Johannes Gobi junior, Scala Coeli

Silentium (931B)

Silentium multa bona inducit in nobis. Primo est a malis protectivum. refert Jeronimus quod abbas Zezi dixit duo: Primo quod XXX -[f° 147b]- annis deprecatus fuerat Deum ut custodiret linguam suam, quia loqui displicuerat, tacere autem nunquam. Secundum autem verbum quod dixit, est quod sedere in cella a tribus bellis protegat: a lingua, a visu, ab auditu et insuper omnia docet.

Indexed exemplum: TE020215
This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 Ce travail réalisé sous la direction de J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu et Pascal Collomb est mis à disposition sous licence ETALAB Licence Ouverte 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0 This work directed by J. Berlioz, M. A. Polo de Beaulieu, and Pascal Collomb is licenced for use under ETALAB Open License 2.0
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