Johannes Gobi junior, Scala Coeli

De Humilitate (575)

Humilitas multa bona facit a. Primo est demonis liberativa.

Legitur in Vitas Patrum quod cum abbati Machario dyabolus cum falee occurrisset, nec vellet dimittere C propter quamcunque virtutem; dum opposuisset humilitatem, statim fugere cepit quia hanc Christus in nascendo, in predicando, in societate -[f° 103]- secum habuit.

Indexed exemplum: TE019717
This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 Ce travail réalisé sous la direction de J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu et Pascal Collomb est mis à disposition sous licence ETALAB Licence Ouverte 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0
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