrhe | myrrh | Myrrhe | mirra | mirra
vigile | watchman | Vigil | vigilante | guardia
patrie | homeland | Heimat | patria | patria
chauve-souris | bat | Fledermaus | murciélago | pipistrello
pré | meadow | Wiese | prado | prato
Nabuchodonosor | Nabuchodonosor | Nebukadnezar | Nabucodonosor | Nabucodonosor
chasseur | hunter | Jäger | cazador | cacciatore
âne | donkey | Esel | asno | asino
pélican | pelican | Pelikan | pelícano | pellicano
arche | ark | Bundeslade | arco | arco
humeur | humour | Säfte | humor | umore
autel | altar | Altar | altar | altare
cloche | bell | Glocke | campana | campana
Marie Salomé | Mary Salomé | Maria Salomé | María Salomé | Maria Salomé
discernement | discernment | Unterscheidungsvermögen | discernimiento | discernimento
coq | cock | Hahn | gallo | gallo
modération | moderation | Mass | moderación | moderazione
bouche | mouth | Mund | boca | bocca
province | province | Provinz | provincia | provincia
solidarité | solidarity | Solidarität | solidaridad | solidarietà
Hébreux | Hebrew | Hebräer | Hebreo | Ebreo
épouse | wife | Gattin | esposa | moglie
mitre | mitre | Mitra | mitra | mitra
larron | thief | Schächer | ladrón | ladrone
éponge | sponge | Schwamm | esponja | spugna
Nicodème | Nicodeme | Nikodemus | Nicodemo | Nicodemo
évangile | Gospel | Evangelium | Evangelio | vangelo
signe de croix | sign of cross | Kreuzzeichen | signo de la Cruz | segno della croce
sultan | sultan | Sultan | sultán | sultano
canon | canon | Kanon | canon | canone
danger | danger | Gefahr | peligro | pericoloso
destitution | deposition | Amtsenthebung | destitución | destituzione
dot | dowry | Mitgift | dote | dote
royaume | realm | Königreich | reino | regno
compassion | compassion | Mitleid | compasión | compassione
Richard | Richard | Richard | Ricardo | Riccardo
Charlemagne | Charlemagne | Karl der Grosse | Carlomagno | Carlomagno
carême | Lent | Fastenzeit | Cuaresma | Quaresima
geste | gesture | Geste | gesto | gesto
persévérance | perseverance | Standhaftigkeit | perseverancia | perseveranza
Seine | Seine | Seine | Sena | Senna
épreuve | hardship | Prüfung | prueba | prova
Frédéric II | Frederic II | Friedrich II. | Federico II | Federico II
chat | cat | Katze | gato | gatto
forêt | forest | Wald | bosque | foresta
fraude | fraud | Betrug | fraude | frode
bordel | brothel | Bordell | burdel | bordello
chaîne | chain | Kette | cadena | catena
paternité | paternity | Vaterschaft | paternidad | paternità
Troyes | Troyes | Troyes | Troyes | Troyes
Vincennes | Vincennes | Vincennes | Vincennes | Vincennes
Damas | Damas | Damaskus | Damasco | Damas
nuit | night | Nacht | noche | notte
domestique | servant | Diener | sirviente | domestico
protection | protection | Schutz | protección | protezione
Pavie | Pavie | Pavia | Pavía | Pavia
Lille | Lille | Lille | Lille | Lille
prieure | prioress | Priorin | Priora | priora
traître | traitor | Verräter | traidor | traditore
Calvaire | calvary | Leidensweg Christi | Calvario | calvario
Mayence | Mayence | Mainz | Maguncia | Magonza
stigmates | stigmata | Wundmal | estigmas | stimmate
château | castle | Burg | castillo | castello
somnanbulisme | sleepwalking | Nachtwandel | sonambulismo | sonnambulismo
lecture | reading | Lesen | lectura | lettura
Honorius | Honorius | Honorius | Honorio | Onorio
livre de vie | Book of life | Buch des Lebens | libro de la vida | Libro del destino
cellier | storeroom | Weinkeller | despensa | dispensa
apôtre | apostle | Apostel | apóstol | apostolo
corruption | corruption | Verderbtheit | corrupción | corruzione
Ancien Testament | Old Testament | Altes Testament | Antiguo Testamento | Vecchio Testamento
Orléans | Orleans | Orleans | Orleans | Orleans
parent | parent | Eltern | pariente | parente
procession | procession | Prozession | procesión | processione
privilège | privilege | Privilegium | privilegio | privilegio
Christianus Belvacensis | Christianus Belvacensis | Christianus Belvacensis | Christianus Belvacensis | Christianus Belvacensis
ennemi | ennemy | Feind | enemigo | nemico
Moselle | Moselle | Mosel | Mosela | Moselle
rose | rose | Rose | rosa | rosa
Blois | Blois | Blois | Blois | Blois
moulin | mill | Mühle | molino | mulino
De profundis | De profundis | De profundis | De profundis | De profundis
procréation | procreation | Zeugung | procreación | procreazione
Jean l'Evangéliste | John the Evangelist | Johannes der Evangelist | Juan Evangelista | Giovani Evangelista
constance | constancy | Standhaftigkeit | constancia | costanza
évéché | bishopric | Bistum | obispado | vescovado
désir | desire | Begehren | deseo | desiderio
pierre précieuse | gem | Edelstein | gema | pietra preziosa
charpentier | carpenter | Zimmermann | carpintero | carpentiere
orpheline | orphan | Waise | huérfana | orfana
goutte | gout | Gicht | gota | goccia
Jean de Nivelles | John of Nivelles | Johannes von Nivelles | Juan de Nivelles | Giovanni da Nivelles
tierce | tierce | Tertie | tercia | terza
conseil | advice | Rat | consejo | consiglio
prébende | prebend | Pfründe | prebenda | prebenda
communion | communion | heilige Kommunion (die) | comunión | comunione
pèlerinage | pilgrimage | Pilgerfahrt | peregrinación | pellegrinaggio
Te Deum | Te Deum | Te Deum | Te Deum | Te Deum
chanteuse | singer | Sängerin | cantante | cantante
Tartare | Tartar | Tartarus | Tártaro | Tartaro
matines | matins | Frühmette | maitines | mattutino
tunique | tunic | Tunika | túnica | tunica
Cantimpré | Cantimpré | Cantimpré | Cantimpré | Cantimpré
célébrité | celebrity | Berühmtheit | fama | celebrità
hécatombe | hecatomb | Hekatombe | hecatombe | ecatombe
boulanger | baker | Bäcker | panadero | fornaio
combat | fight | Kampf | combate | combattimento
archevêque | archbishop | Erzbischof | arzobispo | arcivescovo
hôpital | hospital | Spital | hospital | ospedale
léproserie | leprosy hospital | Leproserie | leprosería | lebbrosario
flamme | flame | Flamme | llama | fiamma
foudre | lightning | Blitz | rayo | fulmine
pollution nocturne | nocturnal emission | Samenerguss | polución nocturna | polluzione notturna
coït | coitus | Koitus | coito | coito
mépris | contempt | Verachtung | desprecio | disprezzo
contrition | contrition | Reue | contrición | contrizione
lamentation | lamentation | Klage | lamento | lamento
force | strength | Kraft | fuerza | forza
violence | violence | Gewalt | violencia | violenza
propriété | property | Besitz | propiedad | proprietà
cellule | cell | Zelle | celda | cella
buisson | bush | Busch | matorral | roveto
bénédiction | benediction | Segen | bendición | benedizione
admonition | admonition | Ermahnung | admonición | ammonimento
prospérité | prosperity | Wohlstand | prosperidad | prosperità
dette | debt | Schuld | deuda | debito
restitution | restitution | Rückgabe | restitución | restituzione
sincérité | sincerity | Aufrichtigkeit | sinceridad | sincerità
ingratitude | ingratitude | Undankbarkeit | ingratitud | ingratitudine
ours | bear | Bär | oso | orso
Alexandrie | Alexandria | Alexandria | Alejandría | Alessandria
Apollon | Apollo | Apollo | Apolo | Apollo
confiance | confidence | Vertrauen | confianza | fiducia
Paschase | Paschasius | Paschasius | Pascasio | Pascazio
Todi | Todi | Todi | Todi | Todi
parrain | godfather | Pate | padrino | padrino
jour | day | Tag | día | giorno
soleil | sun | Sonne | sol | sole
négligence | negligence | Nachlässigkeit | negligencia | negligenza
Dionide | Dionide | Dionides | Dionide | Dionide
couteau | knife | Messer | cuchillo | coltello
délai | delay | Frist | plazo | dilazione
Coenred | Coenred | Coenred | Coenred | Coenred
sentence | sentence | Sentenz | sentencia | sentenza
Thomas | Thomas | Thomas | Tomás | Tommaso
ordalie | ordeal | Gottesurteil | ordalía | ordalia
four | oven | Ofen | horno | forno
parricide | parricide | Elternmord | parricidio | parricidio
fou | fool | irrsinnig | loco | pazzo
peste | plague | Pest | peste | pestilenza
miséricorde | mercy | Barmherzigkeit | misericordia | misericordia
Maure | Maurus | Maurus | Mauro | Mauro
huile | oil | Öl | aceite | olio
Fondi | Fondi | Fondi | Fondi | Fondi
testicules | testicals | Hoden | testículos | testicoli
ceinture | belt | Gürtel | cinturón | cintura
seigneur | lord | Herr | señor | signore
débat | contest | Debatte | debate | dibattito
obscénité | obscenity | Unzüchtigkeit | obscenidad | oscenità
sottise | stupidity | Dummheit | bobada | sciocchezza
Pater noster | Pater noster | Pater noster | Padrenuestro | Pater noster
écrit | writing | Schriftstück | escrito | scritto
bois | wood | Holz | leña | legna
païen | pagan | Heide | pagano | pagano
élève | pupil | Schüler | alumno | scolaro
fortune | wealth | Vermögen | fortuna | fortuna
interrogation | question | Frage | pregunta | quaestio
saint François | saint Francis of Assisi | St. Franziskus | san Francisco | san Francesco
couronnement | coronation | Krönung | coronación | incoronazione
théâtre | theatre | Theater | teatro | teatro
supplique | petition | Bittschrift | súplica | supplica
contemplation | contemplation | Betrachtung | contemplación | contemplazione
soumission | submission | Unterwerfung | sumisión | sottomissione
omniscience | omniscience | Allwissenheit | omnisciencia | onniscienza
enseignement | teaching | Unterricht | enseñanza | insegnamento
échelle spirituelle | spiritual ladder | geistliche Stufenleiter | escala espiritual | scala spirituale
Inde | India | Indien | India | India
âge | age | Alter | edad | età
création | creation | Schöpfung | creación | creazione
sainte Cécile | saint Cecilia | St. Cäcilia | santa Cecilia | santa Cecilia
tyran | tyrant | Tyrann | tirano | tiranno
agonie | agony | Todeskampf | agonía | agonia
magicien | magician | Zauberer | mago | mago
rire | laugh | Lachen | risa | riso
couronne | crown | Krone | corona | corona
échange | exchange | Austausch | cambio | scambio
communauté | community | Gemeinschaft | comunidad | comunità
nécessité | necessity | Notwendigkeit | necesidad | necessità
Amazones | Amazons | Amazone | Amazonas | Amazzoni
évasion | evasion | Flucht | fuga | evasione
persécution | persecution | Verfolgung | persecución | persecuzione
supplice | torture | Qual | suplicio | supplizio
Constantin | Constantine | Konstantin | Constantino | Costantino
sibylle de Tibur | sibyl of Tibur | die Seherin von Tibur | Sibila Triburtina | sibilla Tiburtina
Etna | Etna | Aetna | Etna | Etna
baron | baron | Freiherr | barón | barone
loi | law | Gesetz | ley | legge
prisonnier | prisoner | Gefangene | prisionero | prigioniero
ivrogne | drunkard | Saüfer | borracho | ubriaco
blessure | injury | Wunde | herida | ferita
armure | armour | Rüstung | armadura | armatura
béatitude | beatitude | Seligkeit | beatitud | beatitudine
suggestion | suggestion | Anregung | sugestión | suggestione
laideur | ugliness | Abscheulichkeit | fealdad | bruttezza
accouchement | delivery | Gebären | parto | parto
privation | deprivation | Entbehrung | privación | privazione
filet | net | Netz | red | rete
élément | element | Element | elemento | elemento
chaussure | shoe | Schuh | zapato | scarpa
superstition | superstition | Aberglauben | superstición | superstizione
soif | thirst | Durst | sed | sete
imagination | imagination | Einbildungskraft | imaginación | immaginazione
chemin | road | Weg | camino | cammino
lettre | letter | Brief | letra | lettera
engrais | manure | Mist | abono | concime
cri | cry | Schrei | grito | grido
instabilité | instability | Unbeständigkeit | inestabilidad | instabilità
végétation | vegetation | Vegetation | vegetación | vegetazione
épée | sword | Schwert | espada | spada
tonneau | barrel | Fass | tonel | botte
paralysie | paralysis | Lähmung | parálisis | paralisi
écurie | stable | Pferdestall | establo | scuderia
séduction | seduction | Verführung | seducción | seduzione
nuage | cloud | Wolke | nube | nube
cèdre | cedar | Zeder | cedro | cedro
Benjamin | Benjamin | Benjamin | Benjamín | Beniamino
doctrine | doctrine | Lehre | doctrina | dottrina
putréfaction | putrefaction | Verwesung | putrefacción | putrefazione
fourmi | ant | Ameise | hormiga | formica
disciple | disciple | Jünger | discípulo | discepolo
tête | head | Kopf | cabeza | testa
Lucifer | Lucifer | Luzifer | Lucifer | Lucifero
poussière | dust | Staub | polvo | polvere
ciel | sky | Himmel | cielo | cielo
graisse | fat | Fett | grasa | grasso
cour | court | Hof | corte | corte
rocher | rock | Felsen | roca | scoglio
concupiscence | concupiscence | Lüsternheit | concupiscencia | concupiscenza
lapidation | lapidation | Steinigung | lapidación | lapidazione
cordonnier | cobbler | Schuster | zapatero | calzolaio
Xenocrate | Xenocrate | Xenokrates | Jenócrates | Senocrate
fertilité | fertility | Fruchtbarkeit | fertilidad | fertilità
herbe | grass | Gras | hierba | erba
oeuvre | work | Werk | obra | opera
sable | sand | Sand | arena | sabbia
nom | name | Name | nombre | nome
fièvre | fever | Fieber | fiebre | febbre
source | spring | Quelle | fuente | fonte
adulation | adulation | Schmeichelei | adulación | adulazione
fidèle | believer | treu | fiel | fedele
sculpture | sculpture | Skulptur | escultura | scultura
vendange | vintage | Weinlese | vendimia | vendemmia
Rachel | Rachel | Rachel | Raquel | Rachel
trône | throne | Thron | trono | trono
plomb | lead | Blei | plomo | piombo
divinité | divinity | Göttlichkeit | divinidad | divinità
André | Andrew | Andreas | Andrés | Andrea
poussin | chick | Küken | polluelo | pulcino
cochon | pig | Schwein | cerdo | maiale
fer | iron | Eisen | hierro | ferro
Pharaon | Pharaon | Pharao | Faraón | Faraone
sentinelle | sentinel | Wachposten | centinela | sentinella
raison | reason | Verstand | razón | ragione
trésor | treasure | Schatz | tesoro | tesoro
Codrus | Codrus | Codrus | Codro | Codro
Oza | Oza | Oza | Oza | Oza
salade | salad | Salad | ensalada | insalata
sein | breast | Busen | seno | seno
Marie Jacobé | Mary Jacobé | Maria Jacobé | María Jacobé | Maria Jacobé
insigne | emblem | Zeichen | insignia | insegna
sollicitude | solicitude | Sorgfalt | solicitud | sollecitudine
concorde | concord | Eintracht | concordia | concordia
preuve | proof | Beweis | prueba | prova
drap | sheet | Tuch | tela | lenzuolo
Italie | Italy | Italien | Italia | Italia
limbe | limbe | Vorhölle | limbo | limbo
méchanceté | malice | Bosheit | maldad | cattiveria
prêtresse | priestess | Priesterin | Sacerdotisa | sacerdotessa
clunisien | clunisian | Clunasienser | cluniacense | cluniacense
Braisne | Braisne | Braisne | Braisne | Braisne
extrême-onction | viaticum | letzte Ölung (die) | extremaunción | estrema unzione
araignée | spider | Spinne | araña | ragno
ordre dominicain | Dominican order | Dominikaner | orden de los dominicos | ordine domenicano
sexualité | sexuality | Sexualität | sexualidad | sessualità
dialogue | dialogue | Dialog | diálogo | dialogo
Sella | Sella | Sella | Sella | Sella
contrat | contract | Vertrag | contrato | contratto
paroissien | parishioner | Gemeindemitglied | parroquiano | parrocchiano
Gubbio | Gubbio | Gubbio | Gubbio | Gubbio
pie | magpie | Elster | urraca | gazza
captivité | captivity | Gefangenschaft | cautiverio | cattività
science | science | Wissen | ciencia | scienza
dédicace | dedication | Widmen | dedicatoria | dedicazione
ambition | ambition | Ehrgeiz | ambición | ambizione
Talmud | Talmud | Talmud | Talmud | Talmud
Pierre Martyr | Peter martyr | Petrus Martyr | Pedro Mártir | Pietro Martire
bénédictin | benedictine | Benediktiner | benedictino | benedettino
discipline | discipline | Disziplin | disciplina | disciplina
cumul | plurality | Anhäufung | cúmulo | cumulo
Grégoire IX | Gregory IX | Gregorius d. IX. | Gregorio IX | Gregorio IX
épervier | sparrowhawk | Sperber | gavilán | sparviero
cilice | cilice | Büsserhemd | cilicio | cilicio
tristesse | sadness | Traurigkeit | tristeza | tristezza
regard | glance | Blick | mirada | sguardo
repas | meal | Mahl | comida | pasto
piété | piety | Frömmigkeit | piedad | pietà
Lutgarde d'Aywières | Lutgarde d'Aywières | Lutgarde d'Aywière | Lutgardo de Aywières | Lutgarde d'Aywières
funéraille | funeral | Bestattung | funeral | funerale
accusation | accusation | Anklage | acusación | accusa
serviteur | servant | Diener | sirviente | servitore
invasion | invasion | Einbruch | invasión | invasione
Nouveau Testament | New Testament | Neues Testament | Nuevo Testamento | Nuovo Testamento
ascétisme | asceticism | Askese | ascetismo | ascetismo
cierge | candle | Wachskerze | cirio | cero
Laurencius Anglicus | Laurencius Anglicus | Laurencius Anglicus | Lorenzo ánglico | Laurencius Anglicus
accident | accident | Unglück | accidente | incidente
génuflexion | genuflection | Kniebeugung | genuflexión | genuflessione
intendant | intendant | Verwalter | intendente | intendente
recrutement | recruiting | Rekrutierung | reclutamiento | reclutamento
farine | flour | Mehl | harina | farina
victime | victim | Opfer | víctima | vittima
éloquence | eloquence | Beredsamkeit | elocuencia | eloquenza
oncle | uncle | Onkel | tío | zio
épiscopat | episcopacy | Bistum | espiscopado | episcopato
inhumation | inhumation | Begräbnis | inhumación | inumazione
décapitation | decapitation | Enthauptung | decapitación | decapitazione
Salve regina | Salve regina | Salve Regina | Salve regina | Salve regina
béguinage | beguinage | Beghinenkloster | beguinería | beghinaggio
attouchement | touching | Berührung | tocamientos | tastamento
mendiant | beggar | Bettler | mendicante | mendicante
chute | fall | Fallen | caída | caduta
déluge | flood | Sintflut | diluvio | diluvio
auto-mutilation | self-mutilation | Selbstverstümmelung | automutilación | auto-mutilazione
fondation | foundation | Gründung | fundación | fondazione
sanctuaire | sanctuary | Heiligtum | santuario | santuario
prédiction | prediction | Vorsagen | predicción | predizione
théologie | theology | Theologie | teología | teologia
arrogance | arrogance | Hochmut | arrogancia | arroganza
Laon | Laon | Laon | Laon | Laon
viduité | viduity | Witwenstand | viudedad | vedovanza
Tolède | Tolede | Toledo | Toledo | Toledo
vêpres | vespers | Vesper | vísperas | vespri
sainte Catherine | saint Catherine | St. Katharine | santa Catalina | santa Caterina
forge | forge | Schmiede | fragua | forgia
grêle | hail | Hagel | granizo | grandine
amputation | amputation | Amputation | amputación | amputazione
bûcher | stake | Scheiterhaufen | hoguera | rogo
reconnaissance | recognition | Erkennen | reconocimiento | riconoscenza
agriculture | agriculture | Landwirtschaft | agricultura | agricoltura
ascension | assumption | Himmelfahrt | Ascensión | assunzione
ampoule | bottle | Salbegefäss | botella | ampolla
cité | town | Stadt | ciudad | città
juge | judge | Richter | juez | giudice
porte | door | Tür | puerta | porta
malchance | misfortune | Unglück | desgracia | infelicità
boue | puddle | Schlamm | barro | fango
lit | bed | Bett | lecho | letto
culpabilité | guilt | Schuld | culpabilidad | colpevolezza
malédiction | malediction | Fluch | maldición | maledizione
Ethiopien | Ethiopian | Ethiopen | Etíope | etiope
parloir | parlour | Sprechzimmer | locutorio | parlatorio
perversion | perversion | Perversion | perversión | perversione
jument | mare | Stute | yegua | cavalla
Bède | Bede | Beda | Beda | Beda
orfèvre | goldsmith | Goldschmied | orfebre | orafo
borne | landmark | Grenzstein | linde | confine
honte | shame | Schande | vergüenza | vergogna
Innocent | Innocent | Innocenz | Inocencio | Innocenzio
détachement | renouncement | Entsagung | renuncia | rinuncia
panier | basket | Korb | cesta | cesta
sorcière | witch | Hexe | bruja | strega
solitude | solitude | Einsamkeit | soledad | solitudine
cruauté | cruelty | Grausamkeit | crueldad | crudeltà
distraction | distraction | Zerstreuung | distracción | disattenzione
incarnation | incarnation | Menschwerdung | encarnación | incarnazione
noir | black | schwarz | negro | nero
mauvaises-herbes | weed | Unkraut | mala hierba | mal'erba
jardin | garden | Garten | jardín | giardino
boiteux | cripple | Hinkende | cojo | zoppo
titre | title | Titel | título | titolo
auteur | author | Autor | autor | autore
bâton | stick | Stock | bastón | bastone
rumeur | rumour | Gerücht | rumor | diceria
eunuque | eunuch | Eunuch | eunuco | eunuco
tremblement de terre | earthquake | Erdbeben | terremoto | terremoto
invisibilité | invisibility | Unsichtbarkeit | invisibilidad | invisibilità
reproche | reproach | Vorwurf | reproche | rimprovero
coup | blow | Schlag | golpe | colpo
gouffre | abyss | Abgrund | precipicio | voragine
lance | spear | Lanze | lanza | lancia
dilapidation | dilapidation | Verschwendung | dilapidación | dilapidatore
sol | floor | Boden | suelo | pavimento
Diane | Diana | Diana | Diana | Diana
saint Pierre martyr | saint Peter martyr | St. Petrus Martyr | san Pedro mártir | San Pietro
bonté | kindness | Güte | bondad | bontà
courage | courage | Mut | valor | coraggio
sainte Félicité | saint Felicity | St. Felicitas | sanat Felicidad | santa Felicita
saint Clément | saint Clement | St. Clemens | san Clemente | san Clemente
Valérien | Valerianus | Valerian | Valeriano | Valeriano
tailleur de pierres | stone-cutter | Steinmetz | cantero | tagliatore di pietre
Théodose | Theodosius | Theodosius | Teodosio | Teodosio
saint Laurent | saint Lawrence | St. Lorenz | san Lorenzo | san Lorenzo
écolier | scholar | Schüler | escolar | studente
sacrifice | sacrifice | Opfer | sacrificio | sacrificio
stupidité | stupidity | Stupidität | estupidez | stoltezza
Troie | Troy | Troja | Troya | Troia
salaire | salary | Lohn | salario | stipendio
habitude | habit | Gewohnheit | costumbre | abitudine
Sainte Sophie | Saint Sophia | St. Sophie | Santa Sofía | Santa Sofia
acrostiche | acrostic | Akrostichon | acróstico | acrostico
sybille | sybil | Sibylle | sibila | sibilla
respect | respect | Ehrfurcht | respeto | rispetto
souffrance | pain | Leiden | sufrimiento | sofferenza
ouvrier | worker | Arbeiter | obrero | lavoratore
artisan | craftsman | Handwerker | artesano | artigiano
témoignage | witness | Zeugnis | testimonio | testimonianza
cause | cause | Grund | causa | causa
bulle | bull | Bulle | bula | bolla
pensée | thought | Gedanke | pensamiento | pensiero
pleur | cry | Weinen | llanto | pianto
gémissement | moan | Stöhnen | gemido | gemito
propreté | cleanness | Zauberkeit | limpieza | pulizia
peau | skin | Haut | piel | pelle
venin | venom | Giftstoff | veneno | veleno
intelligence | intelligence | Intelligenz | inteligencia | intelligenza
lucidité | lucidity | Hellsichtigkeit | lucidez | lucidità
allaitement | breast-feeding | Stillen | lactancia | allattamento
gale | scabies | Krätze | sarna | scabbia
oreille | ear | Ohr | oreja | orecchio
spiritualité | spirituality | Geistigkeit | espiritualidad | spiritualità
remède | remedy | Heilmittel | remedio | rimedio
purification | purification | Reinigung | purificación | purificazione
latrines | latrines | Latrine | letrina | latrine
léopard | leopard | Leopard | leopardo | leopardo
tribulation | tribulation | Drangsal | tribulación | tribolazione
consolation | consolation | Trost | consuelo | consolazione
Judith | Judith | Judith | Judit | Judith
tyrannie | tyranny | Tyrannei | tiranía | tirannia
Laurent | Lawrence | Lorenz | Lorenzo | Lorenzo
exil | exil | Exil | exilio | esilio
prédestination | predestination | Prädestination | predestinación | predestinazione
année | year | Jahr | año | annua
canard | duck | Ente | pato | anatra
Caïphe | Caiphe | Kaiphas | Caifás | Caifa
étendard | standard | Fahne | estandarte | bandiera
connaissance | knowledge | Kenntnis | conocimiento | conoscenza
mansuétude | mansuetude | Sanftmut | mansedumbre | mansuetudine
onguent | ointment | Salbe | ungüento | unguento
colonne | column | Säule | columna | colonna
Syméon | Symeon | Simeon | Simón | Simeone
cannibalisme | cannibalism | Kannibalismus | canibalismo | cannibalismo
béatification | beatification | Seligsprechung | beatificación | beatificazione
Denis l'Aréopagite | Denys Areopagite | Dyonisios Aeropagites | Dionisio Aeropagita | Dionisio Areopagita
vermine | vermin | Ungeziefer | sabandija | verme
village | village | Dorf | pueblo | villaggio
paroisse | parish | Gemeinde | parroquia | parrocchia
supplication | entreaty | Flehen | súplica | supplica
toilette | outfit | Aufmachung | aseo | toeletta
complot | plot | Verschwörung | complot | complotto
brûlure | burn | Brandwunde | quemadura | bruciatura
saint Gilles | saint Giles | der heilige Ägidius | san Gil | san Egidio
offrande | offering | Gabe | ofrenda | offerta
injustice | injustice | Ungerechtigkeit | injusticia | ingiustizia
rapt | kidnapping | Entführung | rapto | ratto
gorge | throat | Hals | garganta | petto
argent | silver | Silber | plata | argento
saint Jacques le Majeur | saint James the Elder | St. Jakobus der Ältere | Santiago Matamoros | san Giacomo il Maggiore
révolte | revolt | Aufstand | revuelta | rivolta
élection | election | Wahl | elección | elezione
Albigeois | Albigensian | Albigensisch | Albigense | Albigese
dais | canopy | Baldachin | dosel | cielo
insigne épiscopal | episcopal insignia | bischöflichen Insignien (die) | insignia episcopal | insegna episcopale
cheveux | hair | Haare | cabellos | capello
poésie | poetry | Gedicht | poesía | poesia
hôtellerie | hotel | Herberge | albergue | albergo
grossesse | pregnancy | Schwangerschaft | embarazo | gravidanza
diacre | deacon | Diakonus | diácono | diacono
proverbe | proverb | Sprichwort | proverbio | proverbio
suffrage | suffrage | Zustimmung | sufragio | suffragio
Gaude Maria | Gaude Maria | Gaude Maria | Gaude Maria | Gaude Maria
masturbation | masturbation | Selbstbefriedigung | masturbación | masturbazione
reine | queen | Königin | reina | regina
Nemrod | Nemrod | Nimrod | Nemrod | Nemrod
enfance | childhood | Kindheit | infancia | infanzia
Assomption | Assumption | Himmelfahrt Mariens | Asunción | Assunzione
laudes | lauds | Laudes | laudes | laudi
enigme | enigma | Rätsel | enigma | enigma
hospitalier | Hospitaller | Hospitaliter | hospitalario | ospedaliero
prosternation | prosternation | Niederwerfen | prosternación | prosternazione
catastrophe | catastrophe | Katastrophe | catástrofe | catastrofe
bras | arm | Arm | brazo | braccio
incube | incubus | Inkubus | íncubo | incubo
Satan | Satan | Satan | Satanás | Satana
saint Pancrace | saint Pancras | St. Pankratius | san Pancracio | san Pancrazio
sac | bag | Sack | saco | borsa
saint Boniface | Saint Boniface | St. Bonifazius | san Bonifacio | san Bonifacio
élévation | elevation | Elevation | elevación | elevazione
mérite | merit | Verdienst | mérito | merito
Ephrem | Ephraim | Ephräm | Efrén | Efrem
érémitisme | eremitism | Eremitentum | eremitismo | anacoretismo
Gloria Patri | Gloria Patri | Gloria Patri | Gloria Patri | Gloria Patri
jeune homme | young man | Jüngling | Joven | giovane
Tibre | Tiber | Tiber | Tíber | Tevere
bigamie | bigamy | Bigamie | bigamia | bigamia
lèse-majesté | high-treason | Majestätsverbrechen | delito de lesa majestad | lesa-maestà
serve | bondwoman | die Leibeigene | sierva | serva
espérance | hope | Hoffnung | esperanza | speranza
rouge | red | rot | rojo | rosso
montagne | mountain | Berg | montaña | montagna
gloutonnerie | gluttony | Gefrässigkeit | glotonería | golosità
sourd | deaf | taub | sordo | sordo
récit | story | Erzählung | relato | racconto
supérieur | superior | überlegen | superior | superiore
bouffonnerie | buffoonery | Possierlichkeit | bufonada | buffonata
règle | rule | Regel | regla | regola
modestie | modesty | Bescheidenheit | modestia | modestia
affranchis | manumitted | freigemacht | manumisos | liberti
lecteur | reader | Leser | lector | lettore
nourrice | nurse | Amme | nodriza | balia
attention | attention | Aufmerksamkeit | atención | attenzione
chiffre | number | Ziffer | número | cifra
balai | broom | Besen | escoba | scopa
prostitution | prostitution | Prostitution | prostitución | prostituzione
discrétion | discretion | Bescheidenheit | discreción | discrezione
grotte | cave | Höhle | cueva | grotta
cavalier | horseman | Reiter | caballero | cavaliere
patrimoine | patrimony | Erbe | patrimonio | patrimonio
charbon | coal | Kohle | carbón | carbone
marbre | marble | Marmor | mármol | marmi
Cornelius | Cornelius | Cornelius | Cornelio | Cornelio
invocation | invocation | Anrufung | invocación | invocazione
Josaphat | Josaphat | Josaphat | Josafat | Giosafat
avare | avaricious | Geizige | avaro | avaro
destruction | destruction | Zerstörung | destrucción | distruzione
libre arbitre | free will | Willensfreiheit | libre albedrío | libero arbitrio
littérature chrétienne | christian literature | Christliche Litteratur | literatura cristiana | letteratura cristiana
Justinien | Justinian | Justinian | Justiniano | Giustiniano
souveraineté | sovereignty | Souveränität | soberanía | sovranità
volcan | volcano | Vulkan | volcán | vulcano
sarcophage | sarcophagus | Steinsarg | sarcófago | sarcofago
pogrom | pogrom | Judenfeindschaft | pogrom | pogrom
croyance | belief | Glaube | creencia | credenza
étoffe | material | Stoff | tejido | stoffa
bijou | jewel | Juwel | joya | gioiello
révérence | respect | Respekt | reverencia | rispetto
adversité | adversity | Not | adversidad | avversità
repos | rest | Ruhe | descanso | riposo
couleur | color | Farbe | color | colore
satisfaction | satisfaction | Befriedigung | satisfacción | soddisfazione
obstination | obstination | Starrsinn | obstinación | ostinazione
Assuerus | Assuerus | Assuerus (Xerxes) | Asuero | Assuero
fléau | flail | Dreschflegel | plaga | flagello
hiérarchie | hierarchy | Rangordnung | jerarquía | gerarchia
blanc | white | weiss | blanco | bianco
innocence | innocence | Unschuld | inocencia | innocenza
calomnie | calumny | Verleumdung | calumnia | calunnia
Immaculée conception | Immaculate Conception | unbefleckte Empfängnis (die) | Inmaculada Concepción | Immacolata Concezione
circoncision | circumcision | Beschneidung | circuncisión | circoncisione
bonheur | happiness | Glück | felicidad | felicità
saint Matthieu | Saint Matthew | St. Matthäus | san Mateo | san Matteo
récréation | recreation | Entspannung | diversión | ricreazione
insulte | insult | Beschimpfung | insulto | insulto
chagrin | sorrow | Kummer | pesar | dolore
Holopherne | Holophern | Holofernes | Holofernes | Oloferne
habitat | settlement | Wohnraum | hábitat | habitat
bannissement | banishment | Verbannung | destierro | bando
mois | month | Monat | mes | mese
cerveau | brain | Gehirn | cerebro | cervello
tablette | shelf | Täfelchen | tablilla | tavoletta
Elisée | Elise | Elischa | Eliseo | Eliseo
expérience | experience | Erfahrung | experiencia | esperienza
fosse | den | Grube | fosa | fossa
Pax vobis | Pax vobis | Pax vobis | Pax vobis | Pax vobis
Alpaïs de Cudot | Alpais de Cudot | Alpaïs von Cudot | Alpaïs de Cudot | Alpaïs de Cudot
blé | wheat | Weizen | trigo | grano
répudiation | repudiation | Verstossung | repudio | ripudio
avertissement | warning | Warnung | advertencia | avvertimento
censure | censorship | Zensur | censura | censura
ruine | ruin | Ruine | ruina | rovina
fontaine | fountain | Brunnen | fuente | fontana
confirmation | confirmation | Firmung | confirmación | cresima
clôture | enclosure | Klausur | clausura | clausura
Giézy | Giezy | Gehasi | Giezi | Giezi
libération | liberation | Befreiung | liberación | liberazione
veille | vigil | Wachen | vigilia | vigilia
ténèbres | darkness | Finsternis | tinieblas | tenebre
rivalité | rivalry | Rivalität | rivalidad | rivalità
Hugues de Saint-Victor | Hugh of Saint-Victor | Hugo von Sankt Viktor | Hugo de san Víctor | Ugo da San Vittorio
inclinaison | tilt | Neigung | inclinación | inclinazione
dîme | tithe | Zehnte | diezmo | decima
provocation | provocation | Herausforderung | provocación | provocazione
couvent | convent | Kloster | convento | convento
rosée | dew | Tau | rocío | rugiada
soin | treatment | Pflege | curación | cura
Pentecôte | Pentecost | Pfingsten | Pentecostés | Pentecoste
cantique | canticle | Lobgesang | cántico | cantico
balle | ball | Ball | pelota | palla
vomissement | vomiting | Erbrechen | vómito | vomito
Europe | Europe | Europa | Europa | Europa
paiement | payment | Zahlung | pago | pagamento
mélodie | music | Melodie | melodía | melodia
tourment | torment | Pein | tormentos | tormenti
absolution | absolution | Absolution | absolución | assoluzione
cénobitisme | cenobitism | Klostermönchtum | cenobitismo | cenobitismo
branche | branch | Zweig | rama | ramo
veau | calf | Kalb | ternero | vitello
Belphégor | Belphegor | Belphagor | Belfegor | Belfagor
philtre | philtre | Zaubertrank | filtro | filtro
vert | green | grün | verde | verde
grenier | granary | Speicher | granero | granaio
légumes | vegetables | Gemüse | verdura | verdura
subordonnés | subordinates | untergeordnet | subordinados | subordinati
vie-spirituelle | spiritual-life | geistliche Leben | vida espiritual | vita-spirituale
météorologie | meteorology | Meteorologie | meteorología | meteorologia
bain | bath | Bad | baño | bagno
Griselidis | Griselda | Griseldis | Griselda | Griselda
clandestinité | clandestineness | Heimlichkeit | clandestinidad | clandestinità
citerne | cistern | Zisterne | cisterna | cisterna
palefrenier | ostler | Pferdeknecht | palafrenero | scudiero
Léon pape | Leo (pope) | Leo Papst | León papa | Leone papa
régicide | regicide | Königsmord | regicidio | regicida
diaspora | diaspora | Diaspora | diáspora | diaspora
maternité | motherhood | Mutterschaft | maternidad | maternità
profanation | profanation | Schändung | profanación | profanazione
grain | grain | Korn | grano | grano
culture | culture | Anbau | cultura | coltura
magie | magic | Zauberei | magia | magia
parfum | perfume | Duft | perfume | profumo
semaine | week | Woche | semana | settimana
verger | orchard | Obstgarten | huerto | verziere
Ericius | Ericius | Ericius | Ericius | Erizio
calame | calame | Schreibrohr | cálamo | calamo
théorie | theory | Theorie | teoría | teoria
prix | price | Preis | precio | prezzo
Poitou | Poitou | Poitou | Poitou | Poitou
doute | doubt | Zweifel | duda | dubbio
infanticide | infanticide | Kindesmord | infanticidio | infanticida
présomption | presumption | Vermutung | presunción | superbia
bruit | noise | Lärm | ruido | rumore
os | bone | Knochen | hueso | osso
dortoir | dormitory | Schlafsaal | dormitorio | dormitorio
diocèse | diocese | Diözese | diócesis | diocesi
Sicile | Sicile | Sizilien | Sicilia | Sicilia
pénis | penis | Penis | pene | pene
oratoire | oratory | Oratorium | oratorio | oratorio
cercle | circle | Kreis | círculo | cerclio
chapellenie | chapellenie | Kaplanpfründe | capellanía | cappellenia
mission | mission | Auftrag | misión | missione
bouillon | broth | Brühe | caldo | brodo
Vénus | Venus | Venus | Venus | Venere
barbe | beard | Bart | barba | barba
bavard | gossip | Schwätzer | charlatán | chiacchierone
géant | giant | Riese | gigante | gigante
semailles | sowing | Säen | simiente | semente
célibat | celibacy | Ehelosigkeit | celibato | celibato
sueur | sweat | Schweiss | sudor | sudore
étable | stable | Stall | establo | stalla
Ephèse | Ephesius | Ephesus | Éfeso | Efeso
Jupiter | Jupiter | Jupiter | Júpiter | Giove
mitigation | mitigation | Milderung | mitigación | mitigazione
souillure | stain | Schandfleck | mancha | lordura
antéchrist | Antichrist | Antichrist | anticristo | anticristo
clou | nail | Nagel | clavo | chiodo
anastasis | anastasis | Auferstehung | anastasis | anastasis
Tabitha | Tabitha | Tabitha | Tabita | Tabita
arbitrage | arbitration | Entscheidung | arbitraje | arbitraggio
vers | verse | Vers | verso | verso
mercredi-saint | holy wednesday | Karmittwoch | miércoles santo | mercoledi santo
enlèvement | kidnapping | Entführung | rapto | rapimento
interdiction | prohibition | Verbot | prohibición | proibizione
vitrail | stained-glass | Kirchenfenster | vidriera | vetrata
Credo | Credo | Credo | Credo | Credo
cuiller | spoon | Löffel | cuchara | cucchiaio
denier | denar | Münzgeld | denario | denaro
inscription | inscription | Inschrift | inscripción | iscrizione
Agnus Dei | Agnus Dei | Agnus Dei | Agnus Dei | Agnus Dei
pourpre | purple | Purpur | púrpura | porpora
Fortunat de Todi | Fortunat of Todi | Fortunat von Todi | Fortunato de Todi | Fortunato da Todi
existence | life | Dasein | existencia | esistenza
Paul Apôtre | Paul the Apostle | Paulus Apostel | Pablo Apóstolo | Paolo l’Apostolo
Archichacos | Archichacos | Archichacos | Archichacos | Archichacos
curiosité | curiosity | Neugier | curiosidad | curiosità
préfet | prefect | Präfekt | prefecto | prefetto
table | table | Tisch | mesa | tavola
éternité | eternity | Ewigkeit | eternidad | eternità
pomme | apple | Apfel | manzana | mela
vicaire | vicar | Vikar | vicario | vicario
pudeur | decency | Scham | pudor | pudore
nombril | navel | Nabel | ombligo | ombelico
pyxide | pyxide | Pyxis | píxide | pisside
saint Nicolas | saint Nicholas | St. Nikolaus | san Nicolás | san Nicola
Caloarcha | Caloarcha | Caloarcha | Caloarcha | Caloarcha
substitution | substitution | Unterschiebung | sustitución | sostituzione
médiatrice | mediator | Vermittlerin | mediadora | mediatore
archange | archangel | Erzengel | arcángel | arcangelo
Sylvestre | Sylvestre | Sylvester | Silvestre | Silvestro
alchimie | alchemy | Alchemie | alquimia | alchimia
répons | response | Responsorium | responso | responsorio
prêt | loan | Darlehen | préstamo | prestito
rémission | remission | Vergebung | remisión | remissione
Antitheos | Antitheos | Antitheos | Antitheos | Antitheos
eau bénite | holy water | Weihwasser | agua bendita | acqua santa
chronique | chronicle | Chronik | crónica | cronica
tante | aunt | Tante | tía | zia
jeudi | thursday | Donnerstag | jueves | giovedi
tabernacle | tabernacle | Tabernakel | tabernáculo | tabernacolo
inconstance | inconstancy | Unbeständig | inconstancia | incostanza
Apollonius | Apollonius | Apollonius | Apolonio | Apollonius
Félix | Felix | Felix | Félix | Felice
Aaron | Aaron | Aaron | Aarón | Aaron
Adoration | Adoration | Anbetung | Adoración | Adorazione
Anneau | Ring | Ring | Anillo | Anello
Annonciation | Annunciation | Verkündigung | Anunciación | Annunciazione
Ave maris stella | Ave maris stella | Ave maris stella | Ave maris stella | Ave maris stella
Balance | Balance | Waage | Balanza | Bilancia
Bière | Beer | Bier | Cerveza | Birra
Chandeleur | candlemas | Lichtmess | candelaria | candelora
Charte | Charter | Urkunde | Carta | Carta
Chrysaurius | Chrysaurius | Chrysaurius | Chrysaurius | Chrysaurius
Désespoir | Despair | Verzweifelung | Desesperación | Disperazione
Egypte | Egypte | Ägypten | Egipto | Egitto
Fleuve | River | Strom | Río | Fiume
Fortunat | Fortunat | Fortunat | Fortunato | Fortunat
Fouet | Whip | Peitsche | Látigo | Frusta
Gesticulation | Gesticulation | Gestikulieren | Gesticulación | Gesticolazione
Gratitude | Gratitude | Dankbarkeit | Gratitud | Gratitudine
Grue | Crane | Kranich | Grulla | Gru
Irlande | Irland | Irland | Irlanda | Irlanda
Lanfranc | Lanfranc | Lanfranc | Lanfranco | Lanfranc
Querelle | Quarrel | Zank | Disputa | Litigio
Merlin | Merlin | Merlin | Merlín | Merlino
Métamorphose | Metamorphosis | Metamorphose | Metamorfosis | Metamorfosi
Meunier | Miller | Müller | Molinero | Mugniaio
Navigation | Navigation | Schifffahrt | Navegación | Navigazione
Normandie | Normandy | Normandie | Normandía | Normannia
Ordination | Ordination | Priesterweihe | Ordenación | Ordinazione
Pastor | Pastor | Pastor | Pastor | Pastor
Pierre le Télonier | Peter the Telonearius | Petrus Telonearius | Pedro Teloneario | Pietro Teloneario
Puce | Flea | Floh | Pulga | Pulce
Rédemption | Redemption | Erlösung | Redención | Redenzione
Chantage | Blackmail | Erpressung | Chantaje | Ricatto
Robert de Blois | Robert of Blois | Robert von Blois | Roberto de Blois | Roberto da Blois
Rouen | Rouen | Rouen | Ruán | Rouen
Saint Anselme de Cantorbéry | Saint Anselm of Canterbury | St. Anselm von Cantobery | San Anselmo de Canterbury | San Anselmio da Canterbury
Saint Brendan | Saint Brandan | St. Brendan | San Brandán | San Brandano
Saint Edmond de Canterbéry | Saint Edmund of Canterbury | Sankt Edmund von Cantorbury | San Edmundo de Canterbury | San Edmondo da Canterbery
Saint Jean l'Aumônier | Saint John the Almoner | St. Johannes Elemosinarius | San Juan el Limosnero | San Giovanni Elemosiniere
Saint Pacôme | Saint Pachomius | St. Pachomius | San Pacomio | San Pacomio
Saint Thomas | Saint Thomas | St. Thomas | Santo Tomás | San Tomaso
Sodome | Sodom | Sodom | Sodoma | Sodoma
Tarascon | Tarascon | Tarascon | Tarascón | Tarascon
Théodas | Theodas | Theodas | Teodás | Teodas
Urbain III | Urban III | Urban III. | Urbano III | Urbano III
Zodiaque | Zodiac | Tierkreis (zeichen) | Zodiaco | Zodiaco
caverne | cave | Kaverne | caverna | caverna
Egyptien | Egyptian | Ägypter | Egipcio | Egiziano
forgeron | blacksmith | Grobschmied | herrero | fabbro
Fursy | Fursy | Fursy | Fursy | Furseio
jardinier | gardener | Gärtner | jardinero | giardiniere
lépreux | leper | Lepröse | leproso | leproso
incroyance | Unbelief | Unglaube | incredulidad | miscredenza
Pambo | Pambo | Pambo | Pambo | Pambo
reniement | abjuration | Verleugnung | abjuración | rinnegamento
économies | savings | Ersparnisse | ahorro | risparmio
Allah | Allah | Allah | Allah | Allah
grammaire | grammar | Grammatik | Gramática | grammatica
hydre | hydra | hydra | hidra | idra
antilope | antelope | Antilope | antilope | antilope
laboureur | ploughman | Pflüger | labrador | aratore
clergé | clergy | Klerus | clero | clero
crocodile | crocodile | Krokodil | cocodrilo | coccodrillo
corne | horn | Horn | cuerno | corno
papillon | butterfly | Schmetterling | mariposa | farfalla
fuite | escape | Flucht | huida | fuga
gland | acorn | Eichel | bellota | ghiandola
jonc | rush | Schilfrohr | junco | giunco
hibou | owl | Eule | buho | gufo
lièvre | hare | Feldhase | liebre | lepre
fumier | dung | Dünger | muladar | letame
escargot | snail | Schnecke | caracol | lumaca
moelle | pith | Mark | meollo | midollo
noix | walnut | Walnuss | nuez | noce
oie | goose | Gans | ansar | oca
orfraie | wite-tailed eagle | seeadler | ave quebrantahuesos | ossifraga
villageois | countrymen | Dorfbewohner | aldeanos | paesani
égalité | equality | Gleichheit | igualdad | parità
perdrix | partridge | Rebhuhn | perdiz | pernice
promesse | promise | Versprechen | promesa | promessa
grenouille | frog | Frosch | rana | rana
jeu d'échecs | chess | Schachspiel | juego de ajedrez | scacco
scarabée | beetle | Skarabäus | escarabajo | scarabeo
singe | monkey | Affe | Mono | scimmia
partage | sharing out | Teilung | reparto | spartizione
tortue | tortoise | Schildkröte | tortuga | tartaruga
impôt | tax | Steuer | impuesto | tassa
rat | rat | Ratte | rata | topo
souris | mouse | Maus | Ratòn | Sorcio
souricière | mousetrap | Mausefalle | ratonera | trappola
guêpe | wasp | Wespe | avispa | vespa
Avent | Advent | Advent | adviento | avvento
construction | Construction | Bau | Construcción | Costruzione
Saül | Saül | Saul(us) | Saül | Saül
Barlaam | Barlaam | Barlaam | Barlaam | Barlaam
Chèvre | Goat | Ziege | Cabria | Capra
Charybde | Charybdis | Charybdis | Charibdis | Charybdis
saint Jacques de Compostelle | St James of Compostella | St. Jakobus von Compostela | Santiago de Compostela | Giacomo di Compostela
Chrême | Chrism | Salböl | Crisma | Crisma
Oubli | Forgetting | Vergessen | Olvido | Dimenticanza
Dauphin | Dolphin | Delphin | Delfìn | Dolfino
Epiphanie | Epiphany | Dreikönigsfest | Epìfania | Epifania
Excrément | Excrement | Ausscheidung | Excremento | Escremento
Fée | Fairy | Fee | Hada | Fata
Foire | Fair | Messe | Feria | Fiera
Froid | Cold | Kälte | Frialdad | Freddo
Glace | Ice | Eis | Hielo | Ghiacco
Incrédulité | Incredulity | Ungläubigkeit | Incredulidad | Incredulità
Lac | Lake | See (m.) | Lago | Lago
Leçon | Lesson | Lektion | Lecciòn | Lezione
Lundi | Monday | Montag | Lunes | Lunedì
Mine | Mine | Bergwerk | Mina | Miniera
Nez | Nose | Nase | Nariz | Naso
Ventre | Stomach | Bauch | Vientre | Pancia
Phénix | Phoenix | Phoenix | Phoenix | Phoenix
Saint Georges | Saint George | St. Georg | San George | Santo Giorgio
Scylla | Scylla | Scylla | Scylla | Scylla
Sexe | Sex | Geschlecht | Sexo | Sesso
Suaire | Shroud | Schweisstuch | Sudario | Sudario
Ulysse | Ulysses | Odysseus | Ulises | Ulisse
Vendredi | Freiday | Freitag | Viernes | Venerdi
rubis | ruby | Rubin | rubí | rubino
vassal | vassal | Vasall | vasallo | vassallo
méfiance | suspicion | Misstrauen | recelo | diffidenza
origine | origin | Herkunft | origen | origine
simplicité | simplicity | Albernheit | simpleza | simplicità
déguisement | disguise | Verkleidung | disfraz | travestimento
hommage | tribute | Ehrung | homenaje | omaggio
semeur | sower | Sämann | sembrador | seminatore
magnificence | magnificence | Pracht | magnificencia | magnificenza
patriotisme | patriotism | Patriotismus | patriotismo | patriotismo
divorce | divorce | Scheidung | divorcio | divorzio
loyauté | loyalty | Treue | lealtad | lealtà
tribut | tribute | Tribut | tributo | tributo
orge | barley | Gerste | cebada | orzo
abbaye | abbey | Abtei | abbadia | abbazia
compte | account | Rechnung | cuenta | conto
sermon | sermon | Predigt | sermon | sermone
gifle | slap | Klaps | manotada | manata
lundi | Monday | Montag | lunes | lunedi
étranger | stranger | Fremder | extrano | straniero
cerf | deer | Hirsch | ciervo | cervo
aboiement | bark | Bellen | ladrido | abbaio
fardeau | burden | Last | carga | fardelio
roue | wheel | Rad | rota | ruota
flatteur | flatterer | Schmeichler | adulador | adulatore
trace | trace | Spur | huella | traccia
queue | tail | Schwanz | cola | coda
hiver | winter | Winter | invierno | inverno
fumier | manure | Dung | estiércol | letame
liquide | liquid | Flussigkeit | liquido | liquido
champion | champion | Meister | campeon | campione
trompette | trumpet | Trompete | trompeta | tromba
guenon | female monkey | Äffin | mona | scimmia femina
dimanche des Rameaux | Palm Sunday | Palmsonntag | Domingo de Ramos | la domenica delle Palme
Taxe | Tax | Taxe | Tasa | Imposta
Réforme | Reform | Reform | Reforma | Riforma
Clef | Key | Schlüssel | Llave | Chiave
devin | Soothsayer | Weissager | Adivino | Indovino
écuyer | Squire | Schildträger | Escudero | Scudiero
Isaac | Isaac | Isaak | Isaac | Isacco
Isaïe | Isaiah | Isai | Esaú | Isaia
Job | Job | Ijob | Job | Giobbe
Jubilé | Jubilee | Jubiläumsjahr | Jubileo | Giubileo
Lampe | Lamp | Lampe | lámpara | Lampada
Osée | Hosea | Hosea | Oseas | Osea
Saint Sébastien | Saint Sebastian | St. Sebastian | San Sebastián | San Sebastiano
chauve | bald | kahl | calvo | calvo
clémence | mercy | Milde | clemencia | clemenza
otage | hostage | Geisel | rehén | ostaggio
Afrique | Africa | Afrika | Africa | Africa
bienveillance | benevolence | Wohlwollen | benevolencia | benevolenza
pitié | mercy | Mitleid | piedad | pietà
succession | succession | Nachfolge | sucésion | successione
vue | sight | Sehvermögen | vista | vista
barbare | barbarian | Barbar | Bárbaros | barbaro
rançon | ransom | Lösegeld | rescate | riscatto
polygamie | polygamy | Polygamie | poligamia | poligamia
infamie | infamy | Infamie | infamia | infamia
vase | vase | Vase | barro | vaso
droit | law | recht | derecho | dirito
Carthage | Carthage | Carthage | Cartago | Cartago
Clairvaux | Clairvaux | Clairvaux | Clairvaux | Clairvaux
Caïn | Cain | Kain | Cain | Caino
symbole | symbol | symbol | simbolo | simbolo
témoin | witness | Zeuge | testigo | testimone
règne | kingdom | Reich | reino | regno
Jeûner | Fast | Fasten | Ayunar | Digiunare
Réconforter | To comfort | Trösten | Reconfortar | Confortare
Visiter | To visit | besuchen | Visitar | Visitare
jalousie | Jealousy | Eifersucht | Celos | Gelosia
synagogue | synagogue | synagoge | sinagoga | sinagoga
Avortement | Abortion | Abtreibung | Aborto | Aborto
Adam | Adam | Adam | Adán | Adamo
Bouddha | Buddha | Buddha | Budda | Budda
Daniel | Daniel | Daniel | Daniel | Daniele
Travestissement | Dressing up | Verkleidung | Disfraz | Travestimento
Impératrice | Empress | Kaiserin | Emperadora | Imperatrice
Fable | Fable | Fabel | Fabula | Favola
Pet | Fart | Furz | Pedo | Peto
Princesse | Princess | Prinzessin | Princesa | Principessa
Prophète | Prophet | Prophet | Profeta | Profeta
Tonsure | Tonsure | Tonsur | Tonsura | Tonsura
Virgile | Virgil | Virgil | Virgilio | Virgilio
Damoclès | Damocles | Damokles | Damocles | Damocle
Xénophon | Xenophon | Xenophon | Jenofonte | Senofonte
manne | manna | Manna | maná | manna
Bouffon | Jester | Spassmacher | Bufón | Buffone
Noé | Noah | Noach | Noé | Noè
Jonas | Jonah | Jona | Jonás | Giona
Inquisition | Inquisition | Inquisition | Inquisición | Inquisizione
Abel | Abel | Abel | Abel | Abele
Inspiration | Inspiration | Erleuchtung | Inspiración | Ispirazzione
Bannière | Banner | Banner | Bandera | Bandiera
Banque | Bank | Bank | Banco | Banco
Anus | Anus | Anus | Ano | Ano
Jourdain | Jordan | Jordan | Río Jordán | Giordano
sobriété | sobriety | Nüchternheit | sobriedad | sobrietà
Tibère | Tiberius | Tiberius | Tiberio | Tiberio
Jonathan | Jonathan | Jonatan | Jonatán | Gionatan
Hannibal | Hannibal | Hannibal | Aníbal | Annibale
Romulus | Romulus | Romulus | Rómulo | Romolo
Sénat | Senate | Senat | Senado | Senato
foule | crowd | Menge | muchedumbre | folla
Zachée | Zacchaeus | Zachäus | Zaqueo | Zaccheo
Bethsabée | Bathsheba | Bathseba | Betsabé | Betsabea
sécurité | safety | Sicherheit | seguridad | sicurezza
Absalom | Absalom | Abschalom | Absalón | Assalonne
Théophraste | Theophrastus | Theophrast | Teofrasto | Teofrasto
gendre | son-in-law | Schwiegersohn | yerno | genero
poète | poet | Dichter | poeta | poeta
chérubin | cherub | Cherub | querubín | cherubino
Messie | Messiah | Messias | Mesìas | Messia
Torah | Torah | Torah | Tora | Thora
Rabbin | Rabbi | Rabbiner | Rabino | Rabbino
Alcuin | Alcuin | Alkuin | Alcuino | Alcuino
Esdras | Ezra | Esra | Esdras | Esdra
belle-fille | daughter-in-law | Schwiegertochter | nuera | nuora
belle-mère | mother-in-law | Schwiegermutter | suegra | suocera
ornement | ornament | Verzierung | ornamento | ornamento
publicain | publican | Zöllner | publicano | pubblicano
Ptolémée | Ptolemy | Ptolemäus | Ptolomeo | Tolomeo
Josias | Josiah | Joschija | Josías | Giosia
Ézéchias | Hezekiah | Hiskija | Ezequías | Ezechia
Élie | Elijah | Elija | Elías | Elia
Zoroastre | Zoroaster | Zarathustra | Zoroastro | Zoroastro
stérilité | sterility | Sterilität | esterilidad | sterilità
sensibilité | sensitivity | Sinnlichkeit | sensibilidad | sensibilità
lettre | letter | Buchstabe | letra | lettera
esprit | mind | Vernunft | mente | mente
jambe | leg | Bein | pierna | gamba
harmonie | harmony | Harmonie | armonía | armonia
Seth | Seth | Seth | Set | Set
majesté | majesty | Majestät | majestuosidad | maestà
politique | policy | Politik | política | política
spectacle | show | Schauspiel | espectáculo | spettacolo
Allégorie | Allegory | Allegorie | Alegorìa | Allegorìa
Samaritain | Samaritan | Samariter | Samaritano | Samaritano
Genre | Gender | Gender | Género | Genere
transsubstantiation | transubstantiation | Transsubstantiation | transubstanciación | transustanziazione
chœur | choir | Chor | coro | coro
dos | back | Rücken | espalda | dorso
confusion | confusion | Verwirrung | confusión | confusione
tavernier | inn-keeper | Schankwirt | tabernero | taverniere
amertume | bitterness | Bitterkeit | amargura | amarezza
boucher | butcher | Fleischer | carnicero | macellaio
crédulité | credulity | Leichtgläubigkeit | Credulidad | credulità
Hérode | Herod | Herodes | Herodes | Erode
Saint Remi de Reims | Saint Remigius of Reims | St. Remigius von Reims | San Remigio de Reims | San Remigio di Reims
Bestialité | Bestiality | Tierhaftigkeit | Bestialidad | Bestialità
Hildegarde de Bingen | Hildegard of Bingen | Hildegard von Bingen | Hildegarda de Bingen | Ildegarda di Bingen
Sainte Scolastique | Saint Scholastica | St. Scholastika | Santa Escolástica | Santa Scolastica
harpe | harp | Harfe | arpa | arpa
Homosexualité | Homosexuality | Homosexualität | Homosexualidad | Omosessualità
Histoire | History | Geschichte | Historia | Storia
Commandement | Commandment | Gebot | Mandamiento | Comandamento
Providence | Providence | Vorsehung | Providencia | Provvidenza
émotion | emotion | Regung | emoción | emozione
union mystique | mystical union | mystische Vereinigung | unión mística | unione mistica
Procès | Trial | Prozess | Proceso | Processo
Humiliation | Humilation | Demütigung | Humillación | Umilliazione
Iconoclasme | Iconoclasm | Bildersturm | Iconoclasia | iconoclastia
Ouïe | Hearing | Gehör | Oìdo | Udito
Honnêteté | Honesty | Ehrlichkeit | Honradez | Onestà
Sourire | Smile | Lächeln | Sonrisa | Sorriso
Douceur physique | sweetness | süsse | dulzura | dolcezza
Jean Climaque | John Climacus | Johannes Klimakos | Johannes Klimakos | Giovanni Climaco
Saint Nil du Sinaï | Saint Nilus of Sinai | St. Nilus der Ältere | San Nilo del Sinaí | San Nilo il Sinaita
Saint Épiphane | Saint Epiphanius | St. Epiphanios | San Epifanio | Sant?Epifanio
sortilège | witchcraft | Hexerei | brujería | malia
boisson | drink | Getränk | bebida | bevanda
baleine | whale | Wal | ballena | balena
traduction | translation | Übersetzung | traducción | traduzione
Londres | London | London | Londres | Londra
irrévérence | disrespect | Respektlosigkeit | desconsideración | irriverenza
nièce | niece | Nichte | sobrina | nipote
boîte | box | Schachtel | caja | scatola
entremetteuse | procuress | Kupplerin | alcahueta | ruffiana
inondation | flood | Überschwemmung | inundación | nondazione
erreur | error | Irrtum | error | errore
Saint Malachie | Saint Malachy | St. Malachias | San Malaquías | San Malachia
Jean Chrysostome | John Chrysostom | Johannes Chrysostomos | Juan Crisóstomo | Giovanni Crisostomo
Pierre Damien | Peter Damian | Petrus Damiani | Pedro Damián | Pier Damiani
Martin Luther | Martin Luther | Martin Luther | Martín Lutero | Martin Lutero
voisin | neighbour | Nachbar | vecino | vicino
vente | sale | Verkauf | venta | vendita
comparaison | comparison | Vergleich | comparación | comparazione
saint Éloi | Saint Eligius | St. Eligius | San Eligio | sant' Eligio
misogynie | misogyny | Misogynie | misoginia | misoginia
toilettes | toilet | Toilette | baño | abinetto
entremetteur | procuress | Kupplerin | alcahueta | ruffiana
riz | rice | Reis | arroz | riso
tigresse | tigress | tigerin | tigresa | tigre
char | tank | streitwagen | carruaje | carro
perle | pearls | perlen | perlas | perle
calebasse | calabash | kalebasse | calabaza | zucca
brahmane | brahman | brahmane | brahman | bramano
précipice | precipice | abgrund | precipicio | precipizio
enterrement | burial | bestattung | funeral | funerale
lotus | lotus | lotus | loto | loto
biche | doe | ricke | coneja | daino
cygne | swan | Schwan | cisne | cigno
loutre | otter | Otter | nutria | lontra
pou | louse | Laus | piojo | pidocchio
réincarnation | reincarnation | Reinkarnation | reencarnación | reincarnazione
abandon | abandonment | Aufgabe | abandono | abbandono
troupeau | herd | Herde | manada | mandria
perroquet | parrot | Papagei | loro | pappagallo
ravin | ravine | Schlucht | barranco | burrone
foie | liver | Leber | hígado | fegato
muet | mute | Stumm | mudo | muto
cristal | crystal | Kristall | cristal | cristallo
ministre | minister | Minister | ministro | ministro
membre | member | Mitglied | miembro | membro
adoption | adoption | Verabschiedung | adopción | adozione
lettre | letter | Schreiben | carta | lettera
abdication | abdication | Abdankung | abdicación | abdicazione
délivrance | deliverance | Befreiung | liberación | liberazione
tigre | tiger | Tiger | tigre | tigre
tolérance | tolerance | Toleranz | tolerancia | tolleranza
étang | pond | Teich | estanque | stagno
expiation | atonement | Sühne | expiación | espiazione
aiguille | needle | Nadel | aguja | ago
poil | hair | Haar | pelo | capelli
corde | rope | Seil | cuerda | corda
préfecture | prefecture | Präfektur | prefectura | prefettura
sauvetage | rescue | Rettung | rescate | salvataggio
lézard | lizard | Eidechse | lagarto | lucertola
cage | cage | Käfig | jaula | gabbia
transformation | transformation | Transformation | transformación | trasformazione
renaissance | Renaissance | Wiedergeburt | renacimiento | rinascita
faute | fault | Fehler | criticar | guasto
transmigration | transmigration | Abwanderung | transmigración | trasmigrazione
reliquaire | reliquary | Reliquiar | relicario | reliquiario
rencontre | meet | treffen | reunión | incontro
impermanence | impermanence | Unbeständigkeit | impermanencia | impermanenza
héritier | heir | Erbe | heredero | erede
harem | harem | Harem | harén | harem
orage | thunderstorm | Sturm | tormenta | tempesta
quête | quest | Suche | búsqueda | ricerca
obscurité | darkness | Dunkelheit | oscuridad | buio
immolation | immolation | immolation | inmolación | immolazione
religion | religion | Religion | religión | religione
attitude | attitude | Haltung | actitud | atteggiamento
méfait | misdemeanor | Übertretung | delito | infrazione
marmite | cooking pot | Topf | olla | pentola
statut | status | Status | estatus | stato
avenir | to come up | Zukunft | futuro |
surnaturel | supernatural | übernatürlich | sobrenatural | soprannaturale
double | double | doppelt | doble | doppio
logique | logic | Logik | lógica | logica
sérendipité | serendipity | Spürsinn | serendipia | Serendipity
empreinte | footprint | Fußabdruck | huella | impronta
malheur | misfortune | Weh | ay | dolore
aile | wing | Flügel | ala | ala
bague | Ring | Ring | anillo | anello
raisin | grapes | Trauben | uvas | uva
métempsychose | metempsychosis | Metempsychose | metempsicosis | metempsicosi
intention | intention | Absicht | intención | intenzione
maigreur | thinness | Magerkeit | delgadez | magrezza
conseiller | advisor | Berater | tutor | consulente
dépeçage | butchering | schlachten | carnicería | macellazione
bien | good | gut | bien | bene
monument | monument | Denkmal | monumento | monumento
déesse | goddess | Göttin | diosa | dea
graine | seed | Samen | semilla | seme
précepte | precept | Gebot | precepto | precetto
sécheresse | drought | Dürre | sequía | siccità
caresse | caress | Liebkosung | caricia | carezza
six | six | sechs | seis | sei
postérité | posterity | Nachwelt | posteridad | posterità
vénération | veneration | Verehrung | veneración | venerazione
pas | step | Schritt | paso | passo
mille | thousand | tausend | mil | mille
avaler | swallow | schlucken | tragar | deglutire
boule | ball | Ball | bola | palla
réalité | reality | Wirklichkeit | realidad | realtà
apparence | appearance | Aussehen | apariencia | aspetto
résumé | abstract | Zusammenfassung | resumen | sommario
siècle | century | Jahrhundert | siglo | secolo
gestation | gestation | Schwangerschaft | gestación | gestazione
bol | bowl | Schüssel | tazón | ciotola
fermentation | fermentation | Gärung | fermentación | fermentazione
bourreau | executioner | Henker | verdugo | carnefice
peinture | painting | Malerei | pintura | pittura
seau | bucket | Eimer | cubo | secchio
dégoût | disgust | Ekel | asco | disgusto
cuisinier | cook | Koch | cocinero | cuoco
sel | salt | Salz | sal | sale
étage | floor | Boden | piso | piano
sucre | sugar | Zucker | azúcar | zucchero
avidité | greed | Gier | codicia | avidità
tapis | carpet | Teppich | alfombra | tappeto
imitation | imitation | Nachahmung | imitación | imitazione
paille | Straw | Stroh | paja | paglia
coffre | chest | Stamm | tronco | tronco
chacal | jackal | Schakal | chacal | sciacallo
bossu | hunchback | Bucklige | jorobado | gobba
Narcisse | Narcissus | Narzisse | narciso | narciso
lâcheté | cowardice | Feigheit | cobardía | vigliaccheria
banc | bench | Bank | banco | panca
tuyau | pipe | Schlauch | manguera | tubo flessibile
nid | nest | Nest | nido | nido
bélier | aries | Ramme | carnero | montone
douceur | softness | Weichheit | blandura | morbidezza
Brahma | Brahma | Brahma | Brahma | Brahma
hybride | hybrid | hybrid | híbrido | ibrido
continent | continent | Kontinent | continente | continente
tissage | weaving | Weberei | tejeduría | tessitura
grand-père | grandfather | Großvater | abuelo | nonno
mangouste | mongoose | Mungo | mangosta | mangusta
machine | machine | Maschine | máquina | macchina
vol | flight | Flug | vuelo | volo
Icare | Icarus | Icarus | Ícaro | Icarus
pays | country | Land | país | paese
virilité | virility | Männlichkeit | virilidad | virilità
charme | enchantment | Verzauberung | encantamiento | incanto
veuf | widower | Witwer | viudo | vedovo
saison | season | Saison | temporada | stagione
toison | fleece | Vlies | vellón | vello
professeur | professor | Professor | profesor | professore
ambassadeur | ambassador | Botschafter | embajador | ambasciatore
buffle | buffalo | Büffel | búfalo | bufalo
lionne | lioness | Löwin | leona | leonessa
organe | organ | Organ | órgano | organo
ongle | nail | Nagel | søm | chiodo
acupuncture | acupuncture | Akupunktur | acupuntura | agopuntura
Bodhisattva | Bodhisattva | Bodhisattva | Bodhisattva | Bodhisattva
arc-en-ciel | Rainbow | Regenbogen Himmel | arco iris | cielo arcobaleno
filiation | filiation | filiation | filiación | filiazione
cruche | jug | Krug | lanzador | brocca
clairvoyance | perspicacity | Scharfblick | perspicacia | perspicacia
rite | rite | Ritus | rito | rito
Bénarès | Bénares | Benares | Benares | Benares
hymne | anthem | Hymne | himno | inno
nirvanâ | nirvana | Nirwana | nirvana | nirvana
ogre | ogre | Oger | ogro | orco
ogresse | ogress | Unmensch | ogresa | orchessa
machine volante | flying Machine | Flugmaschine | máquina de volar | macchina volante
aéroplane | airplane | Flugzeug | avión | aeroplano
cadeau | gift | Geschenk | regalo | regalo
message | message | Botschaft | mensaje | messaggio
Balaam | Balaam | Bileam | Balaam | Balaam
sacrilège | sacrilege | Sakrilegium | sacrilegio | sacrilegio
grâce | grace | Gnade | gracia | grazia
saignée | bloodletting | Aderlass | sangría | salasso
saint Barnabé | saint Barnabas | St. Barnabas | san Bernabé | san Barnaba
critique | criticism | Kritik | crìtica | critica
investiture | investiture | Investitur | investidura | investitura
entrailles | guts | Eingeweide | entraña | viscere
échecs | chess | Schach | ajedrez | scacchi
Israélites | Israelites | Israeliten | Israelitas | Israelite
scribe | scribe | Kopist | escriba | scriba
fausse couche | miscarriage | Fehlgeburt | aborto espontáneo | aborto spontaneo
Goths | Goths | Goten | Godos | Goti
banquet | banquet | Bankett | banquete | banchetto
Paulin de Nole | Paulinus of Nola | Paulinus von Nola | Paulino de Nola | Paolino di Nola
Antioche | Antioch | Antiochien | Antioquía | Antiochia
discours | speech | Rede | discurso | discorso
Grégoire de Naziance | Gregory of Nazianzus | Gregor von Nazianz | Gregorio Nacianceno | Gregorio Nazianzeno
Grégoire VII | Gregory VII | Gregor d. VII | Gregorio VII | Gregorio VII
bégaiement | stuttering | Stottern | tartamudez | balbuzie
permission | permission | Erlaubnis | permiso | permesso
Vésuve | Vesuvius | Vesuv | Vesubio | Vesuvio
disparition | disappearance | Verschwinden | desaparición | scomparsa
Milan | Milan | Mailand | Milán | Milano
Cyrille de Jérusalem | Cyril of Jerusalem | Kyrill von Jerusalem | Cirilo de Jerusalén | Cirillo di Gerusalemme
étincelle | spark | Funke | centella | scintilla
Mont-Cassin | Monte Cassino | Montecassino | Montecasino | Montecassino
encens | incense | Weihrauch | incienso | incenso
mâchoire | jaw | Kiefer | quijal | mascella
hérisson | hedgehog | Igel | erizo | riccio
conception | conception | Empfängnis | concepción | concepimento
saleté | dirt | Schmutz | suciedad | sporcizia
hyène | hyena | Hyäne | hiena | iena
panthère | panther | Panther | panthera | pantera
haleine | breath | Atem | aliento | fiato
salamandre | salamandra | Salamander | salamandra | salamandra
équinoxe | equinox | Äquinoktium | equinoccios | equinozio
automne | autumn | Herbst | otoño | autunno
huître | oyster | Auster | ostra | ostrica
Babylone | Babylon | Babylon | Babilonia | Babilonia
captif | captive | Gefangener | cautivo | prigioniero
antipape | antipope | Gegenpapst | antipapa | antipapa
Dioclétien | Diocletian | Diokletian | Diocleciano | Diocleziano
empire | empire | Imperium | imperio | impero
Asie | Asia | Asien | Asia | Asia
Judée | Judea | Judäa | Judea | Giudea
réponse | answer | Antwort | respuesta | risposta
Fabrice | Fabricius | Fabricius | Fabricio | Fabricio
service | favor | Dienst | favor | favore
espion | spy | Kundschafter | espien | spia
dénonciation | denunciation | Anschuldigung | denuncia | denuncia
marraine | godmother | Patin | madrina | madrina
Cléopâtre | Cleopatra | Kleopatra | Cleopatra | Cleopatra
Marc Antoine | Mark Antony | Marcus Antonius | Marco Antonio | Marco Antonio
Sémiramis | Semiramis | Semiramis | Semíramis | Semiramide
effondrement | collapse | Einsturz | derrumbe | crollo
cellérier | cellarer | Zellerar | cillerero | cellario
persuasion | persuasion | Überredung | persuasión | persuasione
Israël | Israel | Israel | Israel | Israele
castor | beaver | Biber | castor | castoro
descendant | descendent | Nachkomme | descendiente | discendente
gant | glove | Handschuh | guante | guanto
défaite | defeat | Niederlage | derrota | sconfitta
exégèse | exegesis | Exegese | exégesis | esegesi
tache | stain | Fleck | mancha | macchia
nain | dwarf | Zwerg | enano | nano
égorgement | throat-cutting | Kehlenschnitt | degollamiento | sgozzamento
opinion | opinion | Meinung | opinión | opinione
mode de vie | way of life | Lebensfürung | conducta | stile di vita
oppression | oppression | Unterdrückung | opresión | oppressione
ancêtre | ancestor | Vorfahre | ancestro | antenato
menace | threat | Bedrohung | amenaza | minaccia
agression | assault | Angriff | agresión | aggressione
excès | excess | Übertreibung | exceso | eccesso
neige | snow | Schnee | nieve | neve
somnolence | somnolence | Schläfrigkeit | somnolencia | sonnolenza
fumée | smoke | Rauch | fumo | fumo
démission | resignation | Kündigung | dimisión | dimissioni
perte | lost | Verlust | pérdida | perdita
marché | market | Markt | mercado | mercato
stûpa | stupa | Stupa | estupa | stupa
habileté | skill | Geschicklichkeit | habilidad | abilità
astronome | astronomer | Astronom | astronomer | astronomo
Chine | China | China | China | Cina
| | | |
prosélytisme | proselytizing | Missionierung | proselitismo | proselitismo
patronyme | patronymic | Patronymikon | patronímico | patronimico
vitesse | speed | Geschwindigkeit | velocidad | velocità
défi | challenge | Herausforderung | desafío | sfida
connivence | connivance | Kollusion | colusión | collusione
copiste | copyist | Nachahmer | copista | copista
tromperie | deception | Betrug | engaño | inganno
chancellerie | chancellery | Kanzleramt | cancillería | cancelleria
luth | lute | Laut | laúd | liuto
anthropomorphe | anthropomorphic | anthropomorphe | antropomórfico | antropomorfo
formule magique | magical formula | Magische Formel | Fórmula mágica | Formula magica
imprécation | imprecation | Verwünschung | imprecación | imprecazione
fantôme | ghost | Geist | fantasma | fantasma
spectre | spectrum | Spektrum | espectro | spettro
tengu | tengu | tengu | tengu | tengu
renarde | vixen | Füchsin | zorra | volpe femmina
Mesnie Hellequin | Mesnie Hellequin | Mesnie Hellequin | Mesnie Hellequin | Mesnie Hellequin
crabe | crab | Krabbe | cangrejo | granchio
séisme | earthquake | Erdbeben | terremoto | sisma
cerisier | Cherry tree | Kirsche | cereza | ciliegia
assemblée | assembly | Versammlung | asamblea | assemblea
destin | fate | Schicksal | destino | destino
eschatologie | eschatology | eschatologie | escatologia | escatologia
casher | Kasher | Kasher | Kasher | Kasher
conflit | conflict | Konflikt | conflicto | conflitto
contraception | contraception | Empfängnisverhütung | contracepcion | contraccezione
déchéance | degradation | Verfall | decaimiento | decadimento
dénomination | denomination | Bezeichnung | denominacion | denominazione
dissection | dissection | Sezieren | diseccion | dissezione
ferveur | fervour | Inbrunst | fervor | fervore
garant | guarantor | Bürge | fiador | garante
impureté | impurity | Unreinheit | impureza | impurità
interpretation | interpretation | interpretation | interpretacion | interpretazione
maçon | mason | Maurer | mason | muratore
mauvais oeil | evil eye | böse Blick | aojamiento | maloccio
méprise | mistake | Irrtum | equivocacion | errore
savoir | knowledge | Wissen | saber | sapere
scolastique | scholastic | scholastik | escolastica | scolastica
sabbat | sabbath | sabbat | sàbado | sabato
transaction | transaction | Transaktion | transaccion | transazione
peine capitale | death penalty | Todesstrafe | pena capital | pena capitale
nécromancie | necromancy | Totenbeschwörung, | nigromancía | negromanzia
antienne | antiphon | Antiphon | antífona | antifona
succube | succubus | Succubus | súcubo | succubo
Goths | Goths | Goten | pueblo godo | Goti
Huns | Huns | Hunnen | Hunos | Unni
chakra | chakra | chakra | chakra | chakra
çramana | çramana | çramana | çramana | çramana
devas | devas | devas | devas | devas
bhiksu | bhiksu | bhiksu | bhiksu | bhiksu
devarâja | devarâja | devarâja | devarâja | devarâja
kinnarî | kinnarî | kinnarî | kinnarî | kinnarî
Bod | Bod | Bod | Bod | Bod
gentillesse | kindness | Freundlichkeit | amabilidad | gentilezza
serf | serf | Leibeigener | siervo | servo
mal de tête | headache | Kopfschmerz | dolor de cabeza | mal di testa
bâtard | bastard | Bastrard | bastardo | bastardo
roi Arthur | king Arthur | König Artus | rey Arturo | re Artù
cou | neck | Hals | cuello | collo
choix | choice | Wahl | elección | scelta
Alléluia | Hallelujah | Halleluja | Aleluya | Alleluia
Prémontré | Premonstratensian | Prämonstratenser | Premonstratense | Premostratense
regret | regret | bedauern | lamentar | rimpiangere
rosary | chapelet | Rosenkranz | rosario | rosario
cremation | crémation | Einäscherung | cremación | cremazione
Tokyo | Tokyo | Tokyo | Tokyo | Tokyo
Denys le Tyran | Dionysius the Elder (the Tyrant) | Dionysius der Tyrann | Dionisio el Tirano | Dionigi il Tiranno
Lover | Amant | Geliebter | Amante | Amante
thunder | tonnerre | Donner | trueno | tuono
censor | encensoir | Weihrauchfass | incensario | turibolo
Siege | Siège | Belagerung | Asedio | Assedio
Gregory of Tours | Grégoire de Tours | Gregorius von Tours | Gregorio de Tours | Gregorio de Tours
John abbot | Jean abbé | Johannes Abt | Juan abad | Giovanni abate
All Saints' Day | Toussaint | Allerheiligen | Dia de Todos los Santos | Ognissanti
corporal | corporal | Korporal | corporal | corporale
| | | |
stretcher | brancard | Trage | camilla | barella
chandelier | chandelier | Kerzenständer | lámpara de araña | lampadario
loss | perte | Verlust | pérdida | perdita
indulgence | indulgence | Indulgenz | indulgencia | indulgenza
St. Paul the Simple | st. Paul le simple | St. Paulus der Einfache | san Pablo el simple | san Paolo il semplice
Saint James the Younger | st. Jacques le Mineur | St. Jakob der Jügere | Santiago el Menor | san Giacomo il Minore
| | | |
St. Elizabeth of Hungary | ste. Elisabeth de Hongrie | St. Elisabeth von Ungarn | Sta. Elisabeth | Sta. Elisabetta de Ungheria
donkey | âne | Esel | burro | asino
Apocalypse | Apocalypse | Apokalypse | Apocalipsis | Apocalisse
stupidity | bétise | Dummheit | estupidez | stupidità
1134: Cockcrows. A adulteress has two cocks killed for crowing the...
1272: Corpse, shooting at father’s. Three (four) boys each claim t...
1311: Crab walking backwards. a.) The crab walks backwards because...
1540: Devil as guardian. A man, because of his shrewish wife, wish...
1699: Dog, cheese, and shadow. A dog carrying cheese in its mouth ...
1705: Dog, limping. Climax of horrors: A servant begins by telling...
1789: Dream bread. Pilgrims agree that the one who has the most wo...
1803: Drunkard becomes monk. A drunkard becomes a monk through his...
1894: Emperor replaced by angel. A guardian angel takes the throne...
1898: Empress, chaste. A empress locks her husband’s brother in a ...
1920: Eustace, St., legend of. St. Eustace (Placidus) is converted...
1921: Evil and Good share wife. Evil and Good share a wife, Evil t...
1: Abbacy given to infamous man. A Cistercian prior names as su...
10: Abbot confesses to younger abbot. A abbot is moved by the co...
100: Alexander and gift. A man, asking Alexander for a denarius, ...
1000: Christ, dream of. In a dream, a monk sees Christ asleep in h...
1001: Christ, eating of, confuses child. A boy confuses the eating...
1002: Christ, image of at Edessa. Christ’s image at Edessa prevent...
1003: Christ, image of from heaven. A image of Christ falls from h...
1004: Christ in dirty body. (Var.) A priest, fighting with a knigh...
1005: Christ like hen. Christ is like a hen gathering her chicks t...
1006: Christ like imprisoned prince. Christ is compared to a king’...
1007: Christ met by dissolute youth. A dissolute youth, going to h...
1008: Christ not reckoned among gods. Romans decide that Christ is...
1009: Christ on throne, vision of. During the singing of the Te De...
101: Alexander and habits. Alexander cannot overcome the vicious ...
1010: Christ revealed in passion. A monk explains why Christ is se...
1011: Christ saves preacher. A dead preacher appears to his earthl...
1012: Christ seen by nun. A nun sees Christ as a twelve year old b...
1013: Christ shows wounds to monk. a.) A monk, who has asked permi...
1014: Christ, victory of. Christ, in the form of a charter, declar...
1015: Christ visible to one. Christ is visible to only one person....
1016: Christ, visions of. A physician monk at Clairvaux describes ...
1017: Christ with cross in vision. Two brothers are studying in Pa...
1018: Christ with eyes in back. A man, overly generous in his hosp...
1019: Christ child and love of young girl. A little girl, brought ...
102: Alexander and heir. Alexander will not bequeath his kingdom ...
1020: Christ Child appears to St. Edmund. St. Edmund, Archbishop o...
1021: Christ child appears to virgin. Christ appears to a virgin a...
1022: Christ child appears to woman. Christ appears as a child to ...
1023: Christ child becomes three. A vision of the Virgin and Child...
1024: Christ child, image of frees captive son. A mother whose son...
1025: Christ child in star. At the birth of Christ, a star appears...
1026: Christ child invites monk and abbot. A monk and an abbot ent...
1027: Christ child not seen after marriage. A woman tells a Franci...
1028: Christ child offered to monk. A religious virgin offers the ...
1029: Christ child placed on altar. Praying nuns were joined by th...
103: Alexander and high priest. Alexander shows reverence to the ...
1030: Christ child reveals Real Presence. A priest prays for a rev...
1031: Christ child seen by St. Hugo. St. Hugo sees the Virgin with...
1032: Christ child seen in manger. On the feast of the Epiphany, a...
1033: Christ child turns face. During Mass, the infant Christ turn...
1034: Christ child visits monk. A young monk is visited in bed by ...
1035: Christ child weeping in vision. A hermit has a vision of a c...
1036: Christ child with Mary and Joseph. In a vision a monk sees C...
1037: Christian and Jew, parable of. The parable of the Christian ...
1038: Christian leaning on cane. A Christian, walking with a cane,...
1039: Christian like hound. A Christian is compared to an untiring...
104: Alexander and immortality. Philosophers ask Alexander for im...
1040: Christians aided in battle. After confession, the Christians...
1041: Christians, dead, smile. The Christians killed by the Sarace...
1042: Christians eating bloody child. A Jew sees Christians at Mas...
1043: Christians expelled for glutiony. Noradin, the son of Saladi...
1044: Christians fighting heathens. The Christians fighting the he...
1045: Christina, St., in tower. St. Christina is placed in a high ...
1046: Christina, St., return of. St. Christina returns to life thr...
1047: Christmas Eve, devil barred from monastery on. A monk sees t...
1048: Christmas Eve, stranger on. A laborer living in the woods wi...
1049: Christopher, St., serves strongest. St. Christopher’s desire...
105: Alexander and Lampsacus. Alexander made an oath that he will...
1050: Chrysaorius, death of. On his deathbed, Chrysaorius beseeche...
1051: Church as beautiful woman. A hermit has a vision of the Chur...
1052: Church, belongings of stolen. A overseer steals the belongin...
1053: Church built by usurer. A usurer builds a church with his il...
1054: Church burns. A church burns down but the Lord’s Body is lef...
1055: Church collapsed by singing. Noble knights, returning from b...
1056: Church desecrated. A man and and his wife are miraculously p...
1057: Church entered by many. A singer saw many people enter a chu...
1058: Church inscribed with widow’s name. A king builds a church a...
1059: Church left early. A woman always left church after the gosp...
106: Alexander, and mother’s adulterer. Alexander brings Pausaniu...
1060: Church quakes after devil’s departure. The ground in front o...
1061: Church regained with simple words. A simple priest regains h...
1062: Church, sinner enters. A sinner, who dares not enter the chu...
1063: Church struck by lightning. a.) The venerated Church of Notr...
1064: Church, weeping in. A devout woman explains why she always w...
1065: Cicero and Iliad. Cicero writes the Iliad on a parchment so ...
1066: Cicero, merry. Cicero is so jocular in his speech that he is...
1067: Cinnamon tree, fruit of. The fruit of the cinnamon tree is d...
1068: Circle, magic, and four beguines. Wishing to show the useles...
1069: Circle, magic, and troubled demons. A magician draws circles...
107: Alexander, and philosopher. A philosopher tells Alexander th...
1070: Circle, magic, discourse with demon in. A knight does not be...
1071: Circle, magic, scholar vanishes from. a.) A scholar vanishes...
1072: Circle of crosses. When a bailiff meets the devil, he makes ...
1073: Cistercian and mute beggar. Two friends are students at the ...
1074: Cistercians glory of. A lay brother of the Black Order appea...
1075: Cistercians, man joins. St. Dominic prays for a man to join ...
1076: Cistercians, master and servant as. A rich man and his serva...
1077: Cistercians, strict rule of. A prelate is prevented from joi...
1078: Citizen forbidden to leave city. A Italian citizen, who had ...
1079: Citizens, exiled, restored. St. Bernard preaches that Crema,...
108: Alexander, and slayers. Alexander rewards the slayers of Dar...
1080: City besieged by king. (Allegory of the devil, the world and...
1081: City betrayed by duchess. The duchess of a city, which is be...
1082: City delivered to enemy. A treacherous ruler of a city under...
1083: City destroyed by sweat cloth. One day, a generous man, who ...
1084: City, heretical, besieged. The King of France is besieging a...
1085: City reached by desert. A king builds a beautiful city on a ...
1086: City, sinful, destroyed. In reward for his hospitality, a ma...
1087: Clairvoyance of monk. a.) A travelling monk who is clairvoya...
1088: Clairvoyant doubted by lay brother. A lay brother despises a...
1089: Clairvoyant marries king. A knight brought a clairvoyant gir...
109: Alexander, and wonders of India. Seelentrost (German) 267, 7...
1090: Clairvoyant predicts emperor. A clairvoyant predicts correct...
1091: Clara, St., death of. Pelbart # 346....
1092: Clara, St., protects cloister. St. Clara protects her cloist...
1093: Clemens, St. Recognition story by St. Clemens. Viaticum # 26...
1094: Clement, St., and brothers. Seelentrost (German) 18, 27; Thr...
1095: Clerk elected bishop. A clerk is elected bishop for services...
1096: Clerk mistreated by knight. A knight who has mistreated a cl...
1097: Clerk unjustly burned. A clerk is falsely accused by a woman...
1098: Cliff, lover leaps from. “Saltus Galteri” is a place in Norm...
1099: Cliff, Temptar leaps from. “Saltus Templari” is a place betw...
11: Abbot counsels brother. A brother, complaining of sinful tho...
110: Alexander, army of, plagued. Alexander’s army in India is pl...
1100: Cloak, beaten by. A priest, failing to pray for a man who ha...
1101: Cloak of monk as disguise. A widow became a nun after she wa...
1102: Cloak of Virgin, Dominicans protected by. The Virgin Mary ap...
1103: Cloakparchment. Magister Serlo has a vision of a dead pupil ...
1104: Cloak, stolen, masses for. A dead man, having stolen a cloak...
1105: Cloak, tear stiffened. A hermit frightens the devil away wit...
1106: Cloister promised by count. A count does not attack a girl w...
1107: Cloth, miraculous. Men who scoff at pieces of cloth given to...
1108: Clothes, bloody. A woman who has perfumed her clothes finds ...
1109: Clothes, fine, to please husband. H49 # 90; Odo (F) # 64a (H...
111: Alexander, army of, waterparts for. Water parts before Alexa...
1110: Clothes miraculously clean. The clothes of a knight who knee...
1111: Clothes, parti colored. The queen’s bastard son wears parti ...
1112: Clothes, rich, exchanged for poor. A canon exchanges his goo...
1113: Clothes, rich, gain admittance to court. A philosopher in ra...
1114: Clothes, rich, unacceptable. A illiterate monk is asked by a...
1115: Clothes washed by saint. A saint, highly esteemed by the peo...
1116: Clothes washed in Christ’s presence. In a dream, a priest sa...
1117: Clothes washed in tears. The vision of a cleric from the yea...
1118: Clothing as protection from evil. Clothing protects one from...
1119: Clothing, most costly, worn by king. A king of England refus...
112: Alexander as guest of Porus. Alexander, in disguise, dines a...
1120: Cloud, black, seizes son. A widow curses her son for stealin...
1121: Cloud entered. A old man says that Moses entered a cloud to ...
1122: Coal, burning, on boy’s arm. While at a sacrifice, Alexander...
1123: Coat burns clerk. A clerk begs for the elegantly fashioned c...
1124: Coat held for father’s sake. A knight makes money through us...
1125: Coat exchanged for gold. A poor nobleman with three daughter...
1126: Coat left to cloister. A woman has many sons, one of whom en...
1127: Coat of adulterer left. A adulterer leaves his coat behind a...
1128: Coat of Christ heals woman. A woman who was healed by touchi...
1129: Coat, pierced, of knight. EdeB # 410....
113: Alexander as pirate. Alexander is told by a pirate that he i...
1130: Cock rises at dinner. Two companions are sitting at dinner w...
1131: Cock, roasted, and five year old boy. Pelbart # 98....
1132: Cock seized by fox. A victorious cock, crowing in triumph, i...
1133: Cockcrow regulated. A old woman regulates the crowing of her...
1135: Cocks forbidden to crow. St. Martin, Archbishop of Tours, vi...
1136: Codras, death of. Codras (Cosdras) sacrifices himself in ord...
1137: Coffin, empty. People hear a voice coming out of a grave, cr...
1138: Coffin kept in room. A citizen of Paris has his coffin place...
1139: Coin floated. A monk floats a coin in water and says that Go...
114: Alexander, attempt to kill. During Alexander’s war with Dari...
1140: Coin, last, given to beggar. A man gives his last coin to a ...
1141: Coin untouched by hermit. A hermit does not want to touch a ...
1142: Coins, bad, as offering. A good priest finds that an avarici...
1143: Coins in mouth of usurer. Serpents place fiery coins in the ...
1144: Coins scorned. The defiled Suffronia scorned the coins of Ma...
1145: Coins stolen from canon. A canon pleads for a thief who had ...
1146: Color of sinner changed. A prayer of a sinner changes the co...
1147: Colt fed ass’s milk. A colt fed on ass’s milk imbibes the as...
1148: Colt retrieved miraculously. A knight, after his conversion,...
1149: Colts, unbridled, and lusts. Fleshly lusts are like unbridle...
115: Alexander buying friends. Philip rebukes Alexander for tryin...
115*: Alexander connot do everything that he would like to do...
1150: Column bearing PPP. A column at Rome bears the inscriptions,...
1151: Column, brazen, at Jerusalem. H137 # 4....
1152: Com fort, bodily. A woman whose only concern is her bodily c...
1153: Commandments kept better than study. Three penitents confess...
1154: Communion neglected by virtuous man. A religious man fails t...
1155: Communion refused dying man. A dying man repents of everythi...
1156: Communion refused unbaptized. A converted man cannot take Ho...
1157: Communion, scholar’s preparation for. A dead scholar appears...
1158: Communion taken by angel. A angel takes communion from a pri...
1159: Complaisance of old husband. Tentamina: A young wife tests h...
116: Alexander, conquests of. Nicole # 28a....
1160: Compline said in bed. a.) A monk is reproved by a pilgrim fo...
1161: Confession before sinning. A sinner confesses before sinning...
1162: Confession by the wayside. A pagan cannot denounce a Christi...
1163: Confession converts observer. A youth of noble birth was con...
1164: Confession cures bewitched woman. A bewitched woman always g...
1165: Confession cures seizure. A clerk seized with “ignis qui dic...
1166: Confession, desire for, saves culprit. Pelbart # 15; Spec. E...
1167: Confession, efficacy of shown. A man who would not confess i...
1168: Confession, false, revealed. A novice learned in a dream tha...
1169: Confession, fountain of. The seducer of a Jewess is cleansed...
117: Alexander, death of predicted. A woman, half human and half ...
1170: Confession harms devil. (Var.) a.) The devil appears to a dy...
1171: Confession heard by angel. A monk does not heed the signal o...
1172: Confession in illness compared to dog. Those who confess whe...
1173: Confession in unison. A vicar always had several people conf...
1174: Confession liberates monk from demons. A sick monk sees demo...
1175: Confession like currying horse. H10 # 51....
1176: Confession must accompany fasting. Mary Magdalene appears to...
1177: Confession of bishop to Dominican. A bishop, feeling ill, se...
1178: Confession of nuns revealed. Some Dominicans hear the confes...
1179: Confession of prince to bishop. A prince, falling ill, confe...
118: Alexander defeats King Porus. King Porus of India is defeate...
1180: Confession of sick man. A sick man hides behind the stairs b...
1181: Confession on Ash Wednesday. A scholar goes to confession on...
1182: Confession once a year. A priest who confesses only once a y...
1183: Confession postponed. The sister of St. Damian went to purga...
1184: Confession postponed by priest. A sinful priest is struck wi...
1185: Confession, prayer to live for. A knight prays to live in or...
1186: Confession refused by rich man. A rich man, refusing confess...
1187: Confession rejected by bishop. A bishop did not confess on h...
1188: Confession, return from dead. (Var.) (See also: 1464).a.) Co...
1189: Confession saves murderess. A woman who has confessed her si...
119: Alexander, father of avenged. Alexander helps his father ach...
1190: Confession saves sinful man. A sinful man has a vision of he...
1191: Confession saves two bishops. Two bishops, on the way to vis...
1192: Confession, sin concealed in. A woman who concealed a great ...
1193: Confession, sins washed away by. The sins of an adulterous d...
1194: Confession to devil. A dying man confesses to the devil who ...
1195: Confession to devil as monk. A knight, devoted to the Virgin...
1196: Confession to one another. A confessor sins in the company o...
1197: Confession to son by mother. A matron brought up her child w...
1198: Confession, weeping prevents. A penitent cannot confess beca...
1199: Confession with clairvoyant. A secretary of the Roman Curia ...
12: Abbot, one eyed, blessed. A one eyed abbot is blessed by the...
120: Alexander forces father to renounce second wife. Alexander f...
1200: Confession with clairvoyant and servant. Confession in a sta...
1201: Confession without repentance worthless. A sinner, hearing t...
1202: Confession, written, disappears. (Var.) a.) Confession disap...
1203: Confessor denounces murderer. A knight secretly kills a man....
1204: Confessor, reproachful. A abbot, after hearing a young monk’...
1205: Confessor resists temptation. A matron tempts her confessor ...
1206: Confessor sent by Christ. In answer to a holy woman’s prayer...
1207: Confessor, sudden death of. A confessor who wishes to preven...
1208: Confessor threatens woman. A confessor, believing that a wom...
1209: Confessors diswsed by monk. CHeist-VIII #71 ....
121: Alexander, funeral oration of. Chauvin IX, 32....
1210: Confessors scorn sinners. A confessor, hearing a person’s si...
1211: Congregation frees souls. St. Paphnutius releases souls from...
1212: Congregation, pilgrimage of, to heaven. A preacher has a vis...
1213: Conscience stifled by carousing. A rich man tries to stifle ...
1214: Consciousness regained. A knight regains consciousness throu...
1215: Constantine and city walls. In a vision, the converted emper...
1216: Constantine and lamp of balsam. H386 # 223.– Ward II, 638....
1217: Constantine and St. Sylvester. When Constantine gives wealth...
1218: Constantine and vision of crucifix. H171 # 54....
1219: Constantine appoints bishop. Emperor Constantine, assuming t...
122: Alexander, gait of. Alexander never loses the theatrical gai...
1220: Constantine burns arguments. Emperor Constantine copies down...
1221: Constantine embraces peasant. Constantine embraces a peasant...
1222: Constantine tests sincerity of faith. Constantine tests the ...
1223: Constantine, victory of. Constantine defeats the tyrant Maxe...
1224: Construction, plot against. A lay brother who is plotting ag...
1225: Consulate refused. Miaulinus (Manlius) refuses the consulate...
1226: Consuls not killed. Citizens are dissuaded from killing cons...
1227: Contemplation, food for. St. Anthony finds food for contempl...
1228: Contemplation instead of reading. After his conversion, Walt...
1229: Contemplation of death. Concerning the contemplation of deat...
123: Alexander, glass diuing vessel of. H158 # 15.– Ward 1, 121....
1230: Contemplation, worth of. A philosopher (Plotinus, Protinus, ...
1231: Contest in thieving. JVitryCrane #208; Wright # 125....
1232: Continence. Hieronymus vs. Iovinianus. Pelbart # 6....
1233: Contrition leads to forgiveness of sins. Pelbart # 17....
1234: Contrition of sinful priest. A sinful priest shows great con...
1235: Conversion by crucified Christ. A man who does not want to d...
1236: Conversion by hospitality. While on a trip because of his il...
1237: Conversion by kindness. A saint uses kind words with a pagan...
1238: Conversion by phrase. A clerk, converted by hearing the phra...
1239: Conversion by tears. A monk is converted to a good Christian...
124: Alexander, illegitimate birth of. Alexander’s illegitimate b...
1240: Conversion by vision. libri8-II #20 ....
1241: Conversion through shame. A canon is converted because of th...
1242: Conversion through thoughts. A pagan woman is converted by t...
1243: Conversions, life devoted to. A monk, after seeing many visi...
1244: Cook killed by knight. Otto mit dem Barte.– A cook kills a c...
1245: Cook replaced by angel. A knight is received by St. Francis ...
1245*: Cook, the best, will not satisfy everybody...
1246: Coriolanus. Gesta (I) # 49; Gesta (O) # 137; H158 # 18, H232...
1247: Corn burned. A man who loses his year’s supply of corn when ...
1248: Corn in bride’s face. A denunciation of auguries and superst...
1249: Com, poorest, to church. A man tries to defraud the church b...
125: Alexander in air and on ocean. Alexander’s flight through th...
1250: Corn, speculator in. A speculator in corn hangs himself afte...
1251: Corporale stained. A corporale (chalice) stained with the sa...
1252: Corporale touched by pregnant nun becomes spotted with blood...
1253: Corpse, children watch. A man is devoted to children; after ...
1254: Corpse dragged from grave. A rich man’s body is dragged from...
1255: Corpse flung on dunghill. A corpse is flung on a dunghill be...
1256: Corpse half black. A pious but lazy abbot appears after deat...
1257: Corpse half burned. A dissolute woman dreams of hell fire, w...
1258: Corpse half inflames. A calumniator buried in church is hear...
1259: Corpse in bag. A avaricious priest refuses to bury the mothe...
126: Alexander in Paradise. Alexander’s trip to Paradise and the ...
1260: Corpse, indestructible. The burial of the body of St. Eduard...
1261: Corpse of bishop honored. Monks, finding a bishop’s corpse i...
1262: Corpse of monk carried off. A dead monk cries out. “0 juste ...
1263: Corpse of Pallas. The uncorrupted body of Pallas, son of Eva...
1264: Corpse of priest black. A parish priest desecrates his churc...
1265: Corpse of priest’s harlot. A priest’s harlot dies and only p...
1266: Corpse of priest stoned. The people stone the body of a sinf...
1267: Corpse of sinner in church. (Var.) a.) A bishop dies when he...
1268: Corpse of woman in monk’s cell. A monk tempted by a woman br...
1269: Corpse, own, to be attended. A abbot who has too severely pu...
127: Alexander jousts with princes. Alexander defeats all the pri...
1270: Corpse refused by earth. The earth refuses to receive the bo...
1271: Corpse rolls over. A dying monk promises to make room for hi...
1273: Corpse stands up. A famous magistrate stood up in his coffin...
1274: Corpse transported by Virgin. A clerk’s body, condemned to b...
1275: Corpses, three. Three gallants are killed by a woman and her...
1276: Corpses, white in church, black outside. A rainstorm killed ...
1277: Cosdras, King, calls self God. King Cosdras, calling himself...
1278: Cosma and Damian. Alpha # 219; Recull # 186....
1279: Cosmetics, against use of’. Denunciation of women who use ar...
128: Alexander kills friend. Alexander kills his friend, Illicius...
1280: Councilmen, clothes of. Councilmen were asked to wear clothe...
1281: Counsellor of Rome, position refused. Alpha # 641; Recull # ...
1282: Counsels, three, given to son. A dying rich man gives his so...
1283: Count becomes Franciscan. A count becomes a Franciscan and h...
1284: Count beheaded unjustly. Otto III beheads a count on a false...
1285: Count, good deed of. A dying count despairs, having never, h...
1286: Count on fire. After his death an evil count appears to a he...
1287: Count visited by poor man. A poor man, denied access to a co...
1288: Countess damned for finery. A dead countess appears and says...
1289: Couplet, elegiac, sent to abbot. A monk, who has been chasti...
129: Alexander kills Neptabanus. Alexander kills his father, Nept...
1290: Courses, twelve. A knight met a drunken prior who said that ...
1291: Court, youth in. A youth in court for kissing the prince’s d...
1292: Courtesy, giving as greatest. Knights are told that giving i...
1293: Courtesy of ribald returned. A saintly monk, seeing an image...
1294: Courtier interprets law. A emperor asks a courtier and a jur...
1295: Courtier, ungrateful, denounces benefactor. H37 # 35; Odo (F...
1296: Courtliness, true. True courtliness is taught to knights by ...
1297: Cow and calf promised to St. Michael. A peasant leading a co...
1298: Cow guarded by Argus. A man with a white cow gilds the anima...
1299: Cow, loss of bewailed. A hermit, bewailing the loss of his c...
13: Abbot, plain man as. A justice leaves in scorn when he disco...
130: Alexander, like tree. A prophetess likens Alexander to a you...
1300: Cow retumed to widow. A good man steals a widow’s cow in the...
1301: Cow stolen four generations before. A demon will not allow a...
1302: Cow stolen from poor. Many, if reproved for taking a poor ma...
1303: Cow, stolen, man chokes on. A rich man chokes to death on th...
1304: Cow taken by thief. A thief takes a widow’s cow, saying, “Th...
1305: Cow taken from peasant. A lawyer takes a cow from a peasant ...
1306: Cowards inspired. A man calls all cowards to himself and ins...
1307: Cowl as armor. Some monks enter battle armed only with their...
1308: Cowl assumed at death. A sinner assumes the cowl when on his...
1309: Cowpatch, stopping at. Dungbeetles yoked to a plow stop at a...
131: Alexander, meets ass first. Alexander, warned by an oracle t...
1310: Crab and oyster. a.) The crab inserts a stone in the oyster ...
1312: Crane lures companions to death. The apologue of a crane who...
1313: Crane, peasant becomes. A widow who practices magic turns a ...
1314: Cranes and leader. a.) Cranes and their sentinel leader. b.)...
1315: Cranes as allies. Cranes, by fighting together, defeat all t...
1316: Crasippus argues with friend. Crasippus, visiting a friend, ...
1317: Creditor, loan of as merit. A rich man gives all he has to t...
1318: Creed chases evil spirits. A pious Dominican chases away man...
1319: Criminal saved from burning. The Virgin Mary saves a crimina...
132: Alexander, mother of, tricked by sorcerer. The sorcerer Nept...
1320: Criminal threatens to summon judge. A convicted criminal had...
1321: Criminals in boiling oil. Two criminals are sitting in boili...
1322: Crippled woman cured. A crippled woman is cured by her zeal ...
1323: Cripples cured by threat of burning. Cripples visit a shrine...
1324: Crocodile catches bulls. JVitryFrencken #31; JVitryGreven #3...
1325: Crocodile, monk unharmed by. A obedient monk is unharmed by ...
1326: Crocodile swallows watersnake. A crocodile swallows a waters...
1327: Croesus, dire end of. a.) The dire end of the rich and avari...
1328: Crops of duke burned. The crops of a Polish duke are burned ...
1329: Crops of monastery destroyed. A monastery which has a monk w...
133: Alexander, not divine. When the Athenians did not wish to ho...
1330: Cross. (No story). Herzstein # 47....
1331: Cross adored by sick Saracen. A Saracen finds it abominable ...
1332: Cross and cloth preserved from fire. The garment of a man is...
1333: Cross as bridge to heaven. Some rivers must be crossed with ...
1334: Cross, blue, near sun. Caes. X, 37 (cross in air); 38....
1335: Cross, devotion to saves. A nun who is tempted is saved as a...
1336: Cross, golden, given by Virgin. A knight was given a golden ...
1337: Cross, golden, given to Jew by Christian. Spec. Laic. # 468....
1338: Cross in heart. A martyr declares that he goes to torture ch...
1339: Cross of Christ found. Cristantius sees in a vision that he ...
134: Alexander, physician of, accused. Philip the physician is ac...
1340: Cross of thief. Roman merchants admire a thief’s cross encru...
1341: Cross of wafers. Sacrificial wafers, dropped during Mass, ar...
1342: Cross on martyr’s day. On the day of St. Boniface the Martyr...
1343: Cross on mountain. A cross planted on a rugged mountain caus...
1344: Cross, shadow of revered. A knight who had always revered th...
1345: Cross, sign of, and heretic. A follower of Jacques de Vitry ...
1346: Cross, sign of, banishes devil. A sinner who has done homage...
1347: Cross, sign of, banishes serpent. A monk made the sign of th...
1348: Cross, sign of, made by Probianus. Spec. Laic. # 147 (Welter...
1349: Cross, sign of, protects from rain. St. Dominic is protected...
135: Alexander, poisoned. Alexander the Great is poisoned after r...
1350: Cross, sign of, saves man. A man owes his salvation to his h...
1351: Cross, sign of, shown to Julius Caesar. When Julius Caesar i...
1352: Cross, sign of, temple saved by. A temple about to be taken ...
1353: Cross, sign of, vase broken by. Spec. Laic. # 143 (Welter)....
1354: Cross taken on deathbed. A bishop advises a dying man to tak...
1355: Crossbowman, evil. The evil crossbowman of Henry the Cripple...
1356: Crow and ass. The crow hacks out the eye of the ass. H105 # ...
1357: Crow and king. A king of Castile, refusing to believe in the...
1358: Crow and owls. A crow, pretending that he has been cast out ...
1359: Crow, black, from husband’s body. A clerk tells his brother ...
136: Alexander, received in Jerusalem. Alexander is received with...
1360: Crow in borrowed feathers despoiled of them. H20 # 169, H37 ...
1361: Crow over house door. A scholar postpones his trip when a fr...
1362: Crow pesters eagle. A crow pesters an eagle until the latter...
1363: Crowd accused by woman. A woman accuses a crowd of people of...
1364: Crown on priest’s head. A priest sees a resplendant crown pl...
1365: Crown placed on convent. In ecstasy a devout nun sees the Vi...
1366: Crows as bad omen. Crows are not heeded as a bad omen by a k...
1367: Crows over dead knight. A knight left his novitiate, became ...
1368: Crows over deathbed. Crows perch over the deathbed of a lay ...
1369: Crows surround head of dying woman. a.) Crows surround the d...
137: Alexander, receives gifts from Darius. Darius, in derision, ...
1370: Crucifix aids dying man. The crucified Christ moves his hand...
1371: Crucifix as pawn. A dying usurer had taken a silver crucifix...
1372: Crucifix bars deserting monk. A monk resolves one night to d...
1373: Crucifix, bleeding, and Jew. A crucifix, made by St. Nicodem...
1374: Crucifix bleeding during quarrel. During the quarrel between...
1375: Crucifix bows to merciful man. The crucifix bows its head to...
1376: Crucifix dragged with rope. God punishes the people of a tow...
1377: Crucifix dropped by monk. A monk is made blind when he drops...
1378: Crucifix, eyes of. A scribe, who was to enter into the servi...
1379: Crucifix fed by lay brother. A simple lay brother in a Ciste...
138: Alexander, restores captive girl. Alexander restores a beaut...
1380: Crucifix, feet of drawn away. The crucifix drew away its fee...
1381: Crucifix, flanks of. A priest cannot satisfy the endless dem...
1382: Crucifix, foot of devoured. A monk has a vision of William I...
1383: Crucifix, light from. A nun locked in a chapel receives ligh...
1384: Crucifix, man prostrate before. A man in temptation prostrat...
1385: Crucifix spit on. A damned man rises from the dead and spits...
1386: Crucifix, upper half seen. A novice tempted by the spirit of...
1387: Crucifix with relic wards off devil. A dying novice wards of...
1388: Crucifixion discussed by Roman knights. Three Roman knights ...
1389: Crucifixion explained. A monk explains the crucifixion of re...
139: Alexander, saves city. Alexander is persuaded to save the ci...
1390: Crusade, unsuccessful. King Louis VII of France and his baro...
1391: Crusade, viscount on. A viscount, after having been robbed o...
1392: Crusader, deliberate suffering of. A crusader spends a long ...
1393: Crusader rebukes parents. A crusader at the siege of Jerusal...
1394: Crusader shot in head. A crusader shot through the head with...
1395: Crusader, war cry of. A crusader cries in battle that those ...
1396: Crying and praying. A monk says to his associates that he ca...
1397: Crying, loud, of child. A child stops crying so that after a...
1398: Cuckoo eats foster mother. The young cuckoo eats its foster ...
1399: Cuckoo in small bird’s nest. The cuckoo is condemned for nev...
14: Abbot prepares for death. just as bailiffs prepare their acc...
140: Alexander, sends peppercorns. Alexander sends peppercorns in...
1400: Cuckoo prophesies life. A woman who is mortally ill refuses ...
1401: Cup poisoned by friend. A king drinks from a cup although he...
1402: Cups, individual, of nobleman. A fool says to noblemen on a ...
1403: Curius, brave and frugal. Manrigeturius (i.e. Curius) and th...
1404: Curse hurled at knight. A poor woman from whom a knight has ...
1405: Cuttlefish swims and flies. H150 # 107....
1406: Cyprian, St., legend of. Pelbart # 289....
1407: Cyprus, inhabitants of. The fabulous origin of the inhabitan...
1408: Cyrus and Persians. Cyrus’ device for rousing the Persians t...
1409: Dagobert, soul of. The soul of King Dagobert is brought to j...
141: Alexander, stone of. Alexander receives a precious stone whi...
1410: Damietta, citizens of crucified. The citizens of Damietta, w...
1411: Damnation of many. The vision of a hermit concerning the man...
1412: Dance in mockery of mass. Devils dance in mockery of the mas...
1413: Dance of devils. Dance of devils near Cologne in 1258. H575 ...
1414: Dance, origin of. The Egyptian origin of the dance. EdeB # 4...
1415: Dancer carried off. A girl, fond of dancing, is carried off ...
1416: Dancer, corpse of leprous. A woman is ordered as penance for...
1417: Dancer curses priest. A dancer, dancing around an adorned ra...
1418: Dancer, woman, demon on head of. EdeB # 270....
1419: Dancers, accursed. Accursed dancers are made to dance all ye...
142: Alexander, summons castle’s surrender. Alexander summons a c...
1420: Dancers, devil plays for. At a dance the devil assumes the r...
1421: Dancers, floor collapses under. The son of a count is killed...
1422: Dancers, hermit weeps for. A hermit on his way to a dedicati...
1423: Dancers struck by lightning. Dancers are struck by lightning...
1424: Dancing before Virgin. The maiden, Musa, who loves dancing. ...
1425: Dancing disturbs sermon. A priest who is disturbed in his se...
1426: Dancing done by demons. A priest who enjoys wrestling and da...
1427: Dancing, girl burned for. In 1235 a girl in Anjou spends the...
1428: Dancing, girl cured of. A fearful vision cures a girl of her...
1429: Dancing, punishment for. In a vision a dead girl appears and...
143: Alexander, takes manners of Persians. Alexander adopts the m...
1430: Dancing partner unable to speak. A cardinal’s servant joins ...
1431: Danger, three stories of escape from. Three companions, the ...
1432: Daniel and statue. Gesta (O) # 213; cf. # 27.– Daniel 2: 31 ...
1433: Daniel in lion’s den. Seelentrost (German) 9, 25; Thrøst (Sw...
1434: Daniel kills dragon. Daniel kills the dragon, a god of the B...
1435: Daniel spreads ashes. Daniel spreads ashes around the statue...
1436: Dark, nun sins in. A nun is tempted into sinning with a man ...
1437: Darkness becomes day. At the birth of Christ the darkness of...
1438: Date and Dabitur. A impoverished monastery is restored on th...
1439: Daughter cured of leprosy. A king leaves his daughter in a s...
144: Alexander, three bad qualities of. H112 # 43, H178 # 150....
1440: Daughter cursed. (Var.) (See also: 4477). a.) Daughter curse...
1441: Daughter, dead mother appears to. A mother appears from hell...
1442: Daughter disturbs mother, damned. (See also: 1440). H73 # 15...
1443: Daughter dressed in worldly fashion. A mother who dresses he...
1444: Daughter married to poor man. A man in doubt between two sui...
1445: Daughter moved into hiding. A father hides his daughter to p...
1446: Daughter of king seduced. The man who seduces the king’s dau...
1447: Daughter of St. Peter. St. Peter’s sick daughter recovers in...
1448: Daughter recovered from wolf. With the help of a Virgin imag...
1449: Daughter sinning with demon. The daughter of a priest is per...
145: Alexander, three questions of. A. philosopher answers Alexan...
1450: Daughter visits dead parents. A good man dies and is buried ...
1451: Daughter, widowed, forbidden to remarry. A father will not a...
1452: Daughters of devil. The nine (ten) daughters of the devil an...
1453: David and Bathsheba. Seelentrost (German) 254, 10; Thrøst (S...
1454: David and Egyptian. David and the Egyptian who said that he ...
1455: David and Saul. Saul pursues David, and the followers of Sau...
1456: David, behavior of before child’s death. David’s behavior be...
1457: David, tribe of killed. All in the tribe of David are to be ...
1458: David, vision of. David’s vision of five angels bringing him...
1459: Day lost without giving. A emperor thinks the day lost in wh...
146: Alexander, troops of demoralized. Alexander bids his demoral...
1460: Deaconfalsely accused. A deacon falsely accused of fathering...
1461: Deacon in hot baths. After his death, a deacon, Paschasius, ...
1462: Deacon rebuiced for parsimony. St. German (of Auxerre) rebuk...
1463: Deacon, unordained. A unordained deacon sees the crucified C...
1464: Dead, return of. (Var.) a.) Dead aid benefactor. A man who p...
1465: Dead say responses. The dead say responses during the Office...
1466: Dead shown to swineherd. A lay brother, who served as swineh...
1467: Dead wife, neglect of. Godfrey does nothing for the soul of ...
1468: Deaf mute sees souls. A deaf and dumb man can see souls take...
1469: Deafness of bishop. A bishop is deaf to demands for payment ...
147: Alexander, walls in Jews. Unfaithful Jews are walled in by A...
1470: Death as teacher. The son of a king is taught by Death in th...
1471: Death, desire for. (Var.) (See also: 1478). a.) Death wished...
1472: Death, fear of. Fear of death keeps men from sin just as a w...
1473: Death feigned for a day. A master feigned death for a day in...
1474: Death, means of. Some beguines were discussing ways of dying...
1475: Death omens and predictions. (Var.) (See also: 832). A.) Dea...
1476: Death on Good Friday. A painter monk is relieved from his ar...
1477: Death on horse. The figure of Death on horseback rides away ...
1478: Death, rejoicing at. (Var.) a.) Franciscan and death. A Fran...
1479: Death sacrament mocked. On his deathbed, a clerk confesses o...
148: Alexander, warned about greatness. H160 # 55....
1480: Death screamed at. A priest screams when near death in order...
1481: Death, sudden. (Var.) a.) Death, sudden, caused by lying. In...
1482: Death, threat of, as joke. A monk is threatened with death b...
1483: Death through laughing. A peasant, who refused to marry a gi...
1484: Death with last rites. A wounded man about to die receives t...
1485: Death without last rites. A rich man, the father of a young ...
1486: Death, worldly scholar remembers. A monk persuades a worldly...
1487: Death bed, miser on. A dying miser loses the power of speech...
1488: Deathbed, modesty on. a.) A dying woman is careful that no p...
1489: Deathbed, prediction on. A blind monk, when dying, predicted...
149: Alexander, wounded. The wounded Alexander proclaims himself ...
1490: Deathbed vision. (Var.) (See also: 3201; 3872). a.) Deathbed...
1491: Deathbeds, two, seen. A hermit sees two deathbeds. H65 # 58,...
1492: Death hour. (Var.) a.) Death hour, angels and devils fight f...
1493: Death sentence, escape from. A man, sentenced to death, asks...
1494: Death sentence, king invokes. Enx (G) # 343; S.T.: W11.17. C...
1495: Debt paid by knight. A knight refuses to pay a debt to the c...
1496: Debt repaid by dead. (Var.) a.) The soul of a dead monk retu...
1497: Debts, chain of. (Var.) a.) Magister Thomas of Paris and his...
1498: Debts, man prefers to pay. a.) A man would rather pay 500 fl...
1499: Debts of dead knight paid. A poor merchant pays the creditor...
15: Abbot, promotion of. Before his promotion, an abbot fasts on...
150: Alexander, Pope, and scolding abbot. A monk who gives his cl...
1500: Dedication attended by matron. A matron, while in a state of...
1501: Deeds weighed. (King Coenred’s knight.) (Var.) a.) A dying m...
1502: Deer and fish caught. A bishop pursues a deer which leaps in...
1503: Deer in herd safe from hunter. H379 # 106....
1504: Deer relinquishes young for want of food. Odo (P) # 124 (Her...
1505: Deformity disappears after baptism. CHeist-X #42 ....
1506: Demoniac compliments nobleman. A demoniac compliments a nobl...
1507: Demoniac cured. A layman who has always paid tithes cures a ...
1508: Demoniac denounces adulteress. A knight goes to question a d...
1509: Demoniac denounces clerk. A clerk goes with the prior to a p...
151: Alexandria, marvels of. Alpha # 598.– VitaePatrum ....
1510: Demoniac does not fear preacher. A demoniac tells a mendican...
1511: Demoniac laughing and weeping. A demoniac, while being exorc...
1512: Demoniac questioned by Franciscans. A demoniac is questioned...
1513: Demoniacs, clairvoyance of. The clairvoyance of demoniacs an...
1515: Demosthenes at the seaside. Alpha # 317.– Val. Max. VIII, 7,...
1516: Demosthenes, eloquence of. Alpha # 639.– Val. Max. VIII, 10,...
1517: Denis, St., saves Philip Augustus. EdeB # 323....
1518: Desert, forty days in. A monk tempted to return to the world...
1519: Desert, forty years in. A man spent forty years in the deser...
152: Alexandria, nobleman’s desire for. A nobleman wishing to con...
1520: Desert, three youths in. Three youths are converted by the s...
1521: Detractor like dog. A detractor is compared to a dog befouli...
1522: Detractors. (No story). Herzstein # 50....
1523: Detractors accused. St. Augustine accuses his dinner compani...
1524: Detractors compared to bear. H384 # 182....
1525: Detractors compared to flies on horse or mule. H104 # 29....
1526: Detractors, comparisons for. Herzstein # 18....
1527: Devil appears to thirsty man. A cellarer, who was very thirs...
1528: Devil appears to very good or very evil persons. H5 # 4....
1529: Devil as angel advises monk. The devil in the shape of an an...
153: Alexis, St., life of. A knight becomes a hermit and retires ...
1530: Devil as ape. A monk had sewn a patch into his scapular with...
1531: Devil (demon) as ape, and justice. A justice spending the ni...
1532: Devil as ape with goat’s horns. A dying knight sees the devi...
1533: Devil as bear. (Var.) a.) A master makes incantations over a...
1534: Devil (demon) as black boy. St. Bennett forces the demon, in...
1535: Devil as black harlot. The devil appears as a beautiful blac...
1536: Devil as Christ. The devil, calling himself Christ, appears ...
1537: Devil as crucifix. A monk, the companion of St. Francis, see...
1538: Devil as dog. The devil, in the guise of a dog, addresses a ...
1539: Devil as fish. The devil, hoping to deceive St. Guthlac, ass...
154: Allegations unsubstantiated. A man is punished before the la...
1541: Devil as handsome youth. A man was pursued by the devil in t...
1542: Devil as hare. A man goes hunting on Sunday instead of going...
1543: Devil as harlot. A man was carried off by a demon in the gui...
1544: Devil as huntsman. The devil in the guise of a hunter with b...
1545: Devil as king worshipped. A Franciscan leams that his father...
1546: Devil as kinswoman. A young clerk, drawing water for the chu...
1547: Devil as knight in viser. While King Philip is fighting Otto...
1548: Devil as lady. The devil appears as a lady or as a gentleman...
1549: Devil as lover. A girl says her prayers before going to meet...
155: All Saints’ Day, prof anation of. A man and wife are struck ...
1550: Devil as merchant. A penitent knight hermit rapes and murder...
1551: Devil as nun tricks knight. The devil in the guise of a nun ...
1552: Devil as old woman I. The devil in the form of an old woman ...
1553: Devil as old woman II. The devil appears as an old woman and...
1554: Devil as physician. A woman of apparent saintliness is denou...
1555: Devil as poor man. A man unknowingly gives hospitality to th...
1556: Devil as St. Galganus. In the guise of St. Galganus, the dev...
1557: Devil as serpent. The devil in the form of a serpent spends ...
1558: Devil as servant I. The chamberlain of a knight’s court is t...
1559: Devil as servant II. A woman dies after her hand has been pr...
156: All Souls’ Day. A vision of heaven and purgatory seen by a m...
1560: Devil as spider. A bishop cut off the foot of a spider distu...
1561: Devil as Thomas. A physician, devoted to his namesake St. Th...
1562: Devil as toad enters unconfessed woman. A woman goes to East...
1563: Devil as toad terrifies hermit. libri8-II #32 ....
1564: Devil as travelling companion. The devil acts as a man’s tra...
1565: Devil as Virgin Mary. The devil appears to a hermit in the g...
1566: Devil as vulture. A monk hears devils (one in the form of a ...
1567: Devil as wagon wheel. The devil removes one wheel from a car...
1568: Devil as watchdog. A bishop makes the devil act as his watch...
1569: Devil as woman causes sickness. Two young men become ill aft...
157: Almond oil cures deafness. H163 # 92....
1570: Devil as woman, scholar sins with. A scholar who thought he ...
1571: Devil as woman seen for first time. A son raised as a monk i...
1572: Devil as woman tempts monk. A archbishop, disguised as a gol...
1573: Devil (demon) as youth. A girl entered a convent after her l...
1574: Devil at marketplace. The devil in human form accompanies a ...
1575: Devil beats archbishop. A archbishop is tormented and beaten...
1576: Devil beats monk. A monk, who did not bow his head when the ...
1577: Devil beaten with chain. St. Juliana, in prison, beats the d...
1578: Devil becomes abbot. The devil in the guise of a boy enters ...
1579: Devil bound by words. The devil said that he was bound by th...
158: Alms asked of king. A corrupt man asks the king for alms on ...
1580: Devil carries knight home. The devil is ordered to carry a k...
1581: Devil carries of f lay brother. A lay brother was carried of...
1582: Devil carries off newborn child. A woman in labor invokes th...
1583: Devil carries off priest. A priest is carried away on the Sa...
1584: Devil, clerk commits self to. A clerk, who drowns after comm...
1585: Devil (demon) coaxed to join knight. A knight coaxes a devil...
1586: Devil conversing with monk. The devil appears frequently to ...
1587: Devil cross examined by Virgin. The devil claims a woman’s s...
1588: Devil (demon) crushes woman. A woman was freed from a devil ...
1589: Devil, daughters, ten, of. The ten daughters of the devil an...
159: Alms begged by saint. St. John, in the guise of a pilgrim, a...
1590: Devil de forms man coming from mistress. The devil meets a m...
1591: Devil desires forgiveness. A Franciscan lay brother, working...
1592: Devil (demon) desires souls. While torturing a man, a demon ...
1593: Devil does not sin. The devil says that, although he hinisel...
1594: Devil driven away by words. (Var.) a) A monk is bothered by ...
1595: Devil, emissary of. St. Bernard warns the novices at Clairva...
1596: Devil ensnares servants. A man says to his companion, “I won...
1597: Devil (demon) enters monk’s body. A prior is told by a devil...
1598: Devil (demon) exorcised. (Var.) (See also: 1511, 4537). Cf. ...
1599: Devil (demon) expelled from convent. The expulsion of a devi...
16: Abbot, severe, beaten by monks. a.) An innocent monk becomes...
160: Alms, best dish as. A man vowed to give as alms the best par...
1600: Devil flees from chaste peasant. The devil resists the attem...
1601: Devil forced to preach and carry cross. libri8-II #16 ....
1602: Devil honors Host. A clerk calls forth the devil by magic. A...
1603: Devil (demon) imitating men. A demon imitates the gestures a...
1604: Devil invoked and repudiated. A man invokes the devil for th...
1605: Devil invoked to remove shoes. A impatient man calls to his ...
1606: Devil leads man to judgment. A wicked man was led by the dev...
1607: Devil (demon) leaves woman forfive days. A devil leaves a wo...
1608: Devil like boys fearing water. The devil acts toward the unr...
1609: Devil like fowler. The devil is compared to a fowler who sta...
161: Alms demanded of patriarch. A greedy patriarch of Jerusalem ...
1610: Devil like sparrow hawk. The devil is compared to the sparro...
1611: Devil like wicked lord. The devil is compared to a wicked lo...
1612: Devil loves sin because he gains souls. H398 # 460....
1613: Devil (demon) lying in name of Trinity. A devil refuses to l...
1614: Devil (demon) made to sing. A saint makes a devil sing as he...
1615: Devil (demon) mimics glutton. A monk sees a demon mimic the ...
1616: Devil (demon) molests prior. A subprior of the Dominicans at...
1617: Devil not returning to piace of defeat. The devil is like a ...
1618: Devil (demon) on black horse. A oppressor is carried through...
1619: Devil (demon) on horse. A smithy is roused at night to shoe ...
162: Alms distributed by count. A count distributes alms with his...
1620: Devil on man’s back. A man, kneeling with his face lowered t...
1621: Devil on monk’s back. The devil in the guise of a naked woma...
1622: Devil on saint’s back. The devil leaps on St. Hilary’s back ...
1623: Devil (demon) possesses girl on Vigil of Ascension. A demon ...
1624: Devil possesses man. A man., possessed by the devil, disturb...
1625: Devil preaches in derision of prelates. H466 # 44....
1626: Devil prefers hell to wife. The devil marries but prefers he...
1627: Devil prompts breaking of stone. A holy Church Father sees t...
1628: Devil provides hanging rope. A man in alliance with the devi...
1629: Devil pulls clerk by hair. A clerk said his offices in a car...
163: Alms for monks. A abbot and a monk die. When a cellarer says...
1630: Devil (demon) records chatter in church. a.) A priest sees a...
1631: Devil replaces woman at visit. A canon is promised a visit b...
1632: Devil seizes churchgoers. A man and a woman going to church ...
1633: Devil (demon) speaking through woman. A demon said that he h...
1634: Devil (demon) speaking through woman. A abbot tells a devil ...
1635: Devil, suggestions of. The devil suggests to an abbot that h...
1636: Devil summons bishop. A bishop is summoned by the devil to g...
1637: Devil (demon) too proud for penance. A demon goes to confess...
1638: Devil (demon) weeping before saint. A devil in the guise of ...
1639: Devil (demon) woman sins with. A woman on lier deathbed conf...
164: Alms for sleeping. A hermit says that the alms which he give...
1640: Devil works in mill. The devil receives new clothing for his...
1641: Devils (demons) and face of God. Demons wish to see the face...
1642: Devils as black horses. A devout man on his way home from ma...
1643: Devils as black riders. Death of a rich man: devils come as ...
1644: Devils (demons) as cats and dogs. A woman hermit sees demons...
1645: Devils as crows. One of tlirce robbers broken on the wheel s...
1646: Devils as flies. A priest brings the Eucharist into a dying ...
1647: Devils as monks. A monk sees devils, in the guise of monks, ...
1648: Devils (demons) as neighbors. Demons appear at a house every...
1649: Devils (demons) as peasants. A abbot sees a demon near a nov...
165: Alms given by poor man. a.) A poor man devoted to the Virgin...
1650: Devils (demons) as wolves. A ill tempered and impenitent mon...
1651: Devils as women tempt man in vain. Four devils in the guise ...
1652: Devils (demon) brand clerk for sin. A clerk went with a prio...
1653: Devils carry off girl. A girl is carried off by devils who l...
1654: Devils (demons) chased away from town. St. Francis sees demo...
1655: Devils (demons), convents of. A deserting monk loses his way...
1656: Devils hinder confession at deathbed. Devils (one in the for...
1657: Devils (demons) in idols. Concerning demons who lived in ido...
1658: Devils kept away by light. A man dies suddenly; devils come ...
1659: Devils (demons), old man wants to see. Lib. Ex. # 58.– Vitae...
166: Alms given in church. A woman gives alms in church and a mir...
1660: Devils on lady’s train. A priest sees demons in the form of ...
1661: Devils, procession of. A procession of devils chant psalms a...
1662: Devils rejoice at oppressor’s death. A monk who had been an ...
1663: Devils render accounts. A Jew taking shelter in the temple o...
1664: Devils (demons) torture women. Two demons, torturing two qua...
1665: Devils vanish from church. A abbot prays and causes devils t...
1666: Dew, lady bathes in. A lady, who bathes only in dew and live...
1667: Diacotos, stone, loses virtue if applied to dead man’s mouth...
1668: Diamond, virtue of. The fourfold virtue of the diamond as an...
1669: Dice game, confession refused during. A priest refuses confe...
167: Alms given to saints. A matron gives alms to Saints Processu...
1670: Dice game of lady and actor. A noble lady, playing at dice w...
1671: Diet, meager. A pious man remains fair and healthy even on h...
1672: Diet, rules of broken. A infirmarer in a monastery commits m...
1673: Diogenes and Alexander. Diogenes asks Alexander not to stand...
1674: Diogenes and cup of child. Alpha # 201.– Knust, De vita et m...
1675: Diogenes and praise of Dionysius. Aristodemus says to Diogen...
1676: Diogenes and Stocius. Diogenes disputes with his disciple St...
1677: Dionysius of Syracuse, robberies of. On his way home after r...
1678: Dionysius Situlus and old woman. A woman prays to the gods t...
1679: Dirt, as low as. Constantius is delighted to be considered a...
168: Alms given with reservations. Spec. Laic. # 404....
1680: Dirt sponged from chaplain. A prince sees an angel sponge aw...
1681: Disciples find purse. Christ and His disciples find a bag of...
1682: Disciples questioned before meal. The Gymniosophists in Indi...
1683: Discretion, humility, and charity. A hermit comments on the ...
1684: Dish, ivory, attracts gold. Pelbart # 174....
1685: Dishes, sweet, received. A nun, passed over accidentally at ...
1686: Disobedience, son of. A old man shows the frailty of the fle...
1687: Dispensation to infernal regions. A man, seeing a canon retu...
1688: Disputant strangled by devil. One of two disputants reviles ...
1689: Ditch water drunk by peasant. A peasant on his way to a feas...
169: Alms not given by rich man. A rich man who would not give al...
1690: Dives and Lazarus. H282 # 36, H310 # 37, H320 # 23.– Arnould...
1691: Divination. Herzstein # 60....
1692: Doctor Frog and Fox. Frog is taunted by Fox because he canno...
1693: Doctrine, falsity of revealed. A man discourses with the hea...
1694: Dog teach fawn. A dog teaches its fawn to leap ditches. H104...
1695: Dog and serpent. A dog saves his master’s child from a serpe...
1696: Dog baptized by students. A dog becomes mad when baptized by...
1697: Dog, black, conjures up meal. The meal of a heretic is conju...
1698: Dog, charity of. A dog of a rich man gives half of his food ...
17: Abbot, simplicity of. A abbot confounds his adversaries with...
170: Alms of Abraham, Job, Tobias, and Cornelius. Nicole # 143b....
1700: Dog, faithful, follows master’s body. (Var.) a.) A faithful ...
1701: Dog, faithful, killed. Enx (M) # 21; S.T.: B842.– Campbell, ...
1702: Dog follows master. A dog follows its master when the latter...
1703: Dog friendly to guest. A dog at his master’s table is friend...
1704: Dog, girl killed in place of. A knight, waiting in the dark ...
1706: Dog misses feasts. a.) A dog hesitates all day between two f...
1707: Dog obeys thief. A clerk teaches a dog to walk on its fore l...
1708: Dog scents stag. The dog scenting the stag is so attracted t...
1709: Dog wastes away on rich diet. A little dog who wasted away o...
171: Alms, poor man wagers over. A poor man wagers that he can ge...
1710: Dogs attack nobleman. A nobleman prefers the baying of dogs ...
1711: Dogs attack proud man. A proud man will not ask for help whe...
1712: Dogs attack proud youth. A youth, proud of his curly hair, i...
1713: Dogsfight at Mont Aimé. a.) Detractors are like dogs gatheri...
1714: Dogsfight over body. A wanton girl, who did not heed a wamin...
1715: Dogs of devil. A outlawed knight (representing the devil) hu...
1716: Dogs run from crocodiles. Dogs in Egypt run from the river w...
1717: Dogs juck eggs. Two dogs, Orri and Alriche, suck eggs; Airic...
1718: Dogs tear apart excommunicated woman. The body of an excommu...
1719: Dogs to guard house. A rich man has a black dog and a red do...
172: Alms, preferred to prayers. A dead man appears and says that...
1720: Dolphin and boy. A dolphin dies of grief at the death of his...
1721: Dolphin, captured, followed by dolphins. A dolphin captured ...
1722: Dolphin, grateful. A dolphin is grateful to the man who spar...
1723: Dolphins and drowning men. Dolphins devour a drowning man if...
1724: Dolphins help fishermen. H123 # 37....
1725: Dolphins love human voice. Dolphins love the human voice and...
1726: Dolphins save man. Sailors wish to kill a rich man. He asks ...
1727: Dominic, St., ascends ladders. When he dies, St. Dominic is ...
1728: Dominic, St., books of. Judgment by fire is applied to the b...
1729: Dominic, St., cures sick man. A dean becomes ill in Rome. St...
173: Alms, refused. A poor clerk begs for alms from a magistrate ...
1730: Dominic, St., in heavenly splendor. At the hour of St. Domin...
1731: Dominic, St., letters of. A archdeacon relates how the lette...
1732: Dominic, St., prays for bread. Bread is miraculously served ...
1734: Dominic, St., sees demons. A demon appears to St. Dominic an...
1735: Dominic, St., sent by Virgin. St. Dominic sees a vision in w...
1736: Dominic. St., spends night in prayer. EdeB # 199....
1737: Dominic, St., visits prisoners in Rome. EdeB # 158....
1738: Dominican comforts dying woman. A Dominican comforts a dying...
1739: Dominican, conversion of. A long narrative of the conversion...
174: Alms, refused by sailors. Sailors refuse alms to a beggar by...
1740: Dominican convinced of diabolical illusions. Jordanus Saxo c...
1741: Dominican reviled by devil. A Dominican lay brother is revil...
1742: Dominican seeks prior’s pardon. A Dominican appears after de...
1743: Dominicans afflicted by devil. The Dominicans were much pers...
1744: Dominicans, discipline of preferred. A youth, raised in luxu...
1745: Dominicans, hidden among. A man has a vision of judgment in ...
1746: Donkey shams illness. Gesta (M) # 50; H40 # 32, H257 # 50; O...
1747: Donkey unfed and beaten. A donkey which hauls grain to tlirc...
1748: Door, sign on changed. A inhospitable priest changes the sig...
1749: Doorman beaten for blasphemy. A mayor’s doorman is beaten fo...
175: Alms, refused to poet. A king refuses alms to a poet of nobl...
1750: Doors, monks without. Talkative monks have no door to their ...
1751: Doors, witch claims to walk through. A old witch who claims ...
1752: Dormouse in cloister. A dormouse wishes to enter a cloister ...
1753: Dough turned to filth. The dough of a blasphemous baker woma...
1754: Dove and cat on roof. A simple monk, when dying, sees a whit...
1755: Dove as king. A dove which turns into a kite is chosen king ...
1756: Dove brings holy vessel. When King Clodovic is baptized and ...
1757: Dove brings inspiralion for sermon. St. Edmund of Canterbury...
1758: Dove, faithfulness of. Nicole # 61a....
1759: Dove forgets to watch in meadow. While sitting on the water,...
176: Alms, repaid hundredfold (Var.) A rich man gives all his wea...
1760: Dove from monk’s mouth. When a monk renounces God in order t...
1761: Dove like hesitating man. A hesitating man is compared to a ...
1762: Dove of Mohamet. Mohamet trains a dove to sit on his shoulde...
1763: Dove on monk’s head. A dove, indicating the presence of the ...
1764: Dove received as bread. A white dove, symbolizing Christ, is...
1765: Dove seen by lay brother. When praying for a monk, a lay bro...
1766: Dove shows signs of blood. The crucifixion of Christ and blo...
1767: Dove strengthens woman through chalice. During mass, a pious...
1768: Dove visits saint at mass. A dove visits St. John Chrysostom...
1769: Dove, warning of. A dove warns a city. Gesta (l) # 81; Gesta...
177: Alms, stolen from master. St. Godric’s servant is warned in ...
1770: Doves bear martyrs’ names. Three doves carry the names of Ch...
1771: Doves drink tears. The Paternoster moves a girl to tears whi...
1772: Doves freed by knight. A knight who raises doves sets them f...
1773: Doves in net. Doves caught in a net console themselves becau...
1774: Dowry of ugly princess. Succession to the throne is the dowr...
1775: Dragon driven away by abstinence. Viaticum # 1; ML # 136 (fa...
1776: Dragon from bell converts clerk. A learned but wanton clerk ...
1777: Dragon from unworthy priest’s mouth. A knight stays away fro...
1778: Dragon swallows adulterous peasant. A adulterous peasant is ...
1779: Dragon swallows monk. A dragon devours a dying monk who has ...
178: Alms, stolen goods as. A abbot deposes a cellarer for fraud ...
1780: Dragon, vision of. A monk leaving the monastery has a vision...
1781: Dragon waiting at deathbed. On his deathbed a frivolous monk...
1782: Dragons guard hermit’s cell. a.) A hermit has two dragons gu...
1783: Dream, everything as. A novice is tempted to consider everyt...
1784: Dream of being bishop. A clerk has a dream that he will be b...
1785: Dream of king interpreted. A peasant is helped by the devil ...
1786: Dream of Saracen king. A preacher explains a Saracen king’s ...
1787: Dream, wife sees husband stabbed in. A knight, who has commi...
1788: Dreamer, greedy. A shepherd bargains in his sleep. Disc. Cle...
179: Alms to poor, instead of church. A congregation is told to g...
1790: Dreams, diversity of. A monk describes the diversity of drea...
1791: Dreams, monks telling. When certain monks are telling their ...
1792: Dreams, unconfessed. A monk has libidinous dreams prompted b...
1793: Drinking after good words. A monk says that after good words...
1794: Drinking, archdeacon condemned for. A archdeacon, who reprov...
1795: Drinking, eternal. A dead knight, who had been addicted to d...
1796: Drinking, of horse, moderation in. After preaching, a magist...
1797: Drought, monks afflicted by. Spec. Laic. # 432 (Welter)....
1798: Drowning in ditch. A man whose favorite expletive is, “The d...
1799: Drowning, three examples of. Three tales of sudden death by ...
18: Abbot, successor of predicted. The death and successorship o...
180: Almsgiving, done in one’s lifetime. Almsgiving should be don...
1800: Druggist gives wrong medicine. A druggist gives the wrong pr...
1801: Drunkard allowed no water. As penance, a drunkard is allowed...
1802: Drunkard appears to miser. Two stewards of an archbishop, on...
1804: Drunkard buried in unhallowed ground. Among the desecrators ...
1805: Drunkard burns house. H500 # 278....
1806: Drunkard, dead, seeks saint’s help. After his death, a drunk...
1807: Drunkard drinks on saint’s da. A drunkard who keeps drinking...
1808: Drunkard, dying, says “couppe.” A dying drunkard can say onl...
1809: Drunkard, dying, unable to speak. A dying drunkard cannot sp...
181: Almsgiving, jars filled. A almsgiving husband and wife find ...
1810: Drunkard invites devil. A drunkard invites a devil to enter ...
1811: Drunkard lured by devil. A devil, in the guise of a man, off...
1812: Drunkard monk saved by Virgin. A drunken monk is saved by th...
1813: Drunkard repents in church. A drunkard, who hardly ever goes...
1814: Drunkard reproached by wife. H500 # 281....
1815: Drunkard sees four children. A drunkard thinks he sees four ...
1816: Drunkenness least of mortal sins. Drunkenness, although the ...
1817: Drunkenness, woman accused of. A woman seen taking one drink...
1818: Dryhthelm, vision of. In a vision of hell, a devout man lear...
1819: Ducks, wild, sinners like. Sinners at the second coming of C...
182: Almsgiving, pride in. A man who felt proud whenever he gave ...
1820: Duel won by confession. Two men face each other in a duel. O...
1821: Duke on deathbed. A youth on his deathbed says that, in spit...
1822: Duke, perjury of. Concerning the duke who perjured himself d...
1823: Duke refuses baptism. A Saxon duke refuses baptism on learni...
1824: Dungbeetles and bees. Dungbeetles and bees exchange hospital...
1825: Dunstan, St., vision of. St. Dunstan sees a vision of the Vi...
1826: Duties, administrative, neglected. A prelate who neglects hi...
1827: “E” written by God. King Philadelphus of Greece makes every ...
1828: Eagle and heron. A eagle refuses to guide a heron in flight....
1829: Eagle and phoenix. Klapper, Erz. # 208; Odo (F) # 13 (Herv. ...
183: Almsgiving, refused by widower. A widower refuses to give al...
1830: Eagle and rat dispute. A eagle and a rat dispute as to which...
1831: Eagle and snake. A mother eagle wards off the venomous breat...
1832: Eagle and tortoise. A eagle carries a tortoise high in the s...
1833: Eagle blinded by raven. Dr. Raven blinds an eagle and devour...
1834: Eagle feeds young. How the eagle feeds its young. H164 # 117...
1835: Eagle leads nobleman to palm. A young nobleman becomes a her...
1836: Eagle leaves part of prey. The eagle leaves part of its prey...
1837: Eagle renews youth in sun. A old eagle soars high and renews...
1838: Eagle teaches young to fly. The eagle teaches its young how ...
1839: Eagle tests eyes of young. A eagle tests the eyes of its you...
184: Almsgiving, repented by bishop. A bishop is reproved in a vi...
1840: Eagle weighed down by age. Pelbart # 22. 1841 “Eale” with mo...
1842: Ear of tyrant bitten off. Zeno bites off the car of a tyrant...
1843: Ears gnawed by Antigonus. Slanderers are compared to Antigon...
1844: Ears of Crucifix covered. a.) A peasant never listened to se...
1845: Earth carried on shoulders. A man sees a recently deceased k...
1846: Earth swallows men alive. Dathan and Abyron are swallowed up...
1847: Earthquake buries city. A earthquake at Corinth raises mount...
1848: Earthquake, no attack after. Saladin refuses to attack Tyre ...
1849: Eating in secret confessed. At his death, a Cistercian conve...
185: Altar, obscured by angels. While a monk is celebrating mass ...
1850: Eating in secret, punishment for. A monk fasts in public but...
1851: Eating of own child. During the siege of Jerusalem, a woman ...
1852: Eating on Friday. A monk chides a man for eating on Friday a...
1853: Ecstasy of certain women. Certain women fall into ecstasy wh...
1854: Ecstasy of knight on Christmas. On Christmas, a knight in ec...
1855: Ecstasy of monk. A monk in ecstasy sees four simple men in t...
1856: Eczema, monk cured of. A monk is cured of eczema by the Virg...
1857: Edmund, St., and archdeacon. A archdeacon lying ill refuses ...
1858: Edmund, St., and devil. The conflict of the devil and St. Ed...
1859: Edmund, St., curses ribald. A ribald at Paris is cursed on G...
186: Altar, of Virgin. A unconfessed youth approaches the altar o...
1860: Edmund, St., dying words of. H375 # 31....
1861: Edmund, St., gives money to brother. St. Edmund gives money ...
1862: Edmund, St., invocation of on receiving the Viaticum. H69 # ...
1863: Edmund, St., rebuked by St. Thomas in a vision. St. Edmund i...
1864: Edmund, St., staff drives away devil. On St. Edmund’s advice...
1865: Edmund, St., sups and drinks with student. Contrary to his c...
1866: Edmund, St., town of, sacked. St. Edmund the Martyr appears ...
1867: Edward, St., deathbed vision of. On his deathbed, St. Edward...
1868: Eel, captive, escapes. A man holds a captured eel in the wat...
1869: Eels chased by bishop. The eels are chased from Lake Léman b...
187: Altar cloth, miraculously replaced. A old priest who has led...
1870: Egidius, St., wound of. Concerning the wound of St. Egidius,...
1871: Elder advises shunning women, boys, and heretics. A elder ad...
1872: Elder and sick disciple. A elder bids his sick disciple rejo...
1873: Elder rebuked by abbot. A self righteous elder is rebuked by...
1874: Elect as members of Christ. A monk explains how the elect ma...
1875: Elephant afraid of mouse. The elephant is afraid of the mous...
1876: Elephant, baths of. a) Elephants bathe at the time of the ne...
1877: Elephant captured. A elephant is captured by felling the tre...
1878: Elephant domesticated. Concerning the capture and domesticat...
1879: Elephant guards ears from flies. The elephant protects his e...
188: Altar cloths, carefully washed. A nun washes the altar cloth...
1880: Elephant killed by dragon. A elephant, mortally wounded by a...
1882: Elephant, whale, and toad. Of the elephant, whale, and toad,...
1883: Elephant, young of. The elephant gives birth to only one off...
1884: Elf, mother in law of. A son marries an elf. His jealous mot...
1885: Eli and his sons. The biblical story of Eli and his sons. H3...
1886: Elijah and the axe. H62 # 26, Odo (P) # 25 (Herv. IV, p. 275...
1887: Eijah fed by raven. Odo (P) # 127 (Herv. IV, p. 313).– I Kin...
1888: Elopement of princess. A emperor’s daughter elopes but is br...
1889: Emerald under tongue. A emerald, placed under the tongue, gi...
189: Amandus, St., and damned. St. Amandus and the sufferings of ...
1890: Emeram, St., and Arsenius. Tab. Ex. # 190....
1891: Emperor gives sovereignty to people. A emperor proclaims tha...
1892: Emperor hears of Nativity. A emperor, hearing from a sibyl o...
1893: Emperor, lust of escaped. A girl stabs herself to escape an ...
1895: Emperor sends bloody rags. Emperor Otho, wounded in battle, ...
1896: Emperor thrown overboard. A empress bribes a ship’s captain ...
1897: Emperor weeps at army. A emperor weeps while reviewing his a...
1899: Enchanter blinds kings. A enchanter blinds kings and princes...
19: Abbot tempted to entrap monks. The devil tempts an abbot to ...
190: Arnandus, St., mocked. A man died a miserable death when he ...
1900: Enemy invited to dine. A Roman asks his captive enemy to din...
1901: Enemy spared for friend’s sake. A Franciscan asks a wanton w...
1902: England, prosperity predicted for. A magician predicts that ...
1903: Envy and hate cured. A scholar at Cologne tells the story of...
1904: Epicurus against marriage. Epicurus talks against marriage. ...
1905: Epicurus, diet of. Epicurus tells why he cats a moderate die...
1906: Epiphanius, St., and stingy servant. Concerning the generosi...
1907: Epistle of Abgarus. The Epistle of Abgarus to Christ wrought...
1908: Epistles of St. Paul understood best by theologian. A master...
1909: Esther and Mordecai. Gesta (l) # 141; Gesta (O) # 177, H239 ...
191: Ambition to rule. The ambition to rule results in murder: Ro...
1910: Eternity, exemplum about. Pelbart # 380.– Köhler, Kl. Schr. ...
1911: Eternity, sermon on. A nobleman hears a sermon on eternity a...
1912: Ethiopian, Gregory’s apparition of. St. Gregory sees an appa...
1913: Ethiopian plagues thief. A brother who has committed theft i...
1914: Eucharistia, St., glorification of. Pelbart # 187....
1915: Eugenia disguised as man. Eugenia, in order to avoid marryin...
1916: Eugenia, St., life of. St. Eugenia, accused of being a sorce...
1917: Eugenius, Pope, kneels before man. Pope Eugenius kneels befo...
1918: Eunuch, monk envisions self as. A monk who had already decid...
1919: Euphemia, St. Klapper, Erz. # 3....
192: Ambrose St., and guest. Tab. Ex. # 292....
1922: Example not followed. A priest, whose parishioners complain ...
1923: Excommunicate buried. A matron hears a voice in the cemetery...
1924: Excommunicate, tomb of. The tomb of an excommunicate is foun...
1925: Excommunicated women rise from graves. A preacher bids all t...
1926: Excommunicates carried away by river. Two old men who had be...
1927: Excommunicates, city of. The population of a city, which was...
1928: Excommunication for not paying tithes. A man is excommunicat...
1929: Excommunication, knight’s boast after. A knight boasts that ...
193: Ambrose: St., and sick man. St. Ambrose and the sick man who...
1930: Executor, faithless, chaplain as. A archbishop dies and appo...
1931: Executor, faithless, of Charlemagne’s knight. A knight fight...
1932: Executor neglects merchant’s wishes. A merchant neglects the...
1933: Executors, dishonest. Three dishonest men are made executors...
1934: Executors, unfaithful, suffer pain. Two friends of a dying u...
1935: Exiles ask prophet about return. Thinking him to be a prophe...
1936: Extreme unction, mouth swells when given. A priest, summoned...
1937: Extreme unction received b count. A count receiving extreme ...
1938: Extreme unction saves dying nun. A dying nun is almost drive...
1939: Eye as lost enemy. A man rejoices at the loss of an eye, say...
194: Ambrose, St., condemns emperor. St. Ambrose condemns the emp...
1940: Eye gauged out by devil. A student of magic has his eye gaug...
1941: Eye lost for hunting on Good Friday. A man goes hunting on G...
1942: Eye, lost, saves life. A man loses an eye. This loss saves h...
1943: Eye of husband kissed. A wife kisses her one eyed husband on...
1944: Eye plucked out by emperor (Zaleucus). A emperor’s son was c...
1945: Eye removed to avoid sin. A man puts out his eye because the...
1946: Eyes devoured by worms. A woman blasphemes St. Dominic and h...
1947: Eyes, man condemned to lose. A man condemned to lose his eye...
1948: Eyes of abbess cured. St. Linthold appears in a vision and r...
1949: Eyes of God sworn by. While playing dice, a knight swears by...
195: Ambrose, St., rebukes jeerer. St. Ambrose rebukes one of his...
1950: Eyes of soul. A priest tells a blind man that even flies hav...
1951: Eyes, prayer for alluring. At Becket’s tomb, a woman falls o...
1952: Eyes removed to cure headache. A fool is deceived into curin...
1953: Eyes replaced with manure. A woman reads on a chart given he...
1954: Eyes torn out by fool. A fool is told to tear out his eyes a...
1955: Fabianus, Pope, with dove. Pope Fabianus is seen with a dove...
1956: Fabius as counsellor of Rome. Alpha # 1640; Recull # 566....
1957: Fabius sacrifices to gods. After Fabius has conquered a city...
1958: Face, beauty of God’s. A devil in a possessed man discourses...
1959: Faces read by abbot. A abbot is given the power to read chur...
196: Ambrose, St., rebukes Theodosius. St. Ambrose rebukes Theodo...
1960: Faces read by bishop. A bishop is given the power to read co...
1961: Faith, absolute, of clerk. A clerk captured by thieves is co...
1962: Faith and hope to intercede. A Beguine bids her faith and ho...
1963: Faith assailed by fiends. On his deathbed, one the brothers ...
1964: Faith in God rather than devils. Men take an army of devils ...
1965: Falcon and carcass. Afalcon does not eat dead animals. Nicol...
1967: Falcon, blind and old. All the falcons escape capture except...
1968: Falcon eaten by fool. A fool, hearing his master’s falcon pr...
1969: Falcon given by lady. A lady gives a falcon to her knight. W...
197: “Amen” at baptism. The king of France asks God for a son. At...
1970: Falcon killed in flight. The hunting falcon of Henry II is m...
1971: Falcon offered to King of France. A prince offers a falcon t...
1972: Falcon outwitted by man. Nicole # 138a....
1973: Fame through murder. a.) A thirst for notoriety leads a man ...
1974: Families, feuding. The dead leaders of two feuding families ...
1975: Famine, charity of Saracen during. During a famine in Egypt,...
1976: Famine in Jerusalem. Alpha # 319; Recull # 275....
1977: Fasting and gossip. It is less evil to cat meat on a fasting...
1978: Fasting as cure for sickness. Fasting is a better cure for s...
1979: Fasting broken out of courtesy. (See also: 1988). JVitryFren...
198: Amicus and Amelius, friendship of. Alpha # 55; H247 # 65, H4...
1980: Fasting, excessive. When their order was first founded, the ...
1981: Fasting for forty days. A hermit calls his neighbor to him b...
1997: Father concealed in tower. Sons plot to kill their fathers a...
1997: Father concealed in tower. Sons plot to kill their fathers a...
2056: Fish, emperor forbids to turn. A emperor makes it a capital ...
2105: Focus the smith. Focus the smith works on the emperor’s birt...
215: Androcles and the lion. A shepherd draws a thorn from a lion...
2170: Fox and stork. A fox invites a stork to dinner and serves li...
2174: Fox (wolf) in sheepskin. A fox in a sheepskin gains admittan...
2216: Friendship tested. A youth thinks he is buying friends by sp...
2219: Frog bursts. A frog tries to equal an ox in size and bursts....
2221: Frogs ask for king. Frogs ask for a king and receive first a...
2310: Goat, eye of. Two rival doctors have a test of their skill: ...
25: Abscess cured by laughing. A bishop teaches a woman to diagn...
2558: Hermit and angel I (Parnell’s Hermit). A angel convinces a h...
256: Animals, grateful, and ungrateful servant. A servant falls i...
2733: Incest, mother and son. I. A mother dies of fright when she ...
2807: Jewess, pregnant. (Var.) A Jewess gives birth to a daughter,...
2939: Knight, and vengeance deferred. A knight murders and robs a ...
3005: Laziness, contest in. Contest in laziness; a man lets his le...
1982: Fasting for seventy eight weeks by monk. Spec. Laic. # 323....
1983: Fasting for three years. A girl lives on bread and water for...
1984: Fasting for Virgin. A man fasts on bread and water to honor ...
1985: Fasting on Saturday. Fasting on Saturday honors the Virgin. ...
1986: Fasting questioned. When a man is hungry, he doubts the abil...
1987: Fasting removes devil’s work. A fasting monk sees the evil w...
1988: Fasting, replaced by charity. A man who cannot endure long f...
1989: Fasting, tending sick better than. H517 # 122.– VitaePatrum ...
199: Ammonius, St., ear of. St. Ammonius, when elected bishop, cu...
1990: Fasting throughout Lent. A woman fasts throughout Lent and d...
1991: Fasting to persuade heretics. A bishop, preaching with St. D...
1992: Fasting to repress lust. Enx (G) # 126; S.T.: T317.4.– Vitae...
1993: Fasting, wine avoided. A ascetic increases his sufferings du...
1994: Fasting, worth of. St. Macarius explains that a fast is usel...
1995: Fate, attack on. A attack on the concept of fate. Seelentros...
1996: Father and son rob king. A father and son rob the king’s tre...
1998: Father cursed by son’s soul. Seelentrost (German) 192, 16; T...
1999: Father cut into pieces. Belshazzar, King of Babylon, afraid ...
2: Abbess delivered by the Virgin. (Var.) A pregnant abbess is ...
20: Abbot too harsh. a.) A dead monk appears to an abbot and bid...
200: Amnesty, in Athens. Amnesty is procured in Athens when the b...
2000: Father, heavy penance of. A father seduces his daughter. She...
2001: Father in stable. A ungrateful son makes his old father live...
2002: Father killed by demon. The daughter of a priest was persuad...
2003: Father mourns at children’s grave. A young man forces a fath...
2004: Father reminded to beat mother. A boy often saw his father b...
2005: Father rescues son. Enx (G) # 274; S.T.: P233, R153.3.1....
2006: Father seen in hell. a) A rich youth has abandoned his fathe...
2007: Fatness, knight cured of. A knight is cured of obesity by a ...
2008: Fear of God and fly. A giant in England says, “I fear God as...
2009: “Fear Shame” and Mis fortune. William “Fear Shame” marries M...
201: Amor Fatuus as naked boy. A image with English inscriptions ...
2010: Fears, three, of abbot. A abbot says he fears three things: ...
2011: Feast, abbots eat too much at. During a feast, abbots and fr...
2012: Feast, carving of the cock at. A scholar was asked to divide...
2013: Feast, God not present at. A rich man gives a feast and invi...
2014: Feast, magic. At a feast of the emperor, three sages versed ...
2015: Feast, monks scared away from. Several monks go to a peasant...
2016: Feast prepared by excommunicate. A priest prepares a great f...
2017: Feast, three men vanish from. A rich man gives a feast for t...
2018: Feasts infuture life. Pelbart # 146....
2019: Fellowship, flight from. A man hears a voice telling him to ...
202: Anaxagoras and son’s death. Anaxagoras tells a messenger tha...
2020: Ferryman and fox. H35 # 13; Odo (F) # 46 (Herv. 1V, p. 218);...
2021: Fever fought by Diogenes. Diogenes fights fever and illness ...
2022: Field lost by poor man. A poor man refused to pay his five s...
2023: Field shorn. A woman insists that a field be shorn and not m...
2024: Fight of archbishop and abbot. Before the Easter service a f...
2025: File, two horned. A monk dreams he is riding a two pronged f...
2026: Filth enjoyed by garbage man. Because of the reward it bring...
2027: Fine of five sous. The Bishop of Grenoble forces all of the ...
2028: Finger, scratched by lover. A knight, setting out on a journ...
2029: Finger, St. Augustine’s. A monk gives a devout man a dead ma...
203: Ancestry of count. Concerning the great ancestry of a count....
2030: Finger of St. Catherine. A devotee of St. Catherine receives...
2031: Fingers, symbolism of. Herzstein # 56....
2032: Fire, abbot’s death in. A abbot who died in a fire performs ...
2033: Fire and water ready. A man, who alone in the city has fire ...
2034: Fire avoids convent. Nuns refuse to leave their convent to e...
2035: Fire, child dropped into, unharmed by. A woman accidentally ...
2036: Fire consumes woman and gold. A greedy woman and her gold ar...
2037: Fire from throat of dead priest. Fire pours from the throat ...
2038: Fire, holy man passes through. A holy man passes through fir...
2039: Fire, image of Virgin in. A image of the Virgin is not burne...
204: Anchoress beaten by devils. A anchoress hears a devil report...
2040: Fire, invisible. After his death, an impenitent clerk is con...
2041: Fire, Jew cast into. (Var.) A Jewish boy, who angers his fat...
2042: Fire, knight saved twice from. A knight is saved twice from ...
2043: Fire, monk consumed by. A monk, who had perjured himself in ...
2044: Fire, nun in ball of. A dead nun appeared to another nun in ...
2045: Fire preferred to devil. A monk awakens the brothers with hi...
2046: Fire, promise during. A fire in a grange is extinguished whe...
2047: Fire spares house. A man, whose house is surrounded by flame...
2048: Fire, test of innocence. A clerk, slandered by a harlot, fee...
2049: Fire alarm. Watchmen are made drunk by the enemy; therefore,...
205: Anchoress learns of Christ’s wounds. A anchoress learns thro...
2050: Fires and earthquakes. Cf. Alpha # 46, # 47; CHeist-X #47 51...
2051: Fish and hare caught. A clerk, preparing for a feast, buys a...
2052: Fish attached to rock. A fish called Ehinus attaches itself ...
2053: Fish attracted by bell. A fish named “veneth” or “aristosus,...
2054: Fish, best part of as penance. A husband helps himself to th...
2055: Fish called Algarus: allegory of man’s death and rebirth. Ge...
2057: Fish feeds on oysters. The fish “carbo” feeds on oysters and...
2058: Fish from well. When a boy abstains from meat at a feast, a ...
2059: Fish in saltwater. A fish called “roytarcius” thrives only i...
206: Anchoress refuses to see saint. St. Martin commends an ancho...
2060: Fish, miraculous. Sanctulus discovers a fish with miraculous...
2061: Fish presented to scholars. Three poor scholars are presente...
2062: Fish provided in desert. God provides St. Cuthbert and his d...
2063: Fish refused by monk. A monk refuses a fish sent him by the ...
2064: Fish rescued from trap. A fish is rescued from a trap by oth...
2065: Fish served to pure man. A abbot gives a fish for which he h...
2066: Fish, serving of hash as. A monk gave visiting monks hash in...
2067: Fish, small, strength of. A small fish shows great strength....
2069: Fish to victim of fever. A fish is given to cure a fever. Me...
207: Anchoress tempted by devil. A anchoress, tempted by the devi...
2070: Fish with sweet smell. A fish attracts other fish into his m...
2071: Fisherman burned by water. A fisherman, who commits fornicat...
2072: Fisherman gives Host to fish. A fisherman takes communion at...
2073: Fishhook, golden. A emperor gives a golden fishhook to a zit...
2074: Fishing with tail. A wolf uses his tail as a fishing line. I...
2075: Fish pond, drowning in. A lay brother, in despair, drowns hi...
2076: Fish scale removed by doctor. A doctor removes a fish scale ...
2077: Flatterers as serpents. Flatterers are likened to a serpent ...
2078: Flattery cursed. “Cursed be the words of your mouth,” retort...
2079: Flattery, image of, with mirror and cup. H112 # 44, H174 # 9...
208: Anchoress tempted to hang self The devil tempts an anchoress...
2080: Flea and fever. A flea spends the night in misery with an ab...
2081: Flea caught by abbot. A flea caught by an abbot begs respite...
2082: Flesh, burned, of heretic. The flesh of a heretic being burn...
2083: Flesh, king’s greatest enemy. A king, congratulated on a vic...
2084: Flies as pests. Flies are pests in three ways. H44 # 22; Odo...
2085: Flies cursed. Flies invade an abbey and die when cursed. Alp...
2086: Flies on wounded fox. A wounded fox declines a hedgehog’s of...
2087: Flies on wounds. A man with open wounds rejects the aid of’ ...
2088: Flies, preaching catches. A demoniac says that his preaching...
2089: Flint stone split in girl’s hand. A religious girl, accused ...
209: Anchorite, repentance of. A anchorite repents of his sins an...
2090: Flock (congregation) in arid place. A monk derides a prelate...
2091: Flood in Verona. A river floods the city of Verona but does ...
2092: Flour ground on saint’s day. A man grinds flour on St. Adone...
2093: Flour, thief of caught. A man, masquerading as a pig, is cau...
2094: Flower grows out of corpse’s mouth. A dissolute fellow was b...
2095: Flower loved by heathen princess. The only daughter of a hea...
2096: Fly and ant dispute. The fly scoffs at the ant and boasts th...
2097: Fly and ant, nobility of. The fly and the ant argue which is...
2098: Fly and ant, taste of. The corrupt taste of flies and the cl...
2099: Fly disturbing Mass. While celebrating Mass, a priest is dis...
21: Abbots, stern and mild. Because of his sternness an abbot wa...
210: Anchorite, temptation of. St. Macarius sees a devil laden wi...
2100: Fly in flask like bugle. A peasant hears a fly buzzing in a ...
2101: Fly over Host. A fly hovering over the Host during Mass is k...
2102: Fly, qualities of. Odo (F) # 157 (Herv. IV, p. 326)....
2103: Fly stings heretic to madness. A heretic at Toulouse preache...
2104: Fly troubles king. King Louis of France could not catch a fl...
2106: Font dries up during baptism. At Constantinople, Deuterus, a...
2107: Food and drink. Good food and drink make men cheerful. Herzs...
2108: Food, dainty, in dirty dish. (Var.) A man who leads a sinful...
2109: Food, earthly. Concerning St. Silvanus and earthly food. Spe...
211: Andrew, St., and convert. St. Andrew and the convert whose p...
2110: Food, earthly, never again swallowed. A master of novices pr...
2111: Food needed by monk. A prior cures a monk of the delusion th...
2112: Food not allotted to poor. Monks, afraid that they will have...
2113: Food of devil eaten. A girl cats with a devil in the guise o...
2114: Food of pious. The food of pious monks tastes like honey to ...
2115: Food offered to Virgin’s image. The Virgin takes a girl to h...
2116: Food refused by sick monk. A sick monk refuses food because ...
2117: Food spit out by pupil. A boy, fed by his teacher, spits out...
2118: Food, unseasoned. A knight, visiting an abbot, wonders how t...
2119: Foods, strong, shunned. A doctor in a monastery shuns strong...
212: Andrew, St., and lustful man. A lustful old man enters a hou...
2120: Fool as wise man. A fool passes as a wise man by remaining s...
2121: Fool, blind. A fool unknowingly goes blind and continually a...
2122: Fool burns heretic. A sick fool burns a heretic who pretende...
2123: Fool fights shadow. A fool cracks his skull while attacking ...
2124: Fool follows master to hell A fool does not wish to go to he...
2125: Fool follows nose. A fool follows his nose and falls into a ...
2126: Fool loves jailor’s daughter. A fool refuses to leave prison...
2127: Fool receives money for a beating. A fool received money in ...
2128: Fool, straight path of. A fool follows a straight path acros...
2129: Fool takes refuge fromfire in straw. A fool takes refuge fro...
213: Andrew, St., revives pilgrims. St. Andrew revives forty pilg...
2130: Fool visited by birds and beasts. A king has a fool whom bir...
2131: Fool visits sultan. The fool of King Richard I of England vi...
2132: Fool whispered to by king. King Philip whispers into his foo...
2133: Fools and future reward. Frederick the Emperor says that the...
2134: Fools, five types of. St. Peter has a vision of five fools w...
2135: Fools, four. (Var.) Vision of Arsenius: One fool adds more w...
2136: Fools, four kinds of. There are four kinds of fools: he who ...
2137: Foot cut off. A servant’s foot is cut off by his master who ...
2138: Foot out with axe. The devil plagues a nun; he causes her to...
2139: Foot, diseased, of gardener. A charitable gardener suddenly ...
214: Andrew, St., three questions asked of. A bishop, devoted to ...
2140: Foot, diseased, prayer for. A fierce knight with a diseased ...
2141: Foot removed from baptismal water. A heathen king withdraws ...
2142: Foot restored. A severed foot is restored. H550 # 134.– Ward...
2143: Footsteps numbered. A hermit dislikes walking the long dista...
2144: Forehead and sign of cross. A novice, bowing his head at the...
2145: Forest taken from monks. A forest, taken away from the monas...
2146: Forgiveness of mother not asked. A girl of ten angered her m...
2147: Formosus, Pope. When he died, Pope Formosus was thrown into ...
2148: Fornicator killed by lightning. A man fornicates on the Eve ...
2149: Fornicator, penance for. A heavy penance for fornication is ...
2150: Fornicator, priest as. Priests are unable to drive away an i...
2151: Fornicators and adulterers. Lib. Ex. # 206C....
2152: Forseus, St. (Bede) Pelbart # 308....
2153: Fortunatus. A emperor bequeathes estates to his eldest son a...
2154: Fortune, image of, I Fortune is allegorized as a woman with ...
2155: Fortune, image of, II. Julian the Apostata makes a sacrifice...
2156: Fortune, image of, III. The image of Fortune holding three f...
2157: Fortune, wheel of. H179 # 155....
2158: Fortuneteller advises wife. A woman complains to a fortunete...
2159: Fortuneteller, in formed. A fortuneteller uses spies to give...
216: Andromanus, St., punishes sin. Whoever gives a false oath be...
2160: Fortuneteller, poor. A fortuneteller is scoffed at for claim...
2161: Fountain in India. A fountain on a mountain top in India is ...
2162: Fountain, miraculous. A certain fountain has the miraculous ...
2163: Fountain of oil. Near the Tiber, a fountain of oil erupted a...
2164: Fountain of youth. A fountain of youth is found in the Orien...
2165: Fountains, dedicated to Fortune. Five virgins are sent to ma...
2166: Fowl, brought by devil to monk. A novice at Clairvaux is war...
2167: Fowl, worm inside. Although it is a day of fasting, men sit ...
2168: Fox and badger. The badger is very clean and cannot endure a...
2169: Fox and lion’s feast. A fox attends a lion’s feast. Returnin...
217: Angel as dove. A sinful matron sees an angel in the shape of...
2171: Fox confesses to badger. A fox confesses his sins to a badge...
2172: Fox gives wolf razor. A fox gives a wolf a concealed razor t...
2173: Fox in hen roost. A fox, pleading illness, is admitted into ...
2175: Fox persuades sheep to go into well. A fox persuades a sheep...
2176: Fox pretends to be dead. Hypocrites and heretics are like th...
2177: Fox, raven and cheese. A fox gets cheese from a raven by mak...
2178: Fox leaches cunning. A fox teaches cunning as a reward for b...
2179: Fox, wily nature of. H135 # 137.– VitaePatrum ....
218: Angel as watchman. A angel is compared to a watchman on a hi...
2180: Fox with tricks. A fox with a sackful of tricks is caught wh...
2181: Fox cub carried off by eagle. H12 # 72, cf H671 # 322; JVitr...
2182: Fox skin as alms. A rich Frenchman appears after death wrapp...
2183: Foxtail, punishment with. Nuns are punished by being struck ...
2184: Foxes, two, brought to market. A man brings two foxes to mar...
2185: Fragrance, devil’s deception. The devil tries to confuse a p...
2187: Francis, St., and mocking woman. St. Francis curses a woman ...
2188: Francis, St., asked to memorize sermon. A bishop asked St. F...
2189: Francis, St., cares for pauper. St. Francis takes care of a ...
219: Angel, assists in sermon. A angel assists St. Sebastian duri...
2190: Francis, St., desires heaven. St. Francis declares that our ...
2191: Francis, St., dying. St. Francis, dying, says to his brother...
2192: Francis, St., extolled in Venice. A Dominican, preaching in ...
2193: Francis, St., humility of. Pelbart # 269....
2194: Francis, St., kisses hand of priest. St. Francis kisses the ...
2195: Francis, St., on service to God. The colloquium of St. Franc...
2196: Francis, St., preaches against disorderly life of clergy. Ed...
2198: Francis, St., shivering with cold. St. Francis is seen shive...
2199: Franciscan, questioned by knight. A knight asks a Franciscan...
22: Abdication, papal. Pope Celestine V abdicates to become a he...
220: Angel, complains to monk. A angel appears to a monk and comp...
2200: Frederick, Emperor, and antiphon. During a papal schism, the...
2201: Frederick, Emperor, prisoners of. A knight persuaded Frederi...
2202: Free will. The good and evil angels have only the power to a...
2203: French, not understood. A spendthrift lord asks his steward ...
2204: Friar’s Tale. The devil takes only what is given him from th...
2205: Fridolin. A steward causes enmity between an emperor and his...
2206: Friend intercedes for prisoner. a.) A friend pleads before t...
2207: Friend joined after death. A young man joined his friend aft...
2208: Friend left as security (Damon and Pythias). The tyrant Dion...
2209: Friend, man dies in place of. A man, learning of a plot to m...
221: Angel, disembowels brethren. A Franciscan sees an angel ente...
2210: Friend not imitated. A man refuses to imitate his friend’s w...
2211: Friend speaking evil. A man refuses to believe that his frie...
2212: Friends of murdered man bathe in blood. Friends bathed in th...
2213: Friends of rich man afraid. A wealthy man’s acquaintances sp...
2214: Friends to appear after death. A man asks each of his three ...
2215: Friendship proven. Baldach falls in love with a girl his fri...
2217: Fringes, great value on. A cardinal preached against magistr...
2218: Frisian, dream of. A monk dreams that a Frisian was not able...
222: Angel, encourages monk. A monk wishes to join others going t...
2220: Frog croaks only in water. Bad preachers who do not practice...
2222: Frogs speak from coals. When a priest roasted meat to eat in...
2223: Fronteus, ST., revived to return coat. God restored St. Fron...
2224: Fronto, St., brought by Christ. Christ appears to St. Fronto...
2225: Fruit tree destroyed to spite bees. A peasant destroys his f...
2226: Fruits of the earth. Concerning the fruits of the earth and ...
2227: Fruits, works known by. Tab. Ex. # 107....
2228: Frying pan for priest’s soul. A sick priest vows to become a...
2229: Fursey, vision of. St. Fursey’s soul is claimed by devils wh...
223: Angel, explains God’s justice. A angel explains to a hermit ...
2230: Future, plans for. Three youths discuss plans for the future...
2231: Gallant, fasting, chooses dinner. A widow bids her lover fas...
2232: Gallows and wheel pursue clerk. A wanton clerk, who never pa...
2233: Gallows escaped with truths. A highwayman escapes the gallow...
2234: Gallows, forty days on. A pilgrim, hanged on a false charge,...
2235: Gallows, thief upheld on. A thief, devoted to the Virgin, is...
2236: Gallows, thirty six days on. a.) St. James supports a boy on...
2237: Gallstones, medicine for. Glass dust and wine is good medici...
2238: Gambler and least valued possession. A gambler plays with th...
2239: Gambler, soul won. St. Bernard wins a gambler’s soul by beat...
224: Angel leaves taper. H326 # 14, H522 # 6, H557 # 21, H677 # 2...
2240: Gambler, swearing of. A gambler, losing in a dice game, dies...
2241: Garden ruined to test patience. A elder ruined the garden of...
2242: Gardener of Emperor. A emperor’s gardener is hanged because ...
2243: Garlic, eating of. A man betrays his master to an enemy; aft...
2244: Garlic, effects of. Nicole # 83a....
2245: Garlic given to knight. A woman invites a knight to dinner a...
2246: Garment, fur lined. During mass, a wealthy woman gives a poo...
2247: Garment given to minors. A woman gave a garment worth half a...
2248: Garment of St. Bernard. St. Bernard throws off his garment. ...
2249: Garment sold for wine. A pilgrim sells his garment for wine ...
225: Angel, man inspired by. A man about to cross a bridge sees a...
2250: Garments cure sick. The sick are cured by touching the garme...
2251: Gate, inscribed. Emperor Frederik II builds a marble arch on...
2252: Gate, locked, entered. St. Dominic miraculously goes through...
2253: Gauterus and palace. Gauterus, in one of his adventures, com...
2254: Gauterus, endless joy. Gauterus searches for unending joy. (...
2255: Gawain entertained. A castellan, whose custom it is to beat ...
2256: Geese damage crops. St. Ludger’s steward complains of damage...
2257: Geesefly high. Wild geese must fly very high in order to fin...
2258: Geese, heads of, in basket. A poor woman persuades a judge t...
2259: Geese offered to lawyer. A peasant promises to give a lawyer...
226: Angel, monk not wishing to be. A sick monk laughs because he...
2260: Geese prepared for widows. Ensford of Cologne orders geese a...
2261: Geese presented to Pope. A bishop is denounced to the Pope b...
2262: Gem like pure soul. H162 # 78....
2263: Host in mouth of priest. A priest who kept the Host in his m...
2263: Gems derided by demoniac. A demoniac scoffs at a bishop’s ge...
2264: Gems from precious drops. Three clear drops that appear on a...
2265: Gems, hidden powers of. A man hands over to his king three g...
2266: Gems, maggots turned into. A saint changes maggots into prec...
2267: Genitals grow large. A dissolute count’s genitals grow extre...
2268: Genitals, sign on. A canon seduces a veiled nun and dies; an...
2269: Genitals turn black. The devil turns a dissolute man’s genit...
227: Angel, mother admonished by. A mother who dressed her daught...
2270: Gentleness gained from confession. A ill tempered woman beco...
2271: Genulfius, St., wife of. St. Genulfus (Gangulphus) has an ad...
2272: George, St., and dragon. St. George slays a dragon, thus sav...
2273: Gerlach de Dinge. Gerlach de Dinge is converted upon hearing...
2274: Germanus of Burgundy. Alpha # 339; Recull # 292....
2275: Gestures, significance of. A simple minded Roman is sent to ...
2276: Ghost of dead child. The ghost of a dead child tries to temp...
2277: Ghost of woman above tomb. A woman’s ghost appears above her...
2278: Gideon selects army. Gideon selects his army by taking those...
2279: Gift to Socrates. Aeschines, having no other gift for his ma...
228: Angel, tends sick hermit. H528 # 120.– VitaePatrum ....
2280: Gifts, bearers of beaten. A man beats people bearing him gif...
2281: Gifts, doors shut against. “Eneas” (Cineas), sent by Pyrrhus...
2282: Gifts of demon. A demon visits a woman as a lover until she ...
2283: Gifts of gods withdrawn. A woman is promised wealth, beauty,...
2284: Gifts refused by St. Edmund. St. Edmund of Canterbury refuse...
2285: Giraffe. A description of a giraffe. H220 # 15....
2286: Girdle (belt) loosened. A monk finds his belt suddenly loose...
2287: Girdle of forgetfulness. A emperor gives a girdle (ring) of ...
2288: Girdle of saint worn by hermit. A hermit escapes temptation ...
2289: Girl revived from dead. A young man in love with a girl took...
229: Angel, writing communicants’ names. A angel is seen writing ...
2290: Girl saved from pursuer. A girl, on her way to hear Jacques ...
2291: Glass, seen through darkly. When Dominic of Paris was asked ...
2292: “Gloria in Excelsis” sung by bishops. The “Gloria” was first...
2293: Glory of the world, transitoriness of. Every year a man ligh...
2294: Glove as a relic. A sacristan keeps as a relic one of the gl...
2295: Glove filled with corn. Two men are beggars. The humble man ...
2296: Glow worm. A glow worm feeds on leaves. Nicole # 77....
2297: Glow worm shines at night, is ugly during day. Nicole # 76....
2298: Glow worm tries to fly like birds. Nicole # 75a....
2299: Glutton asks for day of fasting. A rich glutton bids his cel...
23: Abraham and wife Sarah. Seelentrost (German) 256, 13; Thrøst...
230: Angel, writing monks’ names. St. Bernhard sees an angel writ...
2300: Glutton entered by demon. Alpha # 346; cf. Pelbart # 109; Re...
2301: Glutton misses church. A glutton feasts while others are in ...
2302: Glutton pierced with sword. A man pierced a glutton with his...
2303: Glutton warned by voice. A voice from heaven tells a glutton...
2304: Gluttony cured. A abbot cures a nun of gluttony. Spec. Laic....
2305: Gluttony encouraged by devil. The sin of gluttony is reprehe...
2306: Gluttony on Sabbath. Slaves and servants of the devil are th...
2307: Goat as wordly woman. A simple minded nun who believed that ...
2308: Goat dances for wolf. A wolf forces a kid to dance; while th...
2309: Goat enticed by wolf. A kid is enticed out of the fold by a ...
231: Angels, abbot living like. A abbot resolves to live like the...
2311: Goat in butcher’s shop. A goat ran into a butcher’s shop to ...
2312: Goat, obedient. A wild kid obeys its mother’s injunction (no...
2313: Goat, stupid and forgetful. The stupidity and forgetfulness ...
2314: Goat tortures knight. A Cistercian sees a vision of hell in ...
2315: Goats and hermit. A hermit casts out a devil because he is s...
2316: Goats, lying back to back. Goats lie back to back at night. ...
2317: Go Betweens denounced. Go betweens are denounced. H21 # 170....
2318: God as security. God as security; the abbot pays. A young ma...
2319: God, better to confide in. It is better to confide in God th...
232: Angels and devils fight. In the presence of an aged monk, fo...
2320: God, existence of doubted. (See also: 4000, 4519, 4522, 4529...
2321: God, false, worship of. When some Christians were tricked in...
2322: God, love for the downtrodden. St. Ambrose preaches that the...
2323: God, man sets himself up as. Enx (G) # 304; S.T.: L420.0.1....
2324: God not to be used like jester. A girl is urged to marry you...
2325: God of Posthumius. The God of Posthumius punished a disobedi...
2326: God, prior as. A prior says that he is God in three things i...
2327: God renounced for priest’s daughter. A monk renounces God fo...
2328: God served while young. A girl tells her father, “I shall se...
2329: God severe. A dead monk appeared to his friend and said, “A ...
233: Angels and devils rejoicing and mourning. A clairvoyant sees...
2330: God, things acceptable to. Satan tells a man that what is mo...
2331: God treated as playmate. Some play with God like boys with t...
2332: Goddess of Riches. Juno, Goddess of Riches, is depicted with...
2333: Godfather, bad. A man who sins with his goddaughter enters t...
2334: Godfather, death chosen as. A man in search of a godfather f...
2335: Godric, St., devil tries to carry off. H516 # 100....
2336: Godric, St., sisters of. The sisters of St. Godric are freed...
2337: Godric, St., visited by Virgin. The Virgin, with St. Mary Ma...
2338: Gods, choice of. A king’s eldest son chooses Jupiter because...
2339: Gold as bait. Augustus Caesar refuses to enter a battle, exp...
234: Angels as lepers. Angels in the guise of lepers appear to St...
2340: Gold buried with monk. Three pieces of gold are found on a d...
2341: Gold dreamed under stone. A Welshman dreams repeatedly that ...
2342: Gold, three pots of. Julian the Apostate, while still a monk...
2343: Gold thrown into sea. Craton, the philosopher, throws gold i...
2344: Gold vessel not touched. St. Anthony will not touch a gold v...
2345: Goose offered to virgin. A virgin, fasting, is offered a goo...
2346: Goose, raven tries to lip. A raven tries in vain to lift a f...
2347: Goose stolen. a) A blind man has his goose stolen from a boi...
2348: Goose to devotee of saint. Two monks enter a castle, one of ...
2349: Gorgons slain. Gorgons are slain by “Rex Persanum.” H171 # 5...
235: Angels as white doves. A friar sees angels as white doves at...
2350: Gospel book given away. A hermit gives all he has in alms an...
2351: Gospels, mystical significance of. H111 # 34....
2352: Grace. Grace belongs to those who act in the name of God eve...
2353: Grace, divine, diminishing. A discussion of why divine grace...
2354: Grace, loss of. Impudent behavior leads to the loss of grace...
2355: Grace, lost. A lay brother frequently sees an angel, but he ...
2356: Grace obtained by useful acts. Pelbart # 309....
2357: Graces allow contemplative life. God bestows three graces wh...
2358: Grain speculated. A rich man bought a great deal of grain an...
2359: Granary, cats in. A simple minded canon wants to give up his...
236: Angels assist in mass. A monk was assisted by angels during ...
2360: Grave of monk. The grave of a pious monk smells sweet. (See ...
2361: Grave, two monks on. Two dead monks, released from purgatory...
2362: Gravel eaten. St. Bernard tells of several men who perform e...
2363: Graves desecrated by son. A widow’s son, who had desecrated ...
2364: Graves of virgins neglected. Two holy virgins whose graves a...
2366: Greek, Latin spoken by possessed peasant. A peasant, possess...
2367: Greetings, three. A hermit is greeted by an angel in one of ...
2368: Gregory, Pope, and Trajan. The final judgment on the damnati...
2369: Gregory, Pope, Mass for damned citizen. Pope Gregory, saying...
237: Angels battle demons. Angels, defending a man tempted by for...
2370: Gregory, Pope, vindicated of murder. Pope Gregory VI, accuse...
2371: Gregory, St., aunts of. The lives of St. Gregory’s aunts: Th...
2372: Gregory, St., beats successor. St. Gregory appears after dea...
2373: Gregory, St., prayers for damned man. Alpha # 592; Recull # ...
2374: Gregory, St., tries to evade being Pope. H538 # 10....
2375: Gregory, romance of (Legend of St. Gregory). Gesta (I) # 170...
2376: Greyhound, attitude of. The greyhound becomes wild when meet...
2377: Greyhound relinquishes prey to master. Nicole # 36....
2378: Greyhound reluctant to attack. Nicole # 35a....
2379: Griffin to read mass. A monk dreams of a griffin dressed to ...
238: Angels defend Templars. Worshipping Templars, attacked by pa...
2380: Griffins. Griffins and “Animaspus” (for Arimaspi) fight for ...
2381: Grimoaldus (historical reference). Gesta (O) # 180; Katona #...
2382: Grinding, use of. Marcianus was the first to demonstrate in ...
2383: Griseldis legend. Viaticum # 64....
2384: Ground, priest lifted above. A devout priest is lifted up in...
2385: Groundhog, eyes of. The groundhog opens his eyes only after ...
2386: Guests, reproved for over eating. A hermit reproves his gues...
2387: Guests to come armed. A wise man bids his lord’s guests come...
2388: Guilt of brother confessed. A monk confesses the guilt of hi...
2389: Guinehochet the devil. The devil, Guinehochet, tells a man i...
239: Angels delight in discourse. Angels delight in the kindly sp...
2390: Guy of Warwick. Guy of Warwick left his wife and went to fig...
2391: Gyges and magic ring. Alpha # 643; Recull # 569.– Cicero, De...
2392: Habit not worn by monk. The soul of a dead monk, prevented f...
2393: Hair and scalp taken by devil. The devil haunts a beautiful ...
2394: Hair, false, burned. The father of Emperor Frederick has his...
2395: Hair from husband’s quiver. To assure her husband’s love, hi...
2396: Hair grown by use of donkey’s urine. Nicole # 24a....
2397: Hair, lock of sought. A dead girl appears to a clerk who lov...
2398: Hair, loss of, remedy for. A tincture of chestnut and wine p...
2399: Hair of mistress adored by maid servant. A maid servant who ...
24: Absalom. Seelentrost (German) 126, 25; Thrøst (Swed.) 182, 8...
240: Angels, devil’s envy of. The devil enters a church and distu...
2400: Hair plucked by ape. A woman dresses her false hair gorgeous...
2401: Hair plucked by mistresses. A old man had two mistresses who...
2402: Hair, red. A red haired boy was known everywhere by the name...
2403: Hair, woman fixing. Students mocked a woman they saw fixing ...
2404: Hairs, collected by devil. St. Richard, having his beard sha...
2405: Hairs, gray, noticed. A murderer is converted when his mistr...
2406: Half-blind man, on roan horse. A half blind man is fleeing f...
2407: Half friend. A traitor, condemned to death for admitting the...
2408: Ham, given as prize for satisfactory marriage. No one qualif...
2409: Ham, salt of, exposes thief. A preacher is interrupted by a ...
241: Angels give pitch to singing. Angels give the pitch for the ...
2410: Hams, stolen from nephew. Ensfried of Cologne stole his neph...
2411: Hams, two, stolen. A canon counts his hams only by noticing ...
2412: Hamilcar in Syracuse. Hamilcar dreamed that he would dine th...
2413: Hand, almsgiving, incorruptible. King Oswald’s almsgiving ha...
2414: Hand, black. A man does homage to the devil and his hand tur...
2415: Hand, burned. A angel tells a man who has burned his hand th...
2416: Hand in Christ’s side. A woman conceals a sin from her confe...
2417: Hand, nearly cut off. A blind servant prepares such a bad me...
2418: Hand, of writer, not decayed. The hand of a writer did not d...
2419: Hand restored by Virgin (The legend of St. John of Damascus)...
242: Angels, good and bad. A abbot sees churchgoers accompanied b...
2420: Hand, withered for broken oath. A girl’s hand withers as pun...
2421: Hands anointed with lard. A old woman pleading a cause befor...
2422: Hands of mother numb. The mother of St. Clement goes into ex...
2423: Hands, queen not touched with. A saint refuses to touch the ...
2424: Hands stretched from grave. a.) A priest will read only the ...
2425: Hands, touch of cures sick. A lay brother could cure the sic...
2426: Hands, unwashed. A monk shrank from touching the aspersorium...
2427: Hands, whitest, win girl. A king promises his daughter to th...
2428: Hanging by divine command. A man is ordered by a miraculous ...
2429: Hanging decreed for woman. A woman who wanted to hang hersel...
243: Angels, guardian, as stars. A Cistercian monk has the gift o...
2430: Hanging of bishop’s nephews. A nobleman hangs a bishop’s two...
2431: Hanging, unjust, of clerk. a.) A clerk decides to spend the ...
2432: Hannibal and King Antiochus. King Antiochus, showing off his...
2433: Happiness, way of. A philosopher learns the way of happiness...
2434: Hare afraid of dogs. Nicole # 21 b....
2435: Hareflees hounds. Young men are exhorted to flee minstrelsy ...
2436: Hare sees sideways. The hare sees better at the sides than i...
2437: Hare swifier than crab. The hare with its four feet is swift...
2438: Harlot addressed by Christ. Christ speaks to a harlot from t...
2439: Harlot and clerk. A clerk, asked by his former mistress, “Am...
244: Angels, monks’ awe of. The deathbed of an abbot is deserted ...
2440: Harlot and holy man. A hermit leads his harlot to the market...
2441: Harlot and priest. A priest dies in his mistress’s arms whil...
2442: Harlot and priest strangled. A priest and his harlot are eac...
2443: Harlot and repentant priest. A priest gives up his priesthoo...
2444: Harlot and wife reconciled. A wife and a mistress are reconc...
2445: Harlot as house guest. A priest takes his mistress to stay a...
2446: Harlot converted by Christ’s childhood. EdeB # 88; H691 # 60...
2447: Harlot converted by eloquence. A popular preacher, by his el...
2448: Harlot, converted, sins with converter. A holy man who conve...
2449: Harlot, dead, summons lovers. A dead harlot stands up and su...
245: Angels or devils according to good or bad talk. A hermit see...
2450: Harlot, king slave to. A king was completely enslaved by his...
2451: Harlot of priest and gold brooch. A priest’s harlot scoffs a...
2452: Harlot of priest pursued by devil. After her death, a priest...
2453: A harlot mocks honest woman. A harlot ridicules an honest wo...
2454: Harlot, old. A young man loves an ugly, old harlot. H39 # 13...
2455: Harlot, parish given up for. A priest gives up his parish fo...
2456: Harlot prays before Virgin image. A harlot prayed before the...
2457: Harlot, repentant, as adder. After her death, a repentant ha...
2458: Harlot, repentant, saved by contrition. a.) A repentant harl...
2459: Harlot saved by former fiancé. A boy and girl are betrothed ...
246: Angels, orders of. A monk explains the orders of the angels ...
2460: Harlot sells relic. A merchant buys the arm of St. John the ...
2461: Harlot, sons of, watch corpse. A priest’s harlot asks her so...
2462: Harlot, sudden death of. A harlot unwilling to repent is exc...
2463: Harlot weeping. A German student at Orleans spends all his f...
2464: Harlot with handsome daughter. H69 # 101, H399 # 471 (Spec. ...
2465: Harlots converted by preacher. H490 # 138....
2466: Harlots walk through town. When two harlots walk through the...
2467: Harp music, love of. Robert Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln, ...
2468: Hawk and strap. A fugitive hawk hangs itself on the strap st...
2469: Hawk, feathers of. The feathers of the hawk help him while g...
247: Angels seen at deathbed. A monk sees angels around his death...
2470: Hawk, never rests. a) The hawk that never rests; (b) The dia...
2471: Hawk teaches young. A hawk teaches its young a cruel lesson ...
2472: Hawks, clerk whistles for. A clerk had been devoted to falco...
2473: Hay eaten. Nabuchodonor cats hay. Enx (G) # 331....
2474: Hay with healing power. St. Francis built a manger with hay,...
2475: Head brought before wife. St. Udalric, Bishop of Augsburg, v...
2476: Head covered with pitch. The devil covers half of a man’s he...
2477: Head, death. A man, anxious about the state of England, is t...
2478: Head haunts youth. A youth is haunted for three years by a g...
2479: Head hidden, posterior exposed. A Beguine exposed her poster...
248: Angels surround monk in church. A monk with severe headaches...
2480: Head, of dead monk, hot. A dead monk appears repeatedly to o...
2481: Head, of knight, cries out. A knight vows general abstinence...
2482: Head says “Ave Maria”. A criminal is beheaded; his head crie...
2483: Head, twisted at communion. A Englishman at the Scottish cou...
2484: Headache caused by false hair. A Spanish monk cured a woman’...
2485: Headache commended to God. A vicar commended his headache to...
2486: Headache of St. Bernard. When St. Bernard was a boy, an old ...
2487: Headaches caused by negligence. A monk negligent in his devo...
2488: Headaches, cured by Virgin. The Virgin cured the terrible he...
2489: Head dress, of lady. A knight takes from the poor in order t...
249: Angels, three, cure monk of temptation. A monk prying in the...
2490: Healer, proud. A saint is proud of the great works of healin...
2491: Heart, anger in. A monk is rebuked for nourishing anger in h...
2492: Heart, blood of Christ in. A dying man doubts his salvation ...
2493: Heart, ears, and tongue, allegory of. A Emperor (God) keeps ...
2494: Heart, incombustible. The emperor’s heart will not burn, but...
2495: Heart, joy poured into. A Beguine spoke to her faith as to a...
2496: Heart, like mill. The human heart is like a mill, whose whee...
2497: Heart, of pilgrim. A pilgrim knight dies on the mount of Oli...
2498: Heart, of St. Ignatius. On St. Ignatius’ heart is written th...
2499: Heart, on treasure. A miser’s body is opened after death and...
250: Anger, abbot never speaks in. A abbot is feared by devils be...
2500: Heaven and hell shown in vision. (Var.) (See also: 1450, 453...
2501: Hedgehog and apples. A hedgehog so overloads himself with ap...
2502: Heifer, wife transformed into. St. Macarius cures a man of t...
2503: Heirs sue bishop. The heirs of a converted Saracen sue a bis...
2504: Heliotrope, properties of. H165 # 135....
2505: Hell, bathing in. A vision of Seneca [read Nero] bathing in ...
2506: Hell, fat man and emaciated man. A fat and wealthy Parisian ...
2507: Hell, monk saved from. A monk, damned in hell, was saved by ...
2508: Hell, mouth of shown monk. A Franciscan is taken by the devi...
2509: Hell, neighbors fighting in. Two neighbors, who have quarrel...
251: Anger and name of Jesus. A obstinate man said that neither i...
2510: Hell, no redemption. A woman hears a voice saying that there...
2511: Hell, nun’s vision of. A nun who decided to yield to the dev...
2512: Hell, return from. A man returned from the dead and castigat...
2513: Hell seen by dying man. A dying man sees open hell and says ...
2514: Hell seen by soul. How the soul of a sinner is tormented by ...
2515: Hell, soul of rich man in. A rich man’s soul is tormented by...
2516: Hell, thrown open. A priest has a vision of hell open before...
2517: Hell, torture in. A count who takes communion in a state of ...
2518: Hell, various punishments of. The punishments of hell vary a...
2519: Hell, vision of. A dying man cries “fi fi fi,” when the Euch...
252: Anger disciplined. A man in the desert tries to discipline h...
2520: Hell, vision of, by condemned man. Lib. Ex. # 199b....
2521: Hen taken from poor woman. A thief who had taken a hen from ...
2522: Hen, white, and an angel. Vision of an angel and of a white ...
2523: Hen, willed to priest. A woman willed a hen to a priest who ...
2524: Henry, St. and wife St. Cunegonda, account of. H702 # 17....
2525: Henry II, suspicions of. Henry II is suspicious of his wife....
2526: Henry III and Louis IX. Henry III and Louis IX debate on the...
2527: Henry III and trial. Henry III takes the abbot of Westminste...
2528: Henry III, kills monk. Henry III kills a blaspheming monk. H...
2529: Heraclides, visit of. Heraclides visits a prophet hermit. Al...
253: Angler with golden hook. A hermit learns, through a vision o...
2530: Heraclius, stopped at gate. Heraclius is stopped by an angel...
2531: Hercules and Omphale. H160 # 48....
2532: Hercules and the shirt of Nessus. H178 # 139....
2533: Herdsman, hospitality of. St. German, denied hospitality fro...
2534: Heresy, punished. Heresy punished: a.) heretic is made to ex...
2535: Heresies discussed. Etienne de Bourbon discusses the heretic...
2536: Heretic and theologian. A heretic had a debate with a simple...
2537: Heretic, ashes of, cause blindness. The ashes of a heretic, ...
2538: Heretic burned. I. A heretic was burned at Troyes for having...
2539: Heretic burned. II. A heretic at the stake is saved by Lucif...
254: Animal gentle towards own kind. Enx (G) # 325....
2540: Heretic, girl, dies with master. Heretics led to the stake w...
2541: Heretic in cathedral cemetery. A heretic king was allowed to...
2542: Heretic reveres devil. A heretic said that the devil was the...
2543: Heretic, saintly, condemned. A heretical woman who abstained...
2544: Heretic, vision of false paradise. A heretic who has a visio...
2545: Heretic, woman denounces self as. A noblewoman denounced her...
2546: Heretic bishops excommunicate each other. The bishops of her...
2547: Heretical sects named. A Vaudois is recognized and captured,...
2548: Heretics complicate questions of simplefaith. EdeB # 352....
2549: Heretics drowned by Host. The Host, cast into the river, dro...
255: Animal provides food for men. Enx (M) # 29, # 59; S.T.: B531...
2550: Heretics, learned, and clergyman. A pious clergyman joined t...
2551: Heretics memorize Scriptures. Heretics can be recognized by ...
2552: Heretics of Albigensian town, slain. All the inhabitants of ...
2553: Heretics punished. Because they had worshipped idols in a th...
2554: Heretics, sadness of. Heretics go to the stake with sadness,...
2555: Heretics studied. After having studied and collected all the...
2556: Heretics, Waldensian. The Waldensian heretics were protected...
2557: Heretics, weakness of. A Jew is converted when he sees the w...
2559: Hermit and angel II. A angel and a hermit walk along a road ...
2560: Hermit and king. A hermit learns from the talk of two fishes...
2561: Hermit and knight both loved. A noble knight who lived in sp...
2562: Hermit and leper. A hermit who cares devotedly for the sick ...
2563: Hermit and list of guests. A hermit would not read the list ...
2564: Hermit converts niece. The hermit, Abraham, reclaims his nie...
2565: Hermit enticed home. A young monk persuades his abbot to let...
2566: Hermit gives alms. A hermit gives alms generously. One day h...
2567: Hermit, God as lord of. Three men in the service of their lo...
2568: Hermit, hut and heaven. A hermit says that it is easier to s...
2569: Hermit induced to keep cock. The devil leads a hermit into d...
257: Animals, gratitude of. Pelbart # 334....
2570: Hermit kills father. A hermit kills his own father, thinking...
2571: Hermit, long hair and nails. A hermit, whose hair and nails ...
2572: Hermit, penance with brother. A hermit falls into sin; his b...
2573: Hermit questions devil. A hermit asks the devil why he tempt...
2574: Hermit recognizes man’s nature. The hermit Paul recognizes t...
2575: Hermit rejects God. A hermit, who wished to marry the daught...
2576: Hermit slays king’s daughter. A hermit, misled by the devil,...
2577: Hermit wishes to go Egypt. A old hermit wishes to go to Egyp...
2578: Hermit, woman, saved from demon. A woman recluse was saved f...
2579: Hermit works for sinner. The good works of a holy hermit are...
258: Animals, life of studied. A count, having become a monk, del...
2580: Hero and Leander. H160 # 45....
2581: Herod and murdered children. Herod and the slaying of the ch...
2582: Herod, swine and son. A sculpture raised a monument to his f...
2583: Heron avoids rain. The heron flies above the rainclouds to a...
2584: Heron escapes falcon. How the heron escapes the falcon. H165...
2585: Heron hides from wind. The heron scents the cold northwind i...
2586: Herring, lacking salt. Just as herrings are sold at 1000 a p...
2587: Hezekiah in penitence. Hezekiah lay ill in penitence and tea...
2588: Hilarius, St., warned by St. Martin. A devil, in the guise o...
2589: Hildefonsus. H395 # 384, H540 # 32, H546 # 66.– Ward II, p. ...
259: Annunciation to Virgin. Herzstein # 46....
2590: Hildegond, St., life of. (var.) CHeist-I #40; H350 # 8; Recu...
2591: Hippopotamus, characteristics of. The hippopotamus in water ...
2592: Hole, Christ found in. A hermit searched for Christ in a hol...
2593: Holophernes and Judith. Seelentrost (German) 171, 28; Thrøst...
2594: Holy Places prof aned by infidels. A Christian pilgrim wonde...
2595: Homer and fleas. Fishermen who were catching fleas were aske...
2596: Homer, question unanswered. Homer dies of shame when he cann...
2597: Homer questioned. Sailors ask Homer a question. Alpha # 378....
2598: Homosexuality. Sexual perversions: homosexuality. Enx (G) # ...
2599: Honey, after communion. A monk usually has a taste of honey ...
26: Absolution for murder of priest. Three clerks leave the chur...
260: Anselm, St., and deadly sin. St. Anselm says he would rather...
2600: Honey, in gold pot. A woman leaves three pots filled with go...
2601: Honey refused by lord. A lord who loved honey refused it whe...
2602: Hood, heavier than bells, worn. A citizen of Lodi meets the ...
2603: Horatii and Curatii. The story of the Horatii and Curatii in...
2604: Horn, magic. Gesta (O) # 161; Katona # 161....
2605: Horse and Dr. Lion. A lion offers to attend a horse as physi...
2606: Horse and knight ride to eternal life. A knight, surrounded ...
2607: Horse, bone of cast forth. The bone of a horse is miraculous...
2608: Horse captures thief. A horse catches the arm of a thief in ...
2609: Horse, child unharmed. A child, just after hearing mass in h...
261: Anselm, St., gives advice on children. St. Anselm advises an...
2610: Horse, fall from. A judge does not get back on the horse fro...
2611: Horse like ass. A horse, by moving his cars like an ass, rev...
2612: Horse, nail driven into feet. A wicked smithy secretly drive...
2613: Horse, neigh of. A emperor dies, leaving three triplet sons....
2614: Horse of careless vassal. A careless vassal, in the hope of ...
2615: Horse, proud. A proud horse finds that his rich trappings do...
2616: Horse refuses to cross bridge. A merchant, selling a horse, ...
2617: Horse returned by thieves. Thieves return the horse they sto...
2618: Horse returned to bishop. A bishop gives a cardinal a horse,...
2619: Horse, saddled and bridled. A wild horse asks a man’s help a...
262: Ant and spoiled meat. A ant refuses to cat spoiled meat. Nic...
2620: Horse secures master’s lodging. A crusader, on entering Jeru...
2621: Horse, shows dead prince’s tortures. Soon after the death of...
2622: Horse sold for shoemaker. A knight, on his way to a tourname...
2623: Horse taken as ransom. A captive is allowed to return home, ...
2624: Horse trained to kneel. A jester trains a horse to kneel at ...
2625: Horse, vision of. A dying lady is troubled by a vision of a ...
2626: Horse vowed to saint. A rich man, pursued by his enemies, pr...
2627: Horse, woman as. A woman is transformed into the likeness of...
2628: Horse won through cunning. A knight gains a fine horse from ...
2629: Horse, wooden, in church. (Pagan love songs and Christian ri...
263: Ant, flying, very harmful. Nicole # 100....
2630: Horse beans, black and white. To the question, “How can blac...
2631: Horse blanket, dream of. A monk dreamed that an ugly peasant...
2632: Horse dealer, ambivalent statements of. A horse dealer makes...
2633: Horse dung, offered by devil. The devil offered a hermit hor...
2634: Horse shoe, handled by monk. A monk who had never seen a wom...
2635: Horse stealing, false charge of. A “jurrour” of York, coveti...
2636: Horses held by magic power. Men opposing a holy man are puni...
2637: Hospital built. Monks in Tabilone produced ribald plays, and...
2638: Hospitality, duty of. A abbot speaks on the duty of cheerful...
2639: Hospitality of bishop toward provost. A inhospitable provost...
264: Ant, Indian, guards treasures. Nicole # 101....
2640: Hospitality of travellers. A hermit shows his hospitality to...
2641: Host adored by dog. A Jew offers the Host to his dog, who kn...
2642: Host and king’s submission. A legate forces King Roger to su...
2643: Host and laughing matron. A matron laughed when she took the...
2644: Host and toad. A woman decides to punish God for her bad luc...
2645: Host as crystal. A man saw a light emanating from the Host. ...
2646: Host as flower. An ill girl saw the Host in the shape of a f...
2647: Host as love charm. A woman tries to retain the Host in her ...
2648: Host burns priest’s hand. A priest sees a vision of the Chil...
2649: Host can’t be swallowed. A dying monk who has concealed a si...
265: Ant keeps harvest dry. The industrious ant works to keep his...
2650: Host carried acrossflood. A priest carries the Host across w...
2651: Host cooked with worm. The Host jumped off the altar before ...
2652: Host cures insanity. A bishop recovered his sanity by means ...
2653: Host disappears in pyx. Dying man wishes to receive the Host...
2654: Host dropped in meadow. On his way to a dying woman, a pries...
2655: Host dropped on pavement. The Host fell from the hands of a ...
2656: Host, faith in. A dying magistrate proclaims his faith in th...
2657: Host found in mouth. A lay brother, eager to take communion,...
2658: Host from wrecked ship. The Host floated to other ships when...
2659: Host given by Christ. A man received the Host from Christ (a...
266: Ant, wisdom of, in gathering food. Nicole # 69....
2660: Host grows to palate. A woman keeps the Host in her mouth, h...
2661: Host hidden in tree. A duchess, full of hate, dares not swal...
2662: Host in bee hive. A woman hides the Host in a hollow tree. S...
2664: Host in shirt of hanged son. A witch’s son is hanged for the...
2665: Host in singing monk’s mouth. The Virgin placed the Host in ...
2666: Host in soul, devil in body. A possessed woman received the ...
2667: Host leaps from mouth. Two women stop their quarrel just bef...
2668: Host left infield. Thieves rob a church and leave the pyx th...
2669: Host not taken as reality. A learned priest does not take th...
267: Antaeus and Hercules. H160 # 50, H170 # 43, H691 # 53....
2670: Host on collapsing bridge. A canon is carrying the Host acro...
2671: Host received through side. On his deathbed, a count suffers...
2672: Host refused. A man refused to receive the sacraments from u...
2673: Host refused as bread. A woman rejects the Host as mere brea...
2674: Host refused by lawyer. The Host is brought to a wicked lawy...
2675: Host refused by sick man. A sick man refuses the Host for fe...
2676: Host refused disobedient monk. A disobedient monk who would ...
2677: Host spit out. A woman spits the Host into her hand, and is ...
2678: Host splits woman in two. A woman comes to communion while s...
2679: Host spread over cabbages. A woman was afflicted with paraly...
268: Anteater robs ants of food. Nicole # 99....
2680: Host stepped on. A priest who dropped the Host tried to conc...
2682: Host taken away. The Host vanishes from the sight of an unwo...
2683: Host taken unworthily. One of St. Bernard’s monks comes to C...
2684: Host, temptation banished by. The Host cures the disease of ...
2685: Host tested in oven. A woman, prompted by the devil to test ...
2686: Host thrown into mud. A heretic was hanged for stealing the ...
2687: Host thrown into pig trough. A jew threw the Host into a pig...
2688: Host touched. A woman was cured when touched by the hands of...
2689: Host trans formed (Var.) a.) Host trans formed into bleeding...
269: Antelope, greed of. The antelope becomes a victim of its own...
2690: Host turns to coals. The Host turns into coals in the mouth ...
2691: Host, unconsecrated, refused. On his deathbed, the bishop of...
2692: Host, unconsecrated, taken by woman. A woman who has unknowi...
2693: Host, vision of daily. Mary Magdelene was raised in the air ...
2694: Host vomited by leper. A bishop eats the sacrament vomited f...
2695: Hotels, three knights in. Three knights are given the choice...
2696: House accepted by abbot. A abbot finally accepted a house bu...
2697: House burned to destroy flies. Weak willed persons who yield...
2698: House in bright light. Because of her love for Christ, a wom...
2699: House preserved from fire. Through the power of the Apostles...
27: Absolution, pilgrim revived for. A dying pilgrim is refused ...
270: Anthicomon and serpent. H165 # 131....
2700: Houses of God. a.) The Romans had three houses, one for coun...
2701: Humility of small man. A man, though small in stature, was g...
2702: Humility to avoid traps. The traps set in the world to catch...
2703: Humility, ten signs of. Lib. Ex. 164....
2704: Hunger, insufferable. A fasting friar, whose hunger becomes ...
2705: Hunger of monk. When monks grumbled, they were immediately a...
2706: Husband, dead wife restored to. A husband sacrifices twenty ...
2707: Husband, jealous, deceived by devil. A jealous husband think...
2708: Husband sees double. A husband saw his wife with a lover, bu...
2709: Hydra robs knight. A knight asleep beneath a tree is strippe...
271: Anthonius, St., as bishop. Tab. Ex. # 259....
2710: Hyena, gall of cures blindness. H128 # 75; Nicole # 109....
2711: Hyena, grateful, aids lost hermit. As a reward for his help ...
2712: Hyena, hypnotic Powers of. H121 # 22; Nicole # 108. 2713 Hye...
2714: Hyena cub cured of blindness. Macarius cures the blind cub o...
2715: Hypocrite, tormented. A dying hypocrite is tormented by demo...
2716: Hysop, dust of. The dust from the hysop has a purifying powe...
2717: Ice imprisons soul. A fisherman finds a large block of ice i...
2718: Idiocy feigned by nun. H514 # 53, H525 # 86, H591 # 100.– Vi...
2719: Idleness of monk. A monk is tormented by the sin of idleness...
272: Anthony, St., and archer. Anthony gives the following answer...
2720: Image at Rome. A image at Rome has its pointing finger inscr...
2721: Image blamed for mis fortune by suppliant. Enx (G) # 393; S....
2722: Image, stone, with cloak. A youth follows a woman into the w...
2723: Image, Varro paints. A image of sin, painted by Varro: God, ...
2724: Immaculate Conception, celebration of. The celebration of th...
2725: Immaculate Conception denied. Maria took the Holy Sacrament ...
2726: Immaculate Conception like fructification of palm. The Immac...
2727: Incarnation doubted by monk. A dying monk who had doubted th...
2728: Incest, brother and sister. Viaticum # 31....
2729: Incest, daughter and father. A woman killed her parents and ...
273: Anthony, St., and disciple moving stones. Spec. Laic. # 444....
2730: Incest, empress. A widowed Roman empress is guilty of incest...
2731: Incest,father with daughter. I. A girl sins with her father ...
2732: Incest,father with daughter. II. A man and his wife had a be...
2734: Incest, mother and son. II. When a son refuses to make love ...
2735: Incest, mother and son. III. A mother commits incest with he...
2736: Incest, mother and son. IV. A Roman matron is denounced by t...
2737: Incest, mother and son in law. A woman commits incest with h...
2738: Incest not confessed. A woman concealed her sin of incest at...
2739: Incest, parenticide, heart bursts. A girl commits incest, mu...
274: Anthony, St., and humility. St. Anthony is told that only hu...
2740: Incubi driven out of isles. Incubi were driven out of the is...
2741: Incubus and nun. A nun accepts the embraces of an incubus, b...
2742: Incubus haunts woman. A woman, haunted by an incubus, resist...
2743: Indians grow hair in old age in the manner of children. Nico...
2744: Indulgence, four days’. A archbishop gave a four days’ indul...
2745: Indulgence of Curtius. Curtius sacrifices himself by leaping...
2746: Indulgence, weight in gold. A poor woman gains an indulgence...
2747: Indulgences sold. A man sold hard won indulgences for money ...
2748: Indulgences transferred to dead girl. A deacon prays that al...
2749: Inheritance, divided. A rich man dies leaving an elder son b...
275: Anthony, St., and labor. St. Anthony, overcome with fatigue,...
2750: Innkeeper, bad vision of. A innkeeper has a terrifying visio...
2751: Innocent, Pope, reproved. Pope Innocent was reproved by the ...
2752: Ino and her sisters. H160 # 47....
2753: Insanity, false accusation. A servant is criticized by his m...
2754: Insects, poisonous. The prayers of a bishop bring swarms of ...
2755: Invaders struck with blindness. A leader of a barbarian army...
2756: Invalids long for heaven. Men and women who spend their live...
2757: Invasions of England foretold. It is foretold that the Frenc...
2758: Iron, art of. Tubalkaym discovered how to fashion iron into ...
2759: Iron, hot, ordeal by. Heretics were tried by the test of a w...
276: Anthony, St., and philosophers. Philosophers, despising St. ...
2760: Iron, ring of, worn in penance. A sinful man and his mistres...
2761: Isaac and his wife Rebecca. Seelentrost (German) 257, 1; Thr...
2762: Isabella, deathbed of. Isabella, Queen of Navarre and daught...
2763: Isidor, St., and wealth. When St. Isidor died, he left much ...
2764: Isidor, St., cell of. St. Isidor lived in a cell on a mounta...
2765: Isis and Serapis. The Egyptians, wishing to deify Isis and S...
2766: Island, kings dispute over. Two kings, disputing the ownersh...
2767: Ivy, root of, separates water from wine. Nicole # 60....
2768: James, St., frees man from dungeon. CHeist-X #7 ....
2769: Jasper, image of armed man. The miraculous properties of a j...
277: Anthony, St., complains to Christ. Answer of Christ to St. A...
2770: Jephthah and his daughter. H280 # 19, H310 # 17, H318 # 12.A...
2771: Jerome, St. and lion. St. Jerome removed a thorn from a lion...
2772: Jerome, St. reads Virgil. St. Jerome has a vision in which h...
2773: Jerome, St. revives three men. Pelbart # 159....
2774: Jerome, St. scourged. In a vision ofjudgment, St. Jerome is ...
2775: Jerusalem, destruction of. The destruction of Jerusalem by V...
2776: Jerusalem, Jews rebuild. Jews, trying to rebuild Jerusalem a...
2777: Jerusalem, prince of. The son of the King of Jerusalem marri...
2778: Jester, and ladder of light. The King of Aragon’s jester, wh...
2779: Jester bade farewell by knight. A knight at the point of dea...
278: Anthony, St., freed from evil thoughts. Lib. Ex. # 61.– Vita...
2780: Jester, dancing during chants. A jester who became a monk, d...
2781: Jester entertained at Cistercian abbey. A jester, treated me...
2782: Jester, feigning illness, converts lord. A jester converts h...
2783: Jester plays pranks on lord. H710 # 9....
2784: Jester receives sarcastic advice from bishop. H656 # 124....
2785: Jester rhymes at feast. A jester who comes uninvited to a bi...
2786: Jester, thieves in house. A jester, seeing thieves in his ho...
2787: Jester weeps for living. A jester follows a bier, weeping. Q...
2788: Jew argues for Judaism. A Jew, defending his religion, says ...
2789: Jew at dice playing. A Jew, playing dice with a Christian, s...
279: Anthony, St., hermit, and Alexanders’s tanner. Pelbart # 319...
2790: Jew attacked by thieves. A Jew, bound and robbed by thieves,...
2791: Jew christened by bishop. A bishop baptized a jew who helped...
2792: Jew converted by monk. A Jew was converted to Christianity w...
2793: Jew converted by perjurer. A man who perjured himself in ord...
2794: Jew deceived by devil. A Jew, converted to Christianity, is ...
2795: Jew in sewer. A Jew falls into a sewer on Saturday and will ...
2796: Jew keeps borrowed horse. A ungrateful Jew steals the horse ...
2797: Jew lends to Christian. A Christian borrowed money from a Je...
2798: Jew, paralyzed. A paralyzed Jew was cured by being baptized....
2799: Jew, robbed, given safe conduct. A Jew, to whom the king had...
28: Absolution, prayer at death for. A man on his deathbed prays...
280: Anthony, St., hermit, and St. Paul. Pelbart # 196....
2800: Jew, spendthrift servant. A spendthrift enters the service o...
2801: Jew, wandering. Story of the Wandering Jew. H691 # 56....
2802: Jew wears Host in shoe. A Jew was killed by a knight for car...
2803: Jew wishes to see Virgin. A Jewish prince invites a master i...
2804: Jewess and Christian lover. A Jewess refuses to name her lov...
2805: Jewess, baptized. A Jewish girl, who became a Christian and ...
2806: Jewess converted during childbirth. A Jewess, while giving b...
2808: Jews and usury. Christians, who will not lend a man money, a...
2809: Jews banned from country. Sabaudie refused to let Jews live ...
281: Anthony, St., puts foot in fire. (See also: 4741). H66 # 69,...
2810: Jews mocked by boy’s song. Jews kill a boy who sings a song ...
2811: Jews struck dumb. (Var.) The nephew of a bishop falls in lov...
2812: Joab murders knight. Joab, the nephew of King David, murdere...
2813: Joan, Pope. Alpha # 601; H437 # 76; Recull # 529; S.T.: E755...
2815: John, St., and relative. Concerning St. John and his insulte...
2816: John, St., and two youths. Spec. Laic. # 55 (Welter)....
2817: John, St., at gates of Rome. Spec. Laic. # 98 (Welter); cf. ...
2818: John, St., speaks against own will. St. John, near death, wa...
2819: John the Almoner, St., advice of. St. John the Almoner’s dyi...
282: Anthony, St., recognizes good and bad. Spec. Laic. # 345....
2820: John the Almoner, St., and good work, St. John the Almoner d...
2821: John the Almoner, St., and pilgrim. A pilgrim, disguising hi...
2822: John the Almoner, St. and sailor. St. John the Almoner gives...
2823: John the Almoner, St., and two shoemakers. The story of St. ...
2824: John the Almoner, St. appeases anger. St. John the Almoner, ...
2825: John the Almoner, St. enriched by God. St. John the Almoner ...
2826: John the Almoner, St. reviled. St. John the Almoner was revi...
2827: John the Almoner, St. sells garments. St. John the Almoner s...
2828: John, the Anchorite tormented. John the Anchorite is torment...
2829: John the Baptist, St., and St. John the Evangelist. Two men ...
283: Anthony, St., saved by light. St. Anthony, tormented by devi...
2830: John the Baptist, St. beheaded. Kind He rod fulfilled the de...
2831: John the Baptist, St., canon irreverent to. A canon is struc...
2832: John the Baptist, St., love for. A monk sees a flame rise ab...
2833: John the Baptist, St., presence of. The presence of St. John...
2834: John the Evangelist, St., and heathen boy. St. John the Evan...
2835: John the Evangelist, St., as poor speaker. The aged St. John...
2836: Jonah, preaching of. The king of Nineveh made men and beasts...
2837: Josaphat kept from seeing moon and sun. Josaphat was kept fr...
2838: Josaphat not subdued by demons. A magician chided a host of ...
2839: Josaphat, temptation of. Josaphat overcame temptation when h...
284: Anthony, St., vision of. a.) St. Anthony has a vision of the...
2840: Joseph and Potiphar’s wife. H180 # 12; Seelentrost (German) ...
2841: Joseph in prison. Joseph in prison and the Machabacans. H6 #...
2842: Jove, woolen coat of. Jove prefers a woolen coat to a gold o...
2843: Joy of the world. The joy of the world and of the saints (ge...
2844: Joy, worldly. The pope compares a piece of tow to worldly jo...
2845: Joys of Virgin Mary. The Virgin reveals to a monk her seven ...
2846: Judas abandoned by parents. Because his mother had a forebod...
2847: Jude, St. rejected. A woman draws for her patron apostle St....
2848: Judge, abbot refuses to see. A abbot’s sister begs him to in...
2849: Judge and abbot. Concerning the abbot Pastores and a judge. ...
285: Anthony, St., visited by God. God appears to St. Anthony aft...
2850: Judge beaten by traveller. A traveller beats a judge into gi...
2851: Judge bribed. A man bribes a judge with a wagon, his opponen...
2851: Judgment, archdeacon’s vision of. One of two hard drinking a...
2852: Judge, devils unmerciful to at deathbed. Devils show no merc...
2853: Judge punished for theft. A judge took land from a church. W...
2854: Judge restored to life for thirty days. A judge given to bri...
2855: Judge yields bench to son. Because he had rendered a false j...
2856: Judges, unjust. Unjust judges in Lorraine cite parties to a ...
2858: Judgment, no reprieve before. A scholar said that he was ask...
2859: Judgment of Cambyses. A corrupt judge is flayed and his skin...
286: Antichrist, coming of. The vision of a monk concerning the s...
2860: Judgment of count and prelate. A vision in which a count and...
2861: Judgment of impious youth. While sleeping, an impious youth ...
2862: Judgment of lawyer, appealed. A vision in which a lawyer was...
2863: Judgment, Roman dragged to. The devil visits the deathbed of...
2864: Judgment, vision of at Tours. A man at Tours has a vision of...
2865: Judgment Day, abbot fears. A dying abbot fears the Day of Ju...
2866: Judgment Day and return of master. Two servants speculate on...
2867: Judgment Day, contemplation of advised. A abbot instructs a ...
2868: Judgment Day, demoniac fears. A demoniac said that he would ...
2869: Judgment Day, laughter in spite of. A old man marvels at a y...
287: Antichrist killed. The story of the Antichrist and his death...
2870: Judgment Day more feared than fire. A demon said that he wou...
2871: Judgment Day, postponement of. A devil tells a saint that th...
2872: Judgment Day, relatives recognized at. Arguments are present...
2873: Judgment Day, signs of. The fifteen signs of the coming of t...
2874: Judgment Last, student faints at. A student of theology fain...
2875: Juggler, devil compared to. The devil is compared to a juggl...
2876: Juggler, last wish of. A juggler about to be hanged has one ...
2877: Juggler receives coin from king. A juggler asks for help fro...
2878: Julia and Agrippa, sons of. Julia was asked how she could pr...
2879: Julian the Apostate kills parents. Julian finds his parents ...
288: Antigonus and Cynitus. When Cynitus asks for a talent, he is...
2880: Julian the Apostate sends messenger. Julian the Apostate’s d...
2881: Julian the Apostate throws blood. Death of Julian the Aposta...
2882: Julian the Apostate, irreverence punished. Julian the Aposta...
2883: Juliana, St., passion of. H699 # 14....
2884: Juniper tree. Helias sat under a juniper tree to avoid tempt...
2885: Jupiter to be feared, not enemy. A knight bids his men fear ...
2886: Justice, and injustice, fable of. Pelbart # 228...
2887: Justice, as blindprincess. Gesta (I) # 70; Gesta (O) # 247; ...
2888: Justina, St., and Cyprian. Justina thwarts the advances of C...
2889: King advised by wise man. A wise man bids a king dismiss his...
289: Antipope, chastisement of. Chastisement of the Antipope, Pie...
2890: King aids besieged city. The inhabitants of a besieged Egypt...
2891: King, and beautiful boys. Seeing three beautiful boys, a kin...
2892: King, and counsellors. A Cistercian has a vision of a dead k...
2893: King, and false brother. Claiming to be a brother according ...
2894: King and hermit. (See also: 2560). H324 # 11, H329 # 19, H33...
2895: King, and knight, punish wives. A king and a knight leave th...
2896: King, and lazy son. A king appoints the laziest of his three...
2897: King, and old woman. A old woman tells a king how to rid the...
2898: King, and poets. Disc. Cler. (Schwarzbaum 1, 294 295); cf. E...
2899: King, and stormy seas. The King of France, asleep on a storm...
29: Absolution, worth of. A dead monk returns in a vision to tel...
290: Antlers of stag. A stag grows no antlers if he is castrated ...
2900: King, and two jesters. Aev. # 74; Disc. Cler. # 21 (Schwarzb...
2901: King, as God. Magister Jordanus says to Roger, King of Sicil...
2902: King asks about degenerate bishops. King Philip of France as...
2903: King asks wise man about God. The king asks a wise man, “Wha...
2904: King, deathbed of. The King of France exclaimed on his death...
2905: King, disease of, cured. A king’s disease can be cured only ...
2906: King, flattery unacceptable to. A king of humble lineage can...
2907: King, for a year. A man, made king for a year, provides for ...
2908: King hears men reviling him. A king, sitting behind a curtai...
2909: King improves kingdom. A king betters his kingdom before lea...
291: Antonius the orator. Gesta # 269....
2910: King mistaken for another. A king pardons a man who mistook ...
2911: King, quality and function of. Pope Zacharius’ answer to Pep...
2912: King ransoms son. A king wished to ransom his captive son. P...
2913: King scorned by girl. A girl is loved by a king. She accepts...
2914: King wishes to witness assemblage of angels. A king stays al...
2915: King worth nothing. A king asks how much money he is worth. ...
2916: Kingdom given away. A king gives his kingdom to a provost ou...
2917: Kingdom, half of, refused. Since the expenses will outweigh ...
2918: Kings and transitory joy. A mother did not want her sons to ...
2919: Kings, as relatives. A knight boasted he had nine kings amon...
292: Ants, king of. First a log, then a serpent, is chosen king o...
2920: Kings bestow mystic gifts, Bellerophon and Chimaera; three k...
2921: Kings, four, woo lady. A lady is wooed by four kings who sen...
2922: Kings live longer than emperors. A emperor sends messengers ...
2923: Kingship predicted to knight. Before going on a pilgrimage, ...
2924: Kinsman received into order. Master Jordan received a kinsma...
2925: Kiss of peace. A French rhyming charm against rats and mice ...
2926: Kitchen utensils embraced. A prefect goes mad and embraces t...
2927: Kite, advised by lamprey. A kite which went into exile after...
2928: Kite and falcon. Because of his faint heart, a kite is overp...
2929: Kite, bird freed from. A little bird was freed from a kite b...
293: Ants, leave wheat in child’s mouth. Ants leave grains of whe...
2930: Kite catches greedy chick. Enx (G) # 36; Gesta (M) # 51; H40...
2931: Kite, chicken, and raven. A kite vows never to kill a chicke...
2932: Kite, old, preys on flies. A kite, when young, preys on larg...
2933: Kite steals sacrifices. A kite, when well, steals the sacrif...
2934: Knife, bloody, in bed. Christ appears, with a knife in His s...
2935: Knife demanded by harlot. A harlot always demands a knife in...
2936: Knife hurled at heaven. A man, enraged at the destruction of...
2937: Knife in earth. A knife was plunged into the earth and was p...
2938: Knife, of sponge. A woman is cured by being operated on with...
294: Ants, sculptured from ivory. Callicrates sculptured ants fro...
2940: Knight becomes penitent. A vain knight, impoverished and rui...
2941: Knight confesses to squire. A knight escapes being denounced...
2942: Knight, converted, and wife. A knight who became a monk visi...
2943: Knight, death of lawyer revealed to. libri8-II #29 ....
2944: Knight, dead, return of. (Var.) a) Knight, dead, almsgiving ...
2945: Knight, deranged, fights against infidels. A deranged knight...
2946: Knight escapes from hell. A knight was saved from hell by th...
2947: Knight, excommunicated. Concerning St. Ceddus and the excomm...
2948: Knight holds back ship. A knight holds onto a boat in which ...
2949: Knight kills in church. Punishment befell a knight who kille...
295: Anus, singing. A adulterous wife’s arm is burned when her hu...
2950: Knight kills two priests. A knight obtains pardon at Rome fo...
2951: Knight lays down armor. The knight Gawain rode up to the alt...
2952: Knight leaves silver to monks. A knight who had been receive...
2953: Knight never lies. A knight never lied. H418 # 52....
2954: Knight, Saracens capture. In the siege of Jerusalem a knight...
2955: Knight seen in procession. In a vision, a monk saw a convert...
2956: Knight, sorrow for the vanquished. A knight, having defeated...
2957: Knight triumphs with Host. A knight, defending his honor in ...
2958: Knight unable to die. A knight, hanged by Barbarossa, stayed...
2959: Knight unrecognized as husband. A woman, seeing a knight tri...
296: Anvil, master beaten on. At his death an avaricious master o...
2960: Knight unrepentant at death. A dying knight is exhorted to r...
2961: Knight, wanton, death of. A wanton knight suffers a horrible...
2962: Knighthood, youth advised on. A old man advised a youth who ...
2963: Knights battle each other. Two knights battled each other to...
2964: Knights, five, saved. Vincentius de Valencia predicted that ...
2965: Knights form partnership. Two knights form a partnership. On...
2966: Knowledge lost through bleeding. A learned clerk lost his kn...
2967: Knowledge reprimanded by bishop. A bishop blessed two theolo...
2968: Knowledge sought on deathbed. A philosopher continued to cra...
2969: Labor against temptation. A old man recommended labor as a m...
297: Ape and fox. A ape asks a fox for part of her tail. H15 # 11...
2970: Labor, division of. Monks divide the labor among themselves ...
2971: Labyrinth and knight. Labyrinth: The knight, Tirius, obtains...
2972: Ladder, fiery, to hell. A ladder of fire leads to hell. Pelb...
2973: Ladder from heaven. A pious girl saw a brilliant ladder desc...
2974: Ladder, social. A man jumps several rungs in the social ladd...
2975: Lamb lost by farmer. A farmer, carrying a lamb to market, is...
2976: Lamb sacrificed to confirm treaty. By ancient custom, a trea...
2977: Lambs, hidden, found dead. Nine of the ten lambs which a wom...
2978: Lameness, Greek boasts of cure. A Greek, boasting that he ha...
2979: Lamp given. A bishop when saying mass gives his lamp (“lawmp...
298: Ape, devoured by bear. A bear devours a young ape and is bur...
2980: Lances, three. A father shows his three sons that three lanc...
2981: Laumer, St., and usurer. A dying usurer offers St. Laumer fo...
2982: Laurence, St., legend. Born the heir of Spain, Laurence is t...
2983: Law disobeyed by maker. A man is accused of disobeying the l...
2984: Lawgiver advises monks. A lawgiver advised two monks to pond...
2985: Laws and sick people. A law is made in Palestine that all si...
2986: Laws secure good government. Three laws are made in judaea g...
2987: Lawsuit of abbot. A abbot abandons a lawsuit because of his ...
2988: Lawyer, and brother’s adultery. A lawyer aids his brother in...
2989: Lawyer and physician. A lawyer agrees to extortion, a physic...
299: Ape, flight of. A ape fleeing from hunters takes her most lo...
2990: Lawyer, as monk. A lawyer becomes a monk and no longer wins ...
2991: Lawyer at death. A lawyer accustomed to asking for delays as...
2992: Lawyer bribed to silence. A lawyer takes a bribe from his cl...
2993: Lawyer bribed to yield. In a lawsuit between two clerks, one...
2994: Lawyer, corpse of, devoured. A lawyer, who is so fond of his...
2995: Lawyer, dead, preferred. A man claimed that he would rather ...
2996: Lawyer, dishonest, dropped by demons. A dishonest lawyer was...
2997: Lawyer enters Cistercian order. A lawyer entered the Cisterc...
2998: Lawyer given bull and cow. A lawyer was given a bull by one ...
2999: Lawyer kills bishop’s soul. A dying bishop says the doctor h...
3: Abbess followed by church officials. A monk, followed by beg...
30: Abstinence and longevity. Pelbart # 197....
300: Ape, gives food to virgin. A ape steals food daily from his ...
3000: Lawyer murdered by relatives. A lawyer employs all his talen...
3001: Lawyer, prayer to lose learning, A lawyer, bereft of his onl...
3002: Miracles, grace to per form. As a reward for his constant hu...
3002: Lawyer strangled by devil. A wicked lawyer is found strangle...
3003: Lawyer thrown in mud. Two peasants threw a man back into the...
3004: Lazarus doesn’t smile. Lazarus lived fifteen years after bei...
3006: Lear, and daughters. The emperor Lear gives dowries to his t...
3007: Lease falsety sworn. A man swears that a lease which he hold...
3008: Leeks offered on altar. Having no bread, a poor woman offers...
3009: Leg anointed and healed. In a vision, a man’s injured leg wa...
301: Ape, in shoemaker’s shop. A ape enters a shoemaker’s shop an...
3010: Leo, Pope, miserable death of. While arguing with St. Hilary...
3011: Leo, Pope, puts poor man in bed. Pope Leo puts a poor man in...
3012: Leopard and hermit. A leopard brings the skins of her prey t...
3013: Leopard eats human waste. Nicole # 102, # 103....
3014: Leopard traps lion. A leopard traps a lion by having two doo...
3015: Leper, clothes of worn by count. A haughty count refused to ...
3016: Leper cured by baptism. Spec. Laic. # 79 (Walter)....
3017: Leper cured by bishop. A leper was healed when the bishop en...
3018: Leper cured for building church. A leper was cured when he b...
3019: Leper, God as. A monk is tempted to cat meat but can find no...
302: Ape, on money chest. A man wishes to open his chest of money...
3020: Leper laid on bed. A woman lays a leper on her bed; he disap...
3021: Leper, obedient, cured. Spec. Laic. # 457 (Welter)....
3022: Leper offered maiden’s blood. A leper can be cured only by t...
3023: Lepers, confession heard through wall. A priest in charge of...
3024: Lepers, family becomes. A farmer rebuilds a deserted lazar h...
3025: Lepers, unafraid. Pelbart # 185....
3026: Leprosy, daughter cured of. A king leaves his daughter in hi...
3027: Leprosy given out of spite. A greedy knight with a beautiful...
3028: Leprosy, guardians suffer from. A knight and his lady, who h...
3029: Leprosy induced. Rivals persuade Averroys that he is a leper...
3069: Lion’s share II. A wolf, fox and lion caught a bull, a cow a...
3207: Mass avoided by knight. A knight refuses to go to mass on th...
322: Archer and Nightingale. A emperor catches a nightingale but ...
3265: Merchant’s Tale. A wife has intercourse with her lover in a ...
3281: Mice Town and Country. H14 # 95, H44 # 23; JVitryCrane #157;...
3281: Mice Town and Country. H14 # 95, H44 # 23; JVitryCrane #157;...
3286: Milk spilled. A old woman, carrying milk to market, makes pl...
3425: Mouse and frog. Mouse, Frog, and Kite. Enx (G) # 301; H39 # ...
3427: Mouse in dish. A hermit is indignant at Adam’s transgression...
3432: Mule and fox. The fox asks the mule whether the latter is a ...
3432: Mule and fox. The fox asks the mule whether the latter is a ...
3613: Pastries, three. Floods carry a trunk to a smithy who finds ...
3629: Peace offering by fox. A fox attempts to catch a bird by pre...
379: Ass, devoured by wolf. The ass does not feel the wolf devour...
3792: Pilgrim returns for marriage. A knight promised to princess ...
382: Ass, father and son with. A father and son travelling with a...
3845: Poor man refuses wealth. A poor man earns a meagre living by...
303: Ape, reverence to. A peasant at a nobleman’s court pays his ...
3030: Leprosy prayed for. The pious wife of a knight prayed to bec...
3031: Leprosy, spiritual. A wicked knight hears a priest preach on...
3032: Letter from devil. The devil, in the guise of a man, sends a...
3033: Letter from Pope, burned. A priest was rewarded by the Pope ...
3034: Letter given by Virgin. The Virgin appears to a wanton clerk...
3035: Letters falsified. (Var.) A girl escapes an incestuous marri...
3036: Letters, hermit burns. A hermit burns letters from home. JVi...
3037: Letters, three. Two brothers, one ignorant and one learned e...
3038: Lice, fear of. A knight was at first reluctant to join an or...
3039: Lice, hermit freed from. A hermit was miraculously freed of ...
304: Apes, reward liar. A liar calls an ape an emperor and is rew...
3040: Lies, no prof it without. Two citizens of Cologne believed t...
3041: Life offered for deacon. A man offers his life to save a dea...
3042: Life offered to stay leprosy. A boy sacrifices himself to st...
3043: Lightning kills priest. A priest turns his mistress out of d...
3044: Lightning, priest saved from. A priest was saved from lightn...
3045: Lightning, servant struck by. A faithful servant was struck ...
3046: Lightning strikes lying woman. A woman who accused a saint o...
3047: Lightning strikes monk. A monk who derided the biblical prec...
3048: Lightning strikes theatre. A theatre was struck by lightning...
3049: Lilies prove Mary’s virginity. A man doubted the Immaculate ...
305: Apollo, holy man in temple of. A holy man seeks shelter for ...
3050: Limbs, graceful, distorted in hell. A youth is converted by ...
3051: Lion, and bear, eat lambs. A lion and a bear, hired as lawye...
3052: Lion and mouse, fable of. H12 # 73, H104 # 39; JVitryCrane #...
3053: Lion, confession of. A lion, wolf and donkey confess their s...
3054: Lion crucified. Lions are frightened away by the sight of a ...
3055: Lion, deadly foe of. The lion’s deadly foe is the “Lanzani”....
3056: Lion, dying. A dying lion groans; a dying swan sings sweetly...
3057: Lion faithful to knight. A grateful lion follows a knight wh...
3058: Lion fears fire. A lion is afraid of fire and of a white coc...
3059: Lion’s feast and cat. The lion’s feast is spoiled for him by...
306: Apollonius of Tyrus. Gesta (O) # 153; Katona # 153; Violier ...
3060: Lion hates ass. Nicole # 231....
3061: Lion, hermit at den of. A hermit, beset by temptation, leave...
3062: Lion kills mule. A woman meets a lion who kills her mule, bu...
3063: Lion kills pimp and harlot. H135 # 138....
3064: Lion, mercyful disposition of. H162 # 86....
3065: Lion, old and feeble. A old and feeble lion is attacked by t...
3066: Lion, preacher like. The preacher should be like the lion wh...
3067: Lion puts right paw forward. The lion always puts his right ...
3068: Lion’s share I A sheep, goat, heifer and lion caught a stag....
3068: Fish spares smaller one. a) St. Brendan hears a big fish pro...
307: Apostasy, monk saved from. A Cistercian monk is saved from a...
3070: Lion, stone. A student died of a snake bite when he put his ...
3071: Lion, turned out of den. A hermit turned a lion out of his d...
3072: Lion, virgin rescued by. A lion rescued a virgin who had bee...
3073: Lioness, adulteress. A lioness was accustomed to bathing in ...
3074: Lioness gives den to Christians. The Saracens capture a monk...
3075: Lioness led to monastery. At his abbot’s command, an obedien...
3076: Lions show wounds. Lions come to a man and show him their wo...
3077: Liquor, good. Good liquor is often found in a foul vessel. H...
3078: Litany against trouble. When Constantinople was beset by tro...
3079: Litany, Greater, institution of. The Greater Litany was inst...
308: Apostles, significance of explained by monk. CHeist-VIII #55...
3080: Litany, Greater, procession of. In the procession of the Gre...
3081: Litany, Lesser. The Lesser Litany was instituted by St. Maur...
3082: Lizard and snake. A lizard climbs on a sleeping man’s face a...
3083: Lizard regains eysight. The lizard who loses his eyesight du...
3084: Loaves and fishes, story cited. A abbot and his novices, set...
3085: Loaves, secreted, become stone. A lay brother hides three lo...
3086: Longinus, St., regains sight. St. Longinus regained his sigh...
3087: Louis, St., and barons, take up cross. When the barons of Fr...
3088: Louis, St., and converted Saracen. A converted Saracen is ta...
3089: Love, image of I. Love is allegorized as a youth bareheaded ...
309: Appetite restored by starving. A physician restores a pamper...
3090: Love, image of II. Love, painted by Helen, is allegorized as...
3091: Love, image of III. Love is allegorized as a boy with four i...
3092: Love, nun cured of. A nun is cured of her love for a monk by...
3093: Love through magic. Love can be gained through magic. H513 #...
3094: Luck, and corpse, bequeathed. A dying sinner bequeaths his l...
3095: Lucretia and Sextus. The story of Sextus’ love for the beaut...
3096: Lust as Ethiopian. A young hermit is saved from temptation b...
3097: Lust conquered by cruelty. A monk finds that his lust can be...
3098: Lust, hermit saved from. By invoking the Virgin, a hermit wa...
3099: Lust, vision of. A young hermit has a vision of lust. H501 #...
31: Abstinence, conquers desire. Abstinence takes away the desir...
310: Apple consumed by fire. A cross is tied to an apple by a rib...
3100: Luxury, image of. Luxury is allegorized as a reclining man w...
3101: Lycurgus, code of. Lycurgus draws up a code of twelve laws a...
3102: Lying, the bishop against. A bishop declares that he would r...
3103: Macarius, St., and broken knife. St. Macarius breaks a knife...
3104: Macarius, St., and defiled girl. Spec. Laic. # 445 (Welter)....
3105: Macarius, St., and devil’s drink. A man is saved by St. Maca...
3106: Macarius, St., and devil’s scythe. A devil tries to kill Mac...
3107: Macarius, St., and dying man. St. Macarius sees a poor man d...
3108: Macarius, St., and Ethiopian. St. Macarius sees a black Ethi...
3109: Macarius, St., and hot iron. St. Macarius burned his body in...
311: Apple given at altar. A scholar is reviled for stupidity by ...
3110: Macarius, St., and monks. St. Macarius looked into the mouth...
3111: Macarius, St., and pagan skull. St. Macarius asked the skull...
3112: Macarius, St., and priest. St. Macarius and the priest who p...
3113: Macarius, St. and the two good women. Two perfect women were...
3114: Macarius, St. and two youths. Macarius sees the works of two...
3115: Macarius, St., converts pagan priest. A pagan priest, worshi...
3116: Macarius, St., dying. Concerning the feat of St. Macarius wh...
3117: Macarius, St., falsely accused. A woman accuses Macarius fal...
3118: Macarius, St., helps thief. Macarius helps a thief to plunde...
3119: Macarius, St., humility of. Macarius overcomes the devil by ...
312: Apple given to gluttonous boy. A mother gives an apple to a ...
3120: Macarius, St., prayer of. Spec. Laic. # 504 (Welter)....
3121: Macarius, St., sayings of. Various sayings of Macarius, Agat...
3122: Macarius, St., sees devils. Macarius sees devils disturbing ...
3123: Madman cured by leaden hood. H220 # 14....
3124: Madness of son. A man had a dissolute son who tried to prove...
3125: Magi and King of Denmark. A king lays three golden crowns on...
3126: Magic practiced by wife. A matron, who had practiced the art...
3127: Magician appears after death. A young man, who practiced mag...
3128: Magician blows air. A magician blew air at peasants through ...
3129: Magician converted. A magician is converted by seeing the “m...
313: Apple, sign of salvation. A Roman thief has murdered many pe...
3130: Magician escapes in chalk drawn ship. A magician conjured up...
3131: Magician escapes on blue thread. A magician, accused of an i...
3132: Magician, garden of. A magician admits only fools and his en...
3133: Magician halted by gospel. A magician cannot work his spells...
3134: Magician in copper horse. A emperor was promised great thing...
3135: Magician received at monastery. A abbot, in charge of a mona...
3136: Magician takes revenge on villagers. A magician performed in...
3137: Magician tests student’s gratitude. A magician tests his pup...
3138: Magician transforms saint’s father. A magician causes the fa...
3139: Magician tricked by jesters. Nicole # 144ab....
314: Apple tree and temptation. As penance, a knight was told not...
3140: Magician, world and death like. The world and death play wit...
3141: Magister and pronounciation of V. A magister cannot pronounc...
3142: Magnanimity of knight. Recalling his magnanimous life, a kni...
3143: Magnanimity, student jails test of. A poor student fails to ...
3144: Magnet, power lost. A magnet loses its power in the presence...
3145: Magnet, repellent and attractive. Magnets have both repellen...
3146: Magnets and marriage quarrels. Magnets have the magic power ...
3147: Magpie denounces unfaithful wife. A magpie denounced an unfa...
3148: Magpie steals money. A magpie stole money from a rich man to...
3148: Philosopher silent when insulted. A man wanted to find out w...
3149: Maid allowed to go to church. A good woman who often went to...
315: Apple trees bloom on Christmas night. Pauli # 559....
3150: Maid, at deathbed of mistress. On her deathbed, a woman said...
3151: Maid, plots of devil against. A devil’s plots against a maid...
3152: Maid thrown into river. A virtuous wife has her maid beaten ...
3153: Maids, three, of St. Anastasia. Pelbart # 310....
3153: Mandrake, healing powers of. Nicole # 57a....
3154: Mamertius, St. St. Mamertius had the power to lead sinners t...
3156: Manichean burned by fire. A man, Copres, passes through a fi...
3157: Manicheans abuse Scripture. EdB # 346....
3158: Manicheans, errors of. EdB # 345....
3159: Manna, prison food preferred to. The Israelites preferred th...
316: Apples borne by dead tree. A hermit bids his disciple water ...
3160: Manna plant protects against bee sting. Nicole # 94a....
3161: Mansion built on insults. Looking at a splendid mansion, a s...
3162: Mansion, heavenly. A nun in a vision saw a heavenly mansion ...
3163: Mantle inscribed with prayers. The Virgin appeared to a monk...
3164: Marble for emperor’s statue. A stonemason brought different ...
3165: Marcus Curius and the (Samnite) ambassadors. H158 # 27.– Val...
3166: Mark, black, on face. A woman pays a doctor to remove a blac...
3167: Mark, of devil’s thumb. St. Gregory hears the confession of ...
3168: Mark, St., deathbed vision of. On his deathbed, a young Domi...
3169: Market as dwelling place. A rich man, Plebicola, dwells in t...
317: Apples, golden, shot over walls. The enemy is induced to sur...
3170: Market place, priest threatens to celebrate in. A priest fin...
3171: Marmot and young. A marmot stores up food against the winter...
3172: Marmot ill treats wife. A marmot ill treats its mate, just a...
3173: Marriage and disowned son. A poor man disowns his son for ma...
3174: Marriage, against. King Phoroncus speaks against marriage. H...
3175: Marriage, chaste. I. A hermit asks to see someone who will b...
3176: Marriage, chaste. II. A girl vows virginity for the love of ...
3177: Marriage of daughter and Themistocles. A father persuaded hi...
3178: Marriage praised by vestal virgin. H170 # 42....
3179: Marriage, second, of daughter. A father will not allow his w...
318: Apples, partly rotten, given to guests. Three apples, each p...
3180: Marriage, second, refused by widow. Alpha # 565; cf. Esempi ...
3181: Marriage, second, refused by widows. A emperor cannot persua...
3182: Marriage to two women. A youth wants to marry two women and ...
3183: Marriage, unworthy. A demon killed seven men who married wit...
3184: Marrow. The purpose of marrow is to nourish the bone. H163 #...
3185: Mars, and Venus, and the five daughters of the Sun. H160 # 4...
3185: Pilgrim, false, hanged. A man pretending to be a pilgrim was...
3186: Martha, death of. Christ, attending the funeral of St. Marth...
3187: Martial, St., bidding of. At the bidding of St. Martial, dev...
3188: Martin, St., and knight. St. Martin dissuaded a knight from ...
3189: Martin, St., and serpents. St. Martin finds serpents more do...
319: Arcadius triumphs over Gildo. H518 # 138....
3190: Martin, St., and treaty. Tab. Ex. # 297....
3191: Martin, St., death of. Concerning the deaths of St. Martin, ...
3192: Martin, St., gives cloak to Christ. St. Martin gave half of ...
3193: Martyr, face burned. The martyrdom of Servulus: his only ans...
3194: Martyrdom explained. A monk explains the meaning of martyrdo...
3195: Mary Magdalene, St., and boastful virgin. A virgin who boast...
3196: Mary Magdalene, St., conversion of. H326 # i; Nicole # 27b....
3197: Mary Magdalene, St., cures monk. St. Mary Magdalene appears ...
3198: Mary Magdalene, St., fasting of. St. Mary Magdalene fasted f...
3199: Mary Magdalene, St., helps monk. A monk was helped across a ...
3199: Pilgrimage of love sick man. On the advice of a priest, a lo...
32: Abstinence, extremes of, forbidden. A monk given to extreme ...
320: Archbishop, castrated. A new archbishop enters Rouen. When t...
3200: Mary Magdalene, St., visits clerk. A sinful clerk repents of...
3201: Mary of Oigniez, St., dying sister of. St. Mary of Oigniez p...
3202: Mary of Oigniez, St., hands outstretched to. St. Mary of Oig...
3203: Mary of Oigniez, St., prays for mother. St. Mary of Oigniez ...
3204: Mary of Oigniez, St., St. Peter appears to. a) St. Peter app...
3205: Mass as nourishment. John stands underneath a rock for three...
3206: Mass attended by wife for husband. A merchant told his wife ...
3208: Mass begun early for knight. A priest often began mass befor...
3209: Mass celebrated by bear. At the funeral of a wolf, Berengari...
321: Archdeaconry, rich. A archdeacon collects money from his chu...
3210: Mass celebrated by unconfessed monk. A monk celebrates mass ...
3211: Mass celebrated by unconfessed priest. A clerk sees a priest...
3212: Mass celebrated infield. A deacon and sub deacon are refused...
3213: Mass, dead appear for. (Var.). a) A dead monk returned to gi...
3214: Mass for dead in cemetery. A bishop suspends a priest who ce...
3215: Mass for dead neglected. A Cistercian monk suffers in purgat...
3216: Mass for five hundred years. A priest on his way to church o...
3217: Mass frees man from suicide. A nobleman is constantly tempte...
3218: Mass given privately. The Virgin celebrates a private mass f...
3219: Mass interrupted. The devil interrupts a mass by instigating...
3220: Mass, knight stays in church after. A devout knight says tha...
3221: Mass, man unable to leave. A man tries to leave just as the ...
3222: Mass missed by lazy woman. A lazy woman who wants to hear ma...
3223: Mass, mystical significance of. H446 # 23....
3224: Mass neglected. A priest is punished for neglecting to say m...
3226: Mass of devil, farmer invited to. A man who frequently misse...
3227: Mass of St. Gregory. Alpha # 345; Recull # 297; S.T.: V222....
3228: Mass postponed for hunting. The King of England goes hunting...
3229: Mass, punishment during celebration of. A priest celebrated ...
323: Archer, angel of death as. H625 # 10....
3230: Mass, suspension from saying. The Virgin appears to a priest...
3231: Mass to Virgin. A feeble minded priest, deposed by St. Thoma...
3232: Masses for dead daughter. A mother pays for masses for her d...
3233: Masses of wife save miner. H480 # 24....
3234: Masses only food. When digging the foundations for a church,...
3235: Master, avaricious, damned. A chaplain sees his dead lord, a...
3236: Matron damned. A matron reputed to be very devout is damned ...
3237: Mattress, Christ below. Christ told a simple nun that while ...
3238: Mattress left by scholar. A scholar leaves his mattress to t...
3239: Maurilius, St., vision of. St. Maurilius has a vision of hea...
324: Archer, shoots at heaven. A archer, angry at his bad luck at...
3240: Miller revived. A miller says that through the intercession ...
3240: Meal and abbots. A novice said, “Nothing more,” when he serv...
3241: Meal and wise Roman. A wise Roman, entertaining a guest at a...
3242: Meal of dead man. A drunk man invites a skull to dinner. The...
3243: Meat eaten by St. Bernard. St. Bernard, finding monks eating...
3244: Meat eaten in charity. A Cistercian abbot cats meat with a s...
3245: Meat eaten secretly. A lay brother ate meat secretly in the ...
3246: Meat of dead dog eaten. A disobedient monk runs into the woo...
3247: Meat offered to monk. A monk who ate very little was offered...
3248: Meat, salted. A jester on a sinking ship ate salted meat bec...
3249: Meat shared. A monk shares meat with St. Bennett on Easter. ...
325: Archer, statue of. Birds are terrified by the statue of an a...
3250: Meal, yearning for. To evade abstinence: a man invites guest...
3251: Meat vendor, pleading. A vendor of cooked meat, captured by ...
3252: Medicine causes death. A doctor gives a sick man medicine fo...
3253: Medicine useless with unwholesome food. A monk, asked by ano...
3254: Medicus. The story of Ypocras who murders his nephew, Galien...
3255: Medusa. Story of Perseus and Medusa. Gesta (I) # 138; Gesta ...
3256: Meekness asked by God. A old man despairs because he seems a...
3257: Memoty, temptation by. A monk is tempted by the memory of a ...
3258: Men, varieties of. Dog headed men, men with one eye in foreh...
3259: Men, white robed in dream. A novice could not tolerate the “...
326: Archer, takes back money from crucifix. A archer who has off...
3260: Mercenaries multiplied by laws. When told that there would b...
3261: Merchant bequeaths estate. A merchant bequeaths his estate t...
3262: Merchant, niggardly wife of. H568 # 133....
3263: Merchant redeems knight’s son. A merchant, turned monk, goes...
3264: Merchant stops for mass. One of three merchants who are trav...
3266: Merchant life, best. A count thinks a merchant’s life would ...
3267: Merchants honestly rewarded. Two merchants were told to stop...
3268: Mercy of emperor appealed to. A knight condemned to death by...
3269: Mercy on Saturday. A monk offered mercy on Saturday said, “A...
327: Aristotle advises Alexander. Aristotle advises Alexander on ...
3270: Merits transferred to dying woman. A Dominican transfers his...
3270*: Message for the besieged, carried by arrows (Urbs obsessa); ...
3271: Message of dying saint. A dying saint leaves a cryptic messa...
3272: Messenger, devil disguised as. A hermit is tricked by the de...
3273: Messenger enjoys bringing bad news. Nicole # 122b....
3274: Messenger of mis fortunes. A messenger arrives in order to a...
3275: Messenger to abbey. A sick girl sends a messenger to her bro...
3276: Messenger demon delayed. By praying, a hermit delays Julian ...
3277: Messengers sent by death. Death sent three messengers before...
3278: Messengers to wife. A king sends two messengers to his beaut...
3279: Mice gnawing wafers. Mice, gnawing the sacrificial wafers wh...
328: Aristotle, Alexander, and queen. Aristotle warns Alexander a...
3280: Mice pursue man. A wealthy and powerful man is pursued by mi...
3282: Midwife cursed for baptizing. A midwife is cursed by the pri...
3283: Milk, alien, disgorged by prince. King Richard’s mother, dis...
3284: Milk, monk laid out as dead in. H512 # 1.– Ward II, p. 613....
3285: Milk: plants bloom in. H512 # 3.– Ward II, p. 637....
3287: Milk to nun. Pilgrims, on their way to the Holy Sepulchre, e...
3288: Miller, knowledge of winds. A miller, hired by a merchant to...
3289: Miller meets Alexander. A miller, driving his donkey along i...
329: Aristotle and Theof rastus. Aristotle chooses Theofrastus as...
3291: Millet, wheat loaf exchanged for. A peasant, dining at his l...
3292: Mind, riches of. A philosopher whose worldly goods were dest...
3293: Minstrel bequeaths goods to rich. A aged minstrel bequeaths ...
3294: Minstrel collects insult as penance. (See also: 5369) JVitry...
3295: Minstrel eats kidneys. God and a minstrel, journeying togeth...
3296: Ministrel killed by stone. A meddlesome minstrel at the bish...
3297: Minstrel, request to hangman. A minstrel petitioned that the...
3298: Minstrel scoffs at sermon. A minstrel who scoffed at a sermo...
3299: Minstrel throws wife into sea. EdB # 236; Mensa 16.61 (Dunn,...
33: Abstinence, fyfty years. A monk, lamenting that he has been ...
330: Aristotle, ghost of. After his death, Aristotle appears to o...
3300: Minstrels forbidden entry. Minstrels are forbidden to enter ...
3301: Minstrels likened to demons. Alpha # 356; Recull # 308.– Tol...
3303: Miral fruits become more and more bitter and hard. Nicole # ...
3304: Mirror, broken, body of Christ like. H329 # 16, H332 # 16....
3305: Mirror, skull as. A maid, sent to buy a mirror, brings her m...
3306: Miser compared to horse. A miser is compared to a horse whic...
3307: Miser counting money. A miser, counting his money, hears a v...
3308: Miser falls in hole. A miser falls into the hole which he is...
3309: Miser swallowing foul liquid. A miser sees how his dead frie...
331: Aristotle, last words of. The dying Aristotle’s last words t...
3310: Miser, treasure chest at deathbed. A dying miser ignores the...
3311: Miser weeps at death. A miser weeps on his deathbed. After h...
3312: Misers compared to lions. Miser are compared to lions guardi...
3313: Missal stolen. A sextant was proven innocent of the theft of...
3314: Moderation as greatest wisdom. A delegate of the Pope judged...
3315: Mole like those who love world. Those who love the world are...
3316: Monastery and proposed province. A bishop told those who obj...
3317: Monastery built at Virgin’s instructions. Theodoric, bishop ...
3318: Monastery, canon converted to join. St. Bernard persuaded a ...
3319: Monastery, canon lured from. A canon joined a monastery but ...
332: Aristotle, seven maxims of. Gesta (I) # 76; Gesta (O) # 34; ...
3320: Monastery, deceits of. A brother brought up in a monastery k...
3321: Monastery deserted by youth. A youth entered the monastery b...
3322: Monastery, deserted. for marriage. A monk deserts the monast...
3323: Monastery deserted for world. A monk wished to return to the...
3324: Monastery, desertion from prevented I. A monk is tempted to ...
3325: Monastery, desertion from prevented II. A monk contemplated ...
3326: Monastery, desertion from prevented III. A clerk joins an or...
3327: Monastery, desertion from prevented IV. A young sophist beco...
3328: Monastery, desertion from urged. Richard of St. Victor, whil...
3329: Monastery, devils swarm over. A monk has a vision in which h...
333: Aristotle silent for thiry years. Aristotle, silent for thir...
3330: Monastery, emphasis on externals. A visiting monk ridicules ...
3331: Monastery, food given to by Virgin. A poor monastery in Jeru...
3332: Monastery joined after song. A man entered an order when he ...
3333: Monastery joined by king’s brother. Henry, the brother of th...
3334: Monastery, monk taker, back to. A monk was expelled from a m...
3335: Monastery, monk taken from. A wealthy canon joined a monaste...
3336: Monastery, monks return to. Two monks who went out into the ...
3337: Monastery (convent), nun abducted from by family. A girl acc...
3338: Monastery (convent), nun returns to. A beguine returns to th...
3339: Monastery plagued with bad crop. When a cellarer defrauded a...
334: Arius recalled from exile. Concerning Arius, recalled from e...
3340: Monastery protected by Virgin. Knights, intending to take ov...
3341: Monastery ruined by presumptuous monk. A presumptuous monk m...
3342: Monastery traced with sword. While passing through a wood, a...
3343: Monastery, wealth returned to. I. An abbot at Cologne gives ...
3344: Monastery, wealth returned to. II. A priest and his friend j...
3345: Monastery, wealth wrongly increased. A abbot refused to hire...
3346: Monastery, wine ration of. On the advice of a knight, St. Be...
3347: Monastic life restores health. A prelate, discouraged with l...
3348: Money counted by clerk. In a vision, a clairvoyant saw a cle...
3349: Money for church kept by children. A dead man returns to reb...
335: Arm broken by cross. A person on his deathbed did not want t...
3350: Money given at church door. A woman persuades her infidel hu...
3351: Money hoarded by nun. A nun hoards money which is found afte...
3352: Money in the stick. Before swearing, the cheater hands a sti...
3353: Money left by two men. Two men leave a sum of money with a w...
3354: Money, man running away with. A man deceived others by feign...
3355: Money, man tricked into returning. A old man refused to retu...
3356: Money, monk cheated of. JVitryFrencken #91; JVitryGreven #94...
3357: Money not given to poor. A man lost his money because he did...
3358: Money of cousin spent. A man spends the money of his dead co...
3359: Money of order kept by brother. A ecclesiastic sends his bro...
336: Arm lost in battle. St. Oswald, king of England, who had giv...
3360: Money refused. A abbot will not accept money, even for the p...
3361: Money refused by hermit. A hermit refuses a gift of money ei...
3362: Money secreted. Gregory is exceedingly harsh to a monk who s...
3363: Money stolen for poor. A man is pardoned for being short in ...
3364: Money thrown at thieves. A hermit throws money at thieves, c...
3365: Money thrown at unrepentant sinner. A confessor threw his mo...
3366: Money thrown into sea. Socrates threw his money into the sea...
3367: Money sack recovered from burgher. A merchant leaves a sack ...
3368: Monk absent from choir. A devil caught a monk who was often ...
3369: Monk and brother die same da. A monk told his brother, a kni...
337: Arm, of bishop, cut off. Saints Crispan and Crispinian appea...
3370: Monk and matron. At the devil’s instigation, a monk and a ma...
3371: Monk as leper. Pelbart # 353.– Gregory, Dial. III, 76....
3372: Monk, black, appears after death. H326 # ii....
3373: Monk, black, saved by Virgin. H328 # 2, H331 # 1, H336 # 38,...
3374: Monk confesses sin. A monk, who did not wish to confess a si...
3375: Monk dead to world. A monk does not heed a brother’s plea fo...
3376: Monk, dissolute, saved through humility. A monk leads a diss...
3377: Monk envious accuses. A monk was thrown into prison because ...
3378: Monk Felix. (Var.) Monk Felix listened to the song of a bird...
3379: Monk, gifts of. A monk gives gifts to his detractors. H75 91...
338: Armor in queen’s bedroom. A king drives a queen from her kin...
3380: Monk, girl disguised as. (Var.) A girl (Marina) who grows up...
3381: Monk, obedience of I An abbot judges an obedient monk to be ...
3382: Monk, obedience of II A monk stops writing in the midst of m...
3383: Monk persecuted by abbot. A abbot persecuted a monk because ...
3384: Monk possessed, speaks Latin. A Dominican, who can speak onl...
3385: Monk, qualities of described. H455 # 37; Spec. Laic. # 509 (...
3386: Monk, querulous, and abbot. Spec. Laic. # 506 (Welter)....
3387: Monk reproved by old woman. A old woman reproves a monk for ...
3388: Monk returns from dead. A dead Dominican appears to a friend...
3389: Monk, self righteous, rebuked. A self righteous monk is rebu...
339: Armor strong in back. A man orders a pourpoint from an armou...
3390: Monk, sleeping, misses prayer. A monk who slept late and so ...
3391: Monk, tempted, and abbot. Cf. Pelbart # 391; Spec. Laic. # 5...
3392: Monk, tormented by dead mother. A negligent monk is tormente...
3393: Monk, unassuming, promoted. Philip, King of France, promoted...
3394: Monk, unordained. A unordained monk confesses to his abbot t...
3395: Monk, vision of. Concerning the vision of a monk and a layma...
3396: Monk, vision of intelligence given to. A simple monk dreams ...
3397: Monk warned of wordly affairs. A monk is warned by a dead mo...
3398: Monk, worthiness of. A abbot declares that whoever complains...
34: Abstinence from meat. A monk is punished for eating meat on ...
340: Armor with love inscriptions. A knight going to joust for lo...
3400: Monkey on ship. The ill gotten gains of a Flemish merchant, ...
3401: Monkey swallows Host. A woman’s pet monkey strays into churc...
3402: Monks appear joyous after death. Two young monks appeared to...
3403: Monks likefishes. H653 # 82.– VitaePatrum, VitaePatrum, Vita...
3404: Monks of Clairvaux harvesting. While the monks of Clairvaux ...
3405: Monks, parting of three. Three monks part company one to deb...
3406: Monks, spendthrift. Some spendthrift monks, when reproved fo...
3407: Monks without resources. The monks of an impoverished priory...
3408: Monster leaves grave. A monster left one grave and entered a...
3409: Monsters. Concerning monsters, half bird and half woman (har...
341: Armorbearer, murders twice. A armorbearer kills a priest, bu...
3410: Monument and emperor. After an emperor is crowned, he is ask...
3411: Monument for count. Angels build a monument for a sinful cou...
3412: Moon far from sun. Nicole # 50a....
3413: Moon in face during fight. Pompey forces Mithridates to figh...
3414: Moses and i’dolatry of Jews. Seelentrost (German) 5, 10; Thr...
3415: Moses and Pharaoh. JVitryCrane #313; M1, # 150; Seelentrost ...
3416: Moses told to hang princes. Moses was told by God to hang al...
3417: Moss bought from poor. A monk bought worthless moss from the...
3418: Mother as temptress I (Var.) A hermit is afraid to look at e...
3419: Mother as temptress II. A hermit, carrying his mother across...
342: Arms crossed and hanging down. Standing with his arms hangin...
3420: Mother welcomed in shab by gown. A bishop (Maurice de Sully)...
3421: Mother in law plots murder of daughter in law and child. The...
3422: Mountain caves in. The cave in of Mount Grenier in Savoy in ...
3423: Mountain, men flee to. Men flee to a mountain top and there ...
3424: Mountain moved by prayer. A Sultan threatens the Christians ...
3426: Mouse in ale vat. A mouse is helped out of an ale vat by a c...
3428: Mouse to marry daughter to mightiest thing. (Var.) A mouse w...
3429: Mousetrap. H75 # 174; Odo (F) # 161 (Herv. IV, p. 327)....
343: Arms from tomb. A knight borrows arms from a tomb and saves ...
3430: Mouth, chains in. A slanderous monk appears after death. He ...
3431: Mouth open at death. Henry Ratio, who advised a cardinal to ...
3433: Murder by emperor punished. A emperor is punished for his nu...
3434: Murder of bishop. A archdeacon murders his bishop and succee...
3435: Murder of mother. a.) A woman dares not confess she killed h...
3436: Murder of virgin. A man slays his daughter that he may be ca...
3437: Murderer seeks refuge in church. A man who had killed his si...
3438: Murderer spared. The brother of a murdered man spared the mu...
3439: Murderers forgiven. Three brothers are attacked by enemies; ...
344: Arms worn in council. A man kills himself after he goes to a...
3440: Muret, battle of. Brief accounts of the Battle of Muret. H62...
3441: Murmured objections to commands. A dead monk appears and say...
3442: Mustard into four pails. A master at stealing turned one ‘pi...
3443: Music, heavenly. (Var.) On his deathbed a holy man gathers p...
3445: Naaman becomes leprous and is cured. Gesta (I) # 16; Gesta (...
3446: Name changed for suitors. A woman changes her name from Suss...
3447: Name forgotten. A cleric, asked his name, could not remember...
3448: Name of Jesus. A monk afflicted with fever wrote the name ‘J...
3449: Name of Mary drives off devil. (See also: 425, 1579, 1594). ...
345: Army, pagan. A pagan army is put to flight at the name of Je...
3450: Name of Mary invoked. A youth was handsomely rewarded when h...
3451: Name of Virgin well painted. A clerk is saved because of the...
3452: Names of devil. A devil says that his names are ‘Claudens co...
3453: Nebuchadnezzar cut into pieces. Nebuchadnezzar, who had done...
3454: Negligence punished. The torments inflicted upon the ministe...
3455: Neighbor, adulterous. A man who sees a neighbor taking his o...
3456: Neighbor defames girl. A woman went in tears to her priest a...
3457: Neighbor, hostile, and St. Apollonius. Spec. Laic. # 102....
3458: Nephew imprisoned. A abbot will not allow concern for his ow...
3459: Nephew of bishop and pears. A bishop entrusts his nephew wit...
346: Arrow shot at monk. The devil shoots a monk with an arrow. V...
3460: Nephew on frisky lambs. A boy tells his uncle’s lambs they w...
3461: Nephew revives in chapel. a.) A bishop’s dissolute nephew ad...
3462: Neptune and Minerva. The contest between Neptune and Minerva...
3463: Nero, death of. Nero is forced to commit suicide after burni...
3464: Nero, prodigality of. Alpha # 649; H159 # 30; Recull # 573.–...
3465: Nero questions philosophers. Three questions are put by Nero...
3466: Nicene council. Concerning the Nicene council and the strugg...
3467: Nicholas, St., appearance of. St. Nicholas appears to a lay ...
3468: Nicholas, St., as boy. As a boy, St. Nicholas often went to ...
3469: Nicholas, St., as security. A Christian, who had borrowed fr...
347: Arrow, soul as. The soul of a pious monk flies, like an arro...
3470: Nicholas, St. beats prior. St. Nicholas beats a prior who wi...
3471: Nicholas, St., converts Jew. A Jew leaves his goods in the c...
3472: Nicholas, St., helps apprentice. A merchant’s apprentice don...
3473: Nicholas, St., picture of. A picture of St. Nicholas perform...
3474: Nicholas, St., theft on day of. EdeB # 42.– Toldo, Archiv., ...
3475: Nightingale and hoopoe. A hoopoe invites a nightingale to he...
3476: Nightingale killed. A old knight, jealous of a nightingale b...
3477: Nightwatch, penance. (Var.) a.) A robber knight does penance...
3478: Noah constructs ark. Seelentrost (German) 196, 14; Thrøst (S...
3479: Noah curses son. Noah, who had drunk too much wine, was ridi...
348: Arrows and oars first used. Crates was the first to use arro...
3480: Nobility, true and false. A nobleman whose fortunes are on t...
3481: Nobleman oppresses poor. Pelbart # 235....
3482: Nobleman revived for penance. A young nobleman, who had pray...
3483: Nobleman revived through prayers. A dying nobleman is allowe...
3484: Nobleman will not pardon neighbor. A pious nobleman will not...
3485: Nobleman imprisoned by Herod. Herod imprisons all the young ...
3486: Nominalists banned by ignorant priests. JVitryFrencken #102;...
3487: Nose cut off on wedding day. A knight’s daughter cuts off he...
3488: Nose, of father, bitten. A thief at the gallows bites his fa...
3489: Nose of leper. A man who bends down to lick the filth from a...
349: Arrows blown by wind. The Virgin Mary destroys the Moorish a...
3490: Noses of nuns cut off. The noses of forty two nuns are cut o...
3491: Nostrils, shepherd sees through. After a bishop had confirme...
3492: Nothing given. A man who gives nothing is given nothing by G...
3493: Nun becomes harlot. A nun who often called on the name of Je...
3494: Nun, boastful. A nun boasted that no one should criticize he...
3495: Nun elopes. A scribe elopes with a nun. When he wants to hav...
3496: Nun hearsfather’s cries. A nun heard the cries for help of h...
3497: Nun hidden from knight. A abbess conceals a nun in a barrel ...
3498: Nun, lazy, devil at bedside of. A devil comes to the bedside...
3499: Nun, libidinous. A youth confessed to joking with a libidino...
35: Abstinence from spices. A religious man who abstains from sp...
350: Arsenius, St., and stealing monk. A monk continues to steal ...
3500: Nun raped. Men who sit in judgment on a man who rapes a nun ...
3501: Nun saved from adultery. A possessed nun did not allow a her...
3502: Nun slays child. A nun is damned because she conceived a chi...
3503: Nun swallows lettuce. A nun eats lettuce without making the ...
3504: Nun, worthiest. A obedient and industrious nun, who is thoug...
3505: Nunnery, destruction of. The vision of Adamnan and the destr...
3506: Nuns, damned. A nurse gives offering to the church to save t...
3507: Nuns, mortal sins of. A clairvoyant who attended mass with a...
3508: Nursery debt unpaid. A dead child appears to his grandmother...
3509: Nurses exhausted by child. Some are like the child who needs...
351: Arsenius, St., clothes of. For a year, Arsenius wears the sa...
3510: Nut with bitter rind. A ape throws away a nut because of its...
3511: Nut tree, bad fruit of. A certain type of nut tree has bad f...
3512: Oaths, false, justified. Sophistry and a play on words were ...
3513: Obedience, monastic, value of. In a vision, a holy man is in...
3514: Obedience of disciple. A disciple of St. Benedict was saved ...
3515: Obstetricians, (mid wife) oil on hands of. Mid wives put oil...
3516: Occupations, useless. A person, wishing to show the useless ...
3517: Ocean, adulterer thrown into. A adulterer is thrown into the...
3518: Octavius Augustus and vision of Virgin and Child. Emperor Oc...
3519: Of ferings, none from frail women. A preacher proclaims that...
352: Arsenius, St., denies luxury. A hermit who had been a swineh...
3520: Oil calms stormy sea. H129 # 88....
3521: Oil from saint’s bone. A drop of oil exudes from a piece of ...
3522: Oil, infernal, of devils. From the life of St. Nicholas; pil...
3523: Oil recovers treasure. Stolen treasure is recovered by means...
3524: Oil casks. (Var.) A bad neighbor leaves five full and five h...
3525: Olaf, St., whittles stick. St. Olaf thoughtlessly whittles a...
3526: Olive tree becomes barren. A olive tree becomes barren if to...
3527: Omen, women seeing monk. A woman makes the sign of the cross...
3528: Onion, bad effects of. Nicole # 88a....
3529: Onion neutralizes poison. Nicole # 59a....
353: Arsenius, St., fears death. The dying Arsenius tells his dis...
3530: Onions, wrong cure for eye. Onions were misapplied as a cure...
3531: Oracle and altar to Priapus. A oracular answer, concerning t...
3532: Oracle explains defeat. A oracle tells the Carthaginians why...
3533: Oracle of Apollo gives advice. The following advice is given...
3534: Orchard of duchess barren. The orchard of the duchess of Bou...
3535: Order, new, girl tries to join. A girl in a cloister, hearin...
3536: Orestes and Pylades. H175 # 103....
3537: Orpheus and Eurydice. Herzstein # 44....
3539: Ostrich lays eggs by the stars. A ostrich lays eggs only whe...
354: Arsenius, St., leaves palace. Concerning St. Arsenius’ leavi...
3540: Ostrich wants to be bird. A ostrich wishes to be first a bir...
3541: Ostrich chick imprisoned. A ostrich chick is imprisoned in a...
3542: Otto and Philip, struggle of. (Otto IV and Philip of Swabia....
3543: Ouen, St., taunted by devil for having supped too well. H392...
3544: Oven, antidote against vainglory. A baker’s son becomes a Ki...
3545: Oven entered by monk. A obedient monk enters a hot oven at h...
3546: Oven, harlot jumps into. The simple minded harlot of a pries...
3547: Oven, pursuer lured into. A woman and her husband lure one o...
3548: Oven shown to detractor. The Virgin appears to a servant and...
3549: Over confidence, danger of. H651 # 51.– VitaePatrum ....
355: Arsenius, St., rebuffs matron. Arsenius rebuffs a matron who...
3550: Ovid, tomb visited. Two scholars visit Ovid’s tomb and ask h...
3551: Owl and Augustus. A knight caught an owl which was disturbin...
3552: Owl and nightingale. Gesta (O) # 228; H110 # 32, H245 # 30....
3553: Owls as omen. Herod is imprisoned for wishing the emperor Ti...
3553: Peasant, hospitality of, rewarded. A peasant shares his dinn...
3554: Owl made king. Larks make an owl their king so that he may d...
3555: Owl steals rose. A owl steals a rose, the prize of beauty, a...
3556: Owl, voice of. Disc. Cler. # 8 (Schwarzbaum II, pp. 17, 18)....
3557: Ox and ass sold for gown. A wife nags her husband until he s...
3558: Ox and ass worship Christ Child. Alpha # 554; Recull # 485, ...
3559: Ox eaten by knight. A knight dies because he ate an ox that ...
356: Arsenius, St., refuses bequest. St. Arsenius refuses a beque...
3560: Ox, three reminders to sell. A farmer’s widow and son neglec...
3561: Oxen kill keeper. The oxen conspire to kill their keeper. CH...
3562: Oxen reveal hidden Host. The Host was stolen from a church a...
3563: Ox hide and prior. A prior wanted to cheat peasants out of l...
3564: Packages, eight. Concerning eight packages which contain the...
3565: Pact over private parts. A clerk who had an infamous affair ...
3566: Pact with devil I A clerk wins the love of a Roman Senator’s...
3567: Pact with devil II. A widow, turned harlot, makes a pact wit...
3568: Pact with devil III. A knight makes a pact with the devil an...
3569: Pact with devil IV. A sinner who had done homage to the devi...
357: Arsenius, St., remorse of. Spec. Laic. # 428....
3570: Pact with devil V. Two poor scholars call forth the devil an...
3571: Pact with devil VI. A knight makes a pact with the devil in ...
3572: Pact with devil VII (Theophilus.) The Virgin Mary frees Theo...
3573: Painter saved by Virgin. A painter, who depicted the devil a...
3574: Painter with ugly children. A painter explains why his child...
3575: Painting by monk of devil. Against the devil’s protests, a m...
3576: Painting of Virgin by St. Luke. The apostles commissioned St...
3577: Paintings not seen by bastards. A charlatan undertakes to ad...
3578: Palladium, theft of from Troy. H167 # 2....
3579: Palm branch revived by tears. A sinful nun finds her palm br...
358: Arsenius, St., tells way to salvation. St. Arsenius points t...
3580: Palm leaves held to nostrils. Arsenius holds putrid palm lea...
3581: Palm tree, fruit of, sustains Paul. St. Paul the Hermit sust...
3582: Palsy, sons healed of. Two sons, cursed with palsy, are heal...
3583: Panther, friendly. A gorged panther sleeps three days; on wa...
3584: Pants given to beggar. A monk had only his trousers to give ...
3585: Pants robbed. St. Wilhelm defends himself only when he is ro...
3586: Papacy sought by magic. Gerbertus, who attempted to secure t...
3587: Paphnutius, vision of. (See also: 1211). Klapper, Erz. # 183...
3588: Paradise, admittance to. Some monks were killed in Holland; ...
3589: Paradise and hounds in. A layman is disappointed when a cler...
359: Arsenius, St., weeps continuously. Spec. Laic. # 356...
3590: Paradise, fault finder expelled from. St. Peter takes a devo...
3591: Paradise, hermit, and St. Bernard. A bishop meets a dead her...
3592: Paradise, joys of. (Var.) A dead monk visited his brothers a...
3593: Paradise, man chased from by king. (Allegory of fieldworkers...
3594: Paradise, painful ascent to. A demon says he would rather dr...
3595: Paradise, place given up in. A knight becomes a monk but is ...
3596: Paradise, rulers wishing to go to. Kings and emperors wish t...
3597: Paradise, welcome to. The Virgin appeared to a dying nun and...
3598: Paralysis cured. A cripple from Clairvaux cured a woman of p...
3599: Pardon, its weight in silver. One day’s pardon from purgator...
36: Abstinence, indiscreet. A monk is criticized for loudly proc...
360: Arthur, King, and monks. During his sennon the abbot rouses ...
3600: Parents left by hermit. A monk reproves another for leaving ...
3601: Parents left poverty stricken. A actor, expecting his son to...
3602: Parents like doves or storks. Good parents are like doves; p...
3603: Parents, strictness of. Children who are raised strictly by ...
3604: Paris, judgment of. The judgment of Paris and the marriage o...
3605: Partridge breeds stolen eggs. A partridge breeds stolen eggs...
3606: Partridge killed, by bald man with tears in his eyes. (See a...
3607: Partridge tricks hunter. A partridge draws a hunter away fro...
3608: Partridges and kite. A kite tries to carry off so many partr...
3609: Passion of Christ, most painful part. Three Jews returning f...
361: Arthur, King, invites dean. A dean, who had lost his horse, ...
3610: Passion, signs of. Wounds, scars, keys, lance and cross. Tab...
3611: Passion of Christ, thoughts on. A dying woman forgets her ow...
3612: Pastries for blind beggars. Two blind beggars at Rome: the E...
3614: Pastry stuck on posterior. A woman could not find the pastry...
3615: Paternoster, horse offered. St. Bernard offers his horse to ...
3616: Paternoster in German. A woman confesses to a monk that she ...
3617: Paternoster and bishop. A man saying the Paternoster before ...
3618: Paternoster, value of. A poor man, commissioned by the bisho...
3619: Patience demonstrated. A man reveals his patience by accepti...
362: Asceticism of duke’s son. The son of a duke leaves his pater...
3620: Patience lost. A good man taunted repeatedly by another lose...
3621: Patience recommended. A abbot recommends patience to a monk ...
3622: Patience, test of. Test of patience; those who enter the cit...
3623: Patience tried. St. Ambrose tells the story of a matron who ...
3624: Patriarchs and prophets of Bible. CHeist-VIII #48 ....
3625: Paul, St., and Plautilla. Alpha # 605; Recull # 533....
3626: Paul, St., head of honored. A herdsman finds St. Paul’s head...
3627: Paul, St., invulnerable against serpents. Odo (P) # 87 (Herv...
3628: Paul, St., pronounces name of Jesus after his decapitation. ...
363: Asceticism of Hilarion. H670 # 301.– VitaePatrum ....
3630: Peace, root and fruit of. A philosopher notes that the root ...
3631: Peacock and vain women. Vain women are compared to the peaco...
3633: Peacock, feathers of demanded. A peacock, asked by one bird ...
3634: Pear desired by traveller. A traveller with a staff wants th...
3635: Pearl ignored by cock. A cock finds a precious pearl on a du...
3636: Pearl in fish. The pearl in the fish and its origin. Nicole ...
3637: Pearls formed from dew. Pearls formed from the morning dew a...
3638: Pear tree, inheritance. Three sons vie for their mother’s in...
3639: Peas collected on St. Stephen’s Day. A peasant, who had pick...
364: Ash tree harms other trees. The ash tree harms all trees whi...
3640: Peas saved by prayer. Through prayer, a pious lay brother sa...
3641: Peasant accused. A prosperous peasant is accused of witchcra...
3642: Peasant and Franciscan trade tasks. A peasant and a Francisc...
3643: Peasant and hungry beggar. A peasant with cheese, butter, an...
3644: Peasant and knight. A knight despises his host as a mere pea...
3645: Peasant and odors. A peasant, brought up in a barnyard, fain...
3646: Peasant, cart of in mud. A peasant, praying to God to lift h...
3647: Peasant cheats canon. A peasant cheated a simple minded cano...
3648: Peasant complains of drought. A peasant complains about the ...
3649: Peasant, dead appears to en force will. A dead peasant must ...
365: Ash Wednesday, bishop feasting on. A bishop feasting on Ash ...
3650: Peasant enriched, becomes greedy. A peasant, made wealthy by...
3651: Peasant follows hunting party. A peasant followed a hunting ...
3652: Peasant given beans and peas. A woman married to a rich peas...
3654: Peasant invites hearing before God. A greedy archbishop deci...
3655: Peasant kneels at bell sound. Christ appears to a peasant wh...
3656: Pebble, burning, in mouth. Two preaching friars see an appar...
3657: Pelican and young; model of Christ. (See also: 631). H181 # ...
3658: Pelican kills young, revives them with her blood. H37 # 32, ...
3659: Penance, abstention from leeks. A self indulgent woman, refu...
366: Ashes, knight turned to. Because a knight tries to kill the ...
3660: Penance completed by friend. A penitent dies, leaving his pe...
3661: Penance, customary. St. Edmund was so accustomed to doing pe...
3662: Penance delayed. A sinful monk delays doing penance and is b...
3663: Penance, double. A robber gave a priest double the penance t...
3664: Penance, flowering dry stick. A peasant throws refuse into a...
3665: Penance for continence and incontinence. A confessor was con...
3666: Penance for friend unfinished. A monk asks a friend to do pa...
3667: Penance for mother by son. (Var.) The King of Egypt dies whi...
3668: Penance half completed. A monk dies when he has completed on...
3669: Penance in purgatory. A abbot assigns penance in purgatory t...
367: Ashes revivefly. Warm ashes revive a drowned fly. H163 # 94....
3670: Penance in wilderness. Penance in the wilderness is the puni...
3671: Penance in world. A woman chooses to do penance in the world...
3672: Penance, iron worn as. A devout nun who had committed a sin ...
3673: Penance, medicine for soul. Medicine for the body cannot war...
3674: Penance, mild, succeeds. A priests who gives only mild penan...
3675: Penance, minor, purgatory as. A bishop, preferred sending pe...
3676: Penance, ‘morieris.’ A man bids a servant say as penance at ...
3677: Penance neglected by priest. A priest, who neglected the pen...
3678: Penance, neglect of brings illness. A monk fails to do penan...
3679: Penance of hermit. As penance, a hermit was told to drink fr...
368: Ashes, suffocation from. Two men spend their fasting day dri...
3680: Penance of not dealing with worldly affairs. St. Gregory giv...
3681: Penance, revival for I. A Roman lawyer was returned to life ...
3681: Penance of previous year. A priest would assign to his penit...
3682: Penance on all fours. A hermit, wishing to know what sin was...
3683: Penance overcomes carnal thoughts. Lib. Ex. # 87.– VitaePatr...
3684: Penance, procrastination in doing. Pelbart # 10....
3685: Penance, purgatorial. A priest is served in a hot bath by a ...
3686: Penance received for wife. A jealous man followed his wife t...
3688: Penance, revival for. II. A abbot of Clairvaux is revived to...
3689: Penance, small amount daily. A monk, discouraged by the grea...
369: Asp, kills young. A mother asp kills her young one for bitin...
3690: Penance, three days of. A abbot tells a monk who wishes to d...
3691: Penance to those losing temper. A abbot did not give penance...
3692: Penance, too severe. A clerk who confessed to a priest that ...
3693: Penance, true, for a day. True penance even if done only for...
3694: Penance uninterrupted I. A nobleman doing penance in church ...
3695: Penance uninterrupted II. A sinner allowed himself to be kil...
3696: Penitence, effect of. God shows a holy man the results of pe...
3697: Penitence, is allegorized I. Penitence, is allegorized as a ...
3698: Penitence, is allegorized II: nude man with scourge and scro...
3699: Pennies, twelve, demanded. A man loses the opportunity to be...
37: Abstinence, miraculous. The miraculous abstinence of three m...
370: Asp to test legitimacy. Syrians and Africans test the legiti...
3700: Pepper corn, powers of. The pepper corn has numerous powers ...
3701: Perfection, monk despairs of reaching. Alpha # 612; H437 # 7...
3702: Perjurer bursts. A man attempting to defraud his sister of a...
3703: Perjurer carried off by chariot. A rich man gains a poor man...
3704: Perjurer, hand of, shrivels. A perjurer holds out his right ...
3705: Perjurer whipped. A man, who perjured himself was brought be...
3706: Perjurers, penalized. Three perjurers against St. Narcissus ...
3707: Perjury rebuked by angel. A man holds a garden illegally and...
3708: Perjury regarding marriage contract. A man refuses to fulfil...
3709: Perjury to gain land. A rich man dropped dead when he commit...
371: Ass, absent from animal council. The ass absents himself fro...
3710: Persecutor punished. The persecutor, Aurelianus, died sudden...
3711: Persecutors of abbots punished. Three abbots fleeing from th...
3712: Persians, son deserts to. King Medrus has an only son who de...
3713: Pestilence stopped by Virgin. A raging pestilence in Constan...
3714: Peter, St., and Black Martin. The nuns of Black Maria in Col...
3715: Peter, St., and St. Paul at deathbed of dying priest. H510 #...
3716: Peter, St., and St. Paul called fools. A man calls Saint Pet...
3717: Peter, St., and St. Paul, parting and deaths of. H510 # 15....
3718: Peter, St., daughter of. St. Peter’s sick daughter recovers ...
3719: Peter, St., heals nun who prays faithfully. Alpha # 629; Rec...
372: Ass and dog. A ass caresses its master after the fashion of ...
3720: Peter, St., intercedes for monk. A monk is restored to life ...
3721: Peter, St., mercy of. St. Peter pardons all who come to his ...
3722: Peter, St., questioned. St. Peter answered unimportant quest...
3723: Peter, St., revives child. St. Peter answers the prayer of a...
3724: Peter, St., saves nobleman monk. After death, a monk appears...
3725: Peter, St., sees hell, then becomes hermit. H536 # 2....
3726: Peter, St., shows tortures of damned to sinful nobleman. Kla...
3727: Peter Toller’s conversion. In a vision ofjudgment, Peter the...
3728: Phantasms in choir. A lay brother saw a demon bring phantasm...
3729: Pharisees and preachers. A archbishop compared poor preacher...
373: Ass and goose burn city. A ass burned down an entire city by...
3730: Pheasant, proud. A pheasant proud of his beautiful tail sees...
3731: Philip, King, and repentant usurer. A repentant usurer becom...
3732: Philip, King, asks for wise saying. H655 # 111....
3733: Philip, King, commends chapter. King Philip of France commen...
3734: Philip, King, defeated in trial. King Philip of France lost ...
3735: Philip, King, dying of. EdeB # 58 (St. Louis); H396 # 397, H...
3736: Philip, King, drunk, appeals to King Philip, sober. H173 # 7...
3737: Philip, King, drunk, false conviction. When drunk, King Phil...
3738: Pie of miser. A miser kept a pie for a long time. When he se...
3738: Philip, King, godfather of. Arriving in Paris, a merchant ga...
3739: Philip, King, reproved monk for leggings. A Black monk, who ...
374: Ass and urine. A doctor teaches his disciple to diagnose an ...
3740: Philip, King, stays at priory. King Philip visits a priory. ...
3741: Philosopher and Christians. The philosopher considers knowle...
3742: Philosopher asked how to please. A man asks a philosopher ho...
3743: Philosopher becomes hermit. A philosopher becomes a hermit a...
3744: Philosopher despises wealth. (See also: 2343, 3366). H499 # ...
3745: Philosopher escapes form fire. a) A philosopher barely escap...
3746: Philosopher gives thief bedclothes. A philosopher tells a th...
3748: Philosopher questions friendship. A poor man tells a philoso...
3749: Philosopher spit on. A philosopher’s reply when an angry ant...
375: Ass bears corpse. A usurer’s corpse is laid on an ass to dec...
3750: Philosopher, star gazing, falls. A philosopher, star gazing,...
3751: Philosophers at Alexander’s tomb. The power and treasures th...
3752: Philosophers, laughing and weeping, question one another. H5...
3753: Philosophers, mottoes on gate. A good and pious king suddenl...
3754: Philosophers, pagan, and word of God. Pagan philosophers are...
3755: Phoenix rises out of flames. H39 # 11, H165 # 134, H278 # 1;...
3756: Phoenix rules over birds. Pelbart # 20....
3757: Phorcys, daughters of. H160 # 52....
3758: Physician and old age. A learned physician starts behaving s...
3759: Physician, devil as. On his deathbed, a provost is advised b...
376: Ass buried with obsequies. A clerk buries his ass with obseq...
3760: Physician, hidden skill of. A man beats his wife because she...
3761: Physician offers to poison Pyrrhus. Pyrrhus’ physician goes ...
3762: Physician on deathbed. A physician to whom money is owed, ca...
3763: Physician, unsatisfactory advice from. A rich man who was si...
3764: Physician, worsening women’s eyes. While treating a woman’s ...
3765: Physicians asked for cure. A dying archdeacon bade his physi...
3766: Pictures interpreted. A king asks the advice of a sage who d...
3767: Pie cooked in lard eaten by simple minded monk. CHeist-VI #4...
3769: Piety, filial, taught by Taurus. Alpha # 360; Knust, Burlaeu...
377: Ass carrying flour. Some wish to do what they do not know ho...
3770: Piety from fear. A dead clerk appears to his friend and says...
3771: Pig and donkey, uses of. The pig and donkey have been used d...
3772: Pig fed for two years. A hermit, proud of the respect paid h...
3773: Pig grunts when angry. H103 # 15....
3774: Pig prefers draff. At a lion’s feast, a pig prefers draff to...
3775: Pig screams. A pig screams whenever another pig is taken for...
3776: Pig, scrupulous. After a smithy is excommunicated, swine ref...
3777: Pigeons reprimanded. The pigeons of a knight never return af...
3778: Pigeons versus sparrow-hawk. Pigeons appeal to the eagle owl...
3779: Pigs, black in mud. A saint saw black pigs rolling in the mu...
378: Ass delights in harp music. Those who hear the word of God a...
3780: Pilate, confession of. Pilate confessed that he knew in his ...
3781: Pilate, holy tunic of. Latter part of the legendary life of ...
3782: Pilate, life of. The legend of Pilate’s illegitimate birth, ...
3783: Pilgrim and St. Jacob. A pilgrim stayed behind to care for a...
3784: Pilgrim drunk. Concerning a drunken pilgrim and his vision. ...
3786: Pilgrim, fast broken. A pilgrim breaks his fast in order to ...
3787: Pilgrim fed by saint. In a dream, a pilgrim returning home f...
3788: Pilgrim, limbs of amputated. (Var.) The devil in the guise o...
3789: Pilgrim longs for family. One of two pilgrims longs to retur...
3790: Pilgrim loses wife. A pilgrim loses his wife on the pilgrima...
3791: Pilgrim miraculously carried home. a.) A devout man was carr...
3793: Pilgrim rewarded in vision. A dying pilgrim sees a heavenly ...
3794: Pilgrim robbed. A pilgrim was robbed while staying at an inn...
3795: Pilgrim, soul returned. Because of the prayers of St. Jacob,...
3796: Pilgrimage, father and son accused on. A father and his son ...
3797: Pilgrimage, knight dies during. A knight made a pilgrimage t...
3798: Pilgrimage, money for. A usurer spends five pounds on a pilg...
38: Abstinence, moderate. The devil tries to starve a holy saint...
380: Poor at bishop’s table. The bishop of Paris invites the poor...
380: Ass, dies in mill. The ass will not leave the burning mill a...
3800: Pilgrimage, priest and woman sin on. A monk converts a noble...
3801: Pilgrimage to buried dog. A pilgrimage is revealed to be a s...
3802: Pilgrimage to Holy Land by dying woman. A dying woman, havin...
3803: Pilgrimage, usurer damned in spite of. A dying usurer cries ...
3804: Pilgrims, corpses marked with crosses. A ship full of pilgri...
3805: Pilgrims hide clothes. Pilgrims hide their clothes in the wo...
3806: Pilgrims received during Lent. St. Spiridius received pilgri...
3807: Pilgrims swallowed up by earth. Two pilgrims were swallowed ...
3808: Pilgrims, twelve, and St. Gregory. Enx (G) # 65; Spec. Laic....
3809: Pillar with nail and crown. A monk, tempted at night by the ...
381: Ass, disturbing prayer. A holy man enters church and leaves ...
3810: Pirate kills confessor. A pirate, his ship caught in a storm...
3811: Pirates capture youth. A youth, captured by pirates, is tran...
3812: Pirates, companions become. Twenty companions become pirates...
3813: Pit, dragon and serpent. A peasant falls into a pit in which...
3814: Pit, fiery, entered. A Spanish count goes on a pilgrimage; o...
3815: Pit, hermit throws self into after fasting. H517 # 108, H584...
3816: Pity allegorized as a man holding a broken heart. Gesta (O) ...
3817: Plague as punishment. A ghost who had been mocked sent the p...
3818: Plates and spoons stolen. A poor man at a feast steals silve...
3819: Plato and Academy. Because of the danger of earthquakes, Pla...
3820: Plato and gossip. Plato refuses to believe that his friend h...
3821: Plato and reason. Plato proves to Alexander that reason is n...
3822: Pleasures too brief. A physician and a girl dislike worldly ...
3823: Plowing on St. James’ Day, punishment for. (See also: 2092, ...
3824: Plow share, glowing, carried. A boy falsely accused of steal...
3825: Plow share, wife beaten with. A drunken man beats his wife w...
3826: Plums exorcize devil. The devil enters a servant and defies ...
3827: Poet becomes Cistercian. A poet, contemplating the pains of ...
3828: Poet refuses to rise. A poet refusing to rise in the presenc...
3829: Poets, noble and lowly. a.) Noble poets refuse to associate ...
383: Ass, fears bridge. H104 # 38....
3830: Poison, maiden fed on. The Queen of the South feeds her daug...
3831: Poison shared by wife. A wife follows her husband into exile...
3832: Poison, woman accustoms self to. A convicted woman accustoms...
3833: Pollonius in the school. Alpha # 638; Recull # 565.– Val. Ma...
3834: Pollution (masturbation) worse than fornication. A foolish p...
3835: Polycrates, ring of. (See also: 4102). Pelbart # 322....
3836: Polyp catchesfish. The polyp, by adapting his color to his s...
3837: Pompey and Caesar. Gesta (I) # 42; Gesta (O) # 9; H157 # 5; ...
3838: Pompey haunted by first wife’s ghost. H160 # 54, H172 # 64....
3839: Poor accept king’s invitation. The king’s invitation is refu...
384: Ass, heavily burdened. A monk complains that the mule of a p...
3841: Poor girl chosen. When a man marries a poor girl in preferen...
3842: Poor man and rich man. A poor man is in less danger of being...
3843: Poor man elected king. A poor man, who was given wealth and ...
3844: Poor man preferred to bishop. Magister Alanus meets a former...
3846: Poor man rewarded for almsgiving. A poor man who had given a...
3847: Poor man thinks of rich men. A poor man consoles himself by ...
3848: Poor woman more generous than rich woman. Christ said that t...
3849: Pope and devil. A bishop overhears devils giving their repor...
385: Ass, hermit speaks to. A hermit says to his ass, “I shall fe...
3850: Pope and saintly virgin. A saintly virgin at Rome is ministe...
3851: Pope, burial of. Pope Marcellinius before being killed by Di...
3852: Pope, chair of not desired by bishop. Tab. Ex. # 258....
3853: Pope, consecration of. When a Pope is consecrated, tow is bu...
3854: Pope, disagreement over. When two men disagreed over the off...
3855: Pope offended by monk. A certain minor offended Pope Bonifac...
3856: Pope organizes seven deacons. Pope Everistus has seven deaco...
3857: Pope, placed below precepts of Bible. St. Pierre of Tarentai...
3858: Pope, uncharitable. A uncharitable Pope is condemned to wand...
3859: Porcupine and quills. The porcupine carries its food on its ...
386: Ass, in lion’s skin. H39 # 23, H112 # 45; Odo (F) # 26 (Herv...
3860: Porcupine and warm water. The porcupine relaxes when it is e...
3861: Porcupine, burden of. A porcupine throws off all that he is ...
3862: Porcupine, urine of poisonous. Nicole # 41....
3863: Portions increased. A man wishes to become a monk but cannot...
3864: Portrait for king. Facundia, famed for her beauty, died befo...
3865: Posterior, beguine exposes. (See also: 2479). Mensa 40.199 (...
3866: Posy rings sent by wife. A penitent wife send four posy ring...
3867: Pound of fiesh. A knight pledges all the flesh on his body t...
3868: Power, three, of earth. Three servants of Darius speak about...
3869: Praise questioned by priest. A priest asks a man praising hi...
387: Ass, in old age, becomes ugly and useless. Nicole # 142a....
3870: Prayer and four hermits. Four hermits pray to be told which ...
3871: Prayer at sepulchre. A knight on a crusade prayed for death ...
3872: Prayer bans devil. Two devils sit and talk; one of them comp...
3874: Prayer brings death. A monk who did not want to live because...
3875: Prayer brought victory. Prayer before battle brought victory...
3876: Prayer converts husband. A wife’s prayer to the Virgin conve...
3877: Prayer, correct form of. Pelbart # 249....
3878: Prayer fells tree. A pious lay brother felled a tree by pray...
3879: Prayer fills pot with money. A miser, persuaded by his wife ...
388: Ass, left to brothers. A man leaves his ass to his three son...
3880: Prayer for devil. A monk prays for the devil; an angel tells...
3881: Prayer for enemy’s damnation. A priest prays for the damnati...
3882: Prayer for murderer of son. A old woman is told by a Dominic...
3883: Prayer for others’ cure. A sick hermit cures others by praye...
3884: Prays for peace and love. St. Guthbert, withdrawing from the...
3885: Prayer for rain. A hermit plants herbs and prays for rain; r...
3886: Prayer for soul, man cheated out of by second husband of wif...
3887: Prayer for soul of father. A priest prays for his father’s s...
3888: Prayer for synod. A dead bishop appears to a priest and asks...
3889: Prayer for thieves. A saintly lay brother prays for men who ...
389: Ass, love of, for young. H104 # 42....
3890: Prayer for usurer in vain. St. Bernard tells a son of a usur...
3891: Prayer, forgotten, prevents steep. A man forgets to say his ...
3892: Prayer frees husband. A man was rescued through the prayers ...
3893: Prayer frees husband from prison and death. Enx (G) # 252; L...
3894: Prayer frees nun. A dead nun appeared to a sister who had pr...
3895: Prayer heels sickness. A ill prefect, refusing medicine, was...
3896: Prayer, image of, man with four angels. Gesta (O) # 129; H10...
3897: Prayer in church. A father takes his son to church to pray; ...
3898: Prayer in mortal sin. A dead father appears to his son who h...
3899: Prayer, man pays for. A laborer stays so long in church, hea...
39: Abstinence, pride in, reproved. H517 # 111.– VitaePatrum ....
390: Ass, obedient as. “Be like the ass obedient,” says a saint t...
3900: Prayer mends pot. a.) A pot is repaired through prayer. CHei...
3901: Prayer negligently said. A woman who said her prayers neglig...
3902: Prayer of hermit answered. A hermit say “Miserere tui Deus” ...
3903: Prayer of hermit for host. A hermit prays that his host, a p...
3904: Prayer of monk not given. A monk refuses to pray for a recov...
3905: Prayer prolongs monk’s life. The life of a dying monk is pro...
3906: Prayer represses lust. (Var.). Enx (G) # 9, # 261, # 284; H5...
3907: Prayer revives dead man. St. Tiburtius revived a dead man by...
3908: Prayer revives son. A boy, killed by the devil on St. Nichol...
3909: Prayer saves usurer. A usurer, condemned to hell, was saved ...
391: Ass, of Christ, preacher on. A old woman seizes the bridle o...
3910: Prayer takes strength away. a.) A matron was saved from the ...
3911: Prayer throughout day and night. A saint prays as the sun co...
3912: Prayer, virtue of. Pelbart # 253; Spec. Laic. 429 (Welter)....
3913: Prayer weaves garment. The Virgin Mary appears to a monk and...
3914: Prayers asked by dead. A pious sacristan appeared after deat...
3915: Prayers on fingers. A girl was taught to say as many daily p...
3916: Preacher shouts for help. A preacher shouts for help against...
3917: Preachers admonished by God. God admonishes two preachers, a...
3918: Preachers, false. Some bad preachers are like actors who del...
3919: Preachers, necessary qualities of. A monk said that preacher...
392: Ass, of leper, priest as. Priests fond of feasting are like ...
3920: Preaching for thirty years. A good monk preached for thirty ...
3921: Preaching, grace through. A despairing man gains grace throu...
3922: Preaching in dark. Lacking sincere faith, heretics conduct t...
3923: Preaching not practiced. A brother speaks on the failure of ...
3924: Preaching of devil. The devil preached the true word of God ...
3925: Preaching, people deprived of. A angry or fate filled man wh...
3926: Preaching refused. A archdeacon spent his time feasting. Whe...
3927: Preaching, repeated, cleans mind. A hermit learns that repea...
3928: Preaching, torture for. St. Vicentius was ordered to stop pr...
3929: Preaching brothers, origin of name. The Pope, writing to Mas...
393: Ass, prepared for archdeacon. A clerk prepares his ass as fo...
3930: Prebend and King Philip. The bishop of Carnoten promised Kin...
3931: Prebends sold illegally. A bishop sells prebends illegally i...
3932: Pregnancy for years. JVitryFrencken #45; JVitryGreven #46 ....
3933: Prelate outwitted by prior. JVitryFrencken #92; JVitryGreven...
3934: Prelate, overfed, regains health in monastery. (See also: 33...
3935: Prelates like blind and lame. Prelates are like the blind an...
3936: Prelates like Romans. Some prelates, suppressing those under...
3937: Pride abhorred by Virgin. The Virgin tells a devotee that sh...
3938: Pride, excessive. A man, proud that he and his clan have nev...
3939: Pride for holiness. A hermit receiving praise for his holine...
394: Ass, rich man compared to. A rich man and his heirs are comp...
3940: Pride makes monk ill. A proud monk is punished in church and...
3941: Pride of monk destroyed. A monk who cares for the sick becom...
3942: Pride, six kinds. The six kinds of pride are compared to the...
3943: Pride, virgin damned for. A pious virgin was damned for the ...
3944: Pride, with three crowns, image of. H109 # 16....
3945: Priest falls at altar. A dissolute priest falls as he approa...
3946: Priest unlucky to meet. A woman thinks it lucky to meet a do...
3947: Priestess raped. A priestess who was raped killed her seduce...
3948: Priesthood, dean meant for. When a dean asked God to allow a...
3949: Priests, bad, compared to crowned demons. Bad priests who cr...
395: Ass, ridden by goat. A goat tried to ride an ass and is kill...
3950: Priests, hard drinking, die. Two hard drinking priests: one ...
3951: Priests with harlots recognized. Priests who have harlots ma...
3952: Prince as old man. A prince should have the wisdom of an old...
3953: Prince damned. A saint urges a priest to cease praying for a...
3954: Prince, dissolute, dies abandoned and is found in state of p...
3955: Princess and dog. A king, leaves his beautiful daughter and ...
3956: Princess, counsel to emperor. A princess cautions an emperor...
3957: Princess swallowed by whale. A whale swallows the princess o...
3958: Princess wife neglected for ass. H570 # 167....
3959: Prior, dead, commended. A man wishing to praise a dead prior...
396: Ass strong in back. Some are strong physically, others spiri...
3960: Prior disciplined by monk. A monk disciplined a prior who co...
3961: Prior taught by visions. A prior, angry with an abbot for un...
3962: Prioress, election annulled. Alexander Neckarn tests the tem...
3963: Prison, boy raised in. A boy born, raised and educated in pr...
3964: Prison, boy raised in and voice. A boy, who was raised in pr...
3965: Prison, father puts son in. The son of a king was disinherit...
3966: Prison talk, mother and son. A woman condemned to life impri...
3967: Prisoner awaiting judgment, example. The following advice wa...
3968: Prisoner refuses to return home. A prisoner, having fallen i...
3969: Prisoner suckled. A woman saves her husband from starvation ...
397: Ass, wolf and fox in court. The ass, the wolf and the fox re...
3970: Prisoners released by knight. A knight captures a castle and...
3971: Prisoners returned unharmed. A king reveals his noble charac...
3973: Prodigal son child of. A prodigal son’s child is received in...
3973: Prof essor joins order. A professor of philosophy at Paris j...
3974: Promise, forgotten, fulfilled. A youth is haunted by devils ...
3975: Promise, in distress, not kept. During a storm at sea, a man...
3976: Promise to appear after death. A dying man promises to appea...
3977: Proof of all things. A nun justified fornication by saying t...
3978: Property for healthy and sickly child. Each of three brother...
3979: Property lost to usurer. A knight loses his property to a us...
398: Ass, young, not made to work. A man has a beautiful young as...
3980: Property sold for pilgrimage. A woman selling her property f...
3981: Prophesy, family joins orders. A blind monk predicted correc...
3982: Prophecy, spirit of acquired. A lay brother wished so much f...
3983: Proud, avaricious, and envious, fable of. Pelbart # 203....
3984: Provost cuts throat. H497 # 231, H634 # 97....
3985: Psalm followed. A man learns only the first verse of the psa...
3986: Psalms taught to monk. Concerning a monk who wished to teach...
3987: Psalter frees possessed man. A knight, after his conversion,...
3988: Psalter, guide to judgment. A bishop uses the text of a psal...
3989: Pulse, quickening. A matron’s secret love is revealed by the...
399: Assault led by dead bishop. The attack on Jerusalem is led b...
3990: Pumpkin, poisonous. A pumpkin is poisonous when it stands al...
3991: Punishment by disinterested party. A man has a disinterested...
3992: Punishment, divine. The knights of the Scottish king David s...
3993: Purgatory, dread of. A priest dreads purgatory. Alpha # 759;...
3994: Purgatory during prayer. A dead Franciscan appears and tells...
3995: Purgatory for concealed avarice. A pious prior performed pen...
3996: Purgatory, lake offire preferred to. A priest says he would ...
3997: Purgatory, one instant. A Cistercian monk leaps up four feet...
3998: Purgatory, St. Patrick’s. A monk enters St. Patrick’s Purgat...
3999: Monkey, antics cure throat. Doctors can do nothing for a man...
3999: Purgatory shown. A youth led to purgatory is shown various f...
4: Abbess gives child to hermit. A abbess is hated by the nuns ...
40: Abstinence, rigid, broken. A widow breaks her rule of rigid ...
400: Assenech and Joseph. Alpha # 80....
4000: Purgatory shown to soul. a.) The soul of a monk was taken fr...
4001: Purgatory, thousand years avoided. A priest who had joined a...
4002: Purgatory, two days chosen. (Var.) A man choses two days of ...
4003: Purgatory until chapter finished. A dead monk, sent to ask h...
4004: Purgatory until requiem mass. A devotee of the Virgin rejoic...
4005: Purgatory, vision of. A saint has a vision of purgatory in w...
4006: Purgatory, vision of, seen by monk. A vision of purgatory is...
4007: Purgatory worse than beingflayed. A dead Cistercian appears ...
4008: Purity, image of. Purity is allegorized as a woman holding a...
4009: Purity in spirit. God tells a hermit that purity of spirit i...
401: Asses, order of. A sinner does penance by eating grass. Wond...
4010: Purse of kings. a) A saint calls a rich man the purse of kin...
4011: Purse sent by hare. Simple minded man of “Wilebege” used a h...
4012: Purse with less money. A count gave a boy money to buy a pur...
4013: Pygmies and pheasant. A convert was roasting a pheasant when...
4014: Pygmies set up by defenders. The defenders of Tyre set pygmi...
4015: Pyramus and Thisbe. Gesta (O) # 231....
4016: Pyx thrown to ground. A drunken boxer insulted the Host by t...
4017: Pyx, voice from, pardons. A sinful woman meets a priest carr...
4018: Quail and dancing women. Dancing women are compared with the...
4019: Quatrain to drive away devil. St. Catherine teaches her devo...
402: Asses, stand aside before sacrament. Asses laden with sacks ...
4020: Queen and bloody shirt. A Queen hangs a bloody shirt in her ...
4021: Queen and merchant. A captured queen sold to a merchant beco...
4022: Queen forces knight to murder husband. Queen Rosamunde force...
4023: Queen raped by king’s seneschal. A queen elect is raped by t...
4024: Question asked daily. A man who wishes to become a monk is i...
4025: Questions, four, of king. A king asks a sage four questions:...
4026: Questions, three. Three questions are put by Our Lord to His...
4027: Questions, three, on death. A philosopher asks three questio...
4028: Questions, three, to avoid ransom. A king asked a rich man t...
4029: Quicksilver substituted for gold. Some add quicksilver to go...
403: Asses, unsold. A knight, who became a monk, is sent to marke...
4030: Quirinus, St., cures abscess. A disobedient man was converte...
4031: Quirinus, St., revived by slap. Devils and angels fought for...
4032: Ram and ass, fable of. JVitryFrencken #53; JVitryGreven #55 ...
4033: Ram, dead, thrown to wolves. A peasant throws a dead ram to ...
4034: Ransom of Romans. Fabrius needed money to ransom Romans; whe...
4035: Rape, false accusation of. A woman charges a young man with ...
4036: Rape of nun by father. A nun raped by her father kills the c...
4037: Rape of two women. Two women are raped by the same man; one ...
4038: Rapist admitted to castle. A knight rescues a girl from a ra...
4039: Rapist, father of denounces. A rapist convinces the girl’s f...
404: Astrologer, foretells death. A astrologer tells a prince tha...
4040: Rapist sues father. A rapist sues the girl’s father for the ...
4041: Raven and powdered glass. A raven cannot hatch her young if ...
4042: Raven disputes with frog. H709 # 4....
4043: Raven, eggs boiled. A raven’s eggs, boiled, are re fertilize...
4044: Raven fights for his friend the wolf. Spec. Laic. # 52. (Wel...
4045: Raven taunts bee’s short life. A raven, fifty years old, rid...
4046: Raven tells hens that fox is nun. The raven tells hens that ...
4047: Ravens feed on dew. Young ravens are deserted by their paren...
4048: Ravishment, (rapture), holy of devout women described. Alpha...
4049: Reading in air, on water. A ‘magister’ lectures in the air (...
405: Atalania, and golden balls. A suitor wins Atalanta by outrun...
4050: Real Presence doubted. A hermit doubts the Real Presence, bu...
4051: Red haired boy and avaricious man. When an avaricious man is...
4052: Refreshment from heaven. A lay brother forfeited the refresh...
4053: Relative, vain, preferred. A bishop prefers a vain relative ...
4054: Relatives appointed by bishop. A bishop appointed his relati...
4055: Relic, tooth as. The enamel of a tooth of St. Nicholas crack...
4056: Relics, bones of martyrs as. Water which has been poured ove...
4057: Relics, false, of devout man. A devout owner of false relics...
4058: Relics of holy virgins. A woman miraculously pushes aside a ...
4059: Relics of martyrs. Relics of martyrs dissuade a monk from si...
406: Athanasius, accused of lewd behavior. JVitryFrencken #90; JV...
4060: Relics of St. Martin. A leper is laid between the shrine of ...
4061: Relics, of Virgin, on tree. In order to convince an emperor ...
4062: Relics revive clerk. A dying clerk is revived by the relics ...
4063: Religion as storehouse. A fearless priest said that in his f...
4064: Religious orders, sanctity of. A white sheep, a black sheep,...
4065: Remigius, St., parts man and wife. St. Remigius separates a ...
4066: Remorse for money. A man who had sold his brother’s daughter...
4067: Remorse, lack of, damns canon. A rich and pious canon appear...
4068: Remorse of repentant monk. A sinner repents and becomes a mo...
4069: Repentance and procrastination. To the suggestion: “Repent t...
407: Athanasius, accused of murder. Athanasius is accused of murd...
4070: Repentance at illness of son. The queen of France is moved b...
4071: Repentance frees sinner from devils. H525 # 84.– VitaePatrum...
4072: Repentance, lost opportunity for. A monk hears a dead sinner...
4073: Repentance of archbishop. A archbishop, who has raped a nun,...
4074: Repentance of knight. A knight repents on his deathbed; his ...
4075: Repentance postponed. A dissolute man hopes to live ten year...
4076: Repentance postponed six days. A sinner resolves to repent a...
4077: Repentance postponed until death. I. A devil seizes a rich m...
4078: Repentance postponed until death. II. A rich man puts off re...
4079: Repentance, usurer moved to by son. A dying usurer is moved ...
408: Athanasius, converts nobleman. A rich nobleman of Alexandria...
4080: Responses said by Virgin. A devout nun was told that the Vir...
4081: Restitution not made by son. On his deathbed, an oppressive ...
4082: Resurrection and holy man. Enx (G) # 217, # 323; S.T.: E121....
4083: Resurrection, doubt concerning. A master at Paris, doubting ...
4084: Resurrection of Christ. The resurrection of Christ and exemp...
4085: Resurrection of Christ, time uncertain. Lib. Ex. # 7....
4086: Retribution by ignorant priest. A bishop, when he wanted to ...
4087: Reward denied partner. In order to prevent his greedy partne...
4089: Reward, hundred cows. (Var.) A poor man sells his one cow fo...
409: Athenian, counsel of. A Athenian counsels a man to marry his...
4090: Reward refused by rich man. A rich man loses a sack containi...
4091: Reward, whisper in king’s ear. A man who received no reward ...
4092: Reynard and feast. Reynard invites Ysengrinus to a feast in ...
4093: Rich man becomes monk. A rich man becomes a monk and is aske...
4094: Rich man hopes for many years. A rich man ate and drank well...
4095: Rich man robbed by relatives. just before his death, a rich ...
4096: Rich man, three aspects of. On the three aspects of a rich.m...
4097: Rich man, turned monk, carried off. A rich man becomes a mon...
4098: Riddles not solved. A poor knight wins the hand of a king’s ...
4099: Riddles, seven. A knight answers seven riddles and saves his...
41: Accusers, boxed on ear. A student tells his master that the ...
410: Attacker tricked and killed. A man cries out to another who ...
4100: Righteousness, path of. A possessed woman saw demons rejoici...
4101: Ring given to Venus. Alpha # 730; H403 # 538, H437 # 90; Rec...
4102: Ring in fish. A man casts his ring into the water and says t...
4103: Ring on pagan statue. A newly married man jestingly puts a r...
4104: Ring, reminder of death. Pope Alexander III gives a knight a...
4105: Ring, tear of repentance. A man, who is living incestuously ...
4106: Rings, three. A king, bequeaths an inheritance to his eldest...
4111: Roads, choice of. Pilgrims have a choice of two roads: one l...
4187: Scholar escapes death sentence. A scholar escapes a death se...
4187: Scholar escapes death sentence. A scholar escapes a death se...
4251: Serpent and milk. Every day a knight gives milk to a serpent...
4254: Serpent bites liberator. A snake is freed and then bites the...
4256: Serpent, frozen. When thawed out, a frozen serpent stings it...
4310: Sheep carried over stream. Task: carrying hundreds of sheep ...
4321: Shepherd, honesty of, wager on. A evil official of the king ...
4462: Solomon and Marcolf. Marcolf succeeds in returning to Solomo...
4505: Sons saved by tales. A old thief saves his three captured so...
4569: Spider and fly. The spider catches the fly in its web. Odo (...
4589: Stag admires antlers. A stag at a fountain admires his antle...
4784: Thief cuts off companions’ hands. Of three thieves, one beca...
4790: Thief given choice of hanging tree. A thief, allowed to choo...
4806: Thief tricked into returning sword. A thief takes a sword fr...
4873: Toad, beautiful child of. A toad thinks her child beautiful....
4883: Toad on son’s face. The archbishop bids a handsome youth do ...
4966: Treasure under bridge. A peasant dreamed that he would find ...
4967: Treasure under inscription stolen. A clerk who had hidden hi...
5097: Virgin and lamp. A prince (kept underground in darkness for ...
5196: Wallisians accused of theft. Three Wallisians cannot speak E...
4107: River, children thrown into. To test their legitimacy, new b...
4108: River, man dropped into. One man carried another across a ri...
4109: River turned from course. A city was captured by turning a r...
411: Audacity promised to king. A man boasts of his audacity to t...
4110: Rivers, names lost. Rivers lose their name when they enter a...
4112: Roads, four, open to traveller. Four roads are open to a tra...
4113: Roads two, and novice. A novice was tempted to return to the...
4114: Robert of Normandy and Byzantine emperor. a.) The haughty Ro...
4115: Robert of Normandy and lance. On a crusade, Robert of Norman...
4116: Robert of Normandy and river. Robert of Normandy in his way ...
4117: Robert of Normandy conquers Jerusalem. Robert of Normandy co...
4118: Robert, St., and Pope. Robert, Bishop of Lincoln, although n...
4119: Robert and Devil. EdeB # 168; ML # 11; S.T.: B14.– BP III, 9...
412: Augustine, St. (no ex.) Lib. Ex. # 108....
4120: Rock, smiting of. A monk explains the meaning of the phrase,...
4121: Rod, pastoral. Before he was promoted to the abbacy, a monk ...
4122: Rods save monk. A devil claims the soul of a monk, but an an...
4123: Roma and Amor. A oracle declares that Rome will stand as lon...
4124: Roman and death of son. A noble Roman’s words on hearing of ...
4125: Roman matrons worried. Roman matrons became worried when the...
4126: Roman triumph. Gesta (I) # 137; Gesta (O) # 252; H242 # 92....
4127: Romans, kindness wins. Romans learn by experience that their...
4128: Romula, death of. H454 # 2....
4129: Romulus and wine. A Roman tells Romulus that wine would not ...
413: Augustine, St., and Innocent the Donatist. Innocent the Dona...
4130: Rooster and chicken shown. The devil seduces a hermit by pre...
4131: Rosary recited by angels. A saint hears angels recite the Ro...
4132: Roses brought to pagan. St. Ambrose tells of a virgin who wa...
4133: Roses sprung from blood. Roses which sprang miraculously fro...
4134: Rubies found in Red Sea. H103 # 21....
4135: Sabbath broken. (Var.) a.) A man forces his servant to cut a...
4136: Sabbath, origin of. The Sabbath originated from a feast of V...
4137: Sacrifice of Corpus Christi made incorrectly by priests. Ese...
4138: Sacrilege, paralysis for. A profligate is struck with paraly...
4139: Sacristan awakened too early. Richard, Duke of Normandy, pat...
414: Augustine, St., counsel of. A woman is ignored when she seek...
4140: Sacristan deceived by devil. H340 # 5....
4141: Saffron dried before buying. A merchant, wishing to buy saff...
4142: Saffron, plant, color of. The saffron plant exhibits magnifi...
4143: Sages, Seven. Tales concerning the Seven Sages. H242 # 87, #...
4144: Sailor fills mouth with oil. A sailor fills his mouth with o...
4145: Sailor, God, as. As a child, St. Gregory gave all he had to ...
4146: Sailor sees damned nun. Three brothers bring their ship to l...
4147: Sailor, shipwrecked, angel as. St. Gregory’s kindness to an ...
4148: Sailor, shipwrecked, receives wafer. A shipwrecked sailor, i...
4149: Saint in brothel. A saint who enters a brothel to reform the...
415: Augustine, St., heart of. The guardian angel of St. Augustin...
4150: Saint, lapse into sin feared. A old saint fears for himself ...
4151: Saint, magic power of. (Var.) Enx (G) # 58, # 87, # 168, # 1...
4152: Saint overhears devils. A saint overhears devils discussing ...
4153: Saint substitutes for deacon. A saint takes the place of a d...
4154: Salamander and fly. H69 W 104; Klapper, Erz. # 184; Odo (F) ...
4155: Salamander infects fruit trees with venom. H163 # 105....
4156: Salamander lives in fire. H164 # 112....
4157: Salmon, head eaten. A one eyed man, eating a salmon with a f...
4158: Salt asked for noisily by monk. Spec. Laic. # 527 (Welter)....
4159: Salvation aided by infirmity. Pelbart # 371....
416: Augustine, St., in heaven. A devotee of St. Augustine has a ...
4160: Salvation by two words. H395 # 387 (Spec. Laic.).– Ward II, ...
4161: Salvation for monks. St. Evagrius describes how a good monk ...
4162: Salvation not believed in. A priest doubts his salvation, bu...
4163: Salve Regina breaks bonds. Two Franciscans, plundered by thi...
4164: Salve Regina protects priest from thunderstorm. Seelentrost ...
4165: Salve Regina saves dying man. libri8-III #31, cf. H568 # 121...
4166: Salve Regina saves grain. A hailstrom started while the grai...
4167: Salve Regina saves people. A priest, negligent with the sacr...
4168: Salve Regina sung after compline. The head of the Preaching ...
4169: Salve Regina, Virgin appeared during. The Virgin Mary appear...
417: Augustine, St., love for Christ. Pelbart # 330....
4170: Salve Regina, Virgin appears to author of and gives thanks. ...
4171: Sanctity, couple models of. A shepherd and his wife are held...
4172: Sapphire changed to sulphur: sand to ruby. H103 # 20....
4173: Saracen converted by Christians’ wickedness. The fact that t...
4174: Saracens put to flight. A knight put the Saracens to flight ...
4175: Sarcophagus, gold. A gold sarcophagus with the inscription, ...
4176: Sardanapalus. H176 # 123.– Migne, Pat. Lat. XXXI, col. 734....
4177: Sardonyx of increasing brilliance. A sardonyx worn by a high...
4178: Scab, girl cured of. A monk cured a girl of scab although th...
4179: Scales fascinate victims. “Sitale” (scytale) hypnotizes vict...
418: Augustine, St., mental anguish of. St. Augustine tells of hi...
4180: Scale of Judgment. A sinner is claimed by Satan, but is defe...
4181: Scars from battle. Geraldus pleads his cause by showing the ...
4182: Scholar and married woman. A scholar is lacerated for trying...
4183: Scholar becomes monk. (Var.) a.) The only son of a nobleman ...
4184: Scholar becomes hermit. A scholar, disappointed when he does...
4185: Scholar confused by girl. A girl held disputes with all whom...
4186: Scholar deluded into not fasting. A scholar deceived by his ...
4188: Scholar given stones by devil. A student wishing to be rich,...
4189: Scholar imitates priest. A poor scholar could not understand...
419: Augustine, St., on pride and envy. Lib. Ex. # 169.– Pat. Lat...
4190: Scholar insults Abraham. A scholar, who insulted St. Abraham...
4191: Scholar loses eyesight. A law student loses his eyesight but...
4192: Scholar meets master carrying candles. A scholar says that t...
4193: Scholar of Bologna, vision of. A scholar at Bologna has a vi...
4194: Scholar prevented from returning to world. A scholar was pre...
4195: Scholar rebuked by Virgin. In a dream, a scholar was rebuked...
4196: Scholar rejects mistress. A scholar, returned to school, rej...
4197: Scholar, revenge on priest. A student takes revenge for a di...
4198: Scholar saved by alms. Saints weigh a sick scholar’s good de...
4199: Scholar shackled by priest. A ignorant priest has a scholar ...
42: Achan’s hidden treasure. Three biblical examples: 1) Achan’s...
420: Augustine, St., procession of. St. Augustine and his compani...
4200: Scholar shuns visiting father. A scholar, living with wealth...
4201: Scholars condemned. A abbot asked scholars whether it was be...
4202: Scholars dream about last communion. Three scholars dream ab...
4203: Scholars nursed by comrade. Three scholars become ill and a ...
4204: School for lepers, seducer. A wife goes to an old woman to a...
4205: School of heretics, priest leads parishioners to. EdeB # 253...
4206: Scipio Africanus. Scipio Africanus refuses to give counsel t...
4207: Scipio and his wealth. Wealthy Scipio was accused before the...
4208: Scipio falls from ship. Scipio on his way to Africa fell fro...
4209: Scorpion dust cures scorpion sting. H56 # 113....
421: Augustus, father refuses to name son. “Heliscus” (Helvius Pe...
4210: Scriptures, proper reactions. A monk sent to see what the br...
4211: Scroll, names on. A bishop wrote the names of his congregati...
4212: Sea bird warns of tide. A sea bird warns the sheep by its cr...
4213: Seal of dead man. A dead man’s seal is affixed to a forged d...
4214: Seat beside crucifiers. A rich man, who has led a corrupt li...
4215: Seat in hell for brother. Twin brothers enter a Cistercian m...
4216: Seat in hell, ordained for man. A sinner tells those at his ...
4217: Seats in hell seen by monk. A monk sees seats prepared for s...
4218: Seats of torment exchanged. Two neighbors in hell plan to ex...
4219: Sebastian, St., and prefect, Chromatius. Pelbart # 135....
422: Avarice. A exhortation against avarice. Lib. Ex. # 76....
4220: Seduction of daughter of king. A man who seduces the king’s ...
4221: Seduction through posing as a god. (See also: 2323). Enx (G)...
4222: Self crucifixion. JVitryFrencken #43; JVitryGreven #44 ....
4223: Self will causes tribulation. Alpha # 780; VitaePatrum ....
4224: Semiramis. Alpha # 530....
4225: Seneca chooses own death. Nero allowed Seneca to choose his ...
4226: Seneca, death by bleeding. When Nero commands the death of S...
4227: Seneca on king’s glory. A king is told by his courtiers that...
4228: Sense, pennyworth of. A man who neglects his wife for a mist...
4229: Sentence, irrevocable. A knight is condemned to death for su...
423: Ave Maria and Christ Child. (See also: 57, 4163ff, 4628). H6...
4230: Serapion Sindonius, story of. H455 # 18....
4231: Serenades ignored by woman. A nobleman promises to marry a w...
4232: Sergius, Pope, called “swine mouth”. Mensa 23.101 (Dunn, p. ...
4233: Sermon, bells played during. During a sermon by St. Francis,...
4234: Sermon, brief. A preacher, asked by canons to address them b...
4235: Sermon, doubting Virgin. A monk, who did not wish to hear a ...
4236: Sermon interrupted by heretic. A archbishop of Bourges, prea...
4237: Sermon interrupted by peasant. A peasant interrupted a sermo...
4238: Sermon interrupted by singing. A girl interrupted a sermon b...
4239: Sermon interrupted by woman begging to confess. A preacher i...
424: Ave Maria delivers lay brother from devil’s attacks. CHeist-...
4240: Sermon, leaving church during. Those who leave the church at...
4241: Sermon, man compelled to hear. A man is forced to listen to ...
4242: Sermon not heeded. During a sermon, a matron says that one s...
4243: Sermon on eternal imprisonment. A corrupt knight is converte...
4244: Sermon, short, requested. A theologian delivered a short ser...
4245: Sermon to demons. A abbot delivered a sermon to a gathering ...
4246: Sermon valued for conversion. Pelbart # 267....
4247: Sermons attended, but not heeded. A knight regularly attends...
4248: Sermons listened to by woman. A woman, who spends all her ti...
4249: Sermons, medicine for. A monk seeing a devil with a big sack...
425: Ave Maria, devil chased away by. The devil in the guise of a...
4250: Sermons repeated to husband. A devout woman made a habit of ...
4252: Serpent at adulteress’ tomb. St. German tracks a monstrous s...
4253: Serpent below waist. A boy born in Babylonia had the shape o...
4255: Serpent cures blindness. A snake whose nest has been seized ...
4257: Serpent, golden. Aev. # 71; Disc. Cler. 17 (Schwarzbaum II, ...
4258: Serpent heals wound. A serpent sucked the wound of a knight ...
4259: Serpent hidden in basket. A clairvoyant saint, who knows tha...
426: Ave Maria, on boots. A dead man who prayed while walking app...
4260: Serpent in knight’s corpse. A snake is found in the corpse o...
4261: Serpent jaculus. A tree in India is harmed by the serpent ja...
4262: Serpent judged by fox. A man releases a snake from a trap, b...
4263: Serpent killed by small bird. (See also: 633). H170 # 40....
4264: Serpent rescued from toad. A knight rescues a snake from a t...
4265: Serpent, rose in mouth. A snake poisons the man who follows ...
4266: Serpent to watch garden. A monk had a serpent guard his gard...
4267: Serpent, woman gives birth to. A woman gives birth to a snak...
4268: Serpent, woman swallows. A matron swallowed a snake in the d...
4269: Serpent killer. A great serpent kills many. Gesta (O) # 268....
427: Ave Maria on lily. A knight becomes a monk but can learn to ...
4270: Serpent poison, blood of stag as remedy for. (See also: 4591...
4271: Serpent poison, remedy for. A mixture of lozenge, garlic, sa...
4272: Serpents, battle of. A man and his servant watch two serpent...
4273: Serpents hung on son’s gate. A dead knight, who had left his...
4274: Serpents in stolen flask. (See also: 4876). Lib. Ex. # 157.–...
4275: Serpents in woman’s tomb. A vain woman’s tomb is opened and ...
4276: Serpents like men full of envy. Julius Caesar finds bowls fi...
4277: Serpents of Euphrates. Serpents near the Euphrates injure on...
4278: Serpents overcome. A abbot defeats serpents through his puri...
4279: Serpents, poisonous, handled by saint. Enx (G) # 168; S.T.: ...
428: Ave Maria on scroll in mouth. A sinful woman is so moved by ...
4280: Serpents, pots filled with. Hannibal uses pots filled with s...
4281: Serpents suckled. A empress, envious of another who has grea...
4282: Serpents, two, predict death. Two snakes, one male and one f...
4283: Servant, blinded, cured. The king had his servant blinded wh...
4284: Servant cuts off thigh. King Codewello (Cadwallo) sends a se...
4285: Servant derides master. A avaricious knight asks for his clo...
4286: Servant dies for master. A servant who discovers that a band...
4287: Servant given to knight. A servant excused his master and sa...
4288: Servant, lazy. A lazy servant sent a dog outside so he could...
4289: Servant oppressed by lord and usurer. A servant is oppressed...
429: Ave Maria on tongue. The words “Ave Maria” appear on a drown...
4290: Servant pays forty marks. A nobleman gives his servant the c...
4291: Servant persuaded to join knight. A knight persuaded an ill ...
4292: Servant rewarded. a.) A servant waits on his lord without re...
4293: Servant slain before gate. Because of an angry word, a man k...
4293: Servant slain before gate. Because of one angry word, a man ...
4294: Servant, treacherous. (See also: 4435). Enx (G) # 148; Tab. ...
4295: Servant, ugly, loved. a.) A husband scorns his beautiful wif...
4296: Servant, unthrifty, beaten. Alpha # 218....
4297: Servants, bad, like oxen. Bad servants are compared to a don...
4298: Servants feted. a.) A litigant, almost ruined, feasts his op...
4299: Servants in black. A melancholy man who would not eat or dri...
43: Achilles, among women. Achilles among the women and the fall...
430: Ave Maria on tree. A pilgrim is killed by thieves in the woo...
4300: Servatius, St., sermon of against Huns. Pelbart # 251....
4301: Service transferred to Lord. A old knight resolves to transf...
4302: Services, public, distinguished. Honors given for public ser...
4303: Services, six. A emperor announces that he will give audienc...
4304: Severin, St., with fiery cloud. After his death, St. Severin...
4305: Sewing of Paulus Simplex. Paulus Simplex is ordered to sew, ...
4306: Sheba, Queen of. Test of sexes. Herzstein # 65....
4307: Sheba, Queen of seeks wisdom from Solomon. Seelentrost (Germ...
4308: Sheep aid exhausted sheep. Sheep, seeing one of their flock ...
4309: [4305 Tubach] Sheep and goats. Sheep and goats feed in diver...
431: Ave Maria one hundred fifty times a day. On the advice of hi...
4311: Sheep coy with wolf The beasts are ordered to kiss each othe...
4312: Sheep, half shorn. Salvanus and Cupiencius jointly own a she...
4313: Sheep returns to fold on stag’s advice. H709 # 1....
4314: Sheep sheltered from sun. 1) Sheep shelter one another from ...
4315: Sheep tended by knight. A old knight tends his son’s sheep. ...
4316: Sheep, value of increases. Nicole # 143a....
4317: Sheep stealer, stomach of bleats. A sheep stealer is detecte...
4318: Sheet, baptismal. Caesarius regained his health when wrapped...
4319: Sheet, escape covered with. A wife and her mother in law hol...
432: Ave Maria said before Virgin image. A clerk says the Ave Mar...
4320: Shelter refused to saint. St. German, preaching in England, ...
4322: Shepherd like tortoise. A shepherd who forsakes his sheep af...
4323: Shepherd would not change with king. A shepherd tells a Fran...
4324: Shepherd girl, industrious, married. Jesus gives in marriage...
4325: Shepherds saluted by saint. St. Bernard always greets young ...
4326: Shield covered with inscriptions. A king’s son, banished for...
4327: Shields in gateway explained. A philosopher interprets the a...
4328: Ship, empty. A priest is cast out of his monastery. He maint...
4329: Ship, knight dead, found in. Arthurian knights see a ship ad...
433: Ave Maria said nightly. At the words “Dominus tecum,” a Virg...
4330: Ship saved. In a vision a converted knight saw that the ship...
4331: Ship saved by Host. A ship was saved from sinking when the H...
4332: Ship sunk deliberately. Sailors rented a ship on condition t...
4333: Shipwreck drowns rejectors of Eucharist. On a ship some of t...
4334: Shipwreck, Virgin saves man from. Enx (G) # 213; cf. Spec. L...
4335: Shirt, man accused of tearing. A thief met a peasant and too...
4336: Shirt of Fidelity. A carpenter’s shirt can never be soiled o...
4337: Shirt, three square inches. A emperor requires the woman who...
4338: Shoe, cursed, held by devil. The devil prevented a man from ...
4339: Shoe, pinching. “A know where my shoe pinches,” says a man w...
434: Ave Maria saves child. A mother who has to carry food to her...
4340: Shoe, tongue of. a.) A monk was asked by his shoemaker if th...
4341: Shoemaker becomes judge. A shoemaker who became judge no lon...
4342: Shoemaker, married, prospers. A shoemaker, married and with ...
4343: Shoemaker paid. To appease his conscience, Pythagoras places...
4344: Shoeware restored. A monk gained deliverance from hell for o...
4345: Shoes cure paralysis. The shoes of a dead monk, who had been...
4346: Shoes, devil holds. The devil holds a woman by her shoes. (S...
4347: Shoes given away without permission. A dead monk appears wit...
4348: Shoes polished by abbot. A abbot, in order to practice humil...
4349: Shoes, red, for festivals. A old peasant puts on his red sho...
435: Ave Maria, sweetness from. A hermit has a sensation of sweet...
4350: Shoes, silver plated. Monks at Tours wear silver plated shoe...
4351: Shoes, undamaged. A fool hid his new shoes. Hurting his feet...
4352: Shop keeper seized by demons. Pelbart # 280....
4353: Shrew attacks man. A man abused by a shrew is advised to pit...
4354: Shrew, taming of. A man marries a shrew whom he tames by kil...
4355: Shroud of Saladin. Saladin orders that after his death a pie...
4356: Shroud, short. A dying man hears his wife tell her maid to b...
4357: Shylock theme. ML # 138; Wright # 126; S.T.: D1972, J1161.2....
4358: Sickness at sight of demon. A laybrother became ill at the s...
4359: Sickness cured by joining order. A very rich knight was advi...
436: Ave Maria, taught by Virgin to boy. libri8-III #30; Klapper,...
4360: Sickness cured with masses. A man afflicted with a terrible ...
4361: Sickness, fear of God in. A sick man asked a monk to pray fo...
4362: Sickness, horrible, as punishment. A severe sickness afflict...
4363: Sickness instead of purgatory. After enduring fifteen years ...
4364: Sickness, perpetual, cured. A man who was always sick regain...
4365: Sight lost by vision of Virgin. A monk prays for a vision of...
4366: Sight regained by composer. A blind composer recovers his si...
4367: Sight regained through prayer. A blind man regained his sigh...
4368: Sigismund, King, life and death of. Klapper, Erz. # 19....
4369: Signs made with feet. Monks are ordered to keep silence. The...
437: Ave Maria, thief says. A thief who had often said the “Ave M...
4370: Silence broken by abbot. A knight becomes a monk and complai...
4371: Silence, dying maxim. A youth asks his dying master for a fi...
4372: Silence kept by holy father. A holy father, asked how he had...
4373: Silence ordered. St. Anthony ordered a monk to keep silent w...
4374: Silence, practiced. Zenocrates the philosopher, an old monk,...
4375: Silence, St. Mary of Oigniez practiced. St. Mary of Oigniez ...
4376: Silence, thirty years. St. Theon keeps silence for thirty ye...
4377: Silver embellished by gilding. H162 # 82....
4378: Simon Magus decapitated. Simon Magus has himself beheaded an...
4379: Simony, abbot gains position through. A hermit told an abbot...
438: Ave Maria, to be said more slowly. A nun is told by the Virg...
4380: Simony, French bishop charged with. A French bishop tries to...
4381: Sin avoided through fear. A hermit sees the tortures of a ma...
4382: Sin expiated in monastery. A abbot saved a condemned man by ...
4383: Sin, man’s proneness toward, reason for given. Pelbart # 261...
4384: Sin, mortal, erases good works. A pious lay brother did not ...
4385: Sin, most heinous. A possessed man says that the most heinou...
4386: Sin, Venus as. Sin is personified as the goddess Venus with ...
4387: Singer, court, ass as. A ass offers himself as court singer ...
4388: Singing for ransom. A raven bids a mother dove sing to ranso...
4389: Singing, heaven gained. A clerk gained heaven by singing an ...
439: Ave Maria, Virgin smiles at. A image of the Virgin smiles at...
4390: Singing in cellar. A king and his knight see a poor man in r...
4391: Singing of canonical hours. A nun in white clothes sings the...
4392: Singing of Franciscans. The king of France says that the Fra...
4393: Singing, of jester, like cranes. H711 # 25....
4394: Singing of nuns mocked by demon. CHeist-V #54 ....
4395: Singing of priest like donkey. A old woman weeps in church a...
4396: Singing of Vespers. A obstinate priest sings vespers only wh...
4397: Sinner and holy man. A holy man sees a sinner and says, “He ...
4398: Sinner, contrite, saved. A sinner who was contrite but had n...
4399: Sinner, dying, and dragon. A dying sinner begs friends to ce...
44: Acontius and Cydippe. H687 # 12....
440: Ave praeclara, Virgin prays during. While “Ave praeclara” is...
4400: Sinner hides in hell. In a vision, a despairing sinner sees ...
4401: Sinner in jail. A abbot told a monk that he should act like ...
4402: Sinner observes saints’ days. A sinner is saved from demons ...
4403: Sinner, repentant, beaten by devils. Demons tempt and then b...
4404: Sinner, repentant, like escaped prisoner. A repentant sinner...
4405: Sinner repents on deathbed. A sinner repents on his deathbed...
4406: Sinner saved on deathbed. A despairing sinner has committed ...
4407: Sinner, unrepentant, appeals to Virgin. The soul of an unrep...
4408: Sinner, weeping. A weeping sinner is urged by devils to be m...
4409: Sinner, beasts dressed as man. Sinners are compared to the b...
441: Ave Regina, sung after decapitation. A boy still sings the a...
4410: Sinners put off confession. Sinners who postpone confession ...
4411: Sinning of one woman. The sinning of one woman leads to the ...
4412: Sinning, woman denies. A priest wishes to enshrine a woman w...
4413: Sins as bag of sand. A abbot learned to be more forgiving by...
4414: Sins cause suffering. A man’s own sins are the cause of his ...
4415: Sins, dared by man, as miracle. The devil tells a saint that...
4416: Sins, major, notfeared. St. John of Damascus prays to be del...
4417: Sins, man rebukedpublicly for. A man who has not made full c...
4419: Sins seen in present life. A priest wanted to see his sins w...
442: Avignon besieged. The city of Avignon, besieged by Louis VII...
4420: Sins shown to woman. A woman related all her good deed to he...
4421: Sins washed clean by tears. The record of a hermit’s sins, k...
4422: Sisera and Jahel, allegory of. A man (Sisera) fleeing from h...
4423: Sister, envious of sister. A girl, who envied the zeal of he...
4424: Sister sees monk brother. A woman begs her brother, who has ...
4425: Sister tormented by dragons. A abbot sees his dead sister be...
4426: Sister, two adulterers of. A woman had two lovers, Fullonus ...
4427: Sister, four, allegory of. A king has a married son and four...
4428: Sisters, three, discuss death. Three sisters are devoted to ...
4429: Skull displayed by preacher. A preacher brings out a skull f...
443: Ax, lost in river. A peasant loses his ax in a river and the...
4430: Sky and earth come together. A friar was rebuked by a prior ...
4431: Slackness, temptations of. Pelbart # 191....
4432: Slander, clerk damned for. A dead clerk appears and says tha...
4433: Slander, preacher advised to preach against. Two preachers a...
4434: Slave brings lord snake. A devoted slave unwittingly causes ...
4435: Slave, murderous, and master. Although a slave violates his ...
4436: Slave, revenge for blinding. A slave, who had been blinded b...
4437: Slave, man sells self into. After Serapion had given all his...
4438: Slaves save mistress. Two slaves join the enemy who are abou...
4439: Sleep of St. Ambrose. St. Ambrose falls asleep at the alter ...
444: Ax handle, from forest. A man asks the forest for wood to ma...
4440: Sleepers, Seven. Alpha # 283; JVitryGreven #p. 18; Recull # ...
4441: Sleeping and idle words. A monk prays to God that he may sta...
4442: Sleeping during matins. A monk, afraid of catching cold, sta...
4443: Sleeping during prayer. (Var.) A young monk fell asleep whil...
4444: Sleeping during tournament. A knight goes to sleep instead o...
4445: Sleeping in choir. A lay brother sees a cat sitting on the h...
4446: Sleeping on church stone. A knight spends Lent in a monaster...
4447: Sleeping monk and hogs. Hogs were seen around a monk who was...
4448: Sleeping potion given by devil. A monk sees the devil giving...
4449: Sloth, the causes of. Pelbart # 324....
445: Backbiting, by monks. A dead monk returns to tell of the ago...
4450: Smith, good. The death of a man who was a good smithy but a ...
4451: Snow child, legend of. A husband returning from a trip was t...
4452: Social classes, clergy, soldiers. God made three classes of ...
4453: Socrates and proud man. Socrates discusses with a proud man ...
4454: Socrates and venomous dragons. A mountain pass in Armenia is...
4455: Socrates at play. Alpha # 671.– Val. Max. VIII. 8 ex. 1....
4456: Socrates, disrespect unpunished. Socrates will not allow his...
4457: Socrates on marriage. Socrates dissusses the problems of mar...
4458: Socrates, wife of. Socrates is married to the king’s daughte...
4459: Sodom and Gomorrah, destruction of. Cf. H640 # 15; Lib. Ex. ...
446: Backs of poor washed. A simple monk washed the backs of the ...
4460: Solitude praised. A abbot maintains that solitude is better ...
4461: Solomon and Adonyas. Solomon battles with Adonyas over the s...
4463: Solomon and Sheba. Seelentrost (German) 214, 6; Thrøst (Swed...
4464: Solomon, fool in old age. Nicole # 95c....
4465: Solomon destroyed by women. Nicole # 21 a, # I I Ob....
4466: Solomon determines true mother. Seelentrost (German) 208, 25...
4467: Solomon receives wisdom from God. Seelentrost (German) 208, ...
4468: Solomon, temples of. The building of temples by Solomon. See...
4469: Solomon, wealth of. Seelentrost (German) 212, 16; Thrøst (Sw...
447: Bacon worn by knight. A foolish knight wears strips of bacon...
4470: Son beaten by father. A son fought against and defeated his ...
4471: Son begotten in forest. St. Francis, asked how his disciples...
4472: Son begs food at table. A man had two sons, one of whom begg...
4473: Son bites family. A nobleman sends two sons to school. One i...
4474: Son blinded by mother. A cruel mother blinds her son. Enx (G...
4475: Son called by dead mother. A son is called to his death by h...
4476: Son cast into water. A obedient man follows the abbot’s comm...
4477: Son cursed by father. A boy was seized by the devil when his...
4478: Son, drowned, revived. St. Martial revives the drowned son o...
4479: Son, election of opposed by father. Fabius Maximus opposes h...
448: Badger, defense of, against dogs. The badger defends himself...
4480: Son givenfields by father. Spec. Laic. # 412 (Welter)....
4481: Son, illegitimacy grieved. A lay brother grieved because he ...
4482: Son in perilous castle. A prince has two sons; the elder sta...
4483: Son, mad. A son goes mad and cuts himself; his father, to en...
4484: Son, of widow, redeemed by bishop. Bishop Paulinus of Nola s...
4485: Son plots against father. A son plots against his father. Th...
4486: Son presumed dead. A widow is told that her son has been sla...
4487: Son refuses to kill mother. A son refuses to kill his adulte...
4488: Son, spoiled, becomes criminal. A son, spoiled in childhood,...
4489: Son takes father to court. A son took his father to court fo...
449: Badger, greedy, and fox. A greedy badger is cheated out of t...
4490: Trojan War, excerpts from Dares Phrygius, concerning. Viatic...
4490: Son thanked by deadfather. A youth earns indulgences by serv...
4491: Son to rescue father. A knight captured by thieves writes ho...
4492: Son, unborn, to be killed. The Duke of Saxony, dreaming that...
4493: Son, ungrateful. A ungrateful son always finds excuses for n...
4494: Son, unteachable. H104 # 24....
4495: Song of siren. Nicole # 30a....
4496: Song on time converts brother. A brother is converted by hea...
4497: Song, punishment for listening. A dead girl appears to tell ...
4498: Sons and father’s soul. A dying rich man asks his three sons...
4499: Sons conceived in sin. A woman conceived in sin three sons w...
45: Actor and thieves. A actor told thieves that he did not see ...
450: Bailiff and king. The King of Spain compels his bailiff to m...
4500: Sons cured of tremors. A widow cured her ten sons who were a...
4501: Sons hanged. In the time of Henry III, the father of three s...
4502: Sons of high priest. The sons of the high priest sinned with...
4503: Sons of philosophers. Philosophers bear the sorrow of their ...
4504: Sons, rich and poor. A nobleman gives a great deal of money ...
4506: Sons tested by imprisoned father. A Roman pro consul discove...
4507: Sons torture father. Enx (G) # 365; Herzstein # 397; S.T.: P...
4508: Sophist sues pupil. Pictagoras, the sophist, sues his pupil ...
4509: Sophocles at Council. Alpha # 79; Recull # 66....
451: Bailiff and wife appear after death. The king’s bailiff and ...
4510: Sorcerers, deceptions of. EdeB # 233, # 357, # 358.– BP II, ...
4511: Sorceress aids devil. A sorceress wishes to aid the devil by...
4512: Sorceress cried out against. As a boy, St. Bernard cried out...
4513: Sorceress jumps out of basin. A sorceress, saying that she w...
4514: Sorceress mocked by priest. A priest makes fun of a sorceres...
4515: Sorceress taken Host. A sorceress, who has taken a consecrat...
4516: Soul and five senses, allegory of. A beautiful girl (soul) h...
4517: Soul and ship. A philosopher explains that his fear of the g...
4518: Soul as beautiful boy. The soul of a monk in the form of a b...
4519: Soul carried to mass. The soul of a sleeping girl left her b...
452: Bailiff, extortion of. A old woman tells a Cistercian archbi...
4520: Soul chastened by hermit. Disc. Cler. # 34 (Schwarzbaum III,...
4521: Soul, devil’s attacks on. A hermit comments on the persisten...
4522: Soul drawn forth with music. David is sent by God to draw th...
4523: Soul heard wailing in woods. A peasant passing through the w...
4524: Soul hindered from flying to heaven. St. Anthony sees a devi...
4525: Soul in boat. Monks gossiping by a riverside see devils carr...
4526: Soul in well. The soul of an abbot had to suffer in a well u...
4527: Soul joyous in purgatory. A hermit sees two souls in purgato...
4528: Soul not seen. “If you cannot see the soul in the living man...
4529: Soul of blind monk led from body. The soul of a blind monk w...
453: Bailiff, given ox. A bailiff is given an ox by one of the pa...
4530: Soul of convert received in heaven. The soul of a converted ...
4531: Soul of deacon, concerning. Spec. Laic. # 164....
4532: Soul of miser bequeathed to devil. A dying miser bequeaths h...
4533: Soul of pilgrim carried by angels. The Lord sends angels to ...
4534: Soul of vice ridden man damned. King Maximus was not able to...
4535: Soul ordered to devil. A dying mercenary ordered his soul to...
4536: Soul pulled from rich man’s body. A old saint saw demons pul...
4537: Soul replaced by devil. A clerk was moved to sing beautifull...
4538: Soul returns to body for crusade. A honest servant was drive...
4539: Soul shown heaven and hell. a.) The soul of a dying Cisterci...
454: Bailiff, hangs self A bailiff convicted of extortion hangs h...
4540: Soul sold by drunkard. A drunken man sells his soul for fort...
4541: Souls aid Christians. A man recites the “De Profundis” for C...
4542: Souls, birds representing. A hermit prays to be shown the se...
4543: Souls, earthly. A man asks God which saint in heaven he shou...
4544: Soulsfreed from purgatory by white saint. When on his way to...
4545: Souls in archbishop’s care. A archbishop is blamed by a bish...
4546: Souls in cemetery say Amen. Upon the death of a student accu...
4547: Souls of different shapes. The souls of the good and of the ...
4548: Souls of priest and mistress carried off. The souls of a Lon...
4549: Souls of saints introduced. The angels introduce the souls o...
455: Bailiff, oppressive death of. H491 # 154....
4550: Souls presented to God. A nun in ecstasy saw an angel presen...
4551: Souls seen leaving bodies. A monk saw the souls of sinners l...
4552: Souls, transmigration of. A knight, who was an Albigensian h...
4553: Souls wrenched from bodies. Souls in hell are wrenched from ...
4554: Sow, pregnant. A wolf offers his services to a pregnant sow....
4555: Sowers, parable of two. Lib. Ex. # 151....
4556: Sparrows excommunicated. a.) Bishop excommunicates the sparr...
4557: Spear shaft, king lays down. A king lays down his spear shaf...
4558: Spears growing leaves. Tab. Ex. # 274....
4559: Spectacles, watching of, forbidden. Great natural calamities...
456: Bailiffs, compared to bear. H378 # 72....
4560: Speech lost by heretics. Heretics disputing with Christians ...
4561: Speech lost by monk. A quarrelsome monk is struck dumb and d...
4562: Speech lost from plundering. A provost, after receiving land...
4563: Speech lost from slandering. A matron who slandered an abbot...
4564: Speech restored by St. Bernard. A priest, who had left monas...
4565: Speech restored by St. John the Baptist. Alpha # 401; cf. Ed...
4566: Speech restored to monk at death. A dying monk was given the...
4567: Speech restored to preachers. Preachers had their tongues cu...
4568: Spices smelled. On Easter morning a priest smells the odor o...
457: Baker’s aid, cleans oven. A layman becomes a monk and is giv...
4570: Spider fears bumblebee or wasp. H36 # 17; Odo (F) # 48b (Her...
4571: Spider invites wasp to rest on her “while curtain”. H40 # 26...
4572: Spider, venomous. A Cistercian monk has a vision in which Be...
4573: Spider, web of shattered by gust of wind. H44 # 21, H74 # 16...
4574: Spiritualists accused. Spiritualists are accused of world ne...
4575: Spoon, silver. A man does homage to the devil by giving him ...
4576: Sports, three forms of hunting, hawking and fishing. H121 # ...
4577: Spring, color red. A spring in Sardinia gushes more abundant...
4578: Spying, cool at noon. A spring in India, hot at sunrise, coo...
4579: Spring of king poisoned. Enemies, wishing to kill the king, ...
458: Bald man and fly. A fly annoys a bald man and derides him fo...
4580: Springs, hot, lord, dead, condemned to serve at. (See also: ...
4581: Springs of wisdom and foolishness. There are two springs, on...
4582: Springs, two, magic. There are two magic springs in Sicily o...
4583: Squire, garrulous. A knight has a garrulous squire who inter...
4584: Squirrel crosses sea. Using his tail as a sail, a squirrel c...
4585: Staff and pouch. A noble woman harmed by a tyrant is aided b...
4586: Staff as first course. Instead of the first course of his me...
4587: Staff, blooming, of St. Christopher. St. Christopher and the...
4588: Staffs, of bishops, needed. A canon dreamed that two dead bi...
459: Ball, golden, for fool. A dying emperor gives his son a gold...
4590: Stag and dogs. A stag likes the barking of pursuing dogs. H4...
4591: Stag, blood of, keeps serpents away. (See also: 4270). H124 ...
4592: Stag helps other stags. Nicole # 38....
4593: Stag in heat loses weight. Nicole # 39....
4594: Stag in trap. A stag is enticed into a trap by a hunter. Nic...
4595: Stag only hears when ears are erect. H162 # 84; Nicole # 37a...
4596: Stag, refuge in stable. A fleeing stag seeks refuge in a cow...
4597: Stag refuses beer. A tame stag, accustomed to eating bread a...
4598: Stag weighed down by age. Pelbart # 21....
4599: Stag wounded twice. A stag is wounded in the ear and foot by...
46: Actor, entry with devil. A steward asks an actor seeking ent...
460: Ballplayer and benefactor. Just as a good ballplayer makes c...
4600: Stags, fat, in poor meadow. Hunters see fat stags in a poor ...
4601: Stain like sin. Sin in a monk is compared to a stain on a wh...
4602: Stake, burning, in mouth. A dying man saw a devil threatenin...
4603: Stake, burning, torments. A sick man is tormented by the dev...
4604: Stalactite drips without loss of size. Nicole # 80a....
4605: Stalk watered. A dry stalk is planted by an abbot. His obedi...
4606: Standing, thirty years in order. A priest asked an older pri...
4607: Suicide, girl saved from. A girl was saved from suicide by t...
4607: Star after sunset. A very bright star appeared after sunset....
4608: Star over singers. On the night of Christmas Eve, a prior se...
4609: Stars, as many sheep wished. Two brothers are together one s...
461: Balm tree of Mesopotamia. The balm tree grows only in Mesopo...
4610: Statue of Christ erected. A brazen statue with Christ on top...
4611: Statue, shadow of and treasure. A Saracen captive notes wher...
4612: Statues of months. Statues representing each of the twelve m...
4613: Statues offer golden dishes. A man took the golden dishes an...
4614: Statues robbed. Dionysius robs three statues and is put to d...
4615: Steadfastness of monk, concerning. Spec. Laic. # 332 (Welter...
4616: Steam kettle: or soldering iron (general observation). JVitr...
4617: Stephen, St., body to Rome. A emperor’s daughter has a demon...
4618: Stepmother poisons children. A stepmother gives her stepchil...
4619: Steps, leading to heaven, vision of. (See also: 2973). Herzs...
462: Balsam, yearly tribute of. The yearly tribute of balsam for ...
4620: Stepson becomes physician. A emperor banishes his son to ple...
4621: Stepson neglected. A empress dies in childbirth; the emperor...
4622: Stepsons promised to devil. A poor woman gives her three ste...
4623: Sticks unbreakable when bound. Apologue of the five sticks, ...
4624: Stomach of holy man stroked. The devil strokes the stomach o...
4625: Stone allays discord. A stone called “eptistos” allays disco...
4626: Stone in ear. A blind man illuminated the Old and New Testam...
4627: Stone in mouth. A monk carries a stone in his mouth for thre...
4628: Stone kills knight after confession. When the King of Castil...
4629: Stone moved for penance. A penitent, refusing a difficult pe...
463: Banquet, deserted. A hermit ostentatiously refuses wine at a...
4630: Stone of knowledge. A man was the butt of scholars for his s...
4631: Stone on chest, world like. A pious lay brother, confident o...
4632: Stone priest cured of. A priest is cured of gallstones by th...
4633: Stone set on fire. a.) A stone is set on fire by water and c...
4634: Stone, virtues of. Virtues of stone bequeathed to Nero. H480...
4635: Stone, vision of. A sick man is burned by the vision of a st...
4636: Stone, water, heart. Concerning an abbot, stone, water and t...
4637: Stone carried by servant. A clerk makes a servant carry ston...
4638: Stones offered for foundation. A citizen offers great stones...
4639: Stoning, punishment by. A man, punished by stoning, is more ...
464: Baptism, boy defecates at. At his baptism, a boy defecated i...
4640: Stork, adulterous. A adulterous stork is betrayed when she c...
4641: Stork drop eel. A cat tries to cajole a stork into dropping ...
4642: Stork, eyes pecked out. A stork pecks out its mate’s eye and...
4643: Stork, faithful to its mate. Nicole # 134a....
4644: Stork nourished by her young. H21 # 180; JVitryCrane #260 ....
4645: Storks blessed by prior. Storks would not leave the monaster...
4646: Storks escorted by crows. Crows escort storks when crossing ...
4647: Storks hatching young, lose all theirfeathers. H163 # 100....
4648: Storm at sea, harlot causes. A storm is caused by an unknown...
4649: Storm at sea, Virgin aids. During a storm at sea monks praye...
465: Baptism, child’s lack of. A child who dies before he is bapt...
4650: Storm kills disobedient monk. A disobedient monk moves into ...
4651: Stom demons driven away by Host. H618 # 168....
4652: Straw heaped on burning house. A fool heaped straw and wood ...
4653: Straw, novice laid on. A novice, struck by a falling torch, ...
4654: Straw man, dancing around. In a certain village, people were...
4655: Stream crossed b three brothers. In a vision a hermit sees t...
4656: Strength from chastity. Godefroy of Bouillon tells the Sarac...
4657: Strength in herbs. A juggler begs alms of Emperor Frederick ...
4658: String of wolf’s skin. A cithara string, made of wolf’s skin...
4659: Stroke, paralytic, as divine order. Robert de Burwelle inter...
466: Baptism, head of dead man appears for. Pelbart # 14....
4660: Study abandoned by archdeacon. A archdeacon comes to Paris t...
4661: Suetonius and emperor. Suetonius tells the emperor that he i...
4662: Suffering shortened to one day. God shortened the twelve mon...
4663: Suffocation of clerk. A clerk promises to forsake a harlot b...
4664: Suicide attempted on bell rope. A monk hanged himself on the...
4665: Suicide desired by couple. A man and wife resolve to hang th...
4666: Suicide, girl repudiated by lover. A young girl gave birth t...
4668: Suicide halted by St. Paul. A man is saved from suicidal imp...
4669: Suicide of gambling youth. A youth gambled away his clothes ...
467: Baptism in church. A believer must be baptized in church. Al...
4670: Suicide of merciless man. A merciless man kills himself, lea...
4671: Suicide, wife attempts. A wife attempts to fulfill a pledge ...
4672: Suicide, woman saved from. H395 # 372 (Spec. Laic.), H524 # ...
4673: Sun excommunicated. St. Ambrose excommunicates the sun; it i...
4674: Sun, eyes fixed on. A monk had such strong eyes that he coul...
4675: Sun, golden ring around. At the birth of Christ a golden rin...
4676: Sun in three parts. The sun appeared to King Philip in three...
4677: Sun, marriage of. The marriage of the sun and the grief of t...
4678: Sun obscured by clouds. The clouds obscure the sun, but the ...
4679: Sun represented by ancients. Macrobius tells us that the anc...
468: Baptism, invisible. A unbaptized priest was considered saved...
4680: Sun still at hermit’s bidding. The sun stands still at the b...
4681: Sun veiled by St. Peter. Alpha # 627; Recull # 554.– Toldo, ...
4682: Sunshine sold. A bailiff persuades his lord to obtain revenu...
4683: Sunshine, weeping at. A fool wept at sunshine and laughed at...
4684: Susanna falsely accused. Two priests falsely accused Susanna...
4685: Swallow and bill. Alpha # 355; CHeist-X #59; Recull # 307....
4686: Swallow and hemp seed. A swallow vainly urges other birds to...
4687: Swallows singing. St. Francis and the singing swallows near ...
4688: Swearing at confession. A woman cannot break herself of the ...
4689: Swearing not to swear. A peasant swore to God that he would ...
469: Baptisrn of many. People were baptized with a mere sprinklin...
4690: Swineherd becomes abbot. A swineherd became an abbot after h...
4691: Sword carried by priest. A priest was frightened of the devi...
4692: Sword, drawn, of mother in law. Aev. # 65; Disc. Cler. (Schw...
4693: Sword, husband deceived by. Two lovers, a knight and his pag...
4694: Sword, knight’s strength with. A knight can cut a horsehoe i...
4695: Sword of Christ held by Virgin. The image of the Virgin was ...
4696: Sword of knight. Spectres of a knight and a lady seen by a c...
4697: Sword proves innocence. A sword miraculously dulled at execu...
4698: Syrup of Virgin. The Virgin first refused her syrup to a mon...
4699: Table, golden, from sea. Fishermen drew a golden table from ...
47: Actors, bad, prelates as. A actor wishes that all prelates w...
470: Baptism of pagan. A pagan was baptized at Babylon and healed...
4700: Table, golden, refused. A golden table for the wisest is ref...
4701: Table set by three matrons. A monk, singing psalms, saw a ta...
4702: Tables found in house. A man finds four tablets with the ins...
4703: Taboo, speaking. Enx (G) # 270, # 350....
4704: Tales, good examples. Tales are used as good examples in ser...
4705: Talisman to open locked doors. A woman asks a clerk for a ta...
4706: Talking, punishment for. Monks are punished for talking too ...
4707: Tall girls, town of. A man went to a town of tall girls and ...
4708: Tasks, menial, give joy. A count in a monastery believes tha...
4709: Tasks, three. Suitors must perform three tasks: 1) change th...
471: Baptism, paralysis cured by. A comedian is cured of paralysi...
4710: Teachers of philosopher. Fear, Shame, and Love are the three...
4711: Teaching better than beating. A monk prevented boys from bei...
4712: Teaching, living by. A abbot lives a holy life by constantly...
4713: Tear fills barrel. At confession a rich man begging for an e...
4714: Tears drive away devil. As smoke drives a man from his house...
4715: Tears drunk by Child. A vision of the Virgin and Child is se...
4716: Tears extinguish fire in purgatory. A man in ecstasy sees hi...
4717: Tears, grace of. A monk obtained the grace of tears through ...
4718: Tears hollow out stones. A king wept so many tears for the s...
4719: Tears judged by Christ. A weeping woman, contemplating the P...
472: Baptism, penance for neglect of. A bishop will not interrupt...
4720: Tears of contrition. A holy doctor expelled a demon from an ...
4721: Tears save pagan. A hermit questions a dead pagan and weeps ...
4722: Templar and over fasting. A templar is so weakened by overfa...
4723: Templar, knight taken for. A French knight, captured by Sara...
4724: Templar, soul returned to body. A Templar, who had died as a...
4725: Templars hanged before gate. Saracens besieged in Ascalon ca...
4726: Temple burned. A desperate man burns down the temple of Dian...
4727: Temple dishonored by Pompey. Pompey was no longer victorious...
4728: Temple overthrown by St. John. St. John overthrows the templ...
4729: Temple, Roman, fall of. When the Virgin bears her child, the...
473: Baptism refused. Aigolandus refuses baptism when he observes...
4730: Temple, Roman, words on wall of. In a Roman temple containin...
4731: Temple to honorfather. King Ninus honored his father by buil...
4732: Temptation by hearing of sin. A girl was unaware of certain ...
4733: Temptation by women, resisted. (Var.) a.) A man triumphs ove...
4734: Temptation of fornication, abbot resists. Enx (M) # 30; Lib....
4735: Temptation of man by servant girl. A lay brother, bringing a...
4736: Temptation of monk. A monk rebukes the brothers who succumb ...
4737: Temptation resisted and crown. A old hermit teaches his pupi...
4738: Temptation resisted by cold water. The lady of a castle, att...
4739: Temptation resisted by discipline. Temptation of the flesh i...
474: Baptism, requested in jest. St. Genesius is converted when h...
4740: Temptation resisted by jasting. Temptation causes a monk to ...
4741: Temptation resisted by fire. (Var.) A monk, tempted in his c...
4742: Temptation resisted by exposure to heat. Zeno stands in the ...
4743: Temptation resisted by meditation. A monk, weeping because o...
4744: Temptation resisted by mutilation. (Variations.) a.) A devil...
4745: Temptation resisted by grace. Alpha # 14; H408 # vii, H411 #...
4746: Temptation resisted by repeating words. A wise man said that...
4747: Temptation resisted by self punishment. A hermit in self pun...
4748: Temptation resisted by snow. St. Francis threw himself into ...
4749: Temptation resisted by vision of Christ. A nun is delivered ...
475: Baptism, revival for. A dead prince revives in order to be b...
4750: Temptation, young and old monks. A young monk leaves his ord...
4751: Temptations, complaint to Christ about. A simple lay brother...
4752: Temptations warned of. A monk, who knew the thoughts and pra...
4753: Tenant, alms only possession. A tenant was required to give ...
4754: Testaccio, Mount, Roman carnival on. Games and ceremonies wi...
4755: Thanks to God. A poor girl tells a king’s son why she gives ...
4756: Tharsilla, death of. H454 # 3.– Gregory, Dial. IV, 16....
4757: Theft, boy condemned for. A nine year old boy was condemned ...
4758: Theft, clerk accused. A obsessed woman, gifted with clairvoy...
4759: Theft during confession. A man steals a priest’s knife while...
476: Baptism with sand. A monk baptized with sand is later baptiz...
4760: Theft, friar expelled for. A friar was expelled from the mon...
4761: Theft from church. St. Laurence and St. Agnes are offended w...
4762: Theft from church punished in hell. A earl is punished in he...
4763: Theft, servants compete in. Students’ servants compete in st...
4764: Theodora, trial of. Alpha # 599; Recull # 528.– Toldo, Archi...
4765: Theodoric carried dead through streets. Theodoric was carrie...
4766: Theodoric, conversion of. Theodoric attended a funeral of a ...
4767: Theodoric hurled into hell. In a vision Pope John I and Symm...
4768: Theodorus, St., asked by St. Macarius for three manuscripts....
4769: Theodosia, St., concerning virgin. Pelbart # 352....
477: Barbara, St., tortured by father. St. Barbara is tortured by...
4770: Theodosius and citizens of Antioch. The citizens of Antioch ...
4771: Theodosius and St. Ambrose. At the bidding of St. Ambrose, E...
4772: Theodosius defeats Maximus. Absalom is misled by the counsel...
4773: Theodosius, victory through wind. Emperor Theodosius defeats...
4774: Theodosius, wife’s charity and piety. H664 # 224....
4775: Theology forsaken for the classics. A bishop forsakes theolo...
4776: Theophanius, Count, death of. H455 # 20....
4777: Thief and hermit. A thief will accept from a hermit only the...
4778: Thief and moonbeam. A thief is deceived into trying to slide...
4779: Thief and saint. St. Ludger hears a thief’s confession at th...
478: Barbarians, expeditions against. Concerning Emperors Valeriu...
4780: Thief attacks deliverer. A thief who was saved from the gall...
4781: Thief, burial of. The Virgin appeared in order to give an ex...
4782: Thief caught hesitating. a.) A thief, stopping to admire bea...
4783: Thief converted by gentle hermit. A thief was converted by a...
4785: Thief damned for disbelief. A thief considered himself damne...
4786: Thief decapitated by priest’s stole. A thief attempts to rob...
4787: Thief, devil, and hermit. The devil tells a thief that he is...
4788: Thief dies unrepentant. A thief dies unrepentant on the gall...
4789: Thief, drunken. A suspected thief, made drunk, betrays himse...
479: Barber, charitable, rewarded. A barber gave one tenth of his...
4791: Thief, greater and lesser. Socrates says that a great thief ...
4792: Thief, hands kissed by hermit. A dying hermit kisses the han...
4793: Thief, head rolling downhill. A thief, found asleep by his e...
4794: Thief killed by friar. A thief tried to steal a friar’s cloa...
4795: Thief meets Virgin. A hermit is persuaded by the devil to le...
4796: Thief of silver Virgin image. A thief tries to carry off a s...
4797: Thief penitent before cross. A penitent thief threw himself ...
4798: Thief returns to monastery. An abbot visits the leader of a ...
4799: Thief reveals devil’s plot. A mother curses her weeping chil...
48: Actors, unpraiseworthy. Actors are like those who do not wan...
480: Barber, customer of, with eyes in back of head. A dishonest ...
4800: Thief, sanctuary for forty days. A thief who is given sanctu...
4801: Thief set free. Because of a sincere confession, a thief was...
4802: Thief, silver goblet asked for. Two thieves stole a silver g...
4803: Thief throws companion into ditch and ridicules him. Nicole ...
4804: Thief rides to gallows on horseback, mocks those walking. ML...
4805: Thief, tribulations of. Sufferings of thief to stay alive; h...
4807: Thieves as monks. A robber count disguises himself and his m...
4808: Thieves as women. A peasant is robbed by thieves disguised a...
4809: Thieves attack monk. A monk devoted to the Virgin was attack...
481: Barber, gives penny shave. A barber finds it more profitable...
4810: Thieves chased by hermit. A hermit runs after thieves with h...
4811: Thieves, compassion toward. A simple minded cellarer did not...
4812: Thieves driven away by monk. A blind monk, unable to wake up...
4813: Thieves driven from church. A priest drives thieves from chu...
4814: Thieves falsely condemned. Two men, condemned to death as th...
4815: Thieves, leader of, and St. Apollonius. Spec. Laic. # 103 (W...
4816: Thieves lure clerk into haunt. H404 # 543; JVitryCrane #168 ...
4817: Thieves plan to rob priest. Two thieves planned to rob a pri...
4818: Thieves rob peasant. Three thieves rob a peasant without his...
4819: Thieves struck insane. Thieves who had stolen a cross became...
482: Barber, half shaves usurer. H74 # 166 (Odo); Odo (P) # 151 (...
4820: Thieves thrown from shore. In certain regions thieves are th...
4821: Thirst unknown. Solinus tells of some whose constitutions ar...
4822: Thistle controls hair growth. Nicole # 91a....
4823: Thistle increases sensuality. Nicole # 96a....
4824: Thomas, St., communion given by corpse. The church in India,...
4825: Thomas, St., conducted to heaven. A hermit’s ministrant ange...
4826: Thomas, St., rejoicing in heaven. An archdeacon appears afte...
4827: Thomas Becket, gift to charlatan. Thomas Becket justifies hi...
4828: Thomas Becket, jewel of. During his banishment from the cour...
4829: Thomas Becket, love gift of Virgin to. H701 # 8.– Ward II, 6...
483: Barber, praises dead usurer. When a usurer dies, the only on...
4830: Thomas Becket, martyrdom of. At the requiem mass of Thomas B...
4831: Thomas Becket praises beauty of mistress. St. Thomas A Becke...
4832: Thomas Becket tempted. While chancellor, Thomas A Becket is ...
4833: Thorn proud of blossom, fig tree of its fruit. H709 # 2....
4834: Thorn punished. A thorn, having pricked a mercenary, is puni...
4835: Thornbush andyoung man. A lustful youth involved with bad wo...
4836: Thornbush, knight led through. A demon in the guise of a pri...
4837: Thornbush, monk rescued from. A monk promised to dedicate hi...
4838: Thorns cleared. A son learns to clear a field which is cover...
4839: Thorns of Christ’s crown. A bag containing some thorns from ...
484: Barlaam, age of. Barlaam, when he is more than seventy years...
4840: Thorns, man crawls through to resist temptation. (See also: ...
4841: Thoughts, control of. Thoughts cannot be controlled anymore ...
4842: Thoughts, evil, mind closed to. Just as a man would never op...
4843: Thoughts, impure, nun damned for. A dead nun appears in torm...
4844: Thoughts of a saint lip read by the devil. H496 # 214....
4845: Thoughts purified by scourging. A monk is scourged daily to ...
4846: Thoughts read by clairvoyant. A woman marvelled at a clairvo...
4847: Thoughts, vain, conquered. A man conquers vain thoughts by m...
4848: Thoughts, wandering. A hermit advises three penitents on how...
4849: Thread, ball of, claimed. Two women claim a ball of thread. ...
485: Barlaam and Josaphat (Excerpt). Viaticum # 67....
4850: Thread, red. A knight, who had cut off a man’s foot in anger...
4851: Throat gripped by devil. A saint sees a devil gripping a wom...
4852: Throat cutting like sound of harp. A monk left the monastery...
4853: Thumb on altar. A woman praying for a relic of St. John the ...
4854: Thunder saves cellarer. A cellarer was saved from thieves by...
4855: Thunderstorm, fear of. The Virgin appeared to a priest to al...
4856: Thunderstorm, three men in. Of three men in a thunderstorm, ...
4857: Thuringia, Ludwig of. The tyrannical landgrave of Thuringia,...
4858: Thuringia, Ludwig of, visited in hell. An impoverished knigh...
4859: Tiberius, cruel emperor. Before becoming emperor, Tiberius w...
486: Barlaam converts Josaphat. The father of Josaphat attempts t...
4860: Tiberius, dead son’s friends. Tiberius bids his dead son’s f...
4861: Tiberius, inventor beheaded. Tiberius has the inventor of du...
4862: Tiburcius, tribulations of and death of Reparatus. Spec. Lai...
4863: Tide forbidden to rise. A king forbids the rising tide to we...
4864: Tide, woman caught in. A woman, caught unexpectedly in the’ ...
4865: Tigress and mirror. Hunters escape from a tigress, whose cub...
4866: Time, lost, concerning. Pelbart # 393....
4867: Tithes, reluctant payer of. A devil seizes a reluctant tithe...
4869: Titus destroys Rome. Seelentrost (German) 182, 19; Thrøst (S...
487: Barley, full measure of. A dying judge can say only, “A full...
4870: Titus, entry into Jerusalem. Upon his entry into Jerusalem, ...
4871: Titus, health restored. A man restored the health of Titus b...
4872: Titus, virtues of. Titus was a man of forgiveness, charity, ...
4874: Toad, bone cools water. A toad’s bone, thrown into hot water...
4875: Toad, convert’s meditation over. JVitryFrencken #35; JVitryG...
4876: Toad found in bottle of drunken priest. (See also: 4274). CH...
4877: Toad in corpse’s mouth. The widow of an oppressive bailiff h...
4878: Toad in hen at feast. A scholar arrived late at a long and s...
4879: Toad, man’s thankfulness for. A man can be thankful even at ...
488: Barn full after tithes. St. Anselm finds the barns half empt...
4880: Toad on count’s corpse. At the consecration of the church at...
4881: Toad on jewish altar. A toad was found on the altar of the J...
4882: Toad on miser’s treasure. A miserly peasant finds a devil in...
4884: Toad persecutes enemy. Theoderic Cancer was persecuted by a ...
4885: Toad receives water from frog who refuses earth in return. H...
4886: Toad seen in vision. In a vision a sleeping man saw a large ...
4887: Toad wounded by harrow. H36 # 25; Odo (F) # 53 (Herv. IV, p....
4888: Toads at breasts. A woman bears two sons in adultery; her fi...
4889: Toads feeding dead usurer. In the grave of a usurer, who had...
489: Barn with devil burned. St. Udalric, Bishop of Augsburg, see...
4890: Toads fill provost’s tomb. An oppressive provost dies and a ...
4891: Toads from bread. A usurer repents when he finds his bread t...
4892: Toll for physical defects. A hunchback refuses to pay a penn...
4893: Tomb, counsel dragged from. The counsel of a cathedral is dr...
4894: Tomb, girl enclosed in. Spec. Laic. # 92, # 484 (Welter)....
4895: Tomb, man with red eyes. Ten sinners see a man with red eyes...
4896: Tomb painted. A clerk has a tomb made and has it covered wit...
4897: Tomb, penitent sinner in. A penitent sinner shuts himself up...
4898: Tongue, bitter and spiced. A servant presents both spiced an...
4899: Tongue cut by servant. After his death an extortionate serva...
49: Adder as paternity test. A adder approaches St. Paul without...
490: Barnacle on ship. A barnacle clings to a ship until it is fu...
4900: Tongue cut out and bishopric. A holy man threatens to cut ou...
4901: Tongue given by Virgin. The Virgin gave a clerk a new tongue...
4902: Tongue held by devil. Four devils around a sinner’s deathbed...
4903: Tongue in purse. A priest overhears a devil boasting in coun...
4904: Tongue not paralyzed. A blasphemer, who had said “Ave Maria,...
4905: Tongue of lawyer. (Var.) A dying lawyer’s tongue becomes par...
4906: Tongue of Virgin sworn by. A blaspheming innkeeper, who swor...
4907: Tongue on fire. (Var.) A dead detractor appears to a sacrist...
4908: Tongue released too soon. A bird catcher does not release th...
4909: Tongue, sayings about. Sayings of “Antitanes,” “Diogenes,” a...
491: Barrel and false preacher. A false preacher delivers a sermo...
4910: Tongue sold for oats. In a lawsuit a man sells his tongue fo...
4911: Tongue spit at temptress. A tempted man bites out his tongue...
4912: Tongue, use and abuse. Discourse on the use and abuse of the...
4913: Tongue with open door. The tongue should not be behind an op...
4914: Tongues restored. The tongues of two bishops, pulled out by ...
4915: Tongues, unbridled, of nuns. Two nuns with unbridled tongues...
4916: Tongues, worst meet. A servant, sent to buy the best meat in...
4917: Tonsure refused by novice. A novice, who had refused to have...
4918: Tools of peace and war. God is blamed for creating good and ...
4919: Tooth, husband parts with. A woman, telling her husband she ...
492: Barrenness of wife. Heleanus consoles his wife who is barren...
4920: Toothache cured at saint’s tomb. A monk, suffering from a to...
4921: Torches approach old man (death omen). Spec. Laic. # 320 (We...
4922: Torment, eternal. A man tells Jacques de Vitry that he was c...
4923: Tortoise uses feelers to avoid thorns. H36 # 16; Odo (F) # 4...
4924: Tortoise with house on back. H36 # 15; Odo (F) # 48 (Herv. I...
4925: Tournament and knight. A knight, who stopped to honor the Vi...
4926: Tournament, angel as knight. A knight is impersonated at a t...
4927: Tournament, delight in. A knight is cured of his delight in ...
4928: Tournament, knight’s son killed in. A nobleman kills the son...
4929: Tournament, leg broken in. A knight met a priest who tried t...
493: Basilisk, deadly venom of. H164 # 108....
4930: Tournament of dead. A priest had a vision in which the dead ...
4931: Tournament of devils. The devils have a great tournament whe...
4932: Tower escaped. A man escapes from a tower with the aid of St...
4933: Tower, girl jumps from. A girl jumped from the window of a t...
4934: Tower, man leaps from. Trusting in the devil’s aid, a man le...
4935: Tower of St. Andrew. At the vigil of St. Matthew, thunder an...
4936: Tower swallowed up daily. A king wishes to build a tower but...
4937: Tower with eight sides. A tower with eight sides is compared...
4938: Towers with gold and silver. A knight, entrusted with two to...
4939: Trance of priest celebrating mass. A priest falls into a tra...
494: Basilisk, genesis of. The basilisk is hatched from an asp’s ...
4940: Trance, sick monk in. A sick monk, who had always been devot...
4941: Transubstantiation, doctrine of, concerning. (See also: 2669...
4942: Transubstantiation, vision of. A vision of Transubstantiatio...
4943: Transubstantiation, woman convinced of. A woman gives St. Gr...
4944: Traveller errs at cross road. A traveller at crossroads errs...
4945: Traveller, weeping. A traveller weeps when he sees Mary of O...
4946: Travellers to defend priest. A priest expects his fellow tra...
4947: Treasure, coin into pile of. A dissolute man threw a coin in...
4948: Treasure distributed. Concerning the miraculous way in which...
4949: Treasure found by dog. A pauper’s dog found a treasure. Upon...
495: Basilisk, killed by own reflection. A basilisk that causes m...
4950: Treasure found under cross. Emperor Tiberlus was rewarded fo...
4951: Treasure given to imposter. A wealthy miser’s steward, mista...
4952: Treasure, hiding place revealed. A woman borrows money and, ...
4953: Treasure hoarded. A man, who dreamed he would live long, beg...
4954: Treasure in tree. A miser is told by a devil that his treasu...
4955: Treasure in well. A knight dreaming of a treasure hidden in ...
4956: Treasure lost by sinning. By relapsing into sin a Begulne lo...
4957: Treasure of dying man. A dying man sees his friends stealing...
4959: Treasure promised to hermit. A devil promises a hermit treas...
496: Basilisk, nourished by monk. A monk nourishes a basilisk and...
4960: Treasure, rejoicing over loss of’. A wealthy king of the Got...
4961: Treasure restored by trustee. A fraudulent trustee is tricke...
4962: Treasure sent away. A dying man tells his treasure that, sin...
4963: Treasure spent on poor. A youth spent the treasure left him ...
4964: Treasure stolen by youngest son. One of three sons stole one...
4965: Treasure taken away. Treasure given to a knight by the devil...
4968: Treasure welded together. A voice was heard on Mount Gyber o...
4969: Treasure chest full of stones. A pilgrim recovers a thousand...
497: Baskets of palm leaves. In order to banish idle thoughts, a ...
4970: Treasure chest kicked by abbot. On his deathbed, a wanton ab...
4971: Tree, bloodflowing from. A servant is sent out by a monk to ...
4972: Tree called “agnus castus”. H123 # 36....
4973: Tree from diadem. In an ecstasy, a virgin saw a crystalline ...
4974: Tree of life, vision of by abbot. Klapper, Erz. # 41....
4975: Tree of unrepentant sinners. In a vision, a monk sees an unr...
4976: Tree protects doves. A tree in India feeds the doves and, wi...
4977: Tree, Virgin image carved on. A knight carves an image of th...
4978: Tree, wives hang themselves on. A man tells how his three wi...
4979: Trees allegorized. a.) Four kinds of trees are allegorized a...
498: Baskets sold by count’s son. A count’s son, after joining a ...
4980: Trees at philosophers’ gate allegorized. Klapper. Erz. # 204...
4981: Trees of sun and moon consulted as oracles. H170 # 39....
4982: Tribunal, vision of. An abbot had a vision of the divine tri...
4983: Tribune kills wife and daughter. A tribune, seeing his wife ...
4984: Tribute of Tiberius. Tiberius will not increase the tribute ...
4985: Trinity, Holy Spirit in. A monk explains the Holy Spirit as ...
4986: Trinity, meditation on. A man, meditating on the mystery of ...
4987: Trinity, sacrament revealed. The sacrament of the Holy Trini...
4988: Reward for almsgiving. a) A reward in the form of restored h...
4988: Trinity, youth asked to renounce. An impoverished youth was ...
4989: Trajan and widow. A widow convinces the emperor Trajan that ...
499: Bastard bequeathed mong. A rich man bequeaths some money and...
4991: Trousers, Beguille throws over head. Hurrying to night servi...
4992: Troy and Assaracus. Assaracus planned to build Troy. Pelbart...
4993: Truce with God. St. Bernard persuades a nobleman to make a t...
4994: Trumpet of doom (Sword of Damodes). The story of the king wh...
4995: Trumpet, second, not sounded. Doomsday is postponed by Chris...
4996: Trumpet, use of forbidden. A ruler forbids all trumpet playi...
4997: Trumpets of hell. A dying clerk said that the trumpets of he...
4998: Tundalus of Ireland, vision of. Viaticum # 36....
4999: Tunic given to priest’s successor. A dead priest appeared to...
5: Abbess led before God. A pious abbess is led before God afte...
50: Adder found in wilderness. Two religious brothers are unharm...
500: Bastard son revealed. The alleged son of a king is proved to...
5000: Tunic of fool. Philip the fool does not know himself when dr...
5001: Tunic of nun reveals nudity. A pious nun put her tunic on so...
5002: Tunic of St. Peter given to ship wrecked man. Lib. Ex. # 126...
5003: Tunic of Virgin. Chartres was saved from the Romans when the...
5004: Tunic ordered cut for communion. An archbishop sees a man ap...
5005: Tunic, sister of. A monk says to a luxury loving abbot, “I a...
5006: Tunic with donkey heads. A master gave his fool a new tunic ...
5007: Turks converted. The Turks saw the Christian army surrounded...
5008: Turtle dove at death of mate withdraws into solitude. Nicole...
5009: Turtle dove mates only one female. Nicole # 135a....
501: Bat as bird and beast. In a war between the birds and the be...
5010: Twin brothers, same illness. Twin brothers fall victim to th...
5011: Tyrant, concerning. When a man said to a passerby, “Tyrant,”...
5012: Tyrant softened by love. Love changes a tyrant into a mild r...
5013: Tyre, history of. Foundation and early history of Tyre. H160...
5013: Virgin, Blessed, appears with mutilated Child. A rich man, a...
5014: Tyre struck by earthquake. The immoral town of Tyre was stru...
5015: Udo of Magdeburg, warnings ignored. Bishop Udo of Saxony hea...
5016: Ugly man seen as he really is. A holy but ugly man embraces ...
5017: Ulcers licked by dogs. A rich man tried to drive away beggar...
5018: Ulysses and Circe. Gesta (l) # 136; Gesta (O) # 237; H111 # ...
5019: Uncle and father. A rich man’s son is disowned for helping h...
502: Bat singes wings at fire. Nicole # 112a....
5020: Uncle killed for money. A treacherous nephew kills his kind ...
5021: Unicorn caught by its horns. H39 # 14, H44 # 24, 1 174 # 171...
5022: Unicorn, man chased by. A man, chased by a unicorn, falls in...
5023: Unicorn tamed by virgins. Two naked virgins tame and kill a ...
5024: Unmarried men eligible to be king. H12 7 # 70....
5025: Usurer acquitted through bribery. A usurer is denounced but ...
5026: Usurer and interest. A usurer saves his money in order that ...
5027: Usurer and son in hell, curse each other. (See also: 1481). ...
5028: Usurer, body given to monks. A knight meets monks bearing a ...
5029: Usurer, body too heavy. A usurer’s body is too heavy for nei...
503: Bath in blood. A lovesick empress is cured by bathing in the...
5030: Usurer buried by Hell and Death. A usurer dies suddenly and ...
5031: Usurer buried in church. (Var.) A usurer bribes monks so tha...
5032: Usurer considers confession useless. A usurer was shown the ...
5033: Usurer consumed by fire. A dying usurer, pretending to accep...
5034: Usurer, damned, blinds priest. A dead usurer appears to the ...
5035: Usurer damned for good deeds. A wealthy usurer was damned be...
5036: Usurer, dying, riches no help. A dying usurer begs his wealt...
5037: Usurer, dying, surrounded by devils. A Roman usurer’s deathb...
5038: Usurer eaten by adders. A penitent usurer is eaten by adders...
5039: Usurer eats gold in hell. A dead usurer is fed molten gold (...
504: Bath in hell. A man in hell is condemned to ba the people fo...
5040: Usurer, fat, bragging. An excommunicated usurer brags about ...
5041: Usurer, father of priest. A priest curses the soul of his fa...
5042: Usurer founds abbey. A usurer founds an abbey, but a voice t...
5043: Usurer invokes punishments. A dying usurer invokes on his ex...
5044: Usurer killed on wedding day. A usurer was killed on his wed...
5045: Usurer money of, destructive. A usurer’s money, loaned to a ...
5046: Usurer playing with money. A usurer plays with his money whe...
5047: Usurer refuses restitution. A bishop tells a usurer, who com...
5048: Usurer, restitution made by. A usurer repented and made rest...
5049: Usurer robbed by his lord. EdeB # 418....
505: Bath in hell and rich man. A vision of hell shows a rich man...
5050: Usurer, soul bequeathed to oblivion. (Var.) A dying usurer m...
5051: Usurer struck under tree. During a storm a usurer takes shel...
5052: Usurer taken from boat. An impenitent usurer is taken from a...
5053: Usurer, torments of Concerning the torments of a usurer buri...
5054: Usurer, treasure of turned to serpents. a.) A miserly usurer...
5055: Usurer, widow of, marries husband’s enemy. A usurer dies and...
5056: Usurer, woman, on deathbed. On her deathbed a woman usurer, ...
5057: Usurer carried off by devil. A preacher says that the devil ...
5058: Usurers, castle of. A man sees only one devil in a castle fu...
5059: Usurers compared to kites (apes, ants, etc.). A judge dreams...
506: Bath woman, king’s daughter as. A hermit wishes to know his ...
5060: Usurers hide from emperor. Usurers hide to escape being put ...
5061: Usurers laughed out of church. A priest bids men rise as he ...
5062: Usurers on tree in hell. (See also: 4975). Seelentrost (Germ...
5063: Usurers viler than Jews. There was a city in which usurers w...
5064: Usury, rich man dissuaded from by knight. EdeB # 416....
5065: Vainglory, punishment for. Hugo of St. Victor appears after ...
5066: Valentianus, Emperor, sayings of on self-conquest. H671 # 31...
5067: Vampire, woman as. An old Breton woman, playing the role of ...
5068: Vespasian and Roman empire. The Roman empire is a burden to ...
5069: Vespasian hears all suitors. Vespasian proclaims that he wil...
507: Bathing causes thirst. A man bathes every week and is thus a...
5070: Vespasian reluctant to become emperor. Concerning Vespasian’...
5071: Vengeance, prayer for punished. A friar returning from Paris...
5072: Venus, symbolic meaning of pictures of. H160 # 42....
5073: Verse, idle, written. A man is rebuked for writing idle vers...
5074: Vespers of Virgin. A woman escapes her seducer by reciting t...
5075: Vessel of bread. A lawyer makes a vessel out of bread which ...
5076: Vessel, of silver, given. a) St. Oswald gave a silver vessel...
5077: Vessel sweetens sea. A waxen vessel let down into the sea sw...
5078: Vessels, earthenware, at king’s table. A king keeps earthenw...
5079: Vessels, sacred, stolen. Men don monastic habits to steal th...
508: Battle in spite of fatigue. In spite of his fatigue and woun...
5080: Vessels, washed and unwashed. Washed and unwashed vessels ar...
5081: Vestal virgin, golden apple. A youth in love with a vestal v...
5082: Victim, substitution for. a.) An escape is made by substitut...
5083: Victory, joy in. A victorious man’s joy is so great that he ...
5084: Victory, Roman. The Roman custom of treating victors was to ...
5085: Vigils, knight strengthened for. A converted knight failed i...
5086: Vinegar not in monastery. A monk, asking for vinegar, was to...
5087: Vines destroyed by storms. The Auvergne vines are destroyed ...
5088: Vineyard guarded by demon. A demon agreed to guard a vineyar...
5089: Vineyard not sold for debts. H416 # 23....
509: Battles with thoughts. Heraclides tells of the battles he ha...
5090: Vineyard replenished. The vineyard of a knight was replenish...
5091: Vineyards, of usurer, unhurt. During a hailstorm, a usurer h...
5092: Vineyards, thieves of. Thieves confess to robbing a vineyard...
5093: Vintage, Noah’s. Noah pours around the roots of a wild grape...
5093: Viper and lamprey. A viper disgorges venom to attract a lamp...
5095: Virgil, magic statue of. Virgil sculpts a statue with a gold...
5096: Virgin abducted and killed. A virgin was abducted from an in...
5098: Virgin and vainglorious life. A virgin who left her pure lif...
5099: Virgin condemned to brothel. A Christian virgin, condemned t...
51: Admetus and Alcestis. H160 # 51, H175 # 100.– Kittredge, p. ...
510: Beadle trampled by cattle. A beadle (minor church official) ...
5100: Virgin experiences Virgin’s sufferings. For three days, a vi...
5101: Virgin kills seducer. A virgin, seduced by the false friend ...
5102: Virgin, Blessed, appears in mass. CHeist-I #35bis ....
5104: Virgin, Blessed, birth of announced. St. Jerome discusses th...
5105: Virgin, Blessed, birth of predicted to Romans. Lib. Ex. # 31...
5106: Virgin, Blessed, blasphemed for not pardoning sinner. A piou...
5107: Virgin, Blessed, blesses sleeping monks. CHeist-VII #12, CHe...
5108: Virgin, Blessed, boy speaks with. A twelve year old boy, the...
5109: Virgin, Blessed, breasts of. A clerk was so devoted to the B...
511: Beam and mote. A man learns from the parable of the beam and...
5110: Virgin, Blessed, carrying crown. A nun saw in a trance the V...
5111: Virgin, Blessed, celebrated in town. A knight and his compan...
5112: Virgin, Blessed, chants offices. The Virgin chanted the offi...
5113: Virgin, Blessed, chooses bishop. The Virgin, holding a book ...
5114: Virgin, Blessed, collects drops of sweat. The Virgin Mary co...
5115: Virgin, Blessed, comes to devil instead of his victim. H326 ...
5116: Virgin, Blessed, complains of neglected prayers. A sick monk...
5117: Virgin, Blessed, cures sick man. The Virgin Mary, attended b...
5118: Virgin, Blessed, descends to altar. A sacristan saw the Virg...
5119: Virgin, Blessed, devotion to recommended. An abbot on his de...
512: Beam of wood given. St. Laurentius gives a large beam of woo...
5120: Virgin, Blessed, five sorrows of. The five dolors of our Lad...
5121: Virgin, Blessed, heart, womb, spoon and hands of. A friar lo...
5122: Virgin, Blessed, holds out candle to drowning man. A poor wo...
5123: Virgin, Blessed, in girl’s vision. A girl had a vision in wh...
5124: Virgin, Blessed, kiss by. A monk’s devotion is rewarded with...
5125: Virgin, Blessed, leaves priest’s gown. The Virgin appeared t...
5126: Virgin, Blessed, life and death of. Lib. Ex. # 39....
5127: Virgin, Blessed, married to knight. A knight falls in love w...
5128: Virgin, Blessed, offers Son. A Cistercian convert sees a vis...
5129: Virgin, Blessed, pardons monk for neglect of prayer. Enx (G)...
513: Bean, money compared to. Money hoarded is compared to a bean...
5130: Virgin, Blessed, persuades woman to confess. libri8-III #32 ...
5131: Virgin, Blessed, pleads with Christ for sinner. A vision of ...
5132: Virgin, Blessed, refuge in advised. A Dominican advises one ...
5133: Virgin, Blessed, renunciation of refused. (Var.) An impoveri...
5134: Virgin, Blessed, restores dignity to abbess. EdeB # 134....
5135: Virgin, Blessed, restores monk’s health. libri8-III #20 ....
5136: Virgin, Blessed, saves denounced monk. A wanton monk has a v...
5137: Virgin, Blessed, saves dying monk from demons. CHeist-VII #5...
5138: Virgin, Blessed, saves falsely accused murderess. An innocen...
5139: Virgin, Blessed, saves from drowning. (Var.) A monk honors t...
514: Beans cure stomach ailment. A fat abbot, on his way to the b...
5140: Virgin, Blessed, saves incestuous man. A man who had sinned ...
5141: Virgin, Blessed, saves novice from hellfire. A novice leads ...
5142: Virgin, Blessed, saves orphan girl. A rich orphan girl rejec...
5143: Virgin, Blessed, saves prior. a.) EdeB # 115; H395 # 385. b....
5144: Virgin, Blessed, saves run-away nun. A nun runs away to marr...
5145: Virgin, Blessed, saves soul of peasant. The soul of an unwor...
5146: Virgin, Blessed, saves unjustly condemned man. A man unjustl...
5147: Virgin, Blessed, seen by fountain. In a garden, a monk saw t...
5148: Virgin, Blessed, statue of married. (Var.) a.) A statue of M...
5149: Virgin, Blessed, surrounded by saints. A monk saw the Virgin...
515: Beans in stomach. A peasant values the beans meant for sowin...
5150: Virgin, Blessed, visits reverent sinner. An old sinner becam...
5151: Virgin image and insane man. Relatives drag an insane man be...
5152: Virgin image, arm broken from. A gambler, throwing a stone a...
5153: Virgin image bought, gives lodging. On a pilgrimage, a man b...
5154: Virgin image defamed. On divine command, a son took away all...
5155: Virgin image greeted by friar. A simple minded friar always ...
5156: Virgin image in hand, prevents desertion. A Franciscan novic...
5157: Virgin image, wonder working. H561 # 22.– Cf. Ward ii, 655....
5158: Virginity, vow of kept. A devil, who tempts a girl in vain t...
5159: Virgins m angels of God, described by monk. CHeist-VIII #79 ...
516: Bear and priest’s harlot. A clerk believes he sees a bear de...
5160: Virgins drown selves. Maidens drown themselves rather than g...
5161: Virtues, three, commended to monks. On his deathbed, St. Ber...
5162: Vision, allegorical, of vices. A hermit has an allegorical v...
5163: Vision of canon as monk. Attired as a monk, a wordly canon a...
5164: Vision of hermit converts tyrant. A wicked tyrant is convert...
5165: Vision of matins by girl. A young girl, sent back to her roo...
5166: Vision of priest. Klapper, Erz. 199....
5167: Vision, without for eighteen years. A novice goes to Rome to...
5168: Visions of abbot. In the chair of a church, an abbot had man...
5169: Visions, of blind man, gift for lost. A blind lay brother, w...
517: Bear at monk’s ear. A bear appears at night to a monk who ha...
5170: Visions, of girl, prayer for. A girl of noble family has vis...
5171: Visit of archdeacon. A parish priest sends his harlot and ch...
5172: Visit to sick delayed. A monk delays visiting a sick man bec...
5173: Visitors denied to nuns. An abbess, who denies visitors to n...
5174: Vital, St. Concerning Saints Vital and Ursicinus. Pelbart # ...
5175: Vitus, St., curesjudge and father. As a child, St. Vitus was...
5176: Voice, beautiful, of Dominican. A Dominican, gifted with a b...
5177: Voice converts hermit. A pious man who enjoys eating hears a...
5178: Voice from heaven consoles depressed hermit. (See also: 3061...
5179: Voice heard after confession. A preaching friar heard a voic...
518: Bear blinded by fire. A bear, blinded by fire, can be easily...
5180: Voice heard by priest and harlot. A priest, visiting his har...
5181: Voices caught by devil. Clerks, who were singing with proud ...
5182: Volcano, description of. H173 # 72....
5183: Vow, fulfillment deferred. A clerk defers fulfillment of his...
5184: Vow to enter monastery. A man had made a vow to enter a mona...
5185: Vows broken by monk. A monk who broke his vows was severely ...
5186: Vows cursed and blessed. A dying monk first curses and then ...
5187: Vulture andyoung. A vulture will not let its young grow fat....
5188: Vulture, man trans formed. The vulture was originally a man ...
5189: Wandelburg (the miraculous mountain). Gesta (O) # 155, # 162...
5189: Vulture tests weight of prey. Gesta (I) # 76; Gesta (O) # 34...
519: Bear, of hermit, killed. A hermit cures certain men who then...
5190: Vultures watch dying lay brother. A sinful lay brother was w...
5191: Wager lost by husband. A man, who wagers that his wife will ...
5192: Wager lost by temptress. A woman loses a wager that she will...
5193: Wager on distributing goods. A patriarch wagers that he can ...
5194: Wager on wife’s chastity. A Roman merchant laid a wager on h...
5195: Wages compared. A hermit converts three men by comparing the...
5197: Wand, devil resisted with. A woman resisted temptation by hi...
5199: Wandering, knight condemned to. A knight breaks his vow to g...
52: Adrian, St., passion of. H514 # 50....
520: Bear, trapped with honey. A hunter lures a bear into a trap ...
5200: Washing, first at feast. At a feast, a priest suggested that...
5201: Wasps bought by peasant for songs. JVitryFrencken #78; JVitr...
5202: Watchmen kept awake by jewel. A naked man tells a story of a...
5203: Water above dying nobleman. On his deathbed a wicked noblema...
5204: Water added to wine. A prior, who always added water to the ...
5205: Water changed into blood. Water used for ablutions turned in...
5206: Water changed to wine. A knight drank water which had miracu...
5207: Water, child cured by. A child was cured by being bathed in ...
5208: Water, cold, to strengthen body. A fool threw himself into f...
5209: Water drained from land. In the name of Jesus Christ, a bish...
521: Bear, two princes of. A emperor, lost in the forest, removes...
5214: Water, of life, sought. Three sons seek the water of life to...
5246: Well, wife thrown stone in. A man keeps his wife in a stone ...
5247: Well, wolf and fox in. A fox falls into a well. A wolf desce...
5247: Well, wolf and fox in. A fox falls into a well. A wolf desce...
5262: Widow of Ephesus I. A widow, matron of Ephesus, mourning at ...
5287: Wife shared with friend. A knight befriends a man with whom ...
5287: Wife shared with friend. A knight befriends a man with whom ...
5287: Wife shared with friend. A knight befriends a man with whom ...
5311: Wine on market days. A man and wife vow to drink no wine exc...
5317: Wine, strongest. Sages declare the three strongest things in...
5332: Wolf and crane. A crane extracts a bone from a wolf’s throat...
5334: Wolf and lamb. A wolf accuses a lamb of sullying water and d...
5337: Wolf and watchdog, fable of. Enx (G) # 176; H17 # 134; JVitr...
5354: Wolf, unsuccessful feast of. A haughty wolf decided he would...
5354: Wolf, unsuccessful feast of. A haughty wolf decided he would...
536: Beatrice leaves cloister. A nun and keeper of the church, yi...
5365: Women, isolation from. (Var.) 1.) A boy is kept in isolation...
560: Beggars, envious and greedy. Of two beggars, one is envious ...
570: Belly and the members. Fable of the debate of the Members an...
632: Bird reveals adulteress. A boy catches a bird which helps a ...
632: Bird reveals adulteress. A boy catches a bird which helps a ...
636: Bird language as reward. (Var.) A knight saves a serpent fro...
647: Birth prophecy fulfilled. A emperor, staying one night in a ...
661: Bitch, weeping. A old woman tells a faithful young wife that...
70: Advice, given for grapes. King Solomon, when still a boy, gi...
965: Chestfull of stones. A father has two sons and a daughter to...
966: Chest sold with priest inside. A priest loves a cabinet make...
985: Christ as leper. (Var.) a.) Christ in the form of a leper is...
5210: Water, for washing feet, drunk. A man drinks the water which...
5211: Water, holy, brings confession. A dying thief will not confe...
5212: Water, holy, prevents self hanging. A man, tempted by a demo...
5213: Water, holy, refused to monk. The Virgin refuses to sprinkle...
5215: Water thrown in woman’s face. An actor throws water on the m...
5216: Water birds protected by flocking together. Water birds floc...
5217: Wax in jug. An abbot persuades a drinker to become a monk by...
5218: Wax image and magician. A magician makes a wax image to repr...
5219: Wax tablet sent by king. A banished king sends a wax tablet ...
522: Bear whispers to man. A bear whispered into the ear of a man...
5220: Wealth and labor discussed by emperor and philosopher. Tab. ...
5221: Wealth as sharing and friendship. Lib. Ex. # 82....
5222: Wealth given to servants. Two citizens, following St. John t...
5223: Wealth given up by merchant. An English merchant gives up hi...
5224: Wealth, preferred to heaven by usurer. Seelentrost (German) ...
5225: Wealth renounced for marriage. A wealthy youth renounces his...
5226: Wealth, worthlessness of. The dying Duke of Lorraine reflect...
5227: Weapons of attack, woman’s. Woman’s three weapons of attack ...
5228: Weasel and mice. A weasel pleads that she has kept her capto...
5229: Weasel bitten. A weasel, when bitten, has recourse to a cert...
523: Bear wounded in head. A bear flees when wounded in the head,...
5230: Weasel overcomes basilisk. H163 # 96....
5231: Weather always right. A peasant says that the weather is alw...
5232: Weather controlled by prayer of saint. Enx (G) # 266; S.T.: ...
5233: Weather, finding fault with. A monk who finds fault with the...
5234: Weather foretold by its behavior. JVitryFrencken #28; JVitry...
5235: Weaving, art of. Coos, with his skill, was the first to weav...
5236: Wedding at Cana and Jesus. Nicole # 134b....
5237: Weeping at conception. A girl, who considered herself a virg...
5238: Weeping for richly dressed woman. (Var.) a.) A man wept on s...
5239: Weeping for wine drinkers. A Benedictine prior welcomes gues...
524: Beard lost to minstrel. A knight loses his beard through the...
5240: Weeping in church. a.) A priest, who reproves St. Mary of Oi...
5241: Weeping of rich over poor. A rich man weeps at a poor man’s ...
5242: Weeping, thirty years of. A devoted woman, who every day for...
5243: Well, husband sent to. A wife, wishing to win a fortune, is ...
5244: Well, miser, drunken, falls into. A drunken miser falls into...
5245: Well, nun drowned in. A nun, driven mad by the magic arts of...
5248: Well water cures drunkenness. Well water cures drunkenness a...
5249: Whale and sturgeon. A clerk and his superior are like the st...
525: Beard spit at. A philosopher at the royal table spits in the...
5250: Whale confused with island. A whale, because of his size and...
5251: Whale devours fish. The whale devours fish by attracting the...
5252: Whale, fire lit on back. Sailors light a fire on the back of...
5253: Whale, protection against crocodile. A whale protects small ...
5254: Wheel, fifth. A religious man, seeing a devil in a cloister,...
5255: Wheel, life compared to. The course of human life is compare...
5256: Wheel, villager broken on. A peasant was broken on the wheel...
5257: Whispering in church, amends for. A dead nun, who had whispe...
5258: Widow and lawyer. A widow, who has sinned with her lawyer, h...
5259: Widow blows on grave. (See also: 3150, 5262, 5263). ML # 72....
526: Bears eating priest. A priest who leads an evil life is torm...
5260: Widow cheated of gold. A servant cheats a widow out of ten p...
5261: Widow of brother tempts hermit. H657 # 146....
5263: Widow of Ephesus II. JVitryCrane #70; Wright # 98; S.T.: T23...
5264: Widow saves linen. A widow who brews and sells beer, saves h...
5265: Widow taken to heaven by Virgin. CHeist-II #26; libri8-III #...
5266: Widow tests public opinion. A beautiful Roman widow decides ...
5267: Widow, Trajan’s gifts to. When Trajan’s son kills a widow’s ...
5268: Widows and virgins taking veil. A bishop sees a vision of St...
5269: Wife and secret senate. A son earns the senate’s respect whe...
527: Bearskin calms sea. A bearskin bought for St. Andrew calms a...
5270: Wife clings to husband. A man brought his wife to church and...
5271: Wife, confession of heard. A knight, wishing to hear his wif...
5272: Wife, drunken, reveals crime. A murderer had an argument wit...
5273: Wife, forgetful. The sinful wife of Claudius is so forgetful...
5274: Wife, gaiety of. A man leaves his wife because he is suspici...
5275: Wife given as alms. A knight takes his wife, whom he knows t...
5276: Wife, husband sins with. A man was punished for engaging in ...
5277: Wife, inquisitive I (Allegory of Garden of Eden). A husband,...
5278: Wife, inquisitive II (Allegory of Garden of Eden). A disobed...
5279: Wife, inquisitive III (Allegory of Garden of Eden). A king p...
528: Bearskin worn to frighten Christian. A monk strikes the son ...
5280: Wife, jealous. A querulous woman is jealous of a fair girl w...
5281: Wife, miserly. A merchant entrusts his savings to his wife, ...
5282: Wife, murder thought to be suicide. A saintly woman is murde...
5283: Wife pledged to devil. The Virgin Mary acts as a substitute ...
5284: Wife, quarrelsome I. A quarrelsome wife persists in calling ...
5285: Wife, quarrelsome II. A wife was so contrary that when she f...
5286: Wife refused by priest. A priest lives in an area in which a...
5288: Wife, suspected. A man suspects his wife unjustly because sh...
5289: Wife, talkative, thrown into ocean by husband. EdeB # 236; c...
529: Beast, devil in shape of. Archbishop Edmund of Canterbury is...
5290: Wife taught to keep peace with husband. A woman taught a you...
5291: Wife tonsured. A man finds his wife with a priest and tonsur...
5292: Wife, two husbands. A man married the wife of another. She r...
5293: Wife, ugly, worth of. A man can rarely be certain of securin...
5294: Wife, unfaithful, poisoned. A knight rids himself of his unf...
5295: Wife won back by husband. A husband wins back his faithless ...
5296: Will, improper execution of. A knight is punished with etern...
5297: Will (read: mill), lawyer can’t stand noise of. Ever since i...
5298: William the Conqueror, bad son of. William, the son of Willi...
5299: Wind, child carried home by. On St. Nicholas’ Day, a child, ...
53: Adulterer admonishes priest. A adulterer tells a priest that...
530: Beasts in heat. Populia, the daughter of Marcus, asks why be...
5300: Winds, favorable and unfavorable. St. Synelet comments on sa...
5301: Window, monk walks through. A simple minded monk went to chu...
5302: Window, nun sees devil at. A nun disobeys her abbess by look...
5303: Wine bought for after death. A man buys wine in order that h...
5304: Wine, drugged, left for enemy. Enx (G) # 138, # 372; Gesta (...
5305: Wine drunk by monk’s servant. A monk asked by his servant if...
5306: Wine, expenditure of bishop. A bishop calculated how much he...
5307: Wine given to beggar. Although thirsty himself, a bishop giv...
5308: Wine mixed with water. (Allegory of Holy Ghost). A king who ...
5309: Wine mixed with water, sold. A merchant sells watered wine. ...
531: Beasts, kinds of. Some beasts are intended for work, others ...
5310: Wine of devil. The devil makes a wine from the herb “fucus”....
5312: Wine personified. Wine is personified in the form of Bacchus...
5313: Wine, reflection in. Gazing at the reflection of a young vir...
5314: Wine refused father. An emperor surrenders his empire to his...
5315: Wine, sacramental, to poison priest. A clerk confesses that ...
5316: Wine, spilled. An innkeeper spills his customer’s wine, and ...
5318: Wine to tempt monks. A monk, seeking to convert Saladin, ask...
5319: Wine bibber swallowed. A monk tells of seeing a devil swallo...
532: Beasts, procession of. When a sick man dies, the procession ...
5320: Wine cask, half full. A fool has a cask half full of wine an...
5321: Wine cask killing drunkard. A doctor tells a drunkard that t...
5322: Wine cask left for reverence. A woman, leaving her wine cask...
5323: Wisdom and daughter. Sapientia (Wisdom) and her daughters, F...
5324: Wisdom sold at fair. A king buys three maxims and saves his ...
5325: Wise man follows fool. a.) A wise man follows a fool against...
5326: Wishes granted and wasted. Three wishes, granted to a man an...
5327: Witch with cow milking bag. A witch with a cow milking bag i...
5328: Wives change clothes with prisoners. Spartan wives change cl...
5329: Wives, pregnant, embraced. Certain men, unable to resist hav...
533: Beasts trans formed into men. St. Remigius, celebrating mass...
5330: Wolf accused by sheep before Judge Lion. H39 # 21; Odo (F) #...
5331: Wolf and bird concerning. JVitryGreven #64 ....
5333: Wolf and hare. Duel between wolf and hare; the hare wins by ...
5335: Wolf and oxen. A wolf merely licks the yoke to the surprise ...
5336: Wolf and priest trapped. A priest visits a knight’s wife by ...
5338: Wolf betrayed by fox...
5338: Wolf as monk. Isengrin (Ysengrin), the wolf, attired as mo